A ¦ B ¦ C ¦ D ¦ E ¦ F ¦ G ¦ H ¦ I ¦ J ¦ K ¦ L ¦ M ¦ N ¦ O ¦ P ¦ Q ¦ R ¦ S ¦ T ¦ U ¦ V ¦ W ¦ X ¦ Y ¦ Z
ABETT — Imperial Navy Deck Officer served aboard the Vanishing Star.
ABBADON, SOLOMON — Adeptus Mechanicus heretic attempted to overthrow Mars from Castellum Jericho during the Horus Heresy. He was one of the first Dark Mechanicus, and was killed after an Ordinatus Mars breached the walls of his fortress.
ABADDON THE DESPOILER — This Chaos Lord and heir to Horus' Sons of Horus Traitor Legion has started thirteen Black Crusades through the Cadian Gate.
ABISHAE — Imperial Space Marine Dark Angels 4th Company fought with Plasma Cannon.
ABRAXUS — Imperial Space Marine Howling Griffons Fifth Company command squad veteran Sergeant fought with a Bolt Pistol and Lightning Claw.
ABRIDAL — Imperial Navy Captain commanded the Flame of Purity during the Gothic War, and sacrificed both himself and his ship to distrupt the star-killing beam of the Backstone fortresses at the Battle of Schindlegeist in 151M41.
ABRIEL — This Dark Angels Space Marine Sergeant planted a homing beacon in a Chaos stronghold, allowing a Terminator assault by the Deathwing.
ACCILLIA — The remains of this Imperial Saint were interred in the Chapel of Rest on Gallilenus III.
ACQUERIN, SANXIER — This Attendant served as minor domo to the astropaths Brom and del'Kateer.
ACRESON — Imperial PDF trooper was part of the resistance against the chaos occupation in Ineuron Town on Gereon. He was killed by a Wirewolf in Wheathead.
ACTTE, ISAK — Imperial Adeptus Arbites rose to Arbites General of Hydraphur and was transferred to Cadia to oversee the Cadian Interior Guard. He was a friend of Godwyn Fischig.
ADARE — This member of the Tanith First and Only was killed.
AEDELORN — This Imperial Inquisitor and an Adepta Sororitas kill team destroyed Amel Sanx and the Hearthood chaos cult in 352M41.
ADERKIN — This Astropath served as a Arch-Cantor in the Eyrie of Echoes in the Bastion Psykana in Hydraphur.
ADGUR — Inquisitor Eisenhorn hired this young, slow-witted astropath on Gloricent.
ADRIAS — Space Marine Ultramarines Third Company Captain killed in a retaliatory assault on the Tau Empire.
AEGIR — Space Marine Mantis Warriors 2nd Company Chaplain fought with a Crozius Arcanum. He was recruited from the wastes of Nanthrax III. He died on Herodian IV.
AEMOS, UBER — This aged savant and member of Inquisitor Eisenhorn's retinue employed previously by Inquisitor Hapshant. His thirst for knowledge and data-sorting abilities were legendary. He died from the effort required to bind Cherubael in 386M41.
AETHO — This PDF officer heads the Whitroc Citadel, a PDF officer training academy on Gunarvo.
AGEMMAN — Imperial Space Marine Ultramarines Second Company Captain eventually became Captain of the 1st Company.
AGMAR — Famed Inquisitor of the Ordo Xenos studied the Tyranids and recorded the autobiography of a genestealer magus.
AGNETHA — Adeptus Astra Telepathica Faciltiatrix served as the chief Astropath aboard the Indestructible II during the actions on Adumbria in 937M41.
AGRIVANUS — Space Marine Ultramarines Ninth Company Sergeant fought against the Tyranids of Hive Fleet Behemoth on Macragge.
AGUSTIUS — Inquisitor Lord of the Ordo Xenos was a Thorian. He was a colleague of Lord Inquisitor Parthon.
AGGRIPAN — Imperial Space Marine Ultramarines Terminator fought with Assault Cannon and Power Fist
AHENOBARB — This bodyguard and minder for Lomer Kinsky and was very large and quite skilled.
AHRIMAN — Traitor Marine Lord of the ??
AKUNIN — This trader is one of the founders of the cartel involved in Contract Thirteen and the flect trade between Lost Space and the Angelus Subsector.
ALANA — This Adepta Sororitas Sister was a part of the Order of the Argent Shroud convent in Helsreach Hive during the Third War for Armageddon. She tended the gardens and had a particular talent for growing roses in the stubborn soil there.
ALANTHRAX — Adeptus Mechanicus Magos Biologis served aboard the Laurels of Glory while Colonel Schaefer's Last Chancers kill team trained on it. He performed brain surgery on Kage after his suicide attempt.
ALASTOR, DELIUS — Imperial Inquisitor of the Ordo Malleus fought with either twin bolt pistols or a two-handed power hammer.
ALBERS, ACER — This explorer surveyed portions of the Ultima Segmetum circa 500M24.
ALBRIN — Imperial Guard Corporal served with the Valhallan 597th at Kastafore and Adumbria. He was flogged at Kastafore for starting a brawl over a joygirl. He was a quartermaster's clerk.
ALDOUS — A Tyranid creature killed this member of Imperius Dictatio's repair crew on Vivaporius.
ALENDRIXA — This Adeptus Mechanicus Magos Psykana assisted Inquisitor Balorodin in construction of the Soulwatcher Helm in the mid-900s of M41 during the Expurgation of Thoth Prime.
ALERIN — Space Marine Raven Guard Captain who was interred within Dreadnought.
ALEXIS XXII — This Ecclesiarch succeeded Sebatian Thor, and split the Convent Sanctorum and Convent Prioris into two orders each, forming the Orders Militant of the Ebon Chalice, Valorous Heart, Fiery Heart and Argent Shroud in 378M36.
ALISS — This Imperial Guard trooper served with the Last Chancers 13th Penal Legion. She was killed on Promor, the last female Last Chancer at the time.
ALLENDYNE — This Imperial Inquisitor brought the Rogue Trader Parnis Vermode to heel for traficking in xenos artifacts.
ALMAN, WYLAND — Imperial Guard Colonel commanded the 12th Coloradin Rifles at Broucheroc.
ALMAREX — Adeptus Mechanicus Tech Priest served aboard the Laurels of Glory while Colonel Schaefer's Last Chancers kill team trained on it.
ALOYSIUS — He served as Commander of the Guard of Marneus Calgar's Honour Guard, and perished in single combat against the Swarmlord to buy his wounded commander time to evacuate in a Thunderhawk at the Battle for Macragge.
ALPHARIUS — This Primarch of the Alpha Legion used the most unconventional and complex strategies, and though he and his Legion clearly sided with Horus during the Heresy, his motivations and loyalties since have been his own.
AL'RAHEM — Imperial Guard Captain commanded a company of the Tallarn 3rd, the Desert Tigers. He was a natural linguist, and learned the language of the N'go desert tribes of that planet during the fighting there during the Macharius Crusade. His descendants still form the ruling class on Thoth.
ALTEBORG, MARIUS — Officio Medicae officer promoted to Ship's Surgeon of the Divine Right in 139M41.
ALTERION — Imperial Space Marine Ultramarines Second Company trooper fought under Sergeant Galatius
ALTWALD — One of Inquisitor Eirsnehorn's house staff at Spaeton House.
ALVARO — Imperial Space Marine Howling Griffons elder Chapter Master
ALVARO — Imperial Space Marine Howling Griffons Fifth Company Captain fought with a Storm Bolter and Power Fist, and was named after an elder Chapter Master.
AMADIEL — This Clericus of the Adeptus Administratum served as Colonel Schaefer's personal scribe aboard the Pride of Lothus.
AMAETHON, CAER — Imperial Adeptus Mechanicus Arch Magos was master of the Machine Temple and had merged with the Citadel of Hydra Cordatus. His face and portions of his brain were the only organic parts remaining. He was killed by the traitor Adept Naicin.
AMALRICH — Space Marine Black Templar Marshal commanded the Tiberior Crusade before its integration into the Armageddon Crusade. During the Third War for Armageddon, he commanded a Black Templar force in the Ash Wastes.
AMARAS — Space Marine Captain led the Angels of Fire contingent during the Third War for Armageddon.
AMARDES — This battle brother of the Black Templars Space Marines died on the 11th day of the siege of Helsreach Hive in the Third War for Armageddon, of injuries from a massive promethium explosion at White Star Point.
AMASAT — This Legio Invigilata Princeps commanded the Warlord Class titan Bane-Sidhe, and succeeded her position after her death in Helsreach Hive during the Third War for Armageddon.
AMMAZ — Adeptus Arbites Proctor was senior officer of Trylan Tor on Hydraphur.
ANANIUS — Imperial Space Marine Blood Angel 1st Company Honor Guard fought with Bolt Pistol and Power Axe.
ANASTUS — Orks slew this Black Templars Space Marine on the during the assault on the docks of Helsreach Hive during the Third War for Armageddon. Trooper Andrej's squad of dock workers hid the boidy so his gene seed might be recovered.
ANDERS, PIET — Imperial Guard Major commanded one battalion of three, Battalion C, of the 383rd Jouran Dragoons. He was killed in the fall of Primus Ravelin of the Citadel of Hydra Cordatus.
ANDERUCIAS, PALATINE — This Imperial Ecclesiarch was the Cardinal for Thracian Primaris and was killed in the aftermath of the Novena disaster of 338M41.
ANDREJ — Imperial Guard Trooper served as a Storm Trooper of the Armageddon 703rd Steel Legion during the Third War for Armageddon, serving both to guard the Mechanicus D-16 West facility just prior to the Ork seige, and also in special missions inside the hive after Orks had entered the city, including leading a squad of dock workers in the defense of the Ork assaults on the docks. He hailed from the continent of Armageddon Prime, and had a distinct accent, forming most statements into questions, and was freinds with Trooper Domoska. He fought with a hellgun and carried the team's det-packs. He was one of the only human survivors from the last stand at the inner sanctum of the Temple of the Emperor Ascnedant, and was promoted to Captain afterwards.
ANDROCLES — Space Marine Star Phantom Captain commanded the assault on the Palace of Thorns at the end of the Badab War in 912M41. He confronted and severely wounded Huron Blackheart, forcing his retreat.
ANGAZI — This senior Astropath served as Cantor for Firewatch Eyrie on the Blind Tower station in Hydraphur.
ANGEVIN, ABSALOM — This Imperial Inquisitor killed the physical body of the chaos heretic Pontius Glaw on Lambsarrote.
ANGEVIN — Lord Militant and hero of the Imperium, he conquered a large section of the galaxy to the galactic north in the latter part of M39 into M40. He commanded General Drusus.
ANGRAD — This battle brother of the Black Templars Space Marines died on the 18th day of the siege of Helsreach Hive in the Third War for Armageddon. He destroyed five Ork tanks, but was crushed under the treads of the sixth.
ANGRON — This Primarch of the World Eaters Legion succumbed to the ruinous powers during the Horus Heresy and now leads his traitor chapter as a bat-winged daemon prince. He was defeated, his essence cast back to the warp, on Armageddon by the First Company of the Grey Knights.
ANGWELL — This captain of the Oktober Country died of a fever in 381.M41, aged over 400, leaving command t in the hands of Kizary Thekla.
ANHORR — Dark Eldar Lord
ANKYNE — This female Astropath of the Green and Lantern Eyrie of Witch Tower station in Hydraphur was notoriously high-strung.
ANSCHUK — This Astropath served aboard the Bastion Psykana in Hydraphur. His maind had power but limited focus. His Vitifer killed him after he lost control during a seance concerning the murder of Master Otrano.
ANTILOCHUS — This Space Marine Captain commanded the Ultramarines Scout company.
ANTILOCUS — Imperial Space Marine White Minotaur 9th Company Squad Epathus devastator fought with a heavy bolter.
ANTIRO, SOJAI — Imperial Space Marine Chapter Master presided over the Crimson Castellans at Sephrax, where renegade elements of his chapter, led by Arch-Commodore Bloodspite, acted as pirates against the hive world. Tyranids of Hive Fleet Jormungandr arrived and interrupted their conflict, forcing Antiro into a defense of the Hives. He died deep in Hoventa Hive at the talons of multiple Raveners.
ANTRECHT, CORNELIUS LAVASLAR — This Imperial Inquisitor was born on Menthusium II, and gave himself up to Inquisitor Grimm of the Black Ships. He was trained and became an Inquisitor famed for hunting down other psykers. However, after capture by the traitor Commander Gothburg and possession by a creature of the Warp, he become obsessed in hunting the daemon. Crippled physically by his ordeal, he cannot more without a power harness, but his psychic abilities have become more powerful.
ANTRIBUS — Inquisitor Ravenor's revinue maedicae was killed by Zigmunt Molotch on Majeskus.
ANZION, LUKAS — Imperial Adeptus Mechanicus Genetor-Major studied the genealogy and reproductive process of Orks, developing several studied theories on the subject, including his paper: Hereditary skill acquisition within the Ork caste.
APHREN, KOLAN — This man, well muscled and nearly as large as an Ogryn, was a drill sergeant for the 12th Jericho Rangers. He was imprisoned for brutality against recruits and Colonel Schaefer had his sentence extended to life at Ghovul prison planet.
APOLLYON — Imperial Inquisitor reported on the excavation of the Adeptus Mechanicus geno-lab on Incunabla by Explorator Marco Pteronus in 999M41, revealing secrets concerning the Cursed Founding, five thousand years earlier
AQUAIRRE, KOBRAS — This Rogue Trader of the Calixis Sector led a combined Battlefleet Calixis, Explorator and Rogue Trader force against the Dark Eldar pirates of the Cabal of the White Sorrow in 570M40, defeating their leader in single combat after using his flagship, Son of Seth, to ram the corsair flagship, Altar of Torment.
ARAGA — This man was a primitive native on a planet targeted by the Tyranids. He was saved from a Lictor by Kage and the Last Channcers.
ARAIN — Eldar pirate captain fought in the Gothic War.
ARALYE — Nils Petronas shot this escaped concubine of Hoyyon Phrax on Shexia.
ARCHAMUS — Imperial Space Marine Imperial Fist led Rogal Dorn's huscarl retinue.
ARGAN — Imperial Space Marine Grey Knight Justicar discovered Ephrael Stern and returned her body to Jenicae Delta.
ARGASTES — Space Marine Blood Angels Chaplain
ARHA — This Eldar Striking Scorpions Phoenix Lord dueled with Karandras for seventeen days at Zandros.
ARIAS — Space Marine White Consul Second Company Tactical Squad Arias Sergeant fought with bolt pistol and chainsword.
ARKEPP — This Adeptus Arbites Arbitor served in Lead Arbitor Oraxi's squad aboard the Bastion Psykana in Hydraphur.
ARKHAM, MALEFICA — This chaos Warmaster commanded the Planet Killer when it destroyed two of the five planets that make up the Arimaspia system. Abandoned by his master Abaddon, he carved out a small empire in the Quinrox Sound of Gothic Sector before destroyed in 151M41. He had commanded the fleet at the Orar fiasco at the beginning of the war in 143M41.
ARKHAN — (Also: Arkhan the Reaver) Brother Cloten of the Blood Angels killed this Chaos Lord on the Sean of Blood during their Bloodquest.
ARKIAN — Imperial titan Moderati of the Warhound class titan Defensor Fidei fought at Hydra Cordatus.
ARMAITA — This Dark Angels Space Marine Grand Master led a Redemption Force during the Kalkathrax Termination.
ARMSTRONG — Imperial Guard Sergeant led Squad B of a veteran Catachan ambush patrol.
ARNCK, ORGOS — Adeptus Ministorum Pontifex Militant wrote on the right of the Ecclesiarchy to claim any holy relic.
ARNULF — Space Marine Black Templars Techmarine worked with Dreadnought Tankred, and died during this service, succeeded by Techmarine Piramus.
ARRIAN — Imperial Guard General commanded Machaeius' 6th Army group during the Crusade.
ARTARION — This Sergeant of the Black Templars Space Marines served as the banner bearer for Reclusiarch Grimaldus' personal guard, Squad Grimaldus. He had steel teeth and a heavily scarred face from a sniper's shot meant for Reclusiarch Grimaldus. He perished in the last stand at the inner sanctum of the Temple of the Emperor Ascendant in the final days of the Helsreach Crusade.
ASHOK — Deathwatch Librarian, seconded from the Angels Sanguine, served with Captain Octavius and Inquisitress Kalypsia. He fought with a Force Staff. He fell prey to the Black Rage on Hegelian IX and was granted the Shroud of Lemartes after three years strapped to the Tablet of Lestrallio.
ASHYA — Escher ganger of the Wilcats gang in the underhive of Hive Primus of Necromunda fought with a Las Rifle and was killed by Spyrers, dropped down Ash Falls.
ASMAR — This very pious Imperial Guard Colonel commanded the Tallarn 229th with his second-in-command Major Sipio and Commissar Tomas Beije. He was short, with dark skin common to the Tallarn. He had very "traditional" views about women.
ASMODAI — Space Marine Dark Angel Master Interrogator-Chaplain is singleminded in forcing the Fallen to repent, and is the most successful in that task of any of his bretheren.
ASPHODEL, HERITOR — Chaos magister-warlord contended for the position of Archon after the death of Nadzybar. He fought on Ashek II with war machines against Imperial titan legions during the Sabbat Worlds Crusade. He was very cunning, thought to be second only to Sek in that regard, and was killed at Verghast in 769M41.
ASTEROTH — This entrapped greater daemon of Slaanesh was found by sisters of a lost Order of the Adepta Sororitas on Parnis, and combined them all into a great work of pain. Inquisitor Hand and Canoness Ramientes destroyed him as he fled through a Warp Gate.
ASTOLAX, XEBAL — Adeptus Mechanicus Magos Biologis reported on the deaths of the crew of several vessels found drifting in the Athena Sector in 140M41.
ASURYAN — Also called the Phoenix King, he is the eldest of the Eldar pantheon and bother to Kaela Mensha Khaine.
ATEANOS, JULIUS — This arch-heretic created the Eris Transform in 103M41.
ATELATH — This Imperial Inquisitor destroyed the legs of Beldame Sadia.
ATHELLO — Navis Nobilite Principle Navigator served aboard the Divine Right from 134M41
ATITH — Female junior officer aboard the Bassaan of the Rogue Trader Phrax fleet was an acquaintance of Nils Petronas. She accompanied him to Hydraphur. Arbites killed her after she turned on the fleet masters.
ATTA — This Escher Curse ganger fought with a Las Rifle.
AUDIN — Space Marine Mantis Warriors 2nd Company Captain fought with a power-sword and bolter.
AUGRIM — Adeptus Titanicus Grand Master of the Imperial Eagles
AUGUSTYN, COSIMO — Imperial Lord Commander of the Helican subsector
AUGUSTYN, GIANN — This High Lord of Terra died in 298M41
AUN'SHI — This Tau Ethereal of Vior'la assisted in the defenses against Hive Fleet Gorgon.
AUN'TANIEL — This Tau Ethereal arranged a great ceremony for the Necron fleet that liberated Ka'mais from the Tyranid threat in 902M41. He was slain and his world harvested.
AUN'VA — Said to be the oldest and wisest of the Ethereals, he is the spiritual leader of all the Tau and has led numerous campaigns. He sounded the call for expansion of the Tau Empire into the Third Sphere
AUN'VRE — Tau Ethereal
AURELLIAN — Imperial Space Marine Grey Knights 1st Company Captain led a force of one hundred terminators against Angron's hordes on Armageddon.
AURIKON, VALDAR — Grand Master of the Grey Knights.
AUVIN, AZER — Owner of the Cyclops Square Smokehouse killed by Brother Hetch
AVANDAR — This Black Templars Space Marine copilot of the Thuderhawk, Avenged, died on the 33rd day of the siege of Helsreach Hive during the Third War for Armageddon. An Ork Gargant shot down his Thunderhawk. Brother Thorias was his pilot.
AVITOHOL — Imperial Saint
AVRANCHE — This Imperial Guard Trooper of the Jantine Patricians advenced into the labyrinth of Target Primaris with Major Brochuss at Menazoid Epsilon.
AWL, VADEN — This rogue trader was captain of the Promethian during the time that Tobias Maxilla was a junior crewman.
AXON — An Irontree Reaver ganger of House Goliath on Necromunda
AZRAEL — Space Marine Dark Angels became master of the Death Wing in 917M41 and eventually acceded to the position of Grand Master in 939M41. After becoming Grand Master, he bears Lion Helm and Sword of Secrets, as well as the titles of Keeper of the Truth and Master of the Inner Circle. He also has a combi-weapon with bolter and plasma gun.
BACKNI — A comrade of Sinden Kass from the winches of Junktion in the underhive of Hive Primus on Necromunda
BADDY — This Van Saar ganger was in Quill's gang in the underhive of Hive Primus on Necromunda.
BAFFELS — This member of the Tanith First and Only was killed.
BAIGDAN, ARDLAN — This Lord Inquisitor worked with Stalia von Dressen to combat Horusian influence in the Inquisition in M34, collaborating for two decades on Terra.
BAIN, DUNGO — This bounty hunter lived in the underhive of Hive Primus on Necromunda. He was killed by Spyrers.
BAKUNIN — This hololithographer worked for Sunsable's Fair. Some tainted chaos item got into his reagents without his knowledge, and he died as it resisted Inquisitor Eisenhorn's purgation in 355M41.
BALDER — Space Marine Mantis Warriors 2nd Company Veteran fought with a heavy bolter.
BALE, HEINRICH — Chaos Warmaster commanded a warfleet during the Gothic War. He fought many engagements with Admiral Storn during the final years of the conflict.
BALLERAT — Imperial PDF Colonel led an insurgent group in Ineuron Town on Gereon during a chaos occupation in the Sabbat Worlds Crusade. He was killed leading a diversion to allow Colonel-Commissar Gaunt's Kill Team to enter the city.
BALLIS — Imperial Guard Lieutenant of the Jouran 383rd Dragoons was killed in an attack upon the Iron Warrior siege lines before the walls of Hydra Cordatus.
BALORODIN, ANTIGONUS — This Lord Inquisitor led the investigation into the Virenus Gambit, punished the perpetrators, and still hunts the fugitive Asaid Virenus. He was the youngest son of an Imperial Commander on Polyphemia II, joining the PDF, which was levied into the Imperial Guard. His actions against the Orks during the Dacemon disaster brought him to the attention of Inquisitor Brek, who joined him to his retinue. He transfered to Inquisitor Lord Tawb-Shiba's retinue, learning Thorian philosophy there. He created the Soulwatcher Helm from an Eldar Soulstone with the aid of Magos Psykana Alendrixa at Thoth Prime, and it has enabled many of his successes.
BALRONAS, CHYE — Imperial Saint born on Hydraphur spent 20 years studying with the Ministorum on Earth before returning as Pontifex Mundi and instituting an annual vigil of fasting and pennitance followed by the festival of Sanguinala.
BALTEUS — Imperial Inquisitor of the Ordo Xenos served aboard the Umbrarius Inquis on its mission to Biegel 9.
BANDA, JESSI — Imperial Guard Three Platoon sniper in the Tanith First and Only was the lover of Major Elim Rawne.
BANDELBI, FYN — This employee of Ortog Promethium was a mining superintendent 2nd class.
BANEGLOS — Inquisitor Quixos tracked down and killed this Traitor Marine.
BANNON — Adeptus Arbites Arbitor served as deputy to Shira Calpurnia on Hydraphur. Hallyan Kalfus-Medell's bodyguard servitor killed him in the top levels of the Cathedral.
BANNON — Deathwatch Space Marine Captain seconded from the Imperial Fists. He perished fighting Tyranids to ensure a victory for the Ultramarines.
BARAGRY, MIHON — Adeptus Ministorum Nuncio to the Eparch Hydraphur was a slight, grizzle-skinned man with an angular face and grey hair. He was the Ecclesiarchal liaison to the Adeptus Arbites and Shira Calpurnia during the Vigil, and was considered one of Eparch Baszle's inner circle.
BARASATH, KORTEN — Imperial Navy Commander led the 5082nd Naval Wing during the Third War for Armageddon. He has also served with the Black Templar Marshal Tarrison during the Dathax Crusade. He was lean and often wore a gray flight suit. During the seige of Helsreach Hive, he orchestrated an attack on the surrounding Ork airfields, destroying may of them and their grounded aircraft. He was shot down during the attack, bailed out onto an Ork airfield, and was killed by Ork ground forces.
BARAZAN, OSKA LUDOLF — This ex hive mayor and senate plenipotentiary was elected governor of the Angelus subsector in 400.M41. He is known for progressive thinking and established the Ministry of Subsector Trade to clean the chaff out of the government.
BARCK — Adeptus Arbites Lead Verispex served at the Aquila Gate in Bosporian Hive on Hydraphur. She is competent in her field, but nervous around authority.
BARRUC — Imperial Space Marine Dark Angels 4th Company fought with Boltgun.
BARTELMEW, DAMINIAS — An Imperial orchestral composer
BARU — This Imperial Guard Corporal served as a scout under Scout-Sergeant Mkoll in the Tanith First and Only. He was a very capable scout, had a sharp wit, and was well liked. He died at Menazoid Epsilon.
BARZANO — Imperial Inquisitor investigated the Garon Nebula Crusade disaster at the end of M41.
BASILLIUS — This Imperial Saint initiated the Abyssal Crusade, sending thirty judged Space Marine Chapters on a mission into the Eye of Terror.
BASSONEL, KJIN — This member of the Adeptus Administratum fought an honor duel with Curate Varengo of the Adeptus Ministorum over tithing decrees in 942M41.
BAST, COMPEL — Imperial Navy Captain of the Mars class battlecruiser Imperious fought at the Battle of Orar, receiving a Solar Cluster for his heroic actions.
BASTILAN — This Space Marine Sergeant of the Black Templars served as the leader of Squad Grimaldus under the Reclusiarch himself. He was a very capable Sergeant and aspired to nothing more in rank. He was very observant. He died in the final defense of the Temple of the Emperor Ascendant.
BASZLE, KOSTAZIN — This man served as Eparch of Hydraphur.
BAYARD — This Black Templars Space Marine served as the Emperor's Champion during the Third War for Armageddon. He wore ancient artificer armor from the time of the Horus Heresy and the Imperial Fists and a dark cloak with crimson lining. He died in the final defense of the Temple of the Emperor Ascendant.
BAYFORTH — Imperial Navy Captain of the frigate Greywolf fought Chaos raiders in the Magreth system during the Gothic War.
BAZAROF, DRASE — This mid-level flect dealer and black marketer worked as a line chief at Engine Imperial and supplied Umberto Sonsal with flects.
BAZAROF, NENNY — This sister of Drase Bazarof lived at Hab West Nine Eighteen in the Stairtown district of Petropolis on Eustis Majoris, caring for two other brothers restricted to med-tanks.
BEARCLAW, JOTUN — Space Marine Space Wolves Captain of the Great Company fought on Ichar IV.
BEAUVAIS — Imperial Adeptus Mechanicus Magos stationed at the Citadel at Hydra Cordatus.
BECKS — This Imperial Navy Admiral served under Warmaster Menitus during the reduction of the Coritanorum on Typhos Prime.
BECKSBAUER — This Imperial Guard Sergeant served with the Last Chancers 13th Penal Legion.
BEGUNDI, BEX — This undercover expert and scam-artist worked on Inqiusitor Eisenhorn's retinue during his work on Durer in 386M41. He was born in the slums of Sameter. He was cocky and an expert with pistols.
BEHAYA — Refered to as Crewmistress, this woman held the cumbersome title of Supervisor of Pertinent Bodies and Labours and also commanded the spy and informant network of the Phrax Rogue Trader fleet. Arbites killed her during the shootout at the succession trail at Hydraphur.
BEIJE, TOMAS — Having attended the Schola Progenium with Commissar Cain, this Imperial Commissar went on to serve with the Tallarn 229th. He was a "by the book" Commissar, and he and Cain had a somewhat adversarial relationship underlying an outward comradery. He was of average height with a chubby face. He brought charges against Cain at Adumbria in 937M41, but the tribunal both found Cain innocent and charged Beiji with obstruction of Cain's duties.
BELARIUS — The Primarch of the Blood Angels, Sanguinius, gifted this Second Chapter Master of the Blood Angels with the Blade Encarmine.
BELLANCIO — Space Marine Sergeant of the Marines Vindicant chapter served under Commander Sebastius at Vorlinghast in 981M41. During the tunnel fighting, believing his men were infected with the Warp plague, he commanded his men to paint their armor black and attack against impossible odds.
BELLO — Thid boy worked on the loading docks of the Bastion Psykana in Hydraphur. An assassin killed him in the melee to capture Torma Ylante.
BELIAL — Dark Angels Master of the Death Wing fought at Piscina IV in 997M41.
BELISARIUS — This Navis Nobilite House feuded with house Ferraci.
BELLANUS — Imperial Space Marine Howling Griffons Fifth Company Squad Crassus trooper fought with a boltgun.
BELNOVE — This cargo foreman attempted to board the Arbites dromon that docked with the Bastion Psykana. Shira Calpurnia severely injured him with a shock maul.
BELTAYN — Imperial Guard trooper of the Tanith First and Only was adjutant to Colonel-Commissar Ibram Gaunt and was equipped with a voxcaster.
BEQUIN, ALIZEBETH — This former pleasure-girl was born on Bonaventure in 213M41 and recruited by Inquisitor Eisenhorn on Hubris. She is an Untouchable. She eventually became a member of Inquisitor Ravenor's retinue and a most trusted ally, but had to be suspended in a cryo-bin in 386M41 after comatized by the psychic feedback of the chaos titan Cruor Vult.
BENEDIN IV — This Ecclesiarch moved the Adeptus Ministorum to Ophelia VII in 200M35.
BENTHLAY — This old man had two prosthetic arms and served as the childhood tutor for Ibram Gaunt on Manzipor.
BERGOSSIAN, ODYSSE — This waster, and associate of Drase Bazarof, was a flect and glad-stone user and lived in the deadlofts of Stairtown in Petropolis on Eustis Majoris. He occupied nineteen apartments, and had covered the walls with cryptic writings and pictures. He died mysteriously when being probed by Inquisitor Ravenor.
BERONICE — This woman was a member of Alizebeth Bequin's Distaff.
BERSCHILDE, CREZIA — This female doctor lived in Ravello on Gudrun and was romantically involved with Inquisitor Eisenhorn. She was one of the finest anatomists in the Helican subsector.
BESTER, ARIN — This under-hive bounty hunter of Hive Primus who fought with a shotgun and chainsword and had an augmented, low-light eye was killed by a Spyrer acting like a vampire.
BETANCORE, JARANA SHAYNA — Wife to Midas Betancore and mother to Medea, she directed a shipwright firm on Glavia after her husband's death.
BETANCORE, MEDEA — This daughter of Midas Betancore was also a Glavian pilot-hunter and a member of Inquisitor Eisenhorn's retinue. She was born in 312M41 on Glavia, one month prior to her father's death. Her nickname among the retinue was Dee. She returned to Glavia to manage her family's shipwright business, but vanished in route to Sarum in 479M41.
BETANCORE, MIDAS — This member of Inquisitor Eisenhorn's retinue was a Glavian pilot-hunter and had silvered circuitry imbedded in his hands that interfaced with ships or the Glavian Lyre. He was killed by Fayde Thuring in 312M41.
BETHOR — Space Marine Dark Angels bearer of the Sacred Standard was selected for the position after exceptional bravery, singlehandedly saving the 3rd company standard after its capture by a genestealer brood on Durganion XIII.
BEZIER — This Thorian Lord Inquisitor was the Master of the Ordo Malleus in Helican subsector until his unexpected death in 363M41.
BIELANN, MIREHN — Eldar Farseer
BIG'EAD — This Ork Big Mek led a large clan, Big Mek Big'eads Fieromaniacs, within Waaagh! Snagrod at the Battle for Rynn's World.
BIGMAW — This Ork Runtherd had traveled on a Space Hulk with the Wierdboy Lugwort.
BILE, FABIUS — This Apothecary of the Emperor's Children worked at making them more perfect through the addition of xeno and chaos elements, assisting in their fall.
BILLAD — Imperial Guard Trooper of the Tanith First and Only served in Colonel Corbec's platoon, and was killed by Chaos forces on Ramillies.
BINDERS — This was the senior cook for the Carnivora of Formal G in Petropolis on Eustis Major.
BIOLOGIS — This Collegia of the Adeptus Mechanicus studies the biological form and seeks knowledge on organic systems.
BIOTA — Imperial Guard chief tactical officer to General Van Voytz
BJORN THE FELL-HANDED — This Space Marine of the Space Wolves chapter was selected as their first Great Wolf in 218M31 after the disappearance of Leman Russ. He would later be interred in a dreadnought.
BLACKGIT — This Ork Freebooter Kaptin escaped the destruction of Jagga at the hands of Hive Fleet Behemoth in 745M41 only to blunder into another portion of the Hive Fleet.
BLACKHEART, HURON — Traitor Marine Astral Claws Master led the Astral Claws into rebellion, becoming the Red Corsairs.
BLACKWING, HAAKON — This Space Wolf scout was dispatched to Gangava and Harek for reinforcements as Magnus the Red attacked Fenris in M32.
BLACKWOOD — This Imperial Marshal fought amongst the Sky Steeples of Ashek II during the Sabbat Worlds Crusade and commanded the Seventh Crusade Army in its drive for Belshiir Binary. He won a famous "eight day" victory over the Blood Pact at Tunusk.
BLADE — Imperial Navy Captain served with Ensign Davo aboard a ship that encountered a Blackstone Fortress.
BLAEK, GAN — This man was one of Inquisitor Eisenhorn's most adept undercover agents, and was killed on Hesperus in 386M41.
BLAESILLA — This Living Saint abided on Sanagua Primar in M39.
BLAKE, ROVIK — Chapter Master of the Astral Claws Space Marines for over 200 years led an assault on the Ork Rok bases at Hellsiris in 715M41. The Ork Warlord Vorg Manburna killed him in single combat, forcing retreat by the rest of the task force.
BLANE — This Sergeant of the Tanith First and Only was killed at Menazoid Epsilon by Major Brochus of the Jantine Patricians.
BLANE, LYSOL — This Imperial Fists Techmarine Suprema wrote the Liber Proditor Armourum, a dissertation on the Traitor Legions' use of armored vehicles.
BLENNER, VAYNOM — This Imperial Commissar went to the same Schola Progenium on Ignatius Cardinal as Ibram Gaunt. He served with the Greygorian Third.
BLOODHOWL, NJARL — This Wolf Guard Battle Leader heads a Kill Team of Thirteenth Company Space Wolves.
BLOODSPITE — This Space Marine of the Crimson Castellans Chapter went renegade at Sephrax, declaring himself Arch-Commodore and fighting against loyalists commanded by Chapter Master Sojai Antiro. Tyranids of Hive Fleet Jormungandr interrupted their fight, and Bloodspite retreated to an orbiting asteroid that was swallowed whole by a Tyranid Hive Ship.
BLOODTHUNDERER — Grey Kight Space Marines killed this daemon prince on his world of Goreswill in 772M41. [EOT] [OBS]
BLUCHAS — Imperial Inquisitor killed by Gaethon Richter's cult in 337M41.
BLYTHE — Imperial Navy Captain commanded the Guardian during the Batle of Gethsemane and the Gothic War.
BOBO, MARKEL — This man is one of the best operatives in Hermond Kauderer's spy ring in Hive Main of Hive Primus on Necromunda.
BOESCH, HELEM — Inquisitor of the Ordo Xenos is a xenophobe.
BOKK — This Ork Boss led a unit of Tankbustas. He fought under Killboss Krog at the Battle of Null Keep.
BOMBASSEN — Chief engineer of the Allure served under Captain Siskind.
BONIFACE1 — This Imperial High Master of the Schola Progenium on Ignatius Cardinal had lost his legs, left arm, and left half of his face. He moved about on a complex brass wheelchair tat held his ruined body in a suspensor field.
BONIFACE2 — This Imperial Saint was corrupted, becoming the Deathshead of a Thousand Tears.
BONIN — Imperial Guard trooper of the Tanith First and Only
BONZ, HADAM — This henchman of Murdin Eyeclone was kidnapped from Thracian Primaris where he was a stevedore on the loading docks.
BORGIA, ELIJAH — Imperial Navy First Lieutenant of the Vindictive perished with his vessel in the Chaos attack on Fularis in 144M41.
BOROK BARAG — Colonel Schaefer led a mission against this Ork Warlord where the Colonel was the only Imperial survivor.
BORSTAR, ERWIN — Planetary Governor of Attica Prime at the beginning of M41
BOR'WICK, BEDDY — This bounty hunter killed by a Spyrer in the underhive of Hive Primus on Necromunda. She fought with a Pulse Rifle
BORK — This Ork Warlord led a Waaagh! originating in the Ghost Stars and moving into the Ultima Segmentum.
BOULDER, 'BUSHWACKER' — Imperial Guard Sergeant led Squad C of a veteran Catachan ambush patrol.
BOURDIEU — Imperial Navy Senior Cadet assaulted Shira Calpurnia aboard Charisian Gate above Hydraphur. A strike from her power maul took the last joint off six of his fingers.
BOYDENSTYRE — This Imperial author wrote the classic: Lives.
BRACCIO — This Blood Angel Space Marine Captian led the relief force that relieved captain Leonatos' company on Sekundar Prime.
BRADE — Imperial Guard Captain of the Tahnelian 374th Drop Troop Regiment
BRAEDON — This trader is a member of the cartel involved in Contract Thirteen and the flect trade between Lost Space and the Angelus Subsector.
BRAEZ, RYAL — Imperial Inquisitor of the Ordo Xenos studied the Hrud and was eventually declared Excommunicate Traitoris.
BRAGG — (Also: Try Again Bragg) This huge trooper of the Tanith First and Only, the largest of the regiment, typically used heavy weapons with high rates of fire due to his attrocious aim. He was killed on XX.
BRAKAR (THE AVENGER) — A folk-hero of the underhive of Hive Primus on Necromunda
BRANNAN — Imperial Navy First Lieutenant served aboard the Emperor's Wrath under Captain Streck during the Gothic War.
BRANT — This Marine of the Black Templars fought against Chaos Space Marines at the Battle of Carrior Gulf alongside Brother Gerhart.
BRASS — Imperial Navy Third Lieutenant served on the Incendrius while under the command of Captain Grendl during the Gothic War.
BRASSIKA — This Imperial Commander from Orlenza was brought to justice through the intervention of an assassin.
BRATHA — Imperial Navy Fleet Admiral sent a message concerning Warp storms in 140M41 prior to the Gothic War to Part Maw.
BRAXTON — Imperial Guard trooper served with the Last Chancers 13th Penal Legion. He died attempting to escape on the ice world of Kragmeer, freezing to death after falling into a ravine.
BREIDEN — This Imperial Guard trooper of the Last Chancers 13th Penal Legion killed a Tyranid Carnifex with his Lascannon.
BRENDEL — This chaos High Sirdar commander was killed by Desolane to protect the Lectica Bastion gates.
BRENNAN — Imperial Guard Trooper of the Tanith First and Only was pinned inside the crashed dropship on Ramillies.
BREK — This Imperial Inquisitor investigated the Dacemon disaster, taking on Antiigonus Balorodin as an apprentice there in late M41.
BRESKO, AGGAMEM — This Imperial Guard Sergeant published his experiences as: Armageddon — A Trooper's Memoir in 944M40.
BRICE — A compatriot of Zygmunt Molotch
BRIGHTSWORD — This Tau Commander led the systematic destruction of a large Imperial Guard force in the Koloth Gorge Massacre on Nimbosa. He was recalled to T'au for this excessive act of bloodshed. He is a young disciple of Commander Farsight.
BRIMST — Imperial Navy Gun Captain aboard the Dominion faught in the Faustus Assault.
BRIN — This Imperial Guard Colonel was executed as a heretic in 463M38.
BRITH — This Imperial Guard Trooper served in Sergeant Orcha's platoon of the Tanith First and Only at Voltemand. He was killed assaulting the water gates of Voltis City.
BROCHUSS — Imperial Guard Major served with the Jantine Patricians under Colonel Flense. Sergeant Zogat of the Vitrian Dragoons killed him on Menazoid Epsilon after the Patricians attacked the Tanith First and Only.
BRODD — Imperial Guard Trooper of the Tanith First and Only served in Sergeant Cluggan's platoon during the assualt on Voltis City on Voltemand.
BROEC — Deathwatch Chaplain, seconded from the Black Templars, served under Captain Octavius and Inquisitress Kalypsia. He died on Herodian IV slaying a Tyranid Hive Tyrant.
BROGGER, TRE — A drunk native to Petropolis on Eustice Majoris
BROKER — Imperial Guard Sergeant served with the Last Chancers 13th Penal Legion.
BROKLAW, RUPUT — Imperial Guard Major served as the executive officer of the Valhallan 597th. He had dark hair, grey eyes, and a meticulous disposition. He had previously served with the Valhallan 301st, an assault regiment, before its integration with the 296th.
BROM — This Senior Astropath of Green Eyrie of the Bastion Psykana had his eyelids sewn shut. He worked with Astropath del'Kateer.
BROPH — This Imperial Guard Adjutant served Commissar-General Oktar with the Hyrkan Regiments on Gylatus Decimus, where he was killed by wine poisoned by the Orks.
BROSTIN — Imperial Guard heavy weapon trooper of the Tanith First and Only typically fought with a flamer, but also with an autocannon. He was loyal to Major Rawne.
BRUINANN, JOEG — This Adeptus Arbites Aedile Majore was the visible commander of the Arbites force on the Bastion Psykana in Hydraphur, though Master-Detective Rede outranked him. He was a Marshal Isolate, and had a romantic attachement to Reded as well. Dechene injured his brain with a psychic attack and he was taken to recover at the Wall on Hydraphur.
BRUNNER, GERHART — Space Marine Black Templars veteran oversaw the trials on Kilhaven where Raclaw was selected. He was bald, with a goatee. He was killed by an Eldar Wraithlord during the Relief of Helespont in the Hephaestus Crusade. He was Initiate Raclaw's mentor.
BRYAREUS — Imperial Space Marine Blood Angel Terminator Sergeant led an attack on a Tyranid ship.
BRYE — This town father of Junktion in the underhive of Hive Primus on Necromunda was killed when he opposed the Steelheads and Firebrands becoming town fathers themselves.
BRYNN — This Orlock ganger was the twin brother of Riyl, and worked for Nemo the Faceless in the underhive of Hive Primus on Necromunda. The twins have the nickname "Seek and Destroy."
BRYTNOTH — Space Marine Deathwatch Librarian served under Captain Cynewolf and Lord Inquisitor Rorken
BUBONNIKUS — This Daemon Prince of Nurgle ruled the plague city of Ebolus. It possessed the Blood Angel Space Marine Palamon after its other body was destroyed by Captain Leonatus' Marines, but this form was destroyed as well.
BUCEPHALON — This radical Inquisitor Lord fought daemons in the Hexxos system in 992M41, eventually declaring Exterminatus. The planet Hexxo disappears moments before the cyclonic torpedoes impact.
BUCHARIS — This Ecclesiarchal Cardinal of Gathalamor, along with confederates Admiral Sehalla and Colonel Gasto, maintained that Earth was lost to the faith and set out to form a theocracy centered on Gathalamor. The Space Wolves put down his bloody empire after he laid siege to the Fang for 3 years in 300M36. Some Bucharians fled to the Eastern Fringe.
BUGLER, HORATIO — Imperial Navy Captain of the Falchion Class Frigate Escapade commanded the picket force that reported on the invading Chaos fleet at Adumbria in 937M41. He was a great tactician and leader, and would eventually become a Fleet Admiral.
BUKHAIN — Imperial Guard General repulsed the siege of Petrostok with the assistance of the tank factory within its walls.
BULAVEN — This Imperial Guard Trooper was in Fireteam Three of Alpha Company of the 902nd Vardan Rifles at Broucheroc.
BULLEDIN — This Lord General commanded the Second Crusade Army during the Sabbat Worlds Crusade.
BURE, GEARD — This Adeptus Mechanicus Tech-Priest served Inquisitor Hapshant and was an associate of Inquisitor Eisenhorn. He has replaced his entire body, save brain and spine, and moves on anti-gravity suspensors. He was over 700 years old in 340M41 and was the last of his Adeptus on Chinchare. Pontius Glaw killed him after he constructed him a body.
BURNS — Imperial Navy 4th Lieutenant served aboard the Invincible, jettisoning just before she broke up over Proxadis' moon during the Gothic War.
BUTLER — Imperial Navy Ensign served aboard the Opportune during the Gothic War.
BYRR — This Adeptus Mechanicus Calculus-Logi theorized about the Umbra.
CACODOMINUS — Black Templars Space Marines executed this alien cyborg, whose mind was linked to the populations of 1300 systems, causing a shockwave through the Warp, burning out a billion Astropaths in 401M34. Millions of ships were lost as the upheaval distorts the signal of the Astronomicon.
CADDAWAY — This Imperial Redmptionist author wrote Paths to Damnation, a piece of doubtless fervour, but questionable quality.
CADOR — This aged, grizzled veteran of the Black Templars Space Marines served on Squad Grimaldus during the Third War for Armageddon. He had been part of the Sword Brethren, and was honorably released from their number when age and extensive augmetics took their toll. He died in an Ork ambush on the 36th day of the campaign to defend the hive.
CAEDITZ — This Imperial Commissar served with a Mordian regiment. Kage gave him the Emperor's Grace after he was mortally wounded in the seige of Coritanorum on Typhos Prime.
CAERNAVAR — Imperial Guard General worked with Commissar-General Oktar at Darendara and other conflicts. He valued the lives of the troops under him.
CAFFRAN, DERMON — Imperial Guard trooper of the Tanith First and Only had black hair, though he kept it close shaved, and a tattoo of a blue dragon on his temple. Before joining the Guard, he was an apprentice at a wood mill. He served in Major Rawne's platoon.
CAIDIN — This Lord Inquisitor led the Calixian Conclave.
CAIN, CIAPHAS — This Imperial Commissar started his career with the Valhallan 12th Field Artillery, but spent much of it with the Valhallan 597th, and was a close confederate of Inquisitor Amberley Vail. His memoirs, the Cain Archive, reveal that his motivations may have been primarily selfish, but he proved to be very capable, eventually becoming a Hero of the Imperium. He was born on an undisclosed hive world and was tall with dark hair. He fought with a Las or Bolt pistol and chainsword for much of his career, and was considered extremely skilled with the latter. His relationship with Vail became very close over time, almost certainly physical, but their respective careers prevented an romantic attachment. In 928-9 of M41 he served as the Guard liaison to the Reclaimers Space Marine chapter, earning their respect. He lost two fingers from his hand to Necron fire and had them replaced with augmetics. He would eventually become a Schola instructor himself before being called out of retirement for the Thirteenth Black Crusade and the incursions of Hive Fleet Leviathan. At the Scola Progenium, he was an unremarkable student, though he protests that his record was far worse. He met his longtime assistant, Trooper Jurgen, on Desolatia while serving with the Valhallan 12th. He gained the moniker "Hero of Perlia" for his actions during the First Siege of Perlia.
CALAPEK, PAVLOS — Adeptus Arbites officer served as Adjutant to Lord Marshal Dvorov in Bosporian Hive on Hydraphur.
CALGAR, MARNEUS — Space Marine Ultramarines Chapter Master and Lord of Ultramar led his Honour Guard during the assault of Hive Fleet Behemoth on Ultramar and against the Necrons at Karthax III. He also led a combined Space Marine force of Ultramarines, Lamenters, Marines Errant, Angels of Absolution, and Silver Skulls on the seven-year Corinthian Crusade in 698M41. He defeated Hive Fleet Behemoth at the Battle of Macragge in 745M41. He has specialized in the study of fighting Tyranids and bears the Gauntlets of Ultramar.
CALISTARIUS — See: Mephiston
CALPURNIA, SHIRA LUCINA — Arbitor Senioris of the Adeptus Arbites on Hydraphur had green eyes and dark blonde hair. She grew up on Iax in the Realm of Ultramar, but had also been stationed on Ephaeda.
CALPURNIUS, PHAEDRUS — Adeptus Astartes Ultrmarines First Company battle brother was a distant relation of Shira Calpurnia and was killed in the First Tyrannic War.
CALPURNIUS, SCAERO — Adeptus Astartes Ultrmarines Second Company battle brother was the great-great-grand-uncle of Shira Calpurnia
CALWUN — The yellow spurra flower is the emblem of this Imperial Saint.
CAMPBELL — Imperial Navy Warrant Officer served aboard the Laurels of Glory while Colonel Schaefer's Last Chancers kill team trained on it.
CANTOR — Space Marine Crimson Fists Commander led the chapter during the Rynn's World Reclamation.
CAPILENE — Imperial Saint
CARDIN — Red Scorpions 1st Company Space Marine fought as part of Squad Darak during the battle to reclaim the remains of Chapter Master Ortys during the Betrayal at Grief in 906M41.
CARLSEN — Imperial Princeps of the Legio Ignatum Warhound class titan Defensor Fidei
CARPEL, NISSEMAY — This man was High Custodian of the Dormant Custodian Committee on Hubris.
CARSOMIR, VALIAN — Legio Invigilata Moderati Primus served on the titan, Stormherald during the Third War for Armadeggon. His fellow moderati killed him with a las pistol after he missed a critical shot with the Plasma Annihilator, resulting in the titan's death at the hands of the Ork Mega-Gargant Godbreaker.
CASIA — Adepta Sororitas Order of the Lexicon Cathedral Canoness served in the Cathedral of Bosporian Hive on Hydraphur.
CASOPHILI — This Imperial Saint served with the Miisionarus Galaxia early in M41 on Alena Three and discovered evidence of Chaos in the feral societies of the world. They captured him and turtured him to death, but as they attemptd to burn his remains, he rose to confront his tormentors.
CASSIAN, LUKAS — A monodominant cult murdered this precog hermit on Drewlia II in 339M41.
CASSIUS — Space Marine Ultramarines Chaplain is one of the oldest Ultramarines still alive, well over 300 years old, having fought with Marneus Calgar from the day of his youth.
CASTIN — Imperial Guard Trooper of the Tanith First and only served under Colonel Corbec and perished in the assault against the capital of Bucephalon.
CATTALUS, YOLANDA — This former noble of Necromunda became first a member of the Escher gang, the Wildcats, and then a bounty hunter after her fall from grace. She was a compatriot of Kal Jerico and fought with Las Pistols and a black katana.
CATULDYNAS — An Imperial poet wrote The Once Pure Hive, an epic concerning the Inquisition.
CAUL, ANDRED — This Imperial Guard Colonel of the Crusade Fifth Army took over for General Luscheim after his death on Tarnagua in 774M41, winning the world.
CAUSTOS — Space Marine Lord who was declared Excommunicate by an Inquisitor of the Ordo Hereticus. He led the Damned Company of Lord Caustos, and was brought down by the Fire Hawks in the Tenth Castigation of the Golgotha Castigations.
CAVALERIO — This Princeps Seniores of Legio Tempestus perished in combat with Titans of Legio Mortis.
CEGORACH — God of the Eldar Harlequins, also called the Laughing God, he is one of only two that survived the birth of Slaanesh.
CELECIUS, CORAN — This Imperial historian was tried for heresy after his work linked the Aphis Hermitage Massacre and other mysterious past encounters to the Necrontyr.
CELESTINE — Imperial Saint and Hieromartyr of the Palatine Crudsade
CERN — This Imperial Militia Auxiliary serviced the printing press for Commissar Valk's daily paper at Broucheroc.
CHAIM — Adeptus Mechanicus Brother-Postulant served Genetor-Magos Cynez Sanja on Hydraphur.
CHALCE — Imperial Commissar held the title of Gate-Commissar aboard the Inner Charisian Gate.
CHANNERY — This Adeptus Mechanicus Magos governed the Enginarium of Blind Tower station. She augmetic legs and auspex and voxponder arrays sprouting from her back designed to look like wings.
CHANTHAR — This demagogue led the Chaos forces holding the Voltis Citadel on Voltemand. He committed suicide with a melta after Gaunt's Ghosts broke open the city wall.
CHAREDO — Imperial Guard Trooper of the 383rd Jouran Dragoons served at Hydra Cordatus. He was killed by a traitor Marine at Hydra Cordatus.
CHASE, LILEAN — This radical Recongregator Inquisitress renounced her Ordo vows and created a Cognitae school on Hesperus that operated for three generations, creating brilliant psychopaths. She was eliminated in a raid by Lord Inquisitor Rorken.
CHELKAR, EUGIN — This Imperial Guard Sergeant commanded Alpha Company of the 902nd Vardan Rifles at Broucheroc.
CHENKOV — Imperial Guard Valhallan Commander led the valiant defense against the Orks of Jurn, where only sixty-three Guardsmen survived to be evacuated. Later, in 997M41, he leads the Imperial forces retaking Ksatella, choking the River Vitus with his dead.
CHERRICK — This guard was the head of the Navigator Domasa's entourage.He fought with a Hellgun. He was killed while attempting to assassinate Ksana and Dreyder Phrax.
CHERUBAEL — This daemonhost was associated with the radical inquisitor Molitor and the heretic Quixos. Inquisitor Eisenhorn banished him back to the warp on Farness Beta in 343M41, but then bound him into another daemonhost to imprison him.
CHEVENNE — This senior Astropath served as a Watchmaster for the Blind Tower station in Hydraphur. He was a native of Chaoku-Minor before being taken by the Black Ships and used the Emperor's Tarot.
CHIGANNE IV — An Ecclesiarch
CHO, TAU — Tau Water caste Por'vre envoy.
CHOUK, EOIA — Imperial Adeptus Mechanicus Explorator (Archeos) found evidence of a possible Eldar Crone world on AR45#33 in 794M41.
CHRONUS, ANTARO — This Space Marine Sergeant of the Ultramarines was known as the Spear of Macragge
CHU, DERVLAN — Imperial Guard Gunner First Class commanded a Basilisk artillery cannon on the walls of Tor Christo.
CICOUREL — Imperial Navy Junior Ensign assaulted Shira Calpurnia aboard Charisian Gate above Hydraphur. She broke his knee, nose, cheekbone, and two ribs.
CIELO — This Adept of the Guild Astropathicus assisted Inquisitor Eisenhorn in Ravello on Gudrun in 386M41.
CIRK, SABBATINE — Imperial PDF female Major was leader of the resistance in Ineuron Town on Gereon after Colonel Ballerat was killed.
CLAIN, REPENTANCE — This trooper served with the Last Chancers 13th Penal Legion and used a flamer.
CLEARN — Space Marine Red Talons Tech-Marine breached the rebel's main defensive lines in the Land Raider Eagle's Claw, leading to their final defeat in the Battle of Arnion in 917M41.
CLEAT, ZEMELDA — This street vendor from the city of Principia Mons on Periremunda joined Commissar Cain during an attempt on his life, and soon after joined the entourage od Inquisitor Amberley Vail. She had punkish green hair.
CLEATOR — Imperial Preacher served the inmates of the Ghovul prison planet.
CLEIN, OBIDIAH — This man assumed the position of political advisor to Gerontius Helmawr on Necromunda after the death of Stiv Harper at the hands of Gerontius' son. He was a spy for Nemo the Faceless. He was eliminated in an inner-house power struggle, most likely by Hermond Kauderer.
CLEUTIN — Space Marine Blood Angels Sergeant, as the most senior Sergeant of the chapter, is guardian of the Shroud of Sanguinius.
CLIESTERS — Enginarium chief for the Hinterlight under ship-mistress Cynia Preest
CLOTEN — This Blood Angels Space Marine served with Captain Leonatos on Sekundar Prime, and chose to accompany him on his Bloodquest. He fights the curse of the Red Thirst.
CLUGGAN — This Sergeant of the Tanith First and Only fought at Blackshard and Voltemand. He died when the Ketzok 17th were given orders to shell the Ghosts by General Sturm.
CLUTHE — Imperial Guard Sergeant served on the Tactical Council War Staff under Tactician Wheyland, the alias for Fereyd on Menazoid Epsilon. Members of the Tanith First and Only killed him in the Edicule of the necropolis of Menazoid Epsilon.
CLUWGE, IDRESHA — This Nurgle-esque female was Chief Ethnologue of the Anarch, and served Isidor Sek Incarnate on Gereon.
COCOER — This member of the Tanith First and Only was killed.
COLHN — Imperial Guard Trooper of the Tanith First and Only served in Major Rawne's platoon. The Jantine Patricians killed him in a raid aboard the Absalom.
COLINE — Imperial Guard Trooper of Sergeant Blane's platoon of the Tanith First and Only. Jantine Patricians killed him on Menazoid Epsilon.
COLL — Imperial Guard Trooper of the Tanith First and Only
COLLIA — Imperial Navy Fury interceptor pilot in Storm Squadron based upon the Vanishing Star. She was killed by a Tyranid Spore Mine after freeing the launch bays of the Extreme Prejudice of entanglements.
COLLOS — Imperial Space Marine Ultramarines Terminator fought with Storm Bolter and Chain Fist.
COLMAR — This Imperial Guard scout of the Tanith First and Only served in Colonel Corbec's platoon and perished at Fortis Binary.
COLOURI, VIN — This man was chief of finances for Gerontius Helmawr on Necromunda. He was eliminated in an inner-house power struggle, most likely by Hermond Kauderer.
COLTEEN, VICKSEN — This Escher Wildcats ganger led the group after Yolanda Catallus departed to become a bounty hunter. The Spyrer Armand Helmawr killed her.
COLYON — This housekeeper of Inquisitor Eisenhorn's Spaeton House escaped with Litu as several others of the staff in the assault of 386M41.
COMMODIUS — This Ultramarine hero was interred in the Dreadnought Ironclaw.
COMPTONHAWKINS — Imperial Guard Lieutenant led the recruiting team present on Ornsworld during the Chaos invasion that secured the Eye of Night prior to the Gothic War.
CONANMAOL — This Eldar Prince captains the Black Star, raiding out of the Graildark Nebula.
CONSTANZE — This Chaos prophetess predeicted several future conflicts and was burned as a heretic in 356M38.
CORBEC, COLM — Imperial Guard Colonel was second in command of the Tanith First and Only until his death at XX. He was a large, burly man with a bushy bread, blue spiral tatoos on his lower arms, black hair, blue eyes, and a slight temper. Before the Founding he was a machinesmith's son and miller near the River Pryze.
CORBULO — Space Marine Blood Angel is the most senior Sanguinary Priest of the chapter, and bears the Red Grail
CORDE — Imperial Guard Sergeant was in the command squad of Lieutenant Colonel Leonid during the battle of Hydra Cordatus. He was killed in battle by a traitor Leman Russ tank.
CORIACHUS — This Adeptus Mechanicus Explorator studied the Thyrrus.
CORNWALLIS — Imperial Navy Captain commanded the Invincible during the Gothic War.
CORSIL, FERIAN — Imperial Adeptus Mechanicus Magos supervised the communications arrays of the Citadel of Hydra Cordatus.
CORTEZ — Space Marine Crimson Fists Captain slew an Ork Warklord and his entire retinue at the Battle of Steel Cross.
CORWIN — Space Marine Imperial Fists Librarian fought at the Citadel of Hydra Cordatus under Brother-Captain Eshara. He was killed by an Avatar of Khorne on the walls of Mori Bastion of the Citadel.
COSSOS — Space Marine White Consul Second Company Tactical Squad Arias trooper fought with boltgun.
COSSOS — Imperial Space Marine Ultramarines Second Company Devastator fought with a Missile Launcher.
COSTAZ — This Imperial Guard trooper served as a guard on the prison planet of Ghovul.
COTEAZ, TORQUEMADA — This Inquisitor was a renowned daemon hunter of the Ordo Malleus with an obsession to destroy daemons. He is a hardline puritan who executed his master, Inquisitor Laredian, for dabbling with Warp arts. He is the Protector of Formosa Sector, has vast resources at his disposal there, and has expanded his influence into systems outside the sector. He has a Glovodan Psyber-Eagle that he uses as a courier. He has been unable to find a worthy successor, and is thus investigating cloning and other means of extending his life.
CRAGGON — This Imperial Guard trooper served with the Last Chancers 13th Penal legion and used a Plasma Gun. A Tyranid Gargoyle killed him on Ichar IV.
CRASK — This Castellan led the Cadian XVIII Army against the Tau on Kel'shan. He also helped plan the Iron Hammer campaign.
CRASSUS1 — Imperial Guard General commanded Machaeius' 5th Army group during the Crusade. He was sainted for his efforts.
CRASSUS2 — Imperial Space Marine Howling Griffons Fifth Company Sergeant fought with a bolt pistol and chainsword.
CRASSUS3 — This Sergeant of the 49th Gravalaxian PDF was formerly of the Adeptus Arbites, but left after running afoul of "politics." He was a capable NCO.
CREDDON — This Imperial Guard Sergeant of the second battalion of the 50th Gudrunite Rifles was transported to KCX-1288 by rebel fleet elements.
CREED, URSARKAR E. — This Imperial Lord General fought Abbadon during a Black Crusade. He also combated the Hrud migration of 983-985M41. He commanded the Cadian 8th. He became Lord Castellan of Cadia in 999M41 after much of the Cadian command staff were assassinated by Chaos agents.
CRIID, TONA — Imperial Guard female Sergeant and scout of the Tanith First and Only recruited from Vervunhive on Verghast, where she had been a ganger. She and Trooper Caffran take care of two adopted children.
CRIPIAS — After seventy years of labor, and following on from the work of eight hundred and thirty six generations of Keepers of the Library Sanctus of Terra, this Adeptus Administratum Keeper finished the history of the majesty of the Human race in 993M41. He was declared a heretic the following year.
CROAG, MORTEN — This man was in change of legal matters for Genontius Helmawr on Necromunda.
CROMM, DRYSTANN — This Grey Knight Grand Master led the four Brotherhoods that sealed the Warp portals opened by the Tzeentch Changeling in the Raxos Civil War in 841M41. He personally sealed the three portals using the bones of martyred saints.
CROTES, SAEMON — This heretic was a trade envoy for the Bonded Merchant Guild of Sinesias from Thracian Primaris. He died from a suicide failsafe when questioned about the Pontius.
CROWE, GARRAN — This Grey Knight Captain set aside command and became a Purifier after the First War for Armageddon. He served there with great distinction. He occupied the daemon Skulltaker in single combat on Birmingham for long enough for his force of Grey Knights to defeat the horde in 888M41.
CRUCIUS — Imperial Guard Lieutenant commanded Delta Platoon of the 9th company of the 150th Armageddon Steel Legion, a mechanized infantry regiment.
CRUNCH — This trooper of the Last Chancers 13th Penal Legion earned his name because of his total inability to move quietly. His neck snapped in a shuttle crash landing on a moon in the Hypernol system.
CSOKAVI — Imperial Saint from Tamar used a pistol.
CULANN, UMRY — Adeptus Arbites Lead Arbitor assisted Shira Calpurnia in investigating the Kalfus-Medell estate on Hydraphur, and one of her personal staff thereafter.
CULLAIN — Imperial Priceps of the Legio Ignatum Warlord class titan Clavis Regni was killed along with his titan at Hydra Cordatus.
CULLN, CARAB — This Space Marine of the Red Scorpions Chapter did not use camouflage, believing it to be cowardly. He fought Chaos forces in the Siege of Vraks and Tyranid forces at Beta-Anphelion. He became Lord Commander (Chapter Master) of the Red Scorpions in 906M41 while fighting on the loyalist side of the Badab War. He was renowned for his leadership, bravery, and tactical skils, even amongst fellow Space Marines.
CURLEN — This Imperial Guard surgical assistant for the 902nd Vardan Rifles worked at the field hospital at Broucheroc.
CURRAL — This Imperial Guard Sergeant of the Tanith First and Only served in Colonel Corbec's platoon.
CURTH, ANA — Imperial Medicae serving with the Tanith First and Only
CURZE, KONRAD — The Great Crusade found this Primarch of the Night Lords Legion on Nostramo. His legion uses terror as a weapon of their arsenal. He had seizures since childhood, was gifted with "sight," and used a tarot deck for cartomancy.
CUTCH — This savant was part of Inquisitress Neve's retinue on Cadia
CUTCHESKA — This man was a senior cook for the Carnivora of Formal G in Petropolis on Eustis Major.
CUVIER — Imperial Inquisitor of a moderate mindset was a distant colleague of Inquisitor Eisenhorn.
CYCERIN, ETOLPH — Imperial Adeptus Mechanicus Adept fought at Jericho Falls Spaceport, where he was captured by the Iron Warriors, loosing a hand. Jharek Kelmaur replaced the missing hand with a black iron augmetic one that also infected him with the Obliterator's tech-virus.
CYKLUS — He was part of a Spyrer group from Hive Primus on Necromunda, led by Jonas. He fought with a grenade launcher and Power Axe. He was killed by Armand Helmawr
CYNEWOLF — Space Marine Deathwatch Captain served under Lord Inquisitor Rorken.
CYNHED AP NIHT — This was the leader of a partisan village in the Untill of Gereon.
CYNULFF AP NIHT — This tall partisan lived in the Untill on Gereon.
CYRUS — Imperial Guard General commanded Machaeius' 7th Army group during the Crusade.
CZELGUR — Chaos Space Marine fought under Uexkull with a bolter or plasma weapon. He was killed in a battle with Gaunt's kill team and partisans of the Untill on Gereon.
CZEVAK — This Imperial Inquisitor of the Ordo Malleus, who worked with the Grey Knights, is famed for his academic writings on xenos races. He has written works on the Eldar, and is one of the Imperium's foremost authorities on that race. He penned The Living Worlds on the Eldar Craftworlds. He was involved in the Council of Ryanti and Conclave of Har. He lived in the 900s of M41.
DACEUS — Imperial Space Marine Howling Griffons Fifth Company Squad Crassus trooper fought with a boltgun.
DACIMOL, YIROSLAN — Imperial Guard Captain commanded the 35th Zuvenian Light Foot at Broucheroc.
DAE, HELITE — This Princeps Seniores of Legio Atarus wrote Recollections of Doom, his account of the War for Beta-Garmon.
DAEKIAN — Imperial Priceps of the Legio Ignatum Warlord class titan Honoris Causa fought at Hydra Cordatus. He was killed when his titan was destroyed after breaching the reactor of the Dies Irae.
DA'EL — This navigator served aboard a vessel searching for the Pride of Angelus.
DAG, JAUEG — This Thorian Inquisitor and his agents attempted to clandestinely exhume the remains of several Saints for examination t forward his Thorian cause. To escape discovery he killed several Battle Sisters of the Adepta Sororitas, and spent much of the rest of his successful career atoning for his actions.
DAHAULT — This astropath joined Inquisitor Eisenhorn in 366M41 and was killed by the heretic Thurer and his chaos titan Cruor Vult in 386M41.
DAHWRIN — Inquisitor of the Ordo Sicarus worked with Magos Lurd to create a divine vessel for the Emperor using Callidus assassin initiates and the drug hyperpolymorphine. His subject, Asaid Virenus, stole his cutter and escaped. He was severely censured for his actions.
DAIDIN — Space Marine Black Templar Marshal commanded the Crusade of then-Initiate Helbrecht.
DAMASK, KONSTANTIN — This brother of Xavier jointly ruled a semi-legitimate freight cartel, though they secretly were working for House De Kyp. The right side of his head had been replaced with augmetics, including his right eye. They had a fortress on the Khitaj peninsula that was destroyed by the Cadian 450th under direction of Inquisitor Alastor.
DAMASK, XAVIER — This brother of Konstantin jointly ruled a semi-legitimate freight cartel, though they secretly were working for House De Kyp. They had a fortress on the Khitaj peninsula that was destroyed by the Cadian 450th under direction of Inquisitor Alastor. The untouchable assassin Mistral killed him at the De Kyp estate on Demaris Primary as he assaulted her to distract her attention.
DAMASKO — In M32, this Imperial Inquisitor postulated, by referencing Chaos Gods and associated daemons, that other deities must have champions, possess worshippers, influence mortals, or temporarily create manifestations in the form of daemons.
DAMNE — Imperial Inquisitor reported on the Blood Angels and its successors, writing of their unconventional and deviant gene-replication practices, which led to the debasement of their gene-seed. He also reported rumors of the Red Thirst and Black Rage in M34.
DANCY — An Escher Curse ganger in the underhive of Hive Primus of Necromunda
DANDA — This Escher Curse ganger juve scout was killed by scavvies along the Shining Falls Road in the underhive of Hive Primus of Necromunda.
DANTE — Imperial Space Marine Lord of the Blood Angels commanded the chapter for over 1100 years. He often fights in golden power armor and jump pack with Inferno Pistol and Power Axe. He wears the Death Mask of Sanguinius, an extremely lifelike representation of the primarch. He commanded a combined force of Blood Angels, Ultramarines, and Salamanders during the Second War for Armageddon.
DAQUAR, AUGUSTUS — This Navis Nobilite Paternova Envoy received a report concerning a navigator captured by the Q'Orl.
DARESH — This chaos Chief Sirdar of Ineuron was killed by Uexkull as an example.
DARGASTO — This Ordo Xenos Inquisitor worked to prevent the second rise of the ancient C'tan. His acolyte, Jena Orechiel inherited his rosette, organization, and mission upon his death.
DARGRAVIAN — This battle brother of the Black Templars Space Marines died on the 5th day of the siege of Helsreach Hive in the Third War for Armageddon at the Torshav refueling complex. He was the first Templar casualty of the Crusade.
DARKHAMMER, EMIL — This puritan Monodominant Inquisitor beleives that no cost in lives or planets is too large in the name of humanity's supremacy, and that no one is so important that they cannot be sacrificed towards that goal. He has declared Exterminatus on over 30 worlds, including Cavlock after a daemonic incursion, though his actual motives were to also destroy the Dimensional Forge, an alien artifact pursues by Inquisitor Valeria. They declared each other Excommunicate Traitoris, and both have been pusuing the vandetta ever since. He was present in the aftermath of the First War for Armageddon, and commuted Exterminatus in favour of mass execution and mind wipe due to the presence of the Space Wolves.
DARMERE — This Black Templars Space Marine died on the 22nd day of the siege of Helsreach Hive during the Third War for Armageddon. He perished in combat alongside the 68th Steel Legion against the Ork invaders.
DAROS — Imperial Lord
DARVON — This Imperial Guard trooper of the Last Chancers 13th Penal Legion served in Sergeant Jorett's squad.
DARVUS, SHARLE — Imperial Adeptus Mechanicus Magos Biologis worked for Inquisitor Ralei on Biegel 9.
DASEIN — Space Marine Mantis Warriors 2nd Company Techmarine
DASKA — Imperial Inquisitor was killed while investigating Necron artifacts on the space hulk Unholy Harbinger in 980M39.
DAST, CHOLYON — This Master Chastener presided over Shira Calpurnia's trial after the debacle of the Phrax succession.
DASTROM — Adeptus Arbites Praetor Imprimis interviewed Reverend Simova after the attempted escape of Ströon in Bosporian Hive on Hydraphur, and conducted a following investigation.
DAUSEN — This Imperial rogue trader discovered the Squat homeworlds in 722M34.
DAVIR — This Imperial Guard Trooper was in charge of Fireteam Three of Alpha Company of the 902nd Vardan Rifles at Broucheroc.
DAVO — Imperial Navy Ensign served under Captain Blade aboard a ship that encountered a Blackstone Fortress.
DAWZE — Genestealer hybrids killed this local law enforcement officer of Principia Mons on Periremunda during an attempt on Commissar Cain's life.
DAYNE — Red Scorpions 1st Company Space Marine fought with an assault cannon in Squad Darak during the battle to reclaim the remains of Chapter Master Ortys during the Betrayal at Grief in 906M41.
DAZZO — This false Imperial Ecclesiarchy missionary represented an order from the planet Damask sponsored by House Glaw. He was an enormously powerful psyker and part of the heretical cult that consumed the House.
DEACIS VI — Imperial Ecclesiarch established two more militant orders of the Adepta Sororitas, the Bloody Rose and the Sacred Rose, in 788M38.
DE BERGERAC, MYAMOTO — This Drill Abbot served as Ciaphas Cain's swordsmanship and dueling instructor during his time at the Schola Progenium
DECHENE, ANTOVIN — This man served as a Concordiast aboard Blind Tower in Hydraphur and was an associate of Teeker Renz and Kyto. He developed psychic powers while there and used them to plant illusion into other minds. He killed Master Otrano, and was in turn killed by Shira Calpurnia after his psychic tricks failed on her.
DEDDOG, NORK — Imperial Guard Ogryn bodyguard was considered brilliant for an Ogryn and served with the 2nd Catachan regiment as Colonel Greiss' personal guard. Commissar Aaron Blest gave him his cap, which became his trademark during the Dimmamak War. Nork retired to his homeworld of Formand VI as a hero and died of old age at 110.
DEDONKI, EYOR — This Imperial author wrote Memoirs of a Pessimist in 479M41.
DEFAY — Imperial Inquisitor of a moderate mindset was a distant colleague of Inquisitor Eisenhorn. He interrogated a wytch with then Cadet-Commissar Gaunt on Darendara. He was tall and powerfully large, wearing ornate armor, a purple cloak, and a blank cloth hood. He was handsome and somewhat compassionate.
DEFRAYTES — This Imperial Guard Trooper served at Colonel Flense's vox operator at Menazoid Epsilon.
DEGREDD — This rebel led the Secessionists on Darendara, and took his own life before defeat and capture.
DE JAUNCEY, SAMBIN — Imperial Navy Gate-Captain commanded the Inner Charisian Gate in the Hydraphur system. He is slender, with black hair and dusky skin.
DE KYP, AGNETHA — The sister of Sebastian, she ruled the De Kyp house jointly with her brother. She was a secret servant of chaos and adept in creating complex, labyrinthine plots. He died at the hands of the traitor marine Lord Skyre.
DE KYP, SEBASTIAN — The brother of Agnetha, he ruled the De Kyp house jointly with his sister. He was a secret servant of chaos and adept in creating complex, labyrinthine plots. The traitor marine Lord Skyre beheaded her.
DEL BIEL, VARDOS — This officer of the Adeptus Ministorum was a member of a Munitorum bonded merchant fleet until ejected for a disciplinary issue. He joined the Aurum Santus from the Ecclesiarchy docks at Avignor, and captained it in the viscinity of Hydraphur. He died at the hands of his own crew after ordering resistance in the Arbites raid upon his vessel.
DELAU, GORAN — Traitor Space Marine of the Iron Warriors was Honsou's second in command.
DEL'KATEER — This old Senior Astropath served in Green Eyrie aboard the Bastion Psykana. His blind eyes had shriveled into the puckered skin of their sockets, and he walked with a long staff. He worked with Astropath Brom.
DELLA MONICA — As a yong child of 12, she saved Cardinal Valon's life in 967M41, digging him out from rubble while under fire by Orks. She was declared "blessed of the Emperor" and the Cardinal took her as part of his staff, where she served as his bodyguard.
DELLAS — This Imperial Guard Lieutenant was a writer for a daily newssheet under Commissar Valk for the 902nd Vardan Rifles at Broucheroc.
DEMES — This Black Templars Space Marine died on the 30th day of the siege of Helsreach Hive during the Third War for Armageddon. He perished in combat at the Prospering Haven habitation sector.
DEMOQ — This Adeptus Arbites Praetur Secundus headed one of Praetor Primaris Rede's analyst teams.
DERCIUS, ALDO — This Imperial Guard General served with the Jantine Patricians through many campaigns, and was a friend to Colonel-Commissar Gaunt's family. He left Gaunt's father to die in an act of cowardice on Kentaur and then Commissar Gaunt executed him for it many years after the fact on Khedd 1173. He sired Drakar Flense.
DERINDI — This man ran a supply store in the underhive on Necromunda.
DERKON — This Imperial Grandmaster Inquisitor turned heretic.
DERNESK — This Adeptus Astropathica Concordiast observed Astropaths in the Firewatch Eyrie on the Blind Tower station in Hydraphur.
DERVICK — Along with co-author Ponn, he wrote a three-volume guide to social codes on Hydraphur.
DESOLANE — Androgynous sept-warrior was assigned life-ward duties to Noches Sturm after he was captured and turned to chaos. He fought with two ketra blades, and was killed Murtan Feygor when Gaunt's kill team infiltrated Lectica Bastion on Gereon.
DESONES — This Chaplain taught in the chapel of the Schola Progenium facility where Ciaphas Cain was a Progena.
DESTA — This Imperial Guard Trooper served in Colonel Corbec's platoon of the Tanith First and Only on Menazoid Epsilon.
DETOI — This Imperial Guard Captain commanded 5th Platoon of the Valhallan 597th during their deployment to Adumbria in 937M41. He was a capable tactician.
DE TRUILLE, HUMBERT — This young noble was one of the claimants to the Governorship of Adumbria. He had acne and a surprising amount of common sense for his age.
DEWR — This Imperial Guard Trooper served as a scout under Scout-Sergeant Mkoll of the Tanith First and Only on Ramillies. He had been a hunter from Tanith Attica before joining he Guard. A damaged Chaos Dreadnought killed him with a plasma weapon on Ramillies.
DHAR'LETH — Daemon prince of the Black Legion Traitor Marines
DIAS, BOROS — This former magister tutorae xenos of the Universitariat of Thracian killed by Zygmunt Molotch on Zenta Malhyde
DICHLOROPHENOXY ACETIC ACID — Catachans use this herbicide to clear areas of the jungle.
DIMARCO, GIANELLA — Serving as navigatrix for the Indestructible II, she assisted Lord General Kyvan and Commissar Cain in discovering the motives behind the cultist activity on Adumbria. She was petite, curvy, and had an impressive force of personality. She wore a bandanna over her third eye that was embroidered with an eye.
DIMITRI — This Adeptus Mechanicus Magos served Lord Inquisitor Rex, and assisted in shutting down the Chaos controlled orbital defenses at Vorlinghast in 981M41, allowing drop pods from the Marines Vindicant to land.
DIRGE, CHRONAL — This individual from Cestus IV compiled a report on the Eldar in 755M40.
DIVAS, TOREN — This Imperial Guard Lieutenant served as subaltern to Colonel Mostrue of the Valhallan 12th Field Artillery, and was a comrade of Ciaphas Cain. He had been promoted to Captain by the time of 12th's deployment to Gravalax.
D'KARK — This Inquisition led a pogrom against this Navis Nobilite House.
D'LESTE — This man commanded the Apothecarion for the Phrax Rogue Trader fleet. He had a rough, red face and very agile hands.
DOLAN — Imperial saint worked for the common man.
DOLANI, ERASMUS — This Imperial diplomat served as the Imperial Envoy to Gravalax during the conflict with the Tau.
DOMERUD — This Van Saar ganger in Quill's gang fought with an Autogun and was killed by a Spyrer.
DOMINICA, ALICIA — Leader of the Daughters of the Emperor, she ended the siege of the Ecclesiarchal Palace by killing Vandire at the end of the Age of Apostasy.
DOMOR — This Imperial Guard Trooper of Colonel Corbec's platoon was skilled with a sweeper. He lost use of his eyes at Menazoid Epsilon.
DOMOSKA, NATALINA — Imperial Guard Trooper served as a Storm Trooper of the 703rd Armageddon Steel Legion during the Third War for Armageddon, leading Scout Team Three. She served both as guard to the Mechanicus D-16 West facility just prior to the Ork seige, and also on special missions inside the hive after Orks had entered the city. She fought wth a helgun and was freinds with Trooper Andrej.
DONALSON — This Imperial Guard trooper served in Sergeat Franx's squad in the Last Chancers 13th Penal Legion. Kage promoted him to Sergeant after False Hope. He died when Kage evacuated the docking bay of the Pride of Lothus during a Dark Eldar pirate attack.
DONN — Imperial Guard Trooper of the 902nd Vardan Rifles stationed at Broucheroc.
DONOVAN — Lorii took out one eye from this Imperial Guard trooper serving with the Last Chancers 13th Penal Legion. His homeworld is Korolis.
DORANZ — This Imperial Guard officer commanded one of the Basilisks of the Ketzok 17th under Colonel Ortiz at Voltemand.
DORDEN — This Imperial Guardsman served as chief medic for the Tanith First and Only, He was the oldest Ghost, had a grey beard and small build, and had been a doctor on Tanith. His wife died a year before the Founding, and he had a son also serving in the First and Only. He refused to carry a weapon, but could use one if necessary.
DOREL, DOMASA — Navis Nobilite junior Navigator served on the Song of Righteousness. She had only three long fingers to each hand. House Dorel colors are russet and black, and they allied with Houses Krassimal and Yimora in the Rogue Trader Phrax affair. She was ruthless and efficient. She escaped the destruction of the Omicron's Dart in a life pod.
DOREZ — Imperial Navy Admiral renamed the traitorous Dutiful as the Soulless after her raid on Sethelan forge world.
DORN — Imperial Chief Engineer of the Imperius Dictatio
DORN, ROGAL — This being was primarch of the Imperial Fists Space Marine chapter. He oversaw the defence of the Emperor's palace on Terra during the Horus Heresy, and excelled in building fortresses and defensive works. He accompanied the Emperor in his strike against Horus on the arch-traitor's battle barge, and bore his master's broken body back to Terra for interment in the Golden Throne. He was raised on the ice planet of Inwit and was the seventh Primarch found during the Great Crusade.
DORNAL — This Imperial Guard General rebelled, but Marneus Calgar and the Ultramarines destroyed his army in the Battle of Knarts Landing in 879M41.
DORYLBUS — This Tech Priest of the Adeptus Mechanicus went by the name of Pater Machinae Dorylbus and the Mechanicus labeled him a techno-heretic. He was a member of the Omnissiad faction of the Mechanicus.
DOUGRAY — Imperial Governor Lord on Gudrun clashed with House Froigre over the Founding Levy circa 190M41.
DOYL — This member of the Tanith First and Only was killed.
DRACHE — This Imperial Saint martyred in 019M41 on Korynth.
DRACO — Brother of Raclaw of the Drumkil Clan, he fell to a non-killing mercy blow by his brother during the Black Templars trials on Kilhaven
DRAECH — This Eldar Iyanden Admiral died along with his flagship, the Auspicious Illumination of Eternity, in a battle with Hice Ships of Hive Fleet Naga in 810M41.
DRAEGER, RAF — Adeptus Arbites Arbitor Intendant served as clerk of the watch for Justice Gate in Bosporian Hive on Hydraphur.
DRAGNATZ — This Ork Boss once commanded the Mekboy Ushbek.
DRAGEN — This Imperial author wrote a biography on Jenit Sulla entitled Valhallan Valkyrie.
DRAGOS — Imperial Inquisitor fought on a space hulk along with Captatin Morgan of the Dark Angels.
DRAIGO, KALDOR — This Grey Knight Space Marine earned renoun by banishing the daemon Prince M'Kar the Reborn on the world of Acralem in 799M41. Upon the death of Supreme Grand Master Geronitan in 901M41, he is elected the new Supreme Grand Master and somehow bests the daemon Primarch Mortarion and his guard in combat.
DRAKE1 — Imperial Guard Lieutenant commanded the HQ company, 6th Squadron, of the Mordant 22nd Armoured Assault Regiment, and the Hellhound tank Infernal Thunder.
DRAKE2, TITUS — Imperial Inquisitor
DRAKKEN — Space Marines Imperial Fists Commander
DRAKO — Imperial Inquisitor became involved in the Hydra Conspiracy, raided the Black Library, and was killed in the Eldar webway in 373M41.
DRAVERE, HECHTOR — Lord High Militant General, spurned as successor to Warmaster of the Sabbat Worlds Crusade though he was the next senior officer, acted against Warmaster Macaroth, endangering the progress of the Crusade. He is a native of Hyrka, where he started as an armored regiment colonel, and a political animal, uncaring of those he destroys in the name of his ambition and uncaring of the common trooper. He was squat, punacious, and balding, with a puffy red face. The death throws of Inquisitor Heldane killed Dravere on Menazoid Epsilon, along with his entire command Leviathan.
DRAVIN — Imperial Commissar served with the Valhallan tank regimenbt that served in Skitterfall on Adumbria in 937M41, and was one of the presiding Commissars in the tribunal resulting from Commissar Beiji's accusations against Commissar Cain.
DRAYL — A fragment of a Chaos artifact struck this Imperial Guard Trooper of Colonel Corbec's platoon of the Tanith First and Only on Fortis Binary. It transformed him into a Chaos beast that the rest of the Ghosts destroyed.
DRAZHAR — This Dark Eldar is a Master of Blades.
DREKO — One of Feaver Skoh's hunters
DREN — Imperial Navy pilot of a troop lander from the Inevitable Victory
DRENGOFF — This poacher and trader made his living reclaiming dropped weapons for gang fights in the vicinity of Junktion the underhive of Hive Primus of Necromunda.
DRERE, JANNY — This Imperial Guard Trooper served in Sergeant Grifen's squad of the Valhallan 597th, and she descended into the tunnels beneath the Promethium refinery on Simia Orichalcae with Commissar Cain, and also fought alongside him at Adumbria. She had a relationship with Trooper Vorhees. She was severely wounded assaulting the Ambull den they found there.
DRESS — An Imperial Navy armsman shot this trooper of the Last Chancers 13th Penal Legion for attacking a warrant officer.
DREW — Imperial Navy Captain commanded the Fortitude during the Battle of Gethsemane and the Gothic War.
DREYDER — An associate of Varro Phrax on Gunarvo
D'REYX, SHEENA — Imperial Astropath served aboard the Perduco Astrus and worked for Inquisitor Sasham. She died on Biegel 9.
DREZLEN, KALLAD — Imperial Guard Colonel served at Sector Command Beta at Broucheroc.
DRILLAKILLA — This Ork Warlord led Waaagh! Drillakilla in the successful conquest of Periliac Prime in 832M41.
DROKEN — This Imperial Guard trooper of the Last Chancers 13th Penal Legion lost his leg to a swamp-rat on False Hope and died of blood loss.
DRUMON — This Techmarine of the Reclaimers Space Marine Chapter served with Commissar Cain while Cain was attached as a liaison to his chapter in 928-9 of M41 aboard the Strike Cruiser Revenant, developing as close to a friendship with Cain as any Astartes could. He fought with a power sword and plasma pistol.
DRONICUS, PATER HERSHEL — Adeptus Ministorum Hierarch of Miquol on Durer stayed after the post had been abandoned to tend the chapel
DRUMM, HORATIO — Imperial Navy Officer of the Watch received his commission aboard the Divine Right in 135M41 and has received a Medallion Crimson for his service. He served under Admiral Ravensburg.
DRUSOV — Imperial Guard Lieutenant commanded the 2nd Platoon of the 9th company of the 150th Armageddon Steel Legion, a mechanized infantry regiment.
DRUSUS — This Imperial General served under Lord Militant Angevin during the conquest of portions of Segmentum Obscurus, including the Calixis Sector. An assassin seemingly slew him in 367M39, but he rose from the dead. He was named Lord Militant in 372M39, completed the Angevin Crusade, and was named the first Lord Sector Calixis in 384M39. He helped create the sector's legal code, the Corpus Presidium Calixis. He died a final time in 417M39. He was sainted for his efforts in 502M39.
DU TOIT, TRANIO — Adeptus Arbites officer served as Lead Chastener for the Augustaeum Cadre.
DUBOIR, EMELI — This Slaaneshi cultist worked under the disguise of the headmistress of the Saint Trynia Academy for the Daughters of Gentlefolk on Slawkenberg circa 920M41. Commissar Cain, after nearlt being lured to his doom, shot and killed her.
DUBOE, RANKLIN SESME — This man, a certified handlerman-chief of the Imperial pits, was Odysse Bergossian's flect supplier and ran the cavae (animal pens) of the Carnivora in Formal G in Petropolis on Eustis Majoris. He was killed by Inquisitor Ravenor aboard the Hinterlight near Bonner's Reach.
DUMAT — Imperial Guard Sergeant of the 16th Lanran Artillery, a Hellbreaker battery at Broucheroc
DUNGTRUMPA — This Snakebite Ork Warlord invaded the Rok base of Warboss Gobsmakk in retribution for a joke in 785M41, starting a civil war that would last 80 years.
DUPANYA, ALARIC — Imperial Governor of Viridia ruled the system during the genestealer infestation of 928M41. He was nicknamed Alaric the Heretic for a tax on votive candles that he unwittingly signed into law just before the genestealers broke into open rebellion.
DUPANYA, MIRA — This noble daughter of Alaric DuPanya was the third in succession for rule, behind two brothers. She held the rank of Colonel-in-Chief of the DuPanya Household Regiment, and while not well versed in military matters, she was an excellent marksman by virtue of hunting trips taken with her father. She became romantically involved with Commissar Cain during the Viridian Campaign of 928M41, and accompanied him on the Reclaimer's strike cruiser Revenant as it pursued the space hulk Spawn of Damnation, believing that Cain would become her consort and cement her eventual rule in Viridia. She tended to not see those beneath her class, and did not pick up on hints or subtleties even though she was a manipulator of great skill.
DURANT1 — This Ecclesiarchy preacher served the Imperial Guard.
DURANT2 — This Imperial merchant captain commanded the freighter Pure of Heart when it transported the Valhallan 597th to Simia Orichalcae in 932M41. He had many augmetics, including both eyes, was heavily interfaced with his vessel, and wasn't used to dealing with passengers.
DURATH — This tyrant fought against the Space Wolves and Dark Angels during the Great Crusade, and was killed by Lion El'Jonson.
DURKAN — Imperial Guard Trooper of the Tanith First and Only served in Colonel Corbec's platoon on Ramillies. A Chaos daemon killed him in Nero hive there.
DURON — This Space Marine served as Castellan of the Black Templars during M39, and his sacred bolter, with its ornate kill markings, was interred in the Temple of Dorn aboard the Eternal Crusader.
DURSKA-HAGGAN — This family/cartel of Hydraphur manufactures augmetics, specializing in weapon sighting interfaces but not the accompanying firearms.
DUSHAN — Imperial Guard General was part of the staff of Grand Marshal Kerchan at Broucheroc.
DUTT, K.W. — This man was one of the better agents of Nemo the Faceless. He was killed by Markel Bobo.
DUQUE — This System Defence Force Admiral commanded the vessels of the Serendipita system, and worked alongside General Torven of the Imperial Guard and Planetary Marshal Kregeen of the PDF. He was void-born and had pale skin and a tall, slender build.
DVORN — Imperial Inquisitor of the Odro Xenos served under Inquisitor Lord Parthon on the Veiled Salvation.
DVOROV, KRIEG — Adeptus Arbites Arbitor Majore held the titles of Grand Marshal, Lord Marshal, and Grand Praetor Judicial in Bosporian Hive on Hydraphur.
DWERR, YANNOD — Adeptus Astra Telepathica Master Astropath served aboard the Ring at Hydraphur and transmitted a sabotaged message resulting in the destruction of two ships. He attempted to hide with the Lyze-Haggan family-cartel but Sister Superior Gallans killed him.
DYOBANN — Adeptus Mechanicus Magos Errant led the Mechanicus cabal of the Phrax Rogue Trader fleet. He joined the fleet after the disbanding of Pontifex Machanis Hvel's Explorator fleet. Genator Sanja executed him for falsifying the genetic sample of Petronas Phrax.
DYZUN — Imperial Guard Sergeant served in 5th Platoon of 2nd Company of the Valhallan 597th during their actions on Adumbria in 937M41.
EBZAN — This Imperial Guard Trooper of the Jantine Patricians advenced into the labyrinth of Target Primaris with Major Brochuss at Menazoid Epsilon.
ECASTUS — Black Templars Space Marine senior Chaplain served served at a planetary monastery, and counseled Brother Gerhart.
ECHBAR — This Imperial Guard Cadian Kasrkin Captain worked with Inquisitors Neve and Eisenhorn. He was killed by the daemonhost Prophaniti.
ECKS, FEBE — An imposter who lied to get a nursing job, posing as Elice Manser, native to Petropolis on Eustice Majoris.
EDDON, WYN — This man was a dock master on Thracian Primaris.
EDZON — This man was a hetman to town father Wilferra in Junktion in the underhive of Hive Primus of Necromunda.
EEKUIN — This chaos Second Vice Sirdar of Ineuron took the position of Chief Sirdar after Daresh and Erod were killed by Uexkull as an example.
EEMANDA — This beautiful, intelligent courtesan was once part of Inquisitor Eisenhorn's retinue. She was driven masd from an encounter with Murdin Eyeclone and remained in a sanitarium for the rest of her days.
EGAL, RESTON — This Adeptus Mechanicus Explorator Magos Prime catalogued xeno structures of Necron origin on Naogeddon in 641M41.
EGIL — Imperial Space Marine Space Wolves Sergeant led a Blood Claw pack
EHLIN — This Astropath served in the Firewatch Eyrie and the Eyrie of Bones in the Bastion Psykana in Hydraphur.
EIRSWALD, STREFON — This man was a Lord Militant in the Helican subsector.
EISENHORN, GREGOR — This Imperial Inquisitor of the Ordo Helican of the Ordo Xenos was a member of the puritan Amalathian faction. He became an Inquisitor at the young age of 24. He fought with a power blade.
EKKROTE — This massive ex-clanster was one of Carnivora's top gladiators. He fought with a chainsword in gold mono-bond ceramite armor.
EKRAK — This chaos champion of Khorne conquered M.Laar XIII in the Blackstar Crusade in M34, turning it into a daemon world.
EKUL — This Imperial Guard trooper served as a guide in a Kragmeerian regiment
EL, MELCHER — An assassin killed this Adeptus Ministorum Arch-Confessor during the Bleak Years of the Angevin Crusade, circa 365M39. He was the spiritual leader of the Crusade.
ELANA THE UNSHAKEN — This Imperial Missionary brought the word of the Emperor to the dark places if the Imperium. Legend says she bears a scar for each world she visited. On Dusk in the Calixis Sector, predators wounded her.
ELANIUS — Imperial Space Marine Ultramarines Second Company trooper fought under Sergeant Sigmus.
ELDANESH — Greatest of the Eldar heroes of legend, he was a demigod, descended from the gods but bearing mortal offspring, the Eldanar. The god Khaine slew him, and it is his blood that drips from the god's hand.
ELEDIX — Imperial Inquisitor Savant of the Ordo Hereticus worked at the data-library facility on Fibos Secundus
ELEUS — Imperial Space Marine Howling Griffons Fifth Company Squad Maximus trooper fought with a boltgun.
ELFINZO, GAPPO — This ex-Ecclesiarchy Priest served with the Last Chancers 13th Penal Legion. His crime was to publicly denounce a Cardinal for killing the very troopers that had just defended the prelate's palace. Since his crisis of faith, he questions the existance of the Emperor. A plasma mine outside the Coritanorum on Typhos Prime killed him.
ELGOZ — Commissar-General Oktar killed this Ork Warboss at Tropis Crater Nine on Gylatus Decimus.
EL'HASSAI — This Tau accompanied O'ran Shui'sassai when he was assassinated, and threatened the Imperial Governor in the aftermath.
ELIDAS — Adepta Sororitas Sister of the Sacred Rose became a Demi-Saint.
ELISHUS — Imperial Space Marine Dark Angels 4th Company fought with Plasma Gun.
EL'JONSON, LION — Primarch of the Dark Angels Space Marine Legion grew up on Caliban and was discovered by Luther of The Order. He was known as a brilliant strategist, quiet and thoughtful, and became Grand master of The Order prior to his discovery by the Emperor. When the Emperor arrived, he took command of the Dark Angels Legion throughout the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy. Returning from Terra at the end of the Heresy, he found that Luther and those left on Caliban had turned to chaos, and the two leaders locked in an epic battle that shattered the planet and left Jonson horribly wounded. Secret to all but the Emperoe himself, Jonson sleeps at the heart of The Rock. He had an adversarial relationship with Leman Russ concerning a fight they had on the world of Dulan.
ELLARD — Imperial Guard Sergeant was in the command squad of Lieutenant Colonel Leonid during the battle of Hydra Cordatus.
ELLIE — Escher ganger of the Wilcats gang in the underhive of Hive Primus of Necromunda fought with a Las Rifle.
EL'SORATH — This Tau accompanied O'ran Shui'sassai at the time of his assassination, and acted as a voice of reason in the ensuing chaos.
EMELI — Commissar Cain destroyed this Slaaneshi sorceress on Slawkenberg after she and her cult had lured Cain and his men into their lair. However, she was rewarded with daemonhood in the Warp. She had green eyes. She manifested in a number of rituals on Adumbria, the last of which occurred on a dredging barge. Commissar Cain, with the aid of Jurgen's talents, was able to banish her manifestation there back to the Warp.
EMELIA — This Imperial Saint taught that present awareness should not suffer for long-term vision.
EMILINE — The bones of this Imperial Saint were interred on the shrine world of Emilines Hope until an Ork invasion in 452M41.
EMMERICH — This Space Marine Black Templars Chaplain delivered an oration prior to the Horeth Crusade.
EMMINGS — This mercenary, formerly Imperial Guard sniper, worked for Zygmunt Molotch on Zenta Malhyde and fought with a Long Las or captured Pulse Rifle. He was killed there by Interrogator Thonius.
EMPEROR — Thought to have been born in central Anatolia in the eighth millennia BC, he walked quietly among men till M28, where he unified Terra and set the stage for the Great Crusade. He created the Primarchs, Custodes, and Space Marines through unknown sciences. He was mortally wounded in single combat against Horus, the most revered of the Primarchs, at the end of the Horis Heresy, necessitating his interment into the Golden Throne. The strength of his psyche and will still protect and guide the Imperium.
ENCARMIDUS, TALON — This Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor compiled an account of the Badab War that he released in 933M31
ENDOR, TITUS — Imperial Inquisitor of the Ordos Hereticus and Helican was an Amalathian and colleague of Inquisitor Eisenhorn, who had also studied under their mutual teacher, Inquisitor Hapshant. Inquisitor Osma forced him to become a spy for the Ordo Malleus. He was one of the five Inquisitors who pursued Quixos though he was still an agent of Osma and the Ordo Malleus.
ENKOMI — This Chaplain of the Minotaurs chapter served as their representative to the loyalist command during the Badab War, during which he was virtually completely silent. He had red-rimmed eyes.
ENNING, BIZER — This man led a group of Twodog refugees to Junktion, in Hive Primus on Necromunda, during the Dry Season.
ENOCH — This Inquisitor of the Ordo Malleus wrote The Verses of Inquisitor Enoch, which included The Book of Exorcisms.
ENOSH — Imperial Space Marine Blood Angel 1st Company Honor Guard Medic fought with Bolt Pistol and Narthecium.
ENSMANN — He captained the Vainglory while Bartol Siskind and Kizary Thekla were junior officers.
EPATHUS — Imperial Space Marine White Minotaur 9th Company Squad Epathus veteran Sergeant fought with a bolt pistol and chainsword.
EPHEUS — Imperial Space Marine Howling Griffons Fifth Company Squad Crassus trooper fought with a boltgun.
ERAMO, SCHACHT — This heavyset blond woman served on the penance ship Aurum Sancus as Lead Astrographer. The Imperial Missionaria on Asherkin trained her and sent her on a holy pilgrimage, but she proved unworthy.
ERASTUS — Imperial Space Marine Blood Angel 1st Company Honor Guard fought with Bolt Pistol and Chapter Banner
ERHLSEN — This Imperial Guard Gunner (trooper) served with the Valhallan 12th Field Artillery at Desolatia IV.
ERIAS — This battle brother of the Black Templars Space Marines died on the 18th day of the siege of Helsreach Hive in the Third War for Armageddon. He perished at the Breach of the Amalas Concourse.
ERNULPH, VINKEL — This Adeptus Mechanicus Magos led his contingent in the promethium mining operations on Simia Orichalcae, and had an adversarial relationship with his Administratum counterpart, Adept Pryke. He had blank, metal orbs as augmetic eyes. He died in an unauthorized expedition into the Necron tomb beneath the mining facility in 932M41.
EROD — This chaos Vice Sirdar of Ineuron was killed by Uexkull as an example.
ERODOTH, SCION — This Scion of House Makabius commanded the Knight Castigator, Seeker's Grave. He was cruel and had a thirst for vengeance. He fought in all the battlefields of Beta-Garmon and eventually took part in the Siege of Terra.
ESARHADDON — This Alpha-plus level heretic psyker led a coven of 33 that initially escaped in the Novena disaster.
ESHARA, ALARIC — Imperial Space Marine Imperial Fists Third Company Captain fought against the Iron Warriors at the Citadel of Hydra Cordatus. He sometimes fought with two power swords. The Warsmith of the Iron Warriors killed him while he defended the Valedictor Gate of the Citadel.
ESMERIAN — This Battlefleet Pacificus Commodore-Captain commanded a carrier battlegroup, and volunteered his fighters to delay the Aurum Sanctus until an Adeptus Arbites cruiser could intercept.
ESSIDARI — Imperial Inquisitor joined together with Inquisitors Eisenhorn and Voke in the aftermath of the Novena disaster.
ESSKER — Adeptus Ministorum Proctor oversaw part of the Catherdral security during the Vigil of Saint Balronas in Bosporian Hive on Hydraphur. Hallyan Kalfus-Medell's bodyguard servitor killed him in the top levels of the Cathedral.
ESTRUM — Imperial Navy Captain of a frigate wing, and the frigate Exalted, turned heretic and escaped Gudrun with over a dozen ships. He was killed by Inquisitor Eisenhorn on KCX-1288.
ESZRAH AP NIHT — (Also: Eszrah Night) This son of the partisan chieftain Cynhed ap Niht was literally given as a guide to Gaunt's kill team after his village was destroyed by chaos forces. He became a scout in the Tanith First and Only.
ETO, UMBERCO — A native of the feral world Arbrenia, the Rogue Trader Holpstein pressed him into service, but he was taken by Inquisitor Malordnu of the Black Ships and trained on the Inquisitorial stronghold on Judgement. He then joined Inquisitor Coteaz' retinue and was promoted to Inquisitor at the young age of 32. He is a Thorian and has had a distinguished career. He dresses in a mix of Imperial and barbaric fashion, and collects trophies from slain enemies. He is a powerful psyker and has a psychic hood inlaid into the skin of his skull.
ETRIK — This Vessorine janissary held Clansire rank and led the assault on Spaeton House to kill Inquisitor Eisenhorn in 386M41. He was an expert with blades and fought with a power saber. Eisenhorn killed him atop the Trans-Atenate Express as the Vessorines attacked again.
EUDORA — This Imperial Inquisitor was known for his extravagant retinue.
EYECLONE, MURDIN — This Recidivist psyker was killed by Inquisitor Eisenhorn on Hubris. He was a facilitator rather than a planner and had the Seraph of Laoacus branded on his left buttock and the Buboe Chaotica inlaid in silver behind his left ear.
EZEBER, ERRA FENDRA — Chaos Sirdar Commander of Special Echelon was in charge of a special operations, tactics, and subterfuge unit.
EZEKIEL — Dark Angels Space Marine Grand Master of Librarians is the Keeper of the Book of Salvation and bears the title of Holder of the Keys. He fights with a force sword. He lost his eye fighting the horde of Waaagh Groblonik and had it replaced with a crude augmetic so he could return to the figting more quickly.
EZRA — Imperial Saint of undertaking and setting forth was martyred in 670M40. The saint's color is yellow.
EZRAEL, GLAUCO — This Dark Angels Space Marine Sergeant served a Castellan of the Dark Bulwark.
EZRAM — Imperial Navy Captain commanded the Valiant and a convoy attacked by Ork pirates in the Monsaic Cloud during the Gothic War
FABIUS — Imperial Space Marine Howling Griffons Fifth Company Squad Maximus trooper fought with a flamer.
FAKAL, BIRON — This member of the Distaff of Inquisitor Eisenhorn was killed on Cartol in 386M41.
FALKOV — Imperial Guard Commissar served on the command staff of Colonel Sarren of the Armageddon 101st during the Third War for Armageddon. He fought in the defense of the Jaega District during the final days of the conflict, and published a memoir about the conflict entitled I Was There#&8230;
FARENDIS — Eldar Princeps of a Phantom class titan fought along side Imperius Dictatio on Vivaporius. His name means Harbinger of Doom in the human tongue.
FARIL — Imperial Guard Lieutenant commanded the 5th Platoon of the Valhallan 597th during its operations on Gravalax, Simia Orichalcae, and Adumbria. He was unimaginitive, but had a dry sense of humor and was liked by his troops.
FARLUKE — This independent prospector working for Ortog Promethium discovered the Lith and eventually perished from the proximity.
FARULINE — Imperial Inquisition Interrogator killed by Gaethon Richter's cult in 337M41.
FARUQ, ORUN — Princeps of the Legio Gryphonicus titan, Gloria Interitus, which was armed with Apocalypse Missile Launchers, Plasma Annihilator, and Volcano Cannon.
FARUS — This battle brother of the Black Templars Space Marines died on the 7th day of the siege of Helsreach Hive in the Third War for Armageddon at Kurule Junction, surrounded by a dozen slain Orks.
FARWELL — This noble led a prosperous house in in the Sulfa Commercia distrcit of Helsreach Hive, including a standing force of 600 house guards. He perished along with his troops and the rest of the house when the Orks learned that their compound promised a good scrap. He was considered shrewd, but extremely selfish.
FASPLE, IDILANE — This midwife was killed by a cultist in Urbitane on Sameter.
FATEWEAVER — White Consuls Space Marines banished this greater daemon on Tzeentch just outside of the Eyey of Terror.
FAURLITZ IV, JEROMYA — This man was Imperial Lord Commander Helican, the highest authority in the subsector.
FAZAEL — Imperial Inquisition assistant to Inquisitor Silas Hand became an Inquisitor himself after Hand's disappearance. He was obsessed with finding Silas' supposed killer, Ephrael Stern.
FEDERER — This Imperial Guard Captain served with the Valhallan 597th during their operations on Simia Orichalcae against the Orks as an engineering officer. He commanded the regiment's sappers during the conflict on Adumbria in 937M41. He had an uncanny knack with explosives, and was deeply passionate about the topic, feeling there was little that couldn't be accomplished with them. He was capable at solving engineering problems.
FEERNA — This Princeps of Legio Invigilata commanded the Warhound Class titan Regal, and she perished under the fire of the Ork Mega-Gargant Godbreaker.
FELDSPAR — This Imperial Guard Trooper served in the Cadian 14th Orbital Assault regiment at the Battle of Parched Earth.
FELLSWORD, SUVAR — This Traitor Marine served as Huntmaster of the Red Corsairs.
FEN OF CLINCY — This pardoner represented Udwin Priddle in his Examination on Durer in 386M41.
FENNIUS — Imperial Space Marine Howling Griffons Fifth Company Squad Invictus trooper fought with a boltgun.
FENNIUS — Imperial Space Marine Ultramarines Terminator Sergeant fought with Storm Bolter and Power Sword.
FEONIX — This Imperial Guard Sergeant served in the Last Chancers 13th Penal Legion.
FEREYD — Inquisitor Heldane turned this capable agent of Warmaster Macaroth, who was able to assume disguises of language and mannerisms with uncanny ability. He had associated with Colonel-Commissar Gaunt, whom he considered both a friend and an asset. He was compact of build and dark of ocmplexion, and often went by the callsign Eagleshard. Major Rawne killed him in the Edicule of the necropolis of Menazoid Epsilon.
FERLAN, TOLLEN — This Imperial dignitary served at the Imperial Envoy to the Realm of Ultramar from 564-603M41.
FERON — Space Marine Imperial Fists Scout fought on Kolkun and retrieved the gene-seed of the fallen Marines.
FERRACI — This Navis Nobilite House feuded with house Belisarius.
FERRES — Imperial Guard Drill Sergeant was a PDF Trooper before instructing and then leading the 6th Company of the Jumael 14th. He was killed by the explosive bolts of the lander's ramp after the crash-landing at Broucheroc.
FERRIKAL, BARNED — This agent of Inquisitor Eisenhorn was killed on Thracian Primaris in 386M41 after having worked for him for 30 years.
FERRIN — This Imperial Navy Captain commended the Pride of Lothus while it supported the Last Chancers 13th Penal Legion.
FERROMORT — Imperial Adeptus Titanicus Princeps Seniores led the Legio Ordo Sinister.
FERRON — Imperial Ensign serving aboard the Imperius Dictatio was killed against boarding chaos forces on Artemis.
FEWELL — This man owns Fewells, an arms and armor shop in Hive Main of Hive Primus on Necromunda.
FEYGOR, MURTAN — Imperial Guard trooper in the Tanith First and Only served as adjutant and assistant to Major Rawne. Like Rawne, he is somewhat cruel and violent. He was naturally skilled with cogitators. He had an augmetic voicebox from a wound taken on Verghast.
FIERACH — Imperial Adeptus Titanicus Legio Ignatum Princeps commanded the Warlord class titan Imperator Bellum and the demi-legion at Hydra Cordatus. He and his titan were destroyed in battle against the Dies Irae.
FINEGAL, DAYN — This Adeptus Arbites Arbitor Majore ceremonially executed the captains and crews of the Zemlya smuggling ring in 915M41.
FISCHIG, GODWYN — Imperial Adeptus Arbites Chastener on Hubris was recruited by Inquisitor Eisenhorn for his retinue in 240M41. He was wounded and had part of his face and one arm replaced with augmetics. He left Eisenhorn's employ in 386M41 after learning the extent of the Inquisitor's radicalism and betrayed him to Inquisitors Heldane and Osma. His body was used to bind Cherubael in 386M41.
FLAST, THRAVIAN — Inquisitor Lichtenstein travelled under this false name from Cephalon Spaceport to Equinox.
FLAVIUS — This Deputy Master taught at the Schola Progenium on Ignatius Cardinal.
FLAVIX — Adeptus Mechanincus Tech-Priest served aboard the Vindictive during the Gothic War and perished in the attack on Fularis in 144M41.
FLENSE, DRAKER — This Imperial Guard Colonel commanded the Jantine Patricians in the field, serving under Lord Militant General Dravere. His left cheek was disfigured from Tyranid bio-acid. He is ambitious, cruel and aristocratic. He was the son of General Aldo Dercius. Colonel-Commissar Gaunt killed him in the tunnels of the necropolis on Menazoid Epsilon.
FLEYITCH — Imperial Guard Commander led Captain Rotch and Commissar Vertren in a mixed unit that included Ogryn.
FOCHS, HLINDEN — This heavy-set woman served as the draymistress moving poisoned oil into the Tell-Kerligan warehouse in Bosporian Hive on Hydraphur. She was a member of the Society of the Fifty-Eighth Passage and was apprehended and sentenced by the Adeptus Arbites.
FOLKER — Space Marine Black Templars Castellan led the effort to reconquer Nimbosa from the Tau.
FOLORE — This Imperial Guard Sergeant served in the Tanith First and Only.
FORBIN — Imperial Guard Trooper of the Tanith First and Only served in Sergeant Cluggan's platoon during the assault on Voltis City on Voltemand, and died attacking the western sanitation outfalls.
FORGAL — Imperial Guard Trooper of the Tanith First and Only during their founding died during their first battle at Blackshard.
FORRIX — Traitor Marine Iron Warriors Captain of the first Grand Company fought at Hydra Cordatus. He wore terminator armor with a power fist and combi-bolter with melta gun. He was killed by the Legio Ignatum Warhound titan Defensor Fidei.
FORTIUS — Space Marine Ultramarines 1st Company Sergeant fought against Tyranids on Pimonedes Alpha and again in a space hulk.
FOUCAULT — This trader is a member of the cartel involved in Contract Thirteen and the flect trade between Lost Space and the Angelus Subsector.
FRAIN, JARNDYCE — This Legate Inquisitor of the Ordo Hereticus served as the de-facto commander of the Imperial forces, though the Red Scorpions Chapter Master Verant Ortys had effective command. Upon Ortys' death in 906M41 he supported the succession of the new Chapter Master Carab Culln as overall commander of loyalist forces, reminding all involved of their sworn duty to the Imperium over all else.
FRANX — This Imperial Guard Sergeant served with the 13th Penal Legion Last Chancers. He was originally from an agri-world and was impressed into the Imperial Guard. His crime was insubordination, allowing his troops to loot an officers mess when they were starving. A rebel strafing run killed him in the vicinity of the Coritanorum on Typhos Prime.
FRAUKA, WYSTAN — This blunter was part of Inquisitor Ravenor's retinue.
FREDRICKS — This Imperial Guard trooper served in Sergeat Franx's squad in the Last Chancers 13th Penal Legion.
FRENTZ — This man served as a guard on the prison planet of Ghovul while Kage was interred there.
FREUL — Imperial Guard Trooper of the Tanith First and Only served in Major Rawne's platoon. The Jantine Patricians killed him in a raid aboard the Absalom.
FREWA — This page of House Lange assisted Inquisitor Eisenhorn in pursuing Esarhaddon.
FRIZA — This Imperial Guard trooper served in Sergeant Lustig's squad of the Valhallan 597th during its service on Adumbria in 937M41.
FROGELD — This member of the town watch of Junktion in the underhive of Hive Primus on Necromunda was killed by a frag grenade in a fight in the waterworks atop Black Pile.
FROIGRE, AEN — Lord of the House Froigre on Gudrun
FROIGRE, FREYL — Wife of Aen Froigre
FROIGRE, RINTON — Son of Aen and Freyl Froigre, born in 330M41, joined the Fiftieth Gudrunite regiment of the Imperial Guard, becoming a captain, and mustered out in 355M41, returning to the family estates on Gudrun.
FRONTALLE — This Imperial Inquisitor discovered the fleeing Inquisitor Eisenhorn at Oet's Star and was subsequently killed.
FUADAR — Eldar Swooping Hawk was the last survivor in a battle against a chaos force.
FULGRIM — The once "perfect" Primarch of the Emperor's Children Legion gave in to the temptations of Slaanesh during the Horus Heresy. He was also known as "The Phoenician." He exists now as a many-armed daemon of chaos.
FULKE — This trooper in Major Rawne's platoon of the Tanith First and Only went crazy on Fortis Binary.
FURION — This Blood Angels Space Marine Codicer Librarian served with Captain Leonatos on Sekundar Prime, and chose to accompany him on his Bloodquest.
FURIOSO, ORLANDO — Space Marine Chapter Master of the Howling Griffons was ambushed at Arios Point.
FYBES, TANSELMAN — This man wore a cooler-suit and was bidding for slaves from Phant Mastik on Eechan.
GABON, FELIPPE — This member of Kircher's security detail worked out of Spaeton House for Inquisitor Eisenhorn. He had been a member of the Dorsay Arbites before "retiring."
GABRIEL — Space Marine Dark Angel Captain commanded the Deathwing.
GADES — Imperial Guard Trooper of the Tanith First and Only served in Sergeant Orcha's platoon at Voltemand, and was killed during the assault on Voltis City.
GAIUS — Imperial Space Marine Howling Griffons Fifth Company command squad trooper fought with a Bolt Pistol and Chainsword.
GAKHAR — This Kroot warrior was imprisoned in the Xeno research facility on Biegel 9, though he sometimes assisted Magos Darvus. He was killed by Inquisitor Sasham.
GALATIAN — Imperial Space Marine Ultramarine 2nd Company fought with Boltgun under Sergeant Romulus.
GALIMET — This author penned a history of Hydraphur, Bosporian Hive, and its relation to the Ecclesiarchy.
GALLAN — One of the two co-Consuls during the time of Roboute Guilliman, he had Consul Konor assassinated for reforms that would take away many noble priveledges, but was subsequently judged by Guilliman.
GALLANS — Adepta Sororitas Order of the Sacred Coin Sister Superior worked with the Lyze-Haggan family to slow their rift with the Imperial faith. She organized resistance when they rebelled openly and killed the family paterdomus, Therion Lyze, as well as the rogue psyker, Yannod Dwerr.
GALT — This man served as Hoyyon Phrax's major domo.
GANANIMUS — Imperial Confessor who posited that both pain and prayer were necessary to cleanse the soul.
GANDERS — Imperial Munitions Adept of the Imperius Dictatio
GANGS, JOSEV — A Pardoner of the Adeptus Arbites native to Petropolis on Eustice Majoris
GANNACK — This Imperial Guard Captain of the 3rd Kalaman Hussars, a Sentinel troop, mistakenly led a charge against an Ork artillery redoubt in 438926M41, from which there were no survivors.
GARAN — Adeptus Mechanicus Archmagos was in charge of the manufactoriums at Broucheroc.
GARILLION — Imperial Inquisitor witnessed Blood Angel Space Marines sleeping in the sarcophagi used in their creation.
GARSHÛL — Also known as The Destroyer, at some point a Chaos daemon possessed this Bad Moonz Ork Warlord, orchestrating the assault on Sekundar Prime and claiming the Blade Encarmine. He allied with Chaos Space Marines for an assault on Leptis. Brother Cloten tore out his heart and Captain Leonatos decapitated him during their assault on his command hulk, banishing the daemon back to the Warp at Leptis.
GARTCH — One of the town fathers of Junktion in the underhive of Hive Primus on Necromunda.
GARTELL, GALEN — This Imperial Guard officer served as Chief Medical Officer of the Jantine Patricians. Inquisitor Heldane killed him aboard the Absalom.
GARTH — Imperial Guard Major was second in command of one of the Tanith regiments during their founding. He was barrel-chested and had a deeply line face. He died along with his homeworld.
GASTO — This Imperial Guard Colonel helped Cardinal Bucharis carve out his bloody empire in 300M36.
GAUNT, IBRAM — Imperial Colonel Commissar was political officer for the Hyrkan 8th at Balhautthe, and then commanded the Tanith First and Only during the Sabbat Worlds Crusade in the latter part of M41. Warmaster Slaydo granted him the command rank of Colonel after Balhaut. He mentoered under Commissar-General Oktar with Hyrkan regiments. He is tall (2.2m), lean, and strong, with high cheekbones and a narrow face.
GAUR, URLOCK — (Also: Guar, Orlock) This chaos Archon fought against Warmaster Macaroth in the Sabbat Worlds Crusade, particularly in the Cabal Systems. He commanded the Blood Pact, a disciplined force utterly loyal to him. He succeeded Nadzybar as Archon of the Chaos forces in the region, and was considered their most able strategist.
GAYRAN — Princeps of Legio Atarus fought in the Battle of Theta-Garmon V and penned the book The Titan's Graveyard
GEEL, VULNOR HABSHEPT KAL — Trooper Feygor killed this cold zone racketeer in Cracia city on Pyrites. He was a huge man, both tall and weighing in at over 300 kilos.
GELD, CORELLIA — This Scion Seniores of House Hawkwood led Kight Banners on the Loyalist side during the campaign for Beta-Garmon.
GENETOR — This Collegia of the Adeptus Mechanicus focuses on genetic knowledge and research.
GENEVIEVE X — (Also: Genny X) A mid-level flect dealer in Formal L in Petropolis on Eustis Majoris had a group of hired Moody Hammers
GENSH — This Petty Officer Intendant served aboard the Rogue Trader vessel Bassaan. Nils Petronas killed him for apparent comlicity in the genetic poisoning of his fellow junior officers.
GENZ — Warmaster Macaroth executed this Imperial Marshal for suffering three million Guard casualties in taking the world of Van Thal during the Sabbat Worlds Crusade.
GERAINT — This Black Templars Space Marine served in the Sword Brethren during the Third War for Armageddon.
GERHART — (See Also: Raclaw, Gerhart) Neophyte Raclaw took this forename after becoming a full Battle Brother. This Space Marine Black Templar fought the Necrons at the Succubae Gates under Marshall Korneliusz. He fought against Traitor Marines at the Battle of Carrion Gulf. He was considered one of the finest swordsmen of the chapter.
GERONITAN — In 901M41, the Daemon Primarch Mortarion slew this Grey Knight Supreme Grand Master.
GERVHART — Space Marine Black Templars Marshal led the Athalor Crusade and the Second Purging of Lastrati. He was one of the Sword Bretheren for Marshal Korneliusz before this. He fought at the Battle of Carrion Gulf during the third year of the Torment Crusade.
GESTIMOR — This Imperial Inquisitor refused juvenat treatments, believeing that aging is a part of the human condition. He assisted Inquisitor Lucius and Colonel Schaefer in assembling a kill team to assassinate the Tau, Brightsword.
GHAZGHKULL MAG URUK THRAKA — This Ork Waaagh leader fought Commissar Yarrick, and has invaded Armageddon multiple times, starting in 941M41.
GHILOLLA — This thug and gambler was known for his ability to throw grenades accurately for a great distance, and was killed assaulting the waterworks atop the Black Pile in Junktion in the underhive of Hive Primus of Necromunda
GHRAX — This Ork Warlord led a Waaagh! advancing towards Jagga in the Ultima Segmentum from the galactic southeast.
GIDEON — Imperial Space Marine Black Templar fought alongside Inquisitor Septimus Grinn.
GILEAR, GIZHAUM — Imperial Guard MajoR of the Volpone 50th Bluebloods served as the senior adjutant to General Noches Sturm. He was second son of a noble family, the Haight Gilbears of Solenhofen, His full name is Gizhaum Danver De Banzi Haight Gilbear.
GIMZOD — This Ork Smartboy served as the navigator for Kommanda Uzgob, leader of Deff Skwadron.
GINGER — Escher ganger of the Wilcats gang in the underhive of Hive Primus of Necromunda fought with a Grenade Launcher
GINTIS — Imperial Navy Station Cadet assaulted Shira Calpurnia aboard Charisian Gate above Hydraphur.
GINZANE, AMMON — This man served as First Officer, and then Captian after the demise of Vardos del Biel, of the penance ship Aurum Sanctus. He had several failures in his last command, the Voice of Deacis, thus earning his punishment.
GIRZA — Adepta Soroitas Demi-Saint
GLADDEN — This chapter serf of the Reclaimers Space Marines served as the aide to Commissar Cain aboard the strike cruiser Revenant while Cain served as a liaison to the chapter in the 920s of M41.
GLADUS — Imperial Inquisitor was an associate of Inquisitor Eisenhorn.
GLAW, FABRINA — This Lady was wife to Lord Oberon Glaw. She was part of the heretical cult that consumed the House.
GLAW, OBERON — This patriarch and Lord of House Glaw was previously an Imperial commander. He was head of the House during Inquisitor Eisenhorn's investigation. He was part of the heretical cult that consumed the House. He was killed by an exploding troop carrier on KCX-1288.
GLAW, PONTIUS — This seventh son of Oberon Glaw started a chaos cult and was thought to have been killed by Inquisitor Absalom Angevin on Lamsarrote, but his essence was trapped in a jagged gem inlaid with gold circuitry. Inquisitor Eisenhorn had the Mechanicus Magos Bure create a body for him in return for information. Eisenhorn killed him in the crypt-chamber of Gh?l where he was attempting to activate the Barque of Yssarile in 386M41.
GLAW, URISEL — This man commanded the house militia during the investigation by Inquisitor Eisenhorn, and was subsequently captured by the same after he revealed himself to be part of the heresy consuming the house.
GLENDWYR, OWIN — This Space Marine served as Chapter Master of the Storm Wardens chapter during the infamous Nemesis Incident in 945M36. The Liber Tempest, the only know surviving document from that time, suggests that both he and the entire 1st company remain in stasis deep within Sacris.
GLYDUS — More commonly known as Eminence Glydus Matriarch, she rules the planet Malfi under Jendrous Kaffiq.
GHNASCHNAKOFF — This Kill Team leader heads Ghnaschnakoffz Boyz, a unit of Flash Gitz.
GOBSMAKK — This Ork Goff Warboss had a Rok headquarters, from which he launched his Waaagh! He played a practical joke on the Warlord Dungtrumpa, whose counterattack caused an 80-year civil war.
GOLAN — This Astropath served in the Firewatch Eyrie in the Bastion Psykana in Hydraphur.
GOLDBERG, ABDUL — Imperial Rogue Trader
GOLDO — This Inquisitor compiled his experiences and philosophy in the 300s of M33. Though not widely accepted at the time, Inquisitor Jeriminus of Paetulia would use these works as the core of the Monodominant inquisitorial philosophy several centuries later.
GOLDWYN — Imperial Navy Ensign of the Divine Right took part on the boarding action against the Blackstone fortress at the Battle of Schindlegeist in 151M41.
GOLKWIN — This rogue trader Trade Master commanded the rogue trader Regal Akwitane.
GOMRY — Adeptus Arbites Arbitor from Cross Seven in Bosporian Hive on Hydraphur served with Shira Calpurnia. He had almond colored eyes and came from the planet's island archipeligos. Naval personel ambushed him aboard the Inner Charisian Gate, giving him a blow to the head that left him in a coma. He later died of the wound.
GONERIL — Canoness led the Adepta Sororitas presence in the Calixis Sector.
GONVALL — This Master Astropath was the predecessor of Master Otranto in command of the Bastion Psykana.
GONVAX — This mutant was a companion of Gideon Ravenor when he was an Interrogator and fought with a flamer. He was killed during the assault on Beldame Sadia's lair on Lethe Eleven.
GONZAGO — This Blood Angels Space Marine Chaplain was an inspiring leader.
GORAK — This feral world assassin served as an Acolyte in the retinue of Inquisitor Alastor, along with his twin brother Goran, till his death at the hands of the Chaos Marine sorcerer Lord Skyre.
GORAN1 — This feral world assassin served as an Acolyte in the retinue of Inquisitor Alastor, along with his twin brother Gorak, till his death at the hands of the Chaos Marine sorcerer Lord Skyre.
GORAN2 — A Tyranid Termagant killed this member of Imperius Dictatio's repair crew on Vivaporius.
GORBAD — Within the Veiled Region, this Ork led a Waaagh! attacking Hive Fleet Behemoth and its splintrers.
GORDUS — Imperial Navy Fury interceptor squadron leader in Storm Squadron based upon the Vanishing Star. He died freeing the launch bays of the Extreme Prejudice of Tyranid obstructions.
GOREMAN — Adeptus Arbites Lord Marshal led the Arbites presence in the Calixis Sector.
GORFAL — This Inquisitor General of Cadia died and was replaced by Inquisitress Neve.
GORGH — This bounty hunter worked in the underhive of Hive Primus on Necromunda
GORGI — This mercenary worked for Fernan Skoh and wore checkered leather armour, and was killed by Kawa Swole aboard the Hinterlight.
GOROK — This Kroot warrior and shaper of Clan T'cha saved Commissar Cain and Captain Divas from a beating by human Tau sympathizers in Mayoh on Gravalax. He had served as a mercenary with both Imperial and Tau forces in the past. He died fighting Genestealer Hybrids beneath the city of Mayoh on Gravalax.
GORTHIS — This Black Templars Space Marine died on the 33rd day of the siege of Helsreach Hive during the Third War for Armageddon. He perished in the heavy combat around Bastion IV.
GORTHUNK — Though almost always referred to by his call sign, Killboy, this Ork flyboy's favorite tactic involved flying his Fighta-Bomma into the target. This has resulted in the loss of his aircraft in nearly every mission, and roughly three-dozen bionik surgeries by Painboyz, though these don't appear to slow him down in the slightest. He is the "best" flyboy in Deff Skwadron.
GORTMUN — Imperial Princeps commanded Imperius Furioso.
GOTHBURG — The powers of Chaos subverted this Imperial Commander of Danse Landing, and he assembled a cabal of psykers. He captured Inquisitor Antrecht and broke him for possession by a daemon. He was killed in the Ordo Heresticus purge of the planet.
GRAGNATZ — This Ork Warlord led a Waaagh against the Cabulis system.
GRAIL AND CROSSBONES — This envoy of the Orlock Berserker gang became a town father.
GRASTICUS, ITUMADE — This Imperial Navy Lord Captain commanded the Mass Cargo Conveyance Absalom, inheriting it from the late Lord Captian Ulbenid. Weighing three-hundred kilos, he was wired into the command throne of the vessel, much like the princeps of a titan. He had been tall and slim prior to joining with the ship via mind-impulse units.
GRATTO — Adeptus Titanicus Princeps fought in Morian Hive.
GRAVIER — This black-haired, pale-skinned youth worked for Inquisitor Defay at Darendara c. 745M41.
GRAYL — This Acolyte of Inquisitor Alastor fought with a duelling rapier and believed in her tribe's superstition that it must never touch the ground. She died at the hands of the Chaos Sorcerer Lord Skyre and his cultists.
GREAR — This Imperial Guard Gunner newly joined the Valhallan 12th Field Artillery during their campaign on Slawkenberg, accompanying Commissar Cain on his ill-fated tour of the front. He perished at the hands of Slaaneshi cultists at the Saint Trynia Academy for the Daughters of Gentlefolk.
GREAVES — This Imperial Guard Colonel commended a Penal Regiment. He was a large man with huge arms and chest, and had an abusive command style.
GREEN — This Imperial Guard Lieutenant served with the 13th Penal Legion Last Chancers. A strangleweb killed him in Deliverance.
GREGOR — Bridge Commander of the Inquisitorial Battleship Veiled Salvation
GREIGOR XI — This Ecclesiarch returned the Adeptus Ministorum to Earth in 500M35.
GREISS — Imperial Guard Colonel of the 2nd Catachan had Nork Deddog as his bodyguard. He was badly wounded and asved by Nork at Breakback Hill
GRELL — This Imperial Guard Sergeant of the Tanith First and Only served in Colonel Corbec's platoon. An Iron Warrior Chaos Marine killed him in the underground tunnels of Fortis Binary.
GRELL — He was part of a Spyrer group from Hive Primus on Necromunda, led by Jonas. He wore a Malcadon rig.
GRENDAL, DERTEG — Ordo Xenos Inquisitor who was part of the weapons experiment at the Adeptus Mechanicus base of Herodian IV. He was fused into a hybrid biological-mechanical weapon designed to defeat the Tyranids and died upon removal.
GRENDL — Imperial Navy Captain commanded the Incendrius when it destroyed the Bringer of Despair.
GRENFIELD — Imperial Navy Captain commanded the Hammer of Justice during the Gothic War.
GRESH — This Lord Militant penned the book, Memoirs, which is a common text of the Schola Progenium.
GREVAN, POUL — This machine-smith was killed by a cultist in Urbitane on Sameter.
GREVIUS — Deathwatch Space Marine Veteran Sergeant, seconded from the Crimson Fists, was killed by Tyranids on Herodian IV.
GREYGORIA — This Imperial World founded extremely loyal Imperial Guard regiments. [PAC]
GRICE — This Imperial Governor presided over the Gravalax system from his palace in the city of Mayoh during the conflict with the Tau. He feigned ineptitude, but was concealing the fact that he was a Genestealer Hybrid, secretly conspiring to start a war between the Imperium and the Tau. Inquisitor Vail killed him with a digital needler shot with toxic ammunition.
GRIES — This Captain of the Reclaimers Space Marines commanded the Viridian Expeditionary Force aboard the strike cruiser Revenant during Commissar Cain's work as liaison to the chapter in the 920s of M41. His face was heavily scarred and had evident augmetics.
GRIFEN — This Imperial Guard Sergeant of the Valhallan 597th, newly promoted to the rank prior to deployment to Simia Oricalchae, descended into the tunnels beneath the Promethium refinery on the planet with Commissar Cain. She was stocky and young for the rank at the time, but was a very capable leader nonetheless. She had a relationship with Trooper Mari Magot.
GRIM, BASTALEK — This Imperial Inquisitor reported on the ruthless suppression of the Kethra rebellion by the White Panthers. He also served aboard the Black Ships, and discovered Cornelius Antrecht.
GRIMALDUS — Space Marine Black Templars Chaplain was inducted into the Reclusiam after the Battle of Fire and Blood on Vinculus. He was the youngest Sword Brother in the history of the Black Templars. He was elevated to Reclusiarch after a century amd a half of steadfast service under the former Reclusiarch, Mordred, just before the Second Battle for Armageddon. He was honored as the Hero of Helsreach on Armageddon for his steadfast defense of the Temple of the Emperor Ascendant, a fierce battle from which he was the only Marine survivor.
GRIMFANG — This Ork warboss fought the Black Dragon Space Marines and Steel Legion on Phoenix Island on Armageddon.
GRIMNAR, LOGAN — Imperial Space Marine Space Wolves leader became Great Wolf in 569M41. He led the Space Wolf relief force during Angron's assault of Armageddon in 444M41.
GRIMSPYRE — This daemon of Khorne was the nemesis of Inquisitor Silas Hand.
GRINN, SEPTIMUS — Imperial Inquisitor
GRISHEN — Imperial Guard Corporal and vox-man for the 902nd Vardan Rifles stationed at Broucheroc.
GROG — This Ork Warlord led a Waaagh! assaulting the Tau Empire from the galactic west that became known as the War of Dakka.
GROGAN — Imperial Guard Trooper of the Tanith First and Only suffered a broken arm in the dropship crash onto Ramillies.
GROGNIK — This Ork Warlord led a Waaagh in Tau pace
GORAK — This feral world assassin served as an Acolyte in the retinue of Inquisitor Alastor, along with his twin brother Goran, till his death at the hands of a Chaos Marine sorceror.
GROSD — Imperial Guard Trooper of the Tanith First and only served under Colonel Corbec and perished in the assault against the capital of Bucephalon.
GROVE — Imperial Navy Admiral took part in the Scharnhorst Conflict during the Gothic War. He had served as the Captain of the Admiral Drake training cruiser at the attack on Halemnet Base at the beginning of the war.
GRUBNAK — This Deathskull Ork Warlord built gargants on Epsion Octarius, painting them in imitation of the Catachan jungle fighters.
GRUDLEY — This grot served as an assistant to Big Mek Ognutz.
GRUET — This Goliath Steelhead gang leader was from the underhive of Hive Primus on Necromunda.
GRULI — This crane operator worked on the Sheol Platform on Armageddon, and he died when the Orks destroyed it with submersibles during the Third War for Amageddon.
GRUMMAN, RAUM — This Inquisitor of the Ordo Hereticus and associate of Inquisitor General Neve came in her stead as one of the five Inquisitors who pursued Quixos. He was born in Cadia and worked with a retinue of Kasrkin troops. He was killed by Quixos in 343M41.
GRUN — This former pit-fighter and Goliath ganger was killed by a Spyrer. She was mate to Thag and was a slime harvester from the White Wastes dust pit in the underhive of Hive Primus on Necromunda.
GRÜNDWALD — This Imperial Lord Inquisitor led the Conservati Conclave of the Ordo Xenos and was also a member of the Congressium Xenos.
GUAPHON — This Tech-priest served aboard the Blind Tower station, at the base of Firewatch Eyrie. His torso could disconnect from his mechanical legs and his upper body could work from a throne-socket of the small Munitorium there.
GUARNARIUS — Imperial rogue trader operates in the vicinity of the Damocles Gulf and has had dealings with the Tau Water caste.
GUDARSEN — Imperial Navy First Officer of the troopship Inevitable Victory
GUDMANZ — This Adeptus Mechanicus Adept served on Fractrix forgeworld, where he was caught selling arms to pirates. Thereafter he served with the Last Chancers 13th Penal Legion, starting at the Coritanorum on Typhos Prime. He was 286 years old at that time, circa 990s of M41. He died in the Coritanorum after setting its reactors to overload.
GUILAR — Space Marine Deathwatch trooper fought alongside Inquisitor Eisenhorn at 56-Izar.
GUILLIMAN, ROBOUTE — Primarch of the Ultramarines created the Codex Astartes and oversaw the break-up of the loyalist Legions into chapters for the Second Founding. He also worked on the organization of the Imperial Guard and Navy after the Horus Heresy, and was instrumental in the establishment of the High Lords of Terra, serving as Lord Commander Militant. When the Primarchs were scattered by chaos, Roboute's incubator capsule landed upon Macragge and adopted by Konor, one of two Consuls ruling the planet. He is generally considered to be the greatest strategist of the Imperium, and libertated more worlds during the Great Crusade than any other, mostly instilling them with sound governance. His body is preserved in state by stasis fields in a shrine of the Ultramarines' fortress.
GUNDERSON, SVEND — This Orlock ganger rogue was killed by Kal Jerico in the underhive of Necromunda's Hive Primus.
GURGOY — Chaos Space Marine fought under Uexkull with a bolter or flamer. He was killed by Major Elim Rawne in a partisan village of the Untill on Gereon.
GURNZEIG — This noble Graf led the Vostroyan Firstborn 112th before his death at the Siege of Saint Thor's Conviction.
GURST — This Imperial Guard Sergeant of the Hyrkan regiments served with Commissar-General Oktar on Folion.
GUSTINE, LIEF — This armsman was a member of Inquisitor Ravenor's retinue during the assault on Gh?l in 386M41. He was an ex-Guardsman, ex-pitfighter, and was almost completely covered in scars. He was born on Raas Bisor. Pontius Glaw killed him in the crypt-chamber of Gh?l.
GUTAMO, HADRE — Adeptus Astartes Commander of the Watch for the 28th segment of the Ring above Hydraphur had one green and one yellow eye, and many scars on his face.
GUTES — This member of the Tanith First and Only was killed.
GUTSMEK, WAZDAKKA — This Ork renegade planned an "intastella supa 'eyeway" in 971M41 to allow him to ride his kustom bike from one side of the galaxy to the other.
GUYLAT — Imperial medicae served on General Dravere's staff on board his command Leviathan, and tended to Inquisitor Heldane during the action on Menazoid Epsilon.
HAAR, DUCLANE — This ex-Imperial Guard sniper of the 50th Gudrunite Rifles was part of Inquisitor Eisenhorn's retinue during his work on Durer in 386M41. He used a long-las and wore an anti-flect bodyglove. He lost a leg in the Guard on Wichard and was invalided out of service. He wore an optic target-enhancer which could drop down over his right eye. He was killed by Thuring's titan Cruor Vult on Durer in 386M41.
HAARLOCK, ERASMUS — The last of the Haarlock line, he killed all his kinsman and disappeared into the void in 703M41.
HAARLOCK, MORDERCAI — This Free Captain received a Great Charter from Sebastian Thor in recognition of his actions against the Fratis Templar fleets of Gorge Vandire. He carves out the Calyx Expanse, a region that will one day becomr the Calixis Sector.
HAARLOCK, SIBYLLINE — The actions of this inspired strategist and Rogue Trader of the Haarlock line prevented the collapse of the Malfian region of the Calyx Expanse, circa 365M39.
HECTOR — Black Templar Space Marine served under Brother Brunner during the Relief of Helespont in the Hephaestus Crusade.
HADRAK — This Imperial Guard General commanded the forces at Blackshard during the Sabbat Worlds Crusade.
HAEGRAEL, CORCHILLIO — Imperial Navis Nobilite Navigator captured by the Q'Orl had an implanted grub at the base of his brainstem. He was subsequently recaptured, but removal of the symbiote killed him.
HAEROTH — (Also: Haeroth the Damned) This Blood Angel renegade turned to the power of Tzeentch. He at first served as a guide to Captain Leonatus in his Bloodquest, but eventually turned against him.
HAGEN — This name is passed from proprietor to proprietor of Hagen's Hole, a mercenary bar in the underhive of Hive Primus on Necromunda.
HAIL — This Imperial Guard Trooper served in Sergeant Grifen's squad of the Valhallan 597th, and she descended into the tunnels beneath the Promethium refinery on Simia Orichalcae with Commissar Cain. Unlike most Valhallans, she had very dark skin, almost the color of coffee. An Ork Kommando party killed her in the tunnels.
HAKARO — Adeptus Arbites officer of the Eight-West district of Bosporian Hive on Hydraphur.
HAKKON, ARKASH — Chapter Master and Lord Executioner of the Executioners Space Marines at the start of the Badab War. Owing to a blood debt, he sided his chapter with the Tyrant, but made sure that Imperium knew that this was by his act alone, sacrificing himself for the holor of his chapter.
HAL — See; Kelbor Hal
HALDRUS — Space Marine Mantis Warriors 2nd Company Devastator armed with a multi-melta. He died on Herodian IV.
HALLAN — Imperial Guard Trooper was the medic for Arvin Larn's squad of the 6th Company of the Jumael 14th. He was killed fleeing from the troop-lander's crash-landing at Broucheroc.
HALPANDER — This man served as Master of Logistics for the Phrax Rogue Trader flotilla. He was killed by junior officers in the melee of the succession trial for the charter.
HALRIK — This battle brother of the Black Templars Space Marines died on the 13th day of the siege of Helsreach Hive in the Third War for Armageddon. He received a Crusade Mark of Valiant Conduct for rallying the 101st Steel Legion in combat around Cargo Bridge 30.
HALSTROM, ELMAN — This deputy and fist officer for the Hinterlight was a Battlefleet Scarus captain and still wore the uniform, though without any insignia or Imperial markings.
HAND, SILAS — This puritan inquisitor was extensively augmented and fought with Power Fist and Power Sword in a suit of artificer Power Armor. He sat in judgement of Sisiter Aphrael Stern, traveled with her to Parnis, and eventually perished killing the daemon Asteroth as it attempted to flee through a Warp Gate. He wrote Blandishments of Hand.
HANDEL — This Imperial Commissar led the diversionary attack on the Coritanorum on Typhos Prime, assisting the Last Chancers infiltration.
HANIUS — Imperial Space Marine Blood Angels Chaplain
HANROTH, VORTIGERN — This Imperial High Admiral led a multi-race coalition fleet against Hive Fleet Jormungandr in the Battle of the Black Nebula in 995M41, shattering it. Later in 999M41, he would lead an Imperial fleet in the obliteration of the Cimmeriac, one of his allies from 4 years before.
HANSAARD, ESKEEN — This man was the Urbitane Misister of Security on Sameter.
HAPSHANT — Imperial Inquisitor mentor to Gregor Eisenhorn
HARAX, VARR — This Princeps Seniores of Legio Astorum led a daring attack on the capital of Borman IV during the Scouring of the Ollanz Cluster in 012M31.
HARGUS — Imperial Guard Colonel comanded one regiment of the Armageddon Steel Legion in the defence of Helsreach Hive during the Third War for Armageddon.
HARK, VIKTOR — Imperial Commissar of the Tanith First and Only
HARMOS, ROBEN — One of the town fathers of Junktion in the underhive of Hive Primus on Necromunda
HARPER, STIV — This chamberlain to Lord Helmawr was killed by the psychopathic Armand Helmawr.
HARVALA, MYRAM — Regarded as a strong sector governor of the Calixis Sector, he ended the Meritech Wars in 226M41.
HASDRUBAEL — Space Marine Salamanders Chaplain initiated Chaplain Xavier in 009M41.
HASKER, DORAIN — This Imperial Guard Sergeant led a platoon of the Tanith First and Only, but was killed at Menazoid Epsilon.
HASTUR — This Imperial Guard Stormtrooper served with the Valhallan 301st before its integration into the 597th. He was a member of Sergeant Welard's squad, who had all been together since their days at the Schola Progenium, and descended into the Necron complex on Simia Orichalcae with Commissar Cain in 932M41. He perished at the hands of the Necrons.
HATES, LEESE — Imperial Navy Deck Officer of a bulk freighter that carried the titan Imperius Dictatio from Balor Secundus to Vivaporius
HAVELOCK, HAVEN — This Princeps of Legio Invigilata commanded the Warhound Class titan Ivory Fang, and perished under the tread of the Ork Mega-Gargant Godbreaker.
HAUK — This Van Saar ganger was second in command in Quill's gang in the underhive of Hive Primus on Necromunda.
HAUNE, PIESTER — This young pilgrim traveled to Tiarni Delta and was kidnapped and used in a rite of the Slaaneshi cult there.
HAWKE — Imperial Navy Fleet-Admiral
HAWKE, JULIUS — Imperial Guard Trooper of the 383rd Jouran Dragoons served at Hydra Cordatus. He was killed by a traitor Marine at Hydra Cordatus.
HAX, MARIUS — This man became Lord Sector of the Calixis Sector in 731M41, ruling from the Lucid Palace on the capitol, Scintilla. He is subtle, clever, and ruthless, and is widely regarded as the strongest Lord Sector in centuries.
HECH — Imperial Guard Trooper of the Tanith First and only served under Colonel Corbec and perished in the assault against the capital of Bucephalon.
HEDDON — This dockworker in Helsreach Hive on Armageddon brewed amasec of questionable quality for his fellow longshoremen at the time of the Third War for Armageeddon.
HEHTENG — This lupine-xeno mercenary worked for Zygmunt Molotch on Zenta Malhyde.
HEIDENREICH — Imperial Lord Inquisitor granted Interrogator Valon his rosette in the late-900s of M41.
HEKATE, ERVIN — Imperial Princeps took command of Imperius Dictatio upon the death of its former princeps Ramus MacAbee. He became a veteran priceps of the titan legions and oversaw titan transport to Cadia after centuries of service. He played regicide with Inquisitor Eisenhorn aboard the Mons Olympus.
HEKWYN — He was the senior Adeptus Arbites arbitrator on Adumbria during the Chaos incursion of 937M41, and was part of Lord General Zyvan's inner council. He was stocky with a shaven scalp. He lost his left arm in an attack on the Lord General's headquarters, which was replaced with an augmetic.
HELBRECHT — Space Marine Black Templar elected High Marshal in 989M41. He was inducted into the Sword Bretheren for slaying a warp vampire on Cephian IV. He took over Marshal Daidin's Crusade after decades of exemplary serviuce, and was elected High Marshal after the death of High Marshal Kordhel.
HELDANE, GOLESH CONSTANTINE PHEPPOS — This man was part of Inquisitor Voke's retinue, but also worked jointly with Inquisitor Eisenhorn on Gudrun. His face was disfigured by injury. He attained the rank of Inquisitor himself in the 270s of M41. He was severely wounded by Cherubael aboard the Essene in 386M41, and killed on Menazoid Epsilon in 765M41, where he was an associate of General Dravere. After his injuries, he had his head altered to a horrific equine design specifically designed to inspire fear. He was very tall, well over two meters, and a powerful psyker. He was a radical who felt that the enemy's weapons could be used against them.
HELIKA — Imperial Navy pilot served with the 5082nd Naval Wing under Commander Barasath, with whom she had a brief affair. She died piloting her stricken, white-winged Lightning fighter into the hull of an Ork Gargant.
HELIKO, GARM — He leads a rebel faction against the rulers of Junktion from Mirror-Bitten.
HELIUS — Imperial Navy Captain took command of the 5082nd Naval Wing during the siege of Helsreach Hive in the Third War for Armageddon, after the deaths of Commanders Basarath and Jenzen. He was shot down in the final days of the conflict and killed by Orks on the ground, though popular myth tells that he rammed the Ork Gargant, Blood Defyla, with his stricken fighter.
HELIXUS — Imperial Space Marine Howling Griffons Fifth Company Squad Invictus trooper fought with a missile launcher.
HELIXUS — Imperial Space Marine Ultramarine 2nd Company fought with Flamer.
HELMAWR, ARMAND — Homicidal son of the Imperial Lord Gerontius Helmawr
HELMAWR, CHIMONE — She was part of a Spyrer group from Hive Primus on Necromunda, led by Jonas. She wore a Yeld rig and was killed in a battle against Armand Helmawr.
HELMAWR, GERAINT LEE — This Major, and former leader of the House Guard, sired Valtin Schemko. He was killed by Armand Helmawr.
HELMAWR, GERONTIUS — Imperial Lord of Necromunda ruled from Hive Primus. His mental capacity was increasingly degraded in the latter years of his rule.
HELSTERN — This Thorian Inquisitor held the Tiberias Conclave and wrote a transcript of its debate.
HELVETICUS — (Also: Ancient Helveticus) This Space Marine hero is the bearer of the Banner of Macragge, sworn to carry and protect this sacred relic. He bears the honorific title Ancient for this duty.
HEPHASTA, ALUCIUS — Imperial Navy Master of Ordnance aboard the Divine Right from 122M41
HEREK — This Imperial Guard Trooper of the Jantine Patricians advenced into the labyrinth of Target Primaris with Major Brochuss at Menazoid Epsilon.
HERLD OF VOSSILIAN — Scion of House Sterlund fought at the Battle for Caldera Primus.
HERN — This short bounty hunter worked in the underhive of Hive Primus on Necromunda. He wore camouflage pants.
HESPERAX, LELITH — This Dark Eldar is the Leader of the Wych Cult of Strife.
HESTEN — Imperial Inquisitor compiled the most complete version of Thorian beliefs, the Principles of the God Incarnate, in the Hesten Manuscript, a work of fifteen years completed in 465M40.
HETCH, BROTHER — This Red Redemptionist was an enforcer for the Firebrands, a Cawdor gang in Junktion in the underhive if Hive Primus on Necromunda. He had a mechanical leg and fought with either a flamer or a shotgun.
HEWALL, LUTHAR — This rug-maker was killed by a cultist in Urbitane on Sameter.
HEX, VANIR — Executioners Space Marine Captain commanded the Night Hag at the start of the Badab War.
HEXAGALOS, ARCH-MAGOS — This Mechanicus Arch-Magos penned Teatise on Titanic War.
HIDAO — (Also: Hidao of Pterios) Space Marine Raven Guard Captain regarded as a hero by his chapter. His armor was given to Kayvaan Shrike.
HIJU — This Imperial Warmaster died in the 300s of M41.
HIRTZ — This Imperial Commissar served with Cadian regiments.
HITCH — Imperial Guard Trooper of the 383rd Jouran Dragoons served at Hydra Cordatus. He was killed by a traitor Marine at Hydra Cordatus.
HIVESON, AESA — A sheet-press worker native to Petropolis on Eustice Majoris lived in Formal K.
HOENIR — Space Marine Mantis Warriors 2nd Company Terminator Sergeant armed with a power-sword and Cyclone Missile system. He died on Herodian IV.
HOGARTH — Adeptus Titanicus Princeps Seniores
HOLENBI, TOMAS — This Imperial Trooper of the Valhallan 597th had red hair and freckles. He was small, had a skinny build, and worked as a medical orderly. He killed a naval provost during a brawl on the Righteous Fury. He had a relationship with Trooper Velade. He was infected by Genestealers after becoming separated from Commissar Cain in the tunnels under Mayoh on Gravalax, and executed by Cain before he could spread the taint.
HOLINAR SAN — Imperial Lord Commander Solar
HOLPSTEIN, DASKON — This Imperial Rogue Trader fought Eldar pirates and operated on the Eastern Fringe. He pressed Umberco Eto into service from Arbrenia. Hi ship was the Prince Yugen.
HONORIUS — (Also: Honorius Magnus) This Imperial Warmaster and member of the Ordo Malleus led the Ophidian Campaign.He was the mentor of Inquisitor Alastor.
HONSOU — Traitor Space Marine of the Iron Warriors Captain was frequently the subject of discrimination due to his half-breed status as his gene-seed was partially that of the Imperial Fists as well as the Iron Warriors. He lost an arm in a duel against Colonel Prestre Vauban, but the Warsmith replaced it with an augmetic previously belonging to the champion Kortrish. He became Warsmith after the ascension to daemonhood of the previous Warsmith at the victory over the Citadel of Hydra Cordatus.
HOPKINS — Imperial Guard Lieutenant served with the False Hope garrison company and was the last one not seduced by the God Plant.
HOPKINSSON — This Departmento Munitorum Warrant Officer served as a scribe to Colonel Schaefer of the Last Chancers 13th Penal Legion.
HORTAN — Imperial Princeps commanded Imperius Infernus.
HORST — Imperial Inquisitor investigated numerous mysteries prior to and during the Gothic war, including the Arx Raid. He investigated the fate of the destroyed Planet Killer in the Kharlos system, finding no trace, and disappeared after launching an expedition to discover the fate of the remaining Blackstone Fortresses in 160M41. Many suspect that he continued to pursue Abaddon to the end of his days.
HORUS — This favored son of the Emperor was the first rediscovered after they were scattered by the forces of chaos. His pride eventually turned him against the Emperor, starting the Horus Heresy in M30, the bloodiest and most tragic conflict of the Imperium. The Emperor killed Horus on his battle barge, but was gravely wounded himself, necessitating his interment into the Golden Throne. The Sons of Horus recovered his body, which was stolen and cloned by other Traitor Marines, though the Black Legion destroyed the clone.
HRASS — This individual served as Shira Calpurnia's steward at The Wall in Bosporian Hive on Hydraphur.
HUMBOLT — Imperial Navy Lord Procurator of Battlefleet Scarus
HUMEL — Imperial Guard Lord Militant of the Crusade Ninth Army in the Sabbat Worlds Crusade under Warmaster Macaroth fought Anakwanar Sek at Enothis.
HUMILITI — This servitor is one of the Anarch's lexigraphers, its short, stunted body containing a parchment typewriter.
HUNVIK — This Imperial Guard Trooper of the Tallarn 229th fought as their regimental champion in unarmed combat. Corporal Magot of the Valhallan 597th bested him in an informal brawl, landing him in the infirmary.
HURON, LUFGT — (Also: Huron Blackheart and Tyrant of Badab) Following the death of Chapter Master Rovik Blake in 715M41, Lugft, previously Captain of the 3rd Company, became the youngest Chapter Master in the chapter's history. Space Marine Astral Claws Chapter Master led his Marines into open revolt against the Emperor in the Badab Uprising, declaring himself the Tyrant of Badab, and was severely wounded at the palace of Thorns in 901M41. He leads the remaining renegades, now known as the Red Corsairs.
HUSMAAN, DUJ — Harlon Nayl recruited this skin-hunter from Windhover into Inquisitor Eisenhorn's retinue. He was an excellent tracker and often fought with a Long Las. He was possessed by the daemon Prophaniti, becoming a daemonhost.
HVEL — Adeptus Mechanicus Pontifex Machanis led an Explorator fleet which was eventually disbanded.
HYRCLEON — Imperial Space Marine Howling Griffons Fifth Company Squad Maximus trooper fought with a boltgun.
IBBET — Cadian Interior Guard Colonel worked at the Ministry of Interior Defense.
ICE-IN-HER-HAND — This Ratskin scout took part in the raid on Mirror-Bitten in the underhive of Hive Primus on Necromunda.
IGNATO — Adeptus Ministorum Cardinal led the Ecclesiarchal presence in the Calixis Sector.
IKARION — This Black Templars Space Marine died on the 22nd day of the siege of Helsreach Hive during the Third War for Armageddon. He perished in combat alongside the 68th Steel Legion against the Ork invaders.
IKMENEDIES — This Adeptus Mechanicus Cogitator assisted Commissar Cain in defusing a bomb in the aircar that crashed into Lord General Zyvan's headquarters on Adumbria in 937M41.
ILESTOR — This daemon of Slaanesh subverted Navigator Maielle into sabotaging the Hammer of Thor. It was burned by Adepta Sororitas of the Order of Our Martyred Lady.
ILIOC — This Crimson Fist Space Marine was interred in a Dreadnought, and fought as such during the battle for Rynn's World in 989M41.
INDERON — Imperial Princeps commanded Regalis Annihilatus and was killed along with his titan on Vivaporius.
INDIJONA THE VAGRANT — This Imperial Explorer from pre-M36 was entombed on Persepolis. Lord Solar Macharius took his helm when he found the tomb in 392M41.
INNOKENTI, ENOK — This chaos magister-warlord of Archon Urlock Gaur fought in the Sabbat Worlds Crusade and was killed in his assault against Herodor. He contended for the position of Archon after the death of Nadzybar, and was one of Chaos' more capable generals.
INRIAM THE YOUNG — This Eldar was the last of the Eldanar, descendant from Eldanesh.
INSAN — Imperial Guard Colonel commanded the 121st Armageddon Steel Legion at Helsreach Hive until his death from augmetic heart failure just before the Third War for Armageddon. He enjoyed alchahol, giving rise to his heart condition.
INSHABEL, NATHUN — This Interrogator of Inquisitor Roban assisted in assaulting the Lange estate in an attempt to capture the heretic psyker Esarhaddon. He joined Inquisitor Eisenhorn's retinue after the death of Roban. He ascended to Inquisitorial status, but was killed on Sameter in 386M41.
INVICTUS1 — Space Marine Ultramarine Captain of the 1st Company served under Marneus Calgar, and led the defenses at the northern polar fortress against the Swarmlord during the Hive Fleet Behemoth invasion of 745M41. He perished along with the rest of the Ultramarines in the last stand for the northern fortress.
INVICTUS2 — Imperial Space Marine Howling Griffons Fifth Company Sergeant fought with a boltgun.
INVISTICONE — Imperial Navy Admiral of Battlefleet Pacificus maintained several estates on Hydraphhur. He was assassinated.
IREMN'ATH — Also known as the Daemon Rajah of Nalu, his assaults on the Ibb worldmaze were one of the Grey Knights' costlies campaigns. They imprisoned his spirit within his own skull, which lies above the Grand Master's table, sealed by hexagrammic wards strenthened by the chanting of sixty acolytes.
IRONFIST, HARKAN — This Chaos champion was killed while giving a speech to his followers.
IRONHAND, SVEN — This Space Wolf Wolf Lord revoked his oath and led his Great Company into exile in the Eastern Fringes in 815M41.
IRONHELM, HAREK — This Great Wolf of the Space Wolves met Magnus the Red in combat on the slopes of the Fang, receiving fatal wounds in M32. His crypt would become a shrine for Space Wolf Rune Priests.
IRONIKA, SABLUS — Adeptus Mechanicus Tech-Priest Majoris served aboard the Divine Right after 101M41.
ISHA — This goddess of the Eldar symbolizes fertility and the harvest. Legend has it alse that the Eldar race descended from her bloodline.
ISKY — This flect dealer supplied Zael from time to time. He was an inhabitant of Petropolis on Uestis Majoris.
ISSAR — Imperial Adeptus Titanicus Moderati of the Warlord titan Honoris Causa fought at Hydra Cordatus.
ISSODON, LIAS — Raptors Chapter Master commanded his marines during the Badab War, most notably in raids and harrassment in the Galen and Gargathea systems.
IUSTINA — Adepta Soroitas Sister of the Order of the Sacred Rose served in the Cathedral in Bosporian Hive on Hydraphur. Hallyan Kalfus-Medell's bodyguard servitor killed her in the top levels of the Cathedral.
IYLE, HANS — This short, bald Imperial Guard trooper deserted his unit on Tabrak II. Colonel Schaefer had his sentence transferred to Ghovul prison. He is an excellent scout, with desert, forest, jungle, and urban experience.
JACOBUS — This Imperial Navy Captain discovered the space hulk Inculcate Evil, from which the Divine Right was recovered in M36.
JACOBUS, URIAH — This famous Missionary, also holding the unofficial title Protector of the Faith, fought genestealers on Solstice. He is renouned throughout the Imperium.
JAEGER — This Inquisitor created the Ordo Sicarius after the Officio Assassinorum wars in the aftermath of the Age of Apostasy in M36.
JAGILL — This Adeptus Mechanicus lay tech-preacher served aboard the Bastion Psykana in Hydraphur. He assisted in the misdirection of some of the station's machine spirits.
JAKAI — Imperial Guard Colonel commanded the Attilan 3rd, which later would carry his name: Jakai's Raiders
JAKUSH, HIEL — This man drove a sabotaged truck that exploded at Aquila Gate in Bosporian Hive on Hydraphur. He ran, but was apprehended by the Arbites and questioned by Calpurnia and Zhow. He was very muscular and had a tattooed scalp.
JALEAL — This Imperial Guard surgical assistant for the 902nd Vardan Rifles worked at the field hospital at Broucheroc.
JAMIESON — Imperial Navy Commander captained the Drake against Ork pirates in the Monsaic Cloud during the Gothic War.
JAMIESON — Imperial Navy rating piloted a shuttle from the Pride of Lothus that took the Last Chancers 13th Penal Legion to the surface of False Hope.
JANAND — This man worked with Cullos Sclay and was murdered by a firebomb.
JANCER — Imperial Princeps of the Legio Ignatum Warhound class titan Jure Divinu
JANNSEN — This man served as a guard on the prison planet of Ghovul while Kage was interred there.
JANUS — Malcador the Sigilite selected this Space Marine as one of the founding eight of the Grey Knights, further designating him as the first Supreme Grand Master of the chapter. The Iron Grimoire reports that he discovered the Dimensional Forge, which creates a field, lightyears wide, that daemons cannot enter..
JARAT — This female was the majordomo of Inquisitor Eisenhorn's Ocean House
JAREK, TZIZ — This Callidus assassin attempted to kill the Grand Master of Assassins, starting a brutal war between loyalist and rebel shrines in M36. The Grand Master subsequently assassinated him.
JARTO — This Imperial Navy opticon rating worked on Coronet Triatic MRA-47 on the outskirt of the Hydraphur system.
JASMINE — Adepta Soroitas Order of the Bloody Rose Canoness fought and killed the possessed Inquisitor Vinculus alongside Emperor's Champion Ulricus and High Marshal Ludoldus of the Black Templars in the Battle of Fire and Blood in 833M41.
JASSEL — This dock worker of the Forthright Docks fought under Trooper Andrej and beside Dockmaster Maghernus in the assaults against the docks by the Orks in the siege of Helsreach Hive in the Third War for Armageddon
JAUL — This Astropath of the Witch Tower station in Hydraphur was notoriously high-strung.
JAXX, HARAN — This Adeptus Titanicus Princeps wrote portions of "De Bellis Titanicus."
JEK — Under Captain Shambas, this Imperial Guard Sentinel pilot served in the Valhallan 597th during their actions on Adumbria in 937M41.
JENKS — Imperial Guard Trooper was a member of Arvin Larn's squad of the 6th Company of the Jumael 14th. He was killed during the crash-landing at Broucheroc.
JENNA — Escher ganger of the Wilcats gang in the underhive of Hive Primus of Necromunda fought with a flamer.
JENNER, CLAH — Curate of the Adeptus Ministorum worked with Shira Calpurnia and Arbitor Senioris Leandro in Bosporian Hive on Hydraphur.
JENZEN, CARYLIN — Imperial Navy Commander took command of the 5082nd Naval Wing during the siege of Helsreach Hive in the Third War for Armageddon, after the death of Commander Basarath. She was seconded by Captain Helius.
JEPHEN — Imperial Guard Gunner First Class commanded a Basilisk artillery cannon on the walls of Tor Christo.
JEREMINUS — This Imperial Guard trooper served with the Last Chancers 13th Penal Legion, and was wounded in the face by a giant lizard on False Hope.
JERIAN — This Crimson Fist Space Marine was interred in a Dreadnought, and fought as such during the battle for Rynn's World in 989M41.
JERICO, KAL — This bastard son of Imperial Lord Gerontius Helmawr became a bounty hunter. He worked with a half-breed named Scabby and a former rival Yolanda Cattalus.
JERIDO — Imperial apostolic saint
JERIMINUS — (Also: Jeriminus of Paetulia) This Imperial Inquisitor founded the Monodominant philosophy in mid M33 based upon the writings of Inquisitor Gordo, penned several centuries before.
JEROME — Lord Periclitor at Tosak martyred This Imperial saint in M33.
JEROME — This man penned the Galaxia Daemonica Perpetua.
JERTH — This Imperial Guard medic treated Colonel SAarren's arm wound on the 36th day of the siege for Helsreach Hive during the Third War for Armageddon.
JERUSS, ENIL — This Imperial Guard Sergeant of the second battalion of the 50th Gudrunite Rifles was transported to KCX-1288 by rebel fleet elements, where he fought alongside Inquisitor Eisenhorn against the heretics.
JOAKELLS, JOAM — Elite Imperial Navy security major commanded the unit that pacified House Glaw
JOANNUS — Adepta Sororitas Palatine defended a Schola Progenium Abbey on Luchesio with only several squads of Battle Sisters and the Abbey staff during an Ork assault in 967M41.
JOHAN, K. — Imperial Guard Major jointly seconded the Armageddon 273rd Desert Vultures regiment with Major Oros, under Colonel Nathett, at Helsreach during the Third War for Armageddon.
JOHANS — Imperial Navy gunner worked on orbital Platform XXI of the Port Maw defense network.
JOHRAH — This Princeps of Legio Annihilator perished in defense of Megyre from the Tyranids of Hive Fleet Jormungandre.
JONAS — Spyrer leader from Hive Primus on Necromunda led a five-man team. He fought with a Power Sword. The Wildcat ganger Lysanne killed him.
JORETT — This Imperial Guard trooper served with the Last Chancers 13th Penal Legion. Kage promoted him to Sergeant after False Hope. An insectoid xeno-beast killed him beneath the surface of a moon in the Hypernol system.
JOTHAN — Rebels killed this Acolyte of Inquisitor Vail on her first attempt to explore the undercity of Mayoh on Gravalax.
JUGOLD, VARENTIAS — Navigator of the Navis Nobilite
JULIZ — Adeptus Mechanicus techprest served aboard the Dominion during the Faustus Assault.
JURGEN, FERIC — This Imperial Guard Gunner (trooper) of the Valhallan 12th Fieled Artillery served as the aide of Commissar Cain since serving with him on Desolatia. He was an excellent scrounger and possessed of a unique and powerful body odor. Unbeknownst to most, he was also an Untouchable of considerable power. He fought with a Melta whenever he could find one. He did not care for flying, and was prone to airsickness.
JURISIAN — This Tech Marine of the Black Templars served with Reclusiarch Grimaldus and the force defending Helreach Hive in the Third War for Armageddon. He held the title of Master of the Forge, having served for 230 years (c. 998M41). He broke the protective Mechanicus machine spirit barriers protecting Oberon, an Ordinatus Armageddon, at D-16 West, and piloted it into Helsreach Hive, where he was able to fire one shot with the Nova Canon, obliterating the Ork Mega-Gargant Godbreaker. He perished quickly thereafter.
JURTEN — Imperial Guard Colonel of Krieg's 33rd regiment put down the rebellion in his home system with a campaign of atomic cleansing in 433M40.
KAARLSON — Imperial Space Marine Space Wolves Wolf Guard Terminator
KADMON — Imperial apostolic saint
KAEDUS — This Black Templars Space Marine Trooper died fighting Orks in the Nergal District of Helsreach Hive during a joint operation with the Salamanders in the Third War for Armageddon.
KAFFIQ, JENDROUS — This Imperial Lord rules the Malfian Subsector and the Mafli system. He is second only to Lord sector Hax in the Calixis Sector.
KAGE — This Imperial Guard Lieutenant of the 13th Penal Legion, the Last Chancers, was an extremely capabable fighter, especially with knives. He fought with the Imperial forces at Ichar IV. His skin was completely covered in scars from various wounds.
KAINITT — This Imperial Navy flier with the title of Helmsman, was known as the Saviour of Subterra.
KAIS, VIOR'LA — Tau Fire Warrior Shas'o commander
KA'JAGGA'NATH — (Also: Lord of the Bloodtide) The Khorne daemon was imprisoned in stasis beneath a statue of the Emperor in the Basilica of Saint Mariel on Van Horne. Damage to the statue set him free, and he consumed the planet in the Bloodtide. He vercame the Battle Sisters of the Order of the Ebon Chalice sent against him, but was defeated by a force of Grey Knights from the 4th Brotherhood. The Champion of the 4th Brotherhood, Brother Ordan, sacrificed himself in combat with the daemon to banish it back to the Warp in 876M41
KAJHMAR — This Imperial Guard General commanded several regiments on Stemivari Factoris during its fall.
KAKKUT — Trooper Sorel of the Valhallan 597th sniped and killed this Kroot scout of the Dorapt Clan in the tunnels beneath Mayoh city on Gravalax.
KALAS — Imperial Guard Sergeant served in the 101st Armageddon Steel Legion Under Major Ryken during the Third War for Armageddon. He fought with a bolt pistol.
KALD — Adeptus Mechanicus Initiate worked for the Eversor Temple of the Officio Assassinorum under Adept Skarlok.
KALEB — This Black Templars Space Marine died on the 33rd day of the siege of Helsreach Hive during the Third War for Armageddon. He perished in the heavy combat around Bastion IV.
KALEFF — Adeptus Ministorum Curate worked for the Eparch Hydraphur's personal officio in Bosporian Hive.
KALEIL — This Enforcer of the Chinchare Minhead Security was once in the Imperial Guard
KALEN — Imperial Guard trooper fought under Major Rawne in the Tanith First and Only at Ramillies.
KALGA — Imperial Adepta Sororitas Sister Superior of the Order of Our Martyred Lady journeyed to Parnis with Inquisitor Hand and Ephrael Stern.
KALLIAN — Imperial Navis Nobilite Investigator studied the navigator catured by ther Q'Orl.
KALFUS-MEDELL, HALLYAN — Adeptus Ministorum priest held the titles of Master of the Vigil and Eparch of Hydraphur. He was an intelligent and charismatic speaker. He ploted the murder of Shira Calpurnia but was killed by her at the top of the Cathedral as it rang out Sanguinala
KALYPSIA — Imperial Inquisitor of the Ordo Xenos accompanied by Deathwatch Space Marines commanded by Captain Octavius. She fought with a Bolt Pistol and Force Whip. She was killed by the Deathwatch after fusing with the same biological/mechanical device that had killed Inquisitor Grendel.
KAMELLA — This joygirl was actually a genestealer hybrid, and attempted to kill Commissar Cain on Keffia.
KAMIR, MOGUL — Imperial Guard Captain commended a company of the Attila Rough Riders. He lost his eye fighting Orks and his arm fighting the minions of chaos, and has had them replaced with the Eye of the Falcon and the Crushing Arm of Kamir, powerful augmetics.
KANE, ZAGREUS — This Loyalist became the first Fabricator-General of Mars when the Adeptus Mechanicus diverged from the Mars Mechanicum at the Concordance of High Lords at the outset of the Horus Heresy.
KANE, THULSA — High Chaplain and High Morteurge for the Executioners chapter at the start of the Badab War, he brought a shattered power sword to the Chapter Master as a message that their blood debt had been called in. He commanded the forces that assaulted the Khymara system in 907M41, and specifically refrained from hunting down the Howling Griffon survivors of the destroyed system defenses.
KANNL — This town father of Junktion in the underhive of Hive Primus on Necromunda was killed when he opposed the Steelheads and Firebrands becoming town fathers themselves.
KANTOR, PEDRO — This Space Marine served as Chapter Master of the Crimson Fists during the invasion of Rynn's World by the Arch-Arsonist and the Battle for New Rynn City in 989M41.
KAPPEMA — This experienced Astropath served on the Blind Tower in Hydraphur.
KARAMAZOV, FYODOR — This Imperial Inquisitor of the Ordo Hereticus is driven to root out heresy throughout the entire Imperium. His philosophy is that mankind's fate is following the Emperor's grand design, and he works to ensure that no one interfere. He acts overtly, often at the head of a grand crusade. He feels that all heretics must be punished without mercy or mitigation. He works from his dreadnought-sized Throne of Judgement, a reward from the Abraxan Purges of 930M41. He alerted the Grey Knights to the Tzeentch Changeling behind the Raxos Civil War in 841M41, resulting in the deployment of four Brotherhoods to the system.
KARANDRAS THE SHADOW HUNTER — Eldar Phoenix Lord of the Stinging Scorpions aspect fought against Arha for seventeen days amongst the ruins of Zandros.
KARIM — This Imperial Guard Trooper served in Sergeant Mahat's squad of the Tallarn 229th, and accompnied Commissar Cain down into the shrines of the dredge barge on Adumbria in 937M41.
KARIS1 — This Imperial Guard General led the Imperial forces on Vortovan and hailed from Valhalla.
KARIS2 — Imperial Guard Lieutenant worked at General Headquarters at Broucheroc.
KARQUIN, JULIUS — This Imperial Baron ran Tusk Verge
KARTA — This Imperial Guard Corporal served in Sergeant Grifen's squad of the Valhallan 597th as assistant squad leader, and he descended into the tunnels beneath the Promethium refinery on Simia Orichalcae with Commissar Cain. He was promoted to Sergeant before the actions on Adumbria.
KASMIDES, LEANDER — This Imperial histoian published the book Flashong Blades! Flachion Class Frigates n Action in 126M42.
KASS, SINDEN — This lamplighter from Junktion the underhive of Hive Primus of Necromunda fought with either two Las Pistols of a rifle named "Two Tone."
KASS, TANNY — This sister of Sinden Kass disappeared. Her current whereabouts are unknown.
KASTEEN, REGINA — Imperial Guard Colonel commanded the Valhallan 597th. She had red hair, blue eyes, and pale skin. She had previously served with the Valhallan 296th, an all female regiment, before its integration with the 301st
KASTOR — Commander of the Vanishing Star
KATERIN, ALMAR — This Captain of the Royal Guard was chief of physical security and troops for Gerontius Helmawr on Necromunda.
KATHAL — Captian of the 1st Company of the Sons of Malice, who after defeating his accuser and her Adepta Sororitas Celestians, sacrificed her, thus earning excommunication.
KAUDERER, HERMOND — This man was in charge of intelligence and secret operatives for Gerontius Helmawr on Necromunda.
KEESH — This Adeptus Arbites Arbitrator served as the sole representive for the Arbites on Periremunda, overseeing the local law enforcement.
KELBOR HAL — This Fabricator-General of Mars led half of the Mars Mechanicum in revolt, declaring for Horus.
KELL, JARRAN — Imperial Guard trooper and regimental standard bearer for the Cadian 8th fought with a power sword.
KELL — Imperial Guard Trooper of the 902nd Vardan Rifles stationed at Broucheroc.
KELL — This individual fought through the Hrud migration of 983-985M41.
KELMAN — This Inquisitor traveled aboard the Light of Diogenes under Rogue Trader Medacio.
KELMAUR, JHAREK — Traitor Marine Iron Warrior sorcerer was the personal seer of the Warsmith. He was killed by the Warsmith, infected with a potent virus of change that reduced him to a puddle of flesh.
KELMON — This Eldar Farseer led Craftworld Iyanden during its battles against Hive Fleet Kraken in 993M41. He chose to wake the Craftworld's Ghost Warriors to bolster their numbers against the massive Tyranid force.
KELP, TOBIAS — Imperial Guard Sergeant of the Valhallan 301st prior to its integration into the 597th. He instigated a brawl in the mess hall of the Righteous Wrath. He was a massive, well-muscled man, almost like a Catachan. He deserted a kill team led by Commissar Cain and Inquisitor Vail beneath Mayoh on Gravalax, and Jurgen later killed him as he threatened the Commissar.
KELSO — Imperial Guard General of the Crusade Eighth Army in the Sabbat Worlds Crusade under Warmaster Macaroth. He liberated Cocianimus in 762M41 under Lord Militant Vichres.
KELTON — Chaos cultists killed this Imperial Guard Captain of 1st Company of the Valhallan 597th during the attack on their firebase near Glacier Peak on Adumbria in 937M41.
KENZER — This grey-haired archeologist was a member of Inquisitor Ravenor's retinue and was killed on the planet Gh?l in 386M41.
KEPLER, VOLTAN — Imperial Navy Master of Arms served aboard the Divine Right under Admiral Ravensburg from 129M41.
KERCHAN, TIRNAS — Imperial Guard Grand Marshal
KERLOFF — This Imperial author and historian wrote a history of the Horus War.
KESSEL — This Imperial Inquisitor became a daemonhost, but wass freed of the possession. Inquisitor Tyrus captured him, but he was subsequently freed in Inquisitor Lichtenstein at Cephalon Spaceport in exchange for assistance escaping to the Equinox system. His fate appears to be linked to both Tyrus and Lichtenstein, and the three have clashed multiple times.
KHAINE, KAELA MENSHA — This is the Eldar god of martial prowess, violence, and murder. He is brother to Asuryan, the Phoenix King. He fought Slaanesh after the Fall, but was torn into many fragments, which fell into the core of each Craftworld and spawns the Avatars of Khaine, which lead the Eldar to war.
KHAMRIOS, DEGIO — This Adeptus Mechanicus Magos worked at creating an artificial intelligence in late M34. Mistakenly thinking the rest of the Mechanicus was ready for his theories, he published his works and was immediately labeled a heretic. The Inquisition, Mechanicus, and Iron Hands chapter of the Space Marines captured him after a prolonged search. He is the founder of the Khamrian faction of the Mechanicus.
KHAN, JHAGATAI — Primarch of the White Scars Legion was known speed and aptitude for lightning warfare.
KHANJAR THE SHARP — This man hired Vessorine mercenaries and the psyker Marla Tarray to destroy Spaeton House and kill Inquisitor Eisenhorn.
KHÂRN — Traitor Marine World Bearers champion is also known as the Betrayer of Skalathrax for killing his own troops there.
KHARNAGAR — The Inquisitor Quixos bound this daemon into his personal blade.
KHORNE — Known as the Blood God or Lord of Skulls, he is one of the four ruinous powers of the warp. His attributes are fury, rage, and bestiality.
KHOZE — This junior officer of the Rogue Trader Phrax fleet was one of Nils Petronas shooting partners, and went down to Hydraphur with him. Abites killed him in in the gunfight during the succession trial.
KHRYSDAM — Imperial Ecclesiarchy Cardinal penned the Instructum Absolutio.
KHURNAK — This Lord High General commanded Imperial forces on the western hemisphere of Moltova in the 20-year battle for that world.
KHUZOR — This Warmaster commanded the lead elements of the Chaos fleet at the beginning of the Gothic War, and was brought to battle by Admiral Sartus.
KIESLICK — Imperial Navy Admiral of the Great Crusade in M32 classified Gavris Minor "Unsuitable for Settlement" after the colony on it was wiped out by the Eldar.
KILLBOY — See: Gorthunk
KILLCHPPA — This Ork Warboss led the air-mobile Killchoppa's Blitz Brigade during the battle for Rynn's World.
KILLIAN — This Adeptus Mechanicus Magos led a doomed Mechanicus expedition to Enteritus Prime, awakening the Necrons there. He was remarkable in that he enjoyed fine foods and had a wry sense of humor. He had two mechadendrites. The Necrons killed him on Interitus in 928M41.
KINCAID, GARN — Adeptus Titanicus Fire Wasps Princeps served in the same titan as Moderati Marder and Okawa.
KINKARDI — This noble was one of the claimants to the Governorship of Adumbria in 937M41.
KINE — This Traitor Marine Lord served Slaanesh and fought in the Battle of Carrion Gulf during the third year of the Torment Crusade. Brother Gerhart killed him
KINE, USSELUS — This Princeps of Legio Gryphonicus commanded the Reaver class Titan Aeterno Rex. An expert swordsman, he fought over 100 honor duels to first blood without being touched in return. He perished at the Ruin of Maerdan (008M31), where his crippled Titan was brought down by two dozen Cerastus Knight Lancers of House Perdaxia.
KINSKY, LOMER — This associate of Jader Trice was a powerful psyker (gamma or higher). He had a bodyguard named Ahenobarb
KIODRUS — Imperial Saint fought at the side of the Beati Sabbat during her crusade as a priest-commander in M35.
KIRCHER, JUBAL — This man was a member of the Adeptus Arbites before becoming head of security for Inquisitor Eisenhorn's Ocean House. He was killed in a last stand defending Spaeton House in 386M41.
KIRSTA — This Escher ganger of the Wilcats gang in the underhive of Hive Primus of Necromunda was killed by a Spyrer.
KLANE, URAJA — This chaos guardsman was killed by an Imperial Fists Marine in a raid on the siege-works before the Citadel on Hydra Cordatus.
KLAY — This Imperial Guard Trooper served in Major Rawne's platoon of the Tanith First and Only. Chaos forces killed him on Fortis Binary.
KLEE — Adeptus Arbites Lead Chastener worked in The Wall in Bosporian Hive on Hydraphur.
KLEFF — Imperial Guard Sesrgeant of the hyrkan regimens served under Commissar Gaunt at Khedd 1173.
KLEG — This Bosun served under Captain Durant on the Pure of Heart and organized the billeting of the Valhallan 597 before and after their mission to Simia Orichalcae in 932M41.
KLEITOR — (Also: Ancient Kleitor) This Astral Claws Space Marine was interred in an Urthona-pattern Mk. IV Dreadnought suit armed with a plasma cannon and power fist, and fought in the Badab War
KLEITUS — Space Marine Imperial Fists 1st Company Captain was killed in a teleporter mishap on Haddrake Tor. He fought with the thunderhammer, Fist of Dorn.
KLIEN — Ecclesiarchy Cardinal ordered the Imperial Commander to refuse Abaddon's demand for unconditional surrender, dooming the Ecclesiarchy Cardinal world of Savaven to destruction at the hands of Abaddon's Planet Killer in 143M41.
KOBA — This house came to power on Malfi in the Calixis Sector, starting a brutal regime that lasted from 428M41 to 479M41.
KOBAX — Galley worker and cook for the Hinterlight under ship-mistress Cynia Preest
KOBURN — Imperial Navy Admiral commanded the 2nd Battlecruiser Fleet during the Gothic War.
KOENIG, TANIT — The Sector Governor of the Karthago Sector during the Badab War held the title Satrap. She was short-sighted and arrogant, and armed her sector for war at the same time as she pleaded her case to both Segmentum authorities and Adeptus Astartes chapters outside of the Warders of the Maelstrom. Her arrogamt and short-sighted actions were determined to be a significant cause of the Badab War, and she was summarily executed along with most of the other Karthan leadership. The sector still labors under the reparation costs imposed by the Imperial Legates.
KOI, ELEENA — First a member of Inquisitor Eisenhorn's Distaff, she went on to serve Inquisitor Ravenor and was killed by Zygmunt Molotch on Majeskus.
KOLBE1 — This General commanded the PDF force on Adumbria during the Chaos incusion there in 937M41. He wore an unornamented grey uniform and had grey eyes. His son served as a Praetor in the local law enforcement. He was quite efficient and highly capable during the crisis of 937M41 despite having little combat experience.
KOLBE2 — This local Arbitrator, Praetor in the local dialect, served in the traffic division in Skitterfall on Adumbria, and was involved in the combat against the heretics there in 937M41. He was the son of the commandng General of the planet's PDF forces.
KOLEA, GOL — Imperial Guard Major of the Tanith First and Only
KOLENTIN — One of Varro Phrax's retainers.
KOGTEEF — This Ork Boss led a unit of Speed Freeks. He fought under Killboss Krog at the Battle of Null Keep.
KOLOVAS, MARVEK — This Imperial Technical Officer manned the communications station of the Lucifus Platform on Armageddon, and she died when the Orks destroyed it with submersibles during the Third War for Amageddon.
KONOR — One of two ruling Consuls of Macragge, he adopted Roboute Guilliman as his son after discovery of the Primarch. He was assassinated by an agent of his co-Consul after establishing reforms taking power away from the nobles and benefiting the people.
KORDHEL — Space Marine Black Templar High Marshal perished at the hands of a frenzied champion of the ruinous powers.
KORDINARA — This Imperial Guard trooper served with the Last Chancers 13th Penal Legion.
KORITH — This battle brother of the Black Templars Space Marines died on the 10th day of the siege of Helsreach Hive in the Third War for Armageddon at White Star Point, consumed by a massive promethium explosion.
KORL — This Imperial Guard Lieutenant served in the False Hope garrison and was killed by the God Plant.
KORLBEN, ERIK — Imperial Guard Master Sergeant of the 4th Asgardian was sentenced for insubordination and Colonel Schaefer extended his sentence to life at Ghovul prison planet. He is stocky with red hair and bushy eyebrows.
KORLIA — This pirate captain had dealings with the Kroot and had traveled to Pech.
KORNELIUSZ — Space Marine Black Templars Marshal commanded forces at the Battle of Carrion Gulf during the Torment Crusade. He also commanded a force including Brother Gerhart at the Succubae Gates, defeating the Necrons
KORPHEUS — Deathwatch Techmarine, inducted from the Raven Guard, served under Captain Octavius and Inquisitress Kalypsia.
KORT — Imperial Archon
KORTRISH — Traitor Space Marine Iron Warriors champion was killed. His augmetic arm was gifted to Honsou by the Warsmith.
KOTH, ESKANE — Inquisitor of the Ordo Hereticus was an Amalathian and part of the Examination of Udwin Priddle on Durer in 386M41. He was born on Thracian Primaris and would eventually become known as the Dove of Avignon.
KOVAD, ARAL — Imperial Navy Captain of the Inquisitorial Battleship Golgotha was killed by Grey Knight Terminators in the mistaken belief that his crew had been tainted by contact with Ephrael Stern.
KOVAL — This Titan Princeps perished at Morokai.
KOWITZ — This man was the House Glaw official in charge of produce purchases.
KRAEGAN-MEDELL — This family/cartel of Hydraphur deals in metals and has a close association to the Zaphraoi family.
KRAINE, KORL — This armsman was a member of Inquisitor Ravenor's retinue during the assault on Gh?l in 386M41 and dies in combat with two Vessorine mercenaries. He was born an underhiver of Tanhive Nine of Tansetch and had ceramite teeth.
KRASSIMAL — Navis Nobilite house allied with Dorel and Yimora and also affliliated with Rogue Trader Phrax.
KRASSUS — Imperial Navy Captain who later became an Admiral.
KRAUSS, UTILITY — This artisan of Gudrun laid out mazes and gardens with incredible accuracy and precision.
KRAVER — Imperial Princeps commanded Indomitus Mechanicus.
KRAYL — Imperial Navy Fleet-Admiral went renegade in the 800s of M41.
KREFF — This Imperial Navy officer served as Executive Officer aboard the escort frigate Navarre under Captain Wysmark. He was an acquaintance of Colonel-Commissar Gaunt and Colonel Corbec.
KREGEEN — This Planetary Marshal of the PDF commanded the forces of Serendipita. She worked alongside General Torven, commander of the Imperial Guard garrison, and Admiral Duque of the SDF. She had flint-grey eyes and hair, having fixed her age in the mid-fourties with juvenat treatments.
KRIEGER, STIG — Also known as "Bull," this Imperial Guard Sergeant served in the Cadian 14th Orbital Assault regiment at the Battle of Parched Earth.
KRELIAN — Space Marine Captain commanded the Cruiser Sword of Contrition. He fought with a double-headed power-axe, and was killed freeing the Purgation from tyranids.
KRILBOURNE — Imperial Guard trooper served with the Last Chancers 13th Penal Legion.
KRISTAN, MORGAN — Imperial Guard Major commanded one battalion of three, Battalion B, of the 383rd Jouran Dragoons
KRIVUS — This Imperial Guard Major of the Armageddon Steel Legions commanded the Storm Trooper forces deployed in Helsreach Hive during the Third War for Armageddon. He was a Storm Trooper himself.
KROEGER — Traitor Marine Iron Warriors Captain of a Grand Company fought at Hydra Cordatus. He was killed by his prisoner, Larana Utorian, after she donned his armor and became an avatar of Khorne.
KROG — This Ork Killboss led the assault in the Battle of Null Keep. His force included Boss Zagstruk and his Vulture Boyz.
KRONIN — This Imperial Guard Lieutenant served with the 13th Penal Legion Last Chancers. He is a slender man with thin hair. After the rest of his platoon was killed in a chapel in Deliverance, he would only talk in scripture and litanies. His crime was looting and burning an Imperial shrine. He died of internal bleeding in the reactor chamber of the Coritanorum on Typhos Prime.
KRONSKY — This new member of the security detatchment of Spaeton House betrayed it to the attackers when it fell in 386M41.
KROVEDD — This sister of the Order of the Eternal Gate of the Adepta Sororitas worked to obtain the Phrax Rogue Trader Charter for the Ecclesiarchy in Hydraphur.
KRUELLAGH — Dark Eldar Archon
KRUTHE, JASSALA — This man served on the penance ship Aurum Sanctus as Master of Auspex. His parents gave shelter to criminals, thus causing his service.
KRUZO — Imperial Guard trooper served in the Last Chancers 13th Penal Legion under Sergeant Letts.
KRYPTMAN — Inquisitor of the Ordo Xenos was able to identify the Tyranids after their attack on the Tyran Primus system and discovering facility's data-codex. He accurately predict the course of Hive Fleet Behemoth towards Macragge. He is famed for his continued studies of the Tyranids. He was the first to accurately analyze the attacks of Hive Fleet Leviathan in 997M42, identifying it for the true threat it was. During that same year, he ordered the destruction of multiple worlds to slow Hive Fleet Leviathan by depriving it of biomass and drive a tendril of it to the labyrinth world of Carpathia, where he captured a genestealer brood in stasis with the help of the Deathwatch. Others of his Ordo thought the costs too high for Kryptman's obsession, casting him out of the Inquisition. Kryptman continued his work regardless, and is rumored to have brought Hive Fleet Leviathan into conflict with the Orcs of Octarius.
KULAC, TYRIAN — Deathwatch Space Marine, seconded from the Space Wolves, killed by a Zoanthrope on Herodian IV.
KURGAN — A Princeps Seniores of Legio Vulpa
KURNOUS — This is the Eldar god of the hunt.
KUROV — Imperial Guard Major commanded the 9th company of the 150th Armageddon Steel Legion, a mechanized infantry regiment. He rose to the rank of General by the time of the Third War for Armageddon, and had a personal guard of unorthodox, elite Guardsmen.
KURTZ — Impoerial Navy Commodore employed fire ships in the defense of Delos, successfully crippling the Unforgivable.
KURVEL — Space Marine White Consuls Sergeant worked with Inquisitors Eisenhorn and Voke in the aftermath of the Novena disaster to capture Esarhaddon. He fought with Lightning Claws and died protecting Inquisitor Eisenhorn and others from the blast of several grenades.
KURYAKEN — An Inquisitor of the Ordo Hereticus, he investigated evidence that the Adeptus Mechanicus might be intentially locating sites near or on Necron tomb complexes. His work was assisted by reports from Commissar Cain and Inquisitor Vail.
KURZE, KONRAD — (Also: Night Haunter) Primarch of the Night Lords Legion ruled through power and fear. He and the warriors of his Legion possessed night sight, an adaptation to their lightless world.
KVAN, RANNYER — Rogue Trader had a granddaughter that took vows as a novice in the Order of the Sacred Rose and operated out of Hydraphur.
KYBAND — This mercenary worked for Zygmunt Molotch on Zenta Malhyde.
KYBRA — This individual penned the Requiem Malesent that detailed the millenia preceding M37.
KYLE — This Imperial Guard trooper served with the Last Chancers 13th Penal Legion through Kragmeer. A rebel strafing run killed him in the vicinity of the Coritanorum on Typhos Prime.
KYORG — This man controlled the Office of Envoys aboard the Phrax Rogue Trader fleet. Widely regarded as incompetent, Ship-Mistress Zanti killed him after he turned traitor to the fleet at Hydraphur.
KYS, PATIENCE — This female martial artist and telekine was one of Inquisitor Ravenor's retinue. She was born on Sameter, a hive world in Helican Subsector. This is the given to her when she was taken as a trophy.
KYTO, VALD — This Battlefleet Pacificus senior Ensign served aboard Blind Tower station and was an associate of Teeker Renz and Concordiast Dechene. He peddled favors and privledges to Master Otrano's staff.
KYUBLAI — This Great Khan of the White Scars Space Marines vanished fighting the Dark Eldar in 943M41.
LACAN — Adeptus Arbites Verispex worked with Lead Verispex Barck in Bosporian Hive on Huydraphur.
LACUS — Imperial Guard Major served as an officer in the 61st Steel Legion at the Sulfa Commercia district of Helsreach Hive during the Third War For Armageddon.
LAERTES — Imperial Space Marine Howling Griffons Fifth Company Apothecary fought with a Bolt Pistol and Narthecium.
LAGNY — This Adeptus Arbites Proctor served as a drone operator aboard the Bastion Psykana in Hydraphur.
LAHAIN, TORTEN — Imperial Navy Wing Captain piloted Faustus-Class Interceptors for over twenty years, including the first decade of the Sabbat Worlds Crusade. He perished in the Nubila Reach nebula in combat with chaos fighters.
LAIUS — This Dark Angels Space Marine Sergeant led his assault marines as part of the spearhead of a Dark Angels assault on a Chaos stronghold.
LAMBASTA — Adpetus Ministorum Confessor ordained to the Divine Right under Admiral Ravensburg in 140M41.
LAMENTIUS — Imperial Space Marine Howling Griffons Fifth Company Squad Invictus trooper fought with a boltgun.
LAMMAX — This Imperial Guard trooper of the Last Chancers 13th Penal Legion was once in the Deaprtmento Munitorum and specialized in interpreting dreams. His crime was blasphemy for attempting to interpret the dreams of a Quartermaster-Major. He took his own life with Kage's knife after suffering a poisoned wound at the talon on a xeno-beast under the surface of a moon in the Hypernol system.
LANARTE — This Blood Angels Space Marine Sergeant was an inspiring leader.
LANCE, SERPIVAL — This man served as a guard on the prison planet of Ghovul for over 30 years.
LANDERSON, GEROME — Imperial PDF Major of the planet Gereon was the liaison to the Tanith Kill Team. He was a direct descendant of the colonist-founders of Gereon.
LAREDIAN — Inquisitor Corteaz killed his former master, who had held the title of Protector of Formosa Sector.
LARIS — This Astropath served in the Green Eyrie of the Blind Tower station in Hydraphur.
LARKIN, HLAINE — (Also: Larks and Mad Larkin) Imperial Guard master sniper of the Tanith First and Only had a small, wiry physique and nervous disposition, but was unequalled with a long-las and scope. He had sunken cheeks, upon one of which was a purple tatoo of a spiral-wyrm, and three piercings in his left ear. He developed a nascent psychic ability after XX. He was a hunter/poacher back on Tanith before joining the Guard.
LARN, ARVIN AUGUSTUS — This young Imperial Guard trooper was recruited from Jumael IV and served with the 6th company of the Jumael 14th. After a disastrous landing at Broucheroc and the ensuing Ork attack, he was reassigned to Fireteam Three of Alpha Company of the 902nd Vardan Rifles. He was killed on an expedition into no-man's land after an Ork assault.
LARN, AUGUSTUS — This Imperial Guard trooper was recruited on Arcadus V, served 30 years, and retired to Jumael IV. He was the great-grandfather of Arvin Larn.
LAVANK, DURAL — Imperial Adeptus Mechanicus Explorator Magos presumed dead after his expedition to Naogeddon was lost in 021M35
LA'VOSH — (Also: La'vosh the Reaver) Eldar Pirate Captain
LAYNEM — This Imperial Guard Trooper served in Sergeant Blane's platoon in the Tanith First and Only on Menazoid Epsilon.
LAYRAN — This Inquisitor and his entire retinue disappeared in 812M41 while investigating a xenos cult tied to the Beast House on Fenksworld.
LAZAEREK, STIBOR — Chapter Master, holding the titles of Knight-Commander and Grand Master, of the Fire Hawks Space Marines during the Lycanthos Drift Campaign. He felt slighted that Lugft Huron was given overall command of the campaign, and also opposed his successor Carab Culln, but relented under the wise words of Legate-Inquisitor Frain. He was already six centuries old at the start of the Badab War and many other commanders considered him bitter and prideful.
LAZARUS — Space Marine Grey Knight
LAZERIAN — Space Marine Imperial Fists Chapter Master fought at the Ecclesiarchal Palace at the end of the Age of Apostasy.
L'BERI, TAEMHAHK — Imperial Adeptus Mechanicus Genetor Primaris studied Tyranids and corresponded with the Ordo Xenos.
LEANDRO, NESTOR — Adeptus Arbites Arbitor Senioris served as the foremost of Krieg Dvorov's three deputies in Bosporian Hive on Hydraphur. He was a patron of opera and theater, and kept a library of Imperial opratory. He was a Judge and very well versed in the Lex Imperia.
LEBOW — This bounty hunter worked in the Dead End Pass region of the underhive of Hive Primus on Necromunda. He wore snakeskin boots and tight red pants.
LEDEN — Imperial Guard Trooper was a member of Arvin Larn's squad of the 6th Company of the Jumael 14th. He was killed in the Ork assault following his arrival at Broucheroc.
LEFIVRE — Imperial PDF trooper was part of an insurgent group in Ineuron Town on Gereon during a chaos occupation in the Sabbat Worlds Crusade.
LE GUINN — Imperial Inquisitor of the Ordo Malleus was destroyed by the daemon residing in a World Bearers Land Raider recovered on Merric's World in 337M41.
LEITZ — Captain of the Exorcists chapter of the Space Marines.
LEKULANZI — This Imperial Navy Warrant Officer served as security officer aboard the Mass Cargo Conveyor Absalom.
LEONATOS — Chapter Commander Dante tasked this Blood Angels Captain with a quest to recover the Blade Encarmine, lost to him combating an Ork Warboss on Sekundar Prime. Several other Blood Angels accompanied him on his banishment, including Brother Clotan, Librarian Furion, and Sergeant Tranio.
LEONI — She was part of a Spyrer group from Hive Primus on Necromunda, led by Jonas. She wore a Malcadon rig. She was killed in the crossfire by her teammate Cyklus while battling Armand Helmawr.
LEONID, MIKHAIL — Imperial Guard Lieutenant Colonel commanded the 383rd Jouran Dragoons after the death of its previous commander, Colonel Prestre Vauban, also becoming Castellan of the Citadel of Hydra Cordatus. He wore a bronze breastplate into battle.
LEROD — This Imperial Guard Sergeant of the Tanith First and Only came from the shrine city of Tanith Ultima, had a shaven head, and an Imperial eagle tattoo on his temple.
LERTES — Space Marine White Consul Second Company Tactical Squad Arias trooper fought with boltgun.
LESCHE — This moody hammer was part of a meat-pack sept
LESTRALLIO — Space Marine Blood Angels Chaplain was the designer of and first to perish upon the Tablet of Lestrallio. His was the longest recorded record of visions granted by the Black Rage.
LETHRAI, ICHABOD — Imperial Lord Princeps participated in the Great Crusade and the Pacification of the Cheraut system at the end of M29.
LETTS — This Imperial Guard trooper served with the 13th Penal Legion Last Chancers.
LEXOPHER — Imperial Interrogator of the Ordo Xenos was apprentice to Inquisitor Lord Agustius.
LEYKA, ARLANI — Adepta Sororitas Order of the Sacred Coin Sister served as Famulous representative to the Kalfus-Medell family-cartel until murdered. Her last message warned of unspecified danger.
LIANCH — This Adeptus Arbites Arbitor served in Lead Arbitor Oraxi's squad on the Bastion Psykana in Hydraphur.
LICHTENSTEIN — The Inquisition declared this Inquisitor Excommunicate traitoris in 998M41. He pursues the Librarium Heresius, an artifact, with single-minded vigor, not caring what means he uses to find or obtain it. He belives the Librarium to be a weapon against a race of death-worshipping killing machines that could enslave humanity. His pursuit freed the daemon prince Phara’gueottla from its prison on Karis Cephalon. His fate has since been linked to the daemon, as well as Inquisitor Tyrus and an ex-daemonhost named Kessel. The three have fought at Karis, Paganus Reach, Cephalon Spaceport, and in other systems.
LIGHT-OF-HIS-EYES — This Adeptus Astra Telepathica psyker worked at the Bastion Psykana in Hydraphur and knew Torma Ylante.
LILEATH — The youngest goddess of the Eldar pantheon holds sway over dreams and fortune. She is also the moon goddess, and the Eldar dedicate the Maiden Worlds to her.
LIMBWALL — Imperial Adeptus Arbites Marshal in name, but is actually an ex-scribe secretary, which was what he did in day to day work.
LINGAART, JONNO — This Imperial Guard deserter from the founding on Gudrun was killed attempting to assassinate Inquisitor Eisenhorn.
LINSKRUG — This trooper of the Last Chancers 13th Penal Legion was never in the Imperial Guard before his sentence. He was a baron on Korall before being charged with unlicensed slaving. He departed the Last Chancers after refusing the mission to infiltrate the Coritanorum on Typhos Prime, but was killed in the diversionary attack assisting their entry.
LITU — One of Inquisitor Eisenhorn's staff of Spaeton House
LOCARD — This Magos of the Adeptus Mechanicus created a bio-plague that was delivered into the heart of the Hive Fleet Leviathan forces attacking Tarsis Ultra in 997M41. The plague was extremely successful, destroying the Tyranids' synaptic web and their link to the Hive Mind. Unfortunately, he has not been able to replicate the plague.
LOCKE, GORGONE — This rogue trader was master of a rogue trader. He was part of the heretical cult that consumed House Glaw. He was killed on 56-Izar by Inquisitor Eisenhorn while attempting to obtain a Saruthi copy of the Necroteuch.
LODHUVICUS — Space Marine Black Templar serving under Castellan Folker reported on the ruins of Portia on Nimbosa
LODUR — Space Marine Mantis Warriors 2nd Company Standard Bearer armed with a melta-gun. He died on Herodian IV.
LOGAR, STENTENIUS — This author wrote Purge the Guilty!, an account of the liberation of Gravalax in 085M42.
LOGASH — This Adeptus Mechanicus Cogitator served under Magos Ernulph on Simia Oricalchae, and ventured into the caves with Commissar Cain during the Ork invasion of 932M41. He was very curious studied xenology as a hobby. He had few augmetics, the most visible of which was a pair of multi-faceted artificial metal eyes. He went on to become a Magos and last served at the Noctis Labyrinthus mine complex on Mars.
LOGRAINE — This Black Templars Space Marine served in the Sword Brethren during the Third War for Armageddon.
LOHJEN, GESSANTE — This Inquisitorial agent of the Ordo Hereticus disguised himelf as an Envoy and served in Hydraphur. He died at the hands of Goll Rybicker, who was under the influence of a psyker.
LOK — This Inquisitor of the Ordo Xenos led an expedition to the Anphelion system in 850M41.
LOKRIS — This Imperial Guard General commanded a brigade during the Damocles Gulf Crusade, and was patron and commander to Commissar Cain during his liaison to the Reclaimers Space Marines in the 920s of M41.
LONEGIN — This Imperial Guard Trooper served in Major Rawne's squad of the Tanith First and Only. He had explosives skills. The Jantine Patricians killed him in a raid aboard the Absalom.
LONN — This Moderati Secundus of Legio Invigilata served on the Emperor Class titan, Stormherald, crewing the Hellstorm Cannon. He killed his fellow moderati for missing a critical shot in the combat with the Ork Mega-Gargant Godbreaker, which destroyed Stormherald as a result. After being thrown clear of the fallen titan, Ork infantry killed him.
LONOV — Imperial Guard Trooper of the Jouran 383rd Dragoons was killed in an attack upon the Iron Warrior siege lines before the walls of Hydra Cordatus.
LOPRA — Imperial Guard Trooper of the Tanith First and only served under Colonel Corbec and perished in the assault against the capital of Bucephalon.
LOPTHYR — Imperial Navy Tactical Officer aboard the Vanishing Star
LORENZO — Space Marine Black Tmeplars Sword Bretheren took part in the Varl Crusade.
LORENZO, 'GUNNY' — Imperial Guard Sergeant led Squad D of a veteran Catachan ambush patrol.
LORII — Imperial Guard special infiltration trooper served in the Last Chancers 13th Penal Legion. Both she and her twin brother Loron have extremely pale skin, short white hair, and blue eyes. Her crime was disobeying an order to retreat after her brother was wounded.
LORKIS — This Imperial Guard General had white hair and eyebrows, and worked with Commissar Cain briefly in 928M41. He had a talented personal chef.
LORON — Imperial Guard special infiltration trooper served in the Last Chancers 13th Penal Legion. Both he and his twin sister Lorii have extremely pale skin, short white hair, and blue eyes. His crime was striking the officer that would not allow him to remain with his sister after her conviction for disobedience. He died by enemy fire within the Coritanorum on Typhos Prime after destroying the cooling system for its reactors.
LORGAR — Primarch of the World Bearers Legion
LOTH, SEVRIN — Chief Librarian of the Red Scorpions Space Marines recovered the body and equipment of the slain Chapter Master Verant Ortys during the Betrayal at Grief, becoming a hero in the chapter annals.
LOTILLA, MAM — Imperial Adeptus Arbites Marshal female in Petropolis on Eustis Majoris.
LOWINK — This Imperial Astropath served as a member of Inquisitor Eisenhorn's retinue. He was killed in the chaotic aftermath of a seance to commune with the spirit of Girolamo Malahite.
LUCIUS1 — Imperial Space Marine Howling Griffons Fifth Company command squad trooper fought with a Bolt Pistol and Chainsword.
LUCIUS2 — This Imperial Inquisitor assisted Inquisitor Gestimor and Colonel Schaefer in assembling a kill team to assassinate the Tau, Brightsword.
LUCLES — Adeptus Arbites Precinct Commander
LUDOLDUS — Space Marine Black Templars High Marshal fought and killed the possessed Inquisitor Vinculus alongside Emperor's Champion Ulricus and Canoness Jasmine in the Battle of Fire and Blood in 833M41.
LUGA, 'MAC' — Imperial Guard Master Sergeant led Squad A of a veteran Catachan ambush patrol.
LUGENBRAU, HETRIS — This Imperial Inquisitor fought against Quixos' band on Maginor. He was killed in combat against Quixos in 239M41. He was a pupil of Inquisitor Pavel Uet.
LUGWORT — A Warp daemon killed this Ork Wierdboy by emerging from his head during a warp transit on a space hulk.
LUKAS — This Imperial Guard Trooper of Colonel Corbec's platoon carried a vox-caster.
LUMBLE — A mid-level flect dealer in Petropolis on Eustis Majoris had a group of hired Moody Hammers
LUND, OMIN — This woman tended a bar in the mid-rise district of Urbitane on Sameter after mustering out of the 9th Sameter Infantry as a Sniper First Class. She was killed in an Adeptus Arbites raid on the old founding hall.
LUNKATI — This Grand Provost Marshal of the Adeptus Arbites is one of the ancient heroes of the organization, somewhat like a saint.
LUNT1, GERG — This associate of Drase Bazarof and Odysse Bergossian
LUNT2 — This Imperial Guard Trooper served as the heavy weapons specialist in Sergeant Grifen's squad of the Valhallan 597th, and he descended into the tunnels beneath the Promethium refinery on Simia Orichalcae with Commissar Cain. He was tall, heavy set, and strong. An Ork, fleeing the Necrons, killed him just inside a previously unknown entrance to the tunnel network, and Jurgen disintegrated his body with a melta to prevent it betraying the Guard's presernce there.
LURD, HEXUN — Magos Biologis of the Adeptus Mechanicus worked with Inquisitor Dahwrin to create a divine vessel for the Emperor using Callidus assassin initiates and the drug hyperpolymorphine. He was executed for his actions.
LUSCHEIM, RUDI — Imperial Guard General of the Crusade Fifth Army worked under Warmaster Macaroth and was killed on Tarnagua in 774M41 during the Sabbat Worlds Crusade.
LUSKOM — Imperial Guard female Lieutenant led 1st Platoon of 2nd Company, under Captain Detoi, of the Valhallan 597th in the assault on the dredger on Adumbria in 937M41.
LUSTIG — This Imperial Guard Sergeant served with the Valhallan 597th, and headed Colonel Kasteen's honor guard on Gravalax.
LUTHER — A knight of The Order on Caliban, he discovered the feral Lion El'Jonson, eventually becoming his second in command. He was known as charismatic, impulsive, and emotional. He became Jonson's second in command after the Emperor's arrival and his transformation into a Dark Angel Space Marine. Placed in command of the monasteries on Caliban, Luther became jealous and turned to chaos during the Horus Heresy. Jonson returned and the two locking into an epic battle that left Jonson mortally wounded and shattered both Caliban and Luther. Luther lies in stasis in the heart of The Rock, though the Dark Angels use him as an Oracle at times.
LUTZ, EDRICK — A wherryman native to Petropolis on Eustice Majoris
LUXOM — Adeptus Arbites Verispex worked with Lead Verispex Barck in Bosporian Hive on Huydraphur.
LUYET-KYGANIL, MENSHA — (Also: Askar, Gavrosh) This former Eldar Harlequin was a shadow seer, Pariah, and Knight of the Shadows. He was known as Kyganil of the Bloody Tears in the human tongue.
LUZARO — Adeptus Ministorum Confessor obtained possession of holy relics by force of arms. He lived prior to M38.
LYDRE — Adeptus Ministorum Eparch wrote Considerations on the Journey of Devotion.
LYKO — This Imperial Inquisitor worked with Inquisitors Heldane and Voke to capture 33 heretic psykers of alpha level or higher during the final days of the Ophidian Suppression. He was a heretic, however, consorting with Cherubael and Esarhaddon. He was killed by Cherubael in a harvester.
LYNTA — This female mercenary that worked for Zygmunt Molotch on Zenta Malhyde was actually Patience Krys, one of Inquisitor Ravenor's retinue, working undercover.
LYSANDER1 — Space Marine Imperial Fists 1st Company Captain was recruited from Terra. He earned his first Imperial Laurel as a Sergeant of 2nd Company fighting the heretics of Iduno at the Battle of Colonial Bridge in 567M40. He took command of 2nd Company, capturing the Edlar cruiser, Blood of Khaine in 585M40. Captain Kleitus gave him the thunderhammer, Fist of Dorn, as he died at Haddrake Tor, after which he was elevated to First Captain.
LYSANDER2 — Imperial Guard General commanded Machaeius' 4th Army group during the Crusade.
LYSANDER3 — This Blood Angels Initiate traveled with Captain Leonatos on the Bloodquest.
LYSANNE — This Escher ganger of the Wilcats gang in the underhive of Hive Primus of Necromunda fought with a Plasma Pistol.
LYZE, THERION — Paterdomus and leader of the Lyze-Haggan family-cartel in Bosporian Hive on Hydraphur, he harbored the rogue astropath Yannod Dwerr. Sister Superior Gallans of the Order of the Sacred Coin killed him.
LYZE-HAGGAN — This family/syndicate controls many of the civilian inner-system routes in Hydraphur. They have a mansion-fortress compound to the northeast of Bosporian Hive, on the shore of a polluted lagoon.
MABBON — This chaos Blood Pact Etogaur (translation: General) served Isidor Sek Incarnate on Gereon by raising and training the Sons of Sek.
MACABEE, RAMUS — One of the most decorated Princeps of the Legio Titanicus, he died of old age while linked with Imperius Dictatio. A part of his mind survived in the titan and sacrificed itself to destroy the Tyranid minds that had infiltrated the mind-impulse link.
MACAROTH — This Warmaster commanded Imperial Forces in the Sabbat Worlds Crusade after the death of Warmaster Slaydo in 765M41, chosen over more senior generals. He had daring, some said reckless, strategies and a mercurial command style given to bouts of anger, though history judged him to be a military genius. He had a talent for employing Imperial Guard regiments to take advantage of their individual strengths.
MACHARIUS — This second Imperial Lord General Solar was born in 356M41 to the Imperial Commander of Donia, Commander Pella. He is generally regarded as the greatest military mind of recent history, though some say overly brutal, and his crusade reached the limits of the Astronomicon, reclaiming thousands of worlds for the Imperium. He commanded the 1st Army Group during the crusade itself. He succeded Lord General Solar Phillip in XX. He died before reaching his goal of the old Imperial boundaries in 400M41 and was interred at Macharia in 401M41.
MACHELES — This representative of Guild Sinesias guided Inquisitor Eisenhorn (disguised as Sire Farcheval) on Gudrun. He was killed in the fight pits of House Glaw by a carnodon.
MACLIR, LORGATH — This Space Marine Chapter Master of the Storm Wardens chapter fought at the Purging of Vigil, and is credited with the battle cry "We are the storm! We are the fury!" A formidable tactician, he is said to have memorized the Tactica Imperialis in its entirety.
MACRAN, JOYRE — This Navis Nobilite Navigator discovered the palace-warship of the Apostles of the Blind King in Warpspace, escaped, and led the Imperial battleship Dominus Astra back to defeat them.
MACRO, JURASTIS — Imperial Lord Solar in late-M35 and early-M36 led Imperial forces in a series of anti-Ork campaigns.
MADOC — This Black Templars Space Marine Trooper died fighting Orks in the Nergal District of Helsreach Hive during a joint operation with the Salamanders in the Third War for Armageddon.
MADORTHENE, OLM — Imperial Navy Procurator of the Battlefleet Scarus Disciplinary Detachment had an augmetic implant running down the left side of his neck. He became a trusted confidant to Inquisitor Eisenhorn. He would rise to the rank of Lord Procurator before 388M41, and to Lord Admiral prior to destroying the planet Gh?l in 392M41.
MADSEN, LUSINDA — This associate of Jader Trice worked with Kinsky and his minder Ahenobarb.
MADULLA — This Adeptus Arbites Lead Arbitor escorted Shira Calpurnia through the Augustaeum of Bosporian Hive. He was a member of Green-Four Echelon of the Holdark Precinct House.
MAETRUS — Space Marine Mantis Warriors Captain from Mordriana III who discovered their "battle-haze" technique of perceived time-dilation based on conscious faith-based manipulation of the preomnor implant, otherwise dormant. He was also the founder of the Order of the Praying Mantidae.
MAGHAL — Adeptus Administratum Adept Prolegis journeyed with Varro Phrax to Hydraphur
MAGHERNUS, TOMAZ — Holding the title Dockmaster, he led the Helsreach Dockers' Union during the Third War for Armageddon. He worked a massive crane for unloading vessels. During the Ork assault from the sea on the Forthright Dock Sector on the 36th day of the siege, he fought in a group led by the Imperial Guard Storm Trooper Andrej, and fought until the very end of the conflict when he died in the last stand at the Temple of the Emperor Ascendant.
MAGLIN — Imperial Guard Major commanded a unit of the Volpone 50th Bluebloods in the assault on Voltis City on Voltemand.
MAGNIR — Space Marine Mantis Warriors 2nd Company Devastator Sergeant recruited from the wastes of Nanthrax III. He died on Herodian IV.
MAGNUS THE RED — This changeling primarch of the Thousand Sons Legion had copper skin, red hair, and only one cyclopean eye. He was one of the largest primarchs, but suspected of taint due to his mutation. He endured the whispers of the warp throughout his life. After the heresy, he became a prince of Tzeentch.
MAGNUS — Second helmsman for the Hinterlight under ship-mistress Cynia Preest
MAGNUS — This Inquisitor was known for his teachings on Chaos.
MAGOT, MARI — This Imperial Guard Trooper served in Sergeant Grifen's squad of the Valhallan 597th, requesting transfer there after Grifen's promotion. She descended into the tunnels beneath the Promethium refinery on Simia Orichalcae with Commissar Cain. She was short, had red hair, and the hardened eyes of a veteran. She had a relationship with Sergeant Grifen, and was exceptional at unarmed combat, with a well-deserved reputation in that regard.
MAHAN — This Imperial Guard Trooper acted as the vox operator for Colonel Corbec's platoon of the Tanith First and Only until killed at Menazoid Epsilon.
MAHAT, ALEM — Imperial Guard Sergeant of the Tallarn 229th accompanied Commissar Beiji in his attempt to arrest Commissar Cain on the dredging barge on Adumbria in 937M41. He fought alongside Cain and the Valhallans in the ensuing combat, and would eventually become the leader of a cult revering Cain as a prophet of the Emperor, writing The Book of Cain.
MAIELLE — This Imperial Navigator had succumbed to Slaanesh and sabotaged the Hammer of Thor, destroying that Ecclesiarchal Battleship.
MAJJIAH — This Ecllesiarchal Curate oversaw the crew of the penance ship Aurum Sanctus.
MALACHAI — Imperial Space Marine Black Templar Captain fell to the temptations of Slaanesh. He worked with Inquisitor Grinn and Ephrael Stern.
MALACHI — Imperial Space Marine Blood Angel 1st Company Honor Guard fought with Bolt Pistol and Power Sword.
MALACHI — Space Marine Dark Angel Ravenwing 1st Company Sergeant fought on a bike against Orks on Boab
MALAHITE, GIROLAMO — This man was an associate of Gorgone Locke and the heretic Glaw family. He was captured by Inquisitor Eisenhorn on KCX-1288 and killed by the questioning of the radical Inquisitor Molitor.
MALATHIR — This Black Templars Space Marine died on the 18th day of the siege of Helsreach Hive during the Third War for Armageddon. He perished at Ork hands defending the Yangara Installation.
MALCADOR THE SIGILLITE — This unenhanced human served as advisor and aide to the Emperor from the beginning of the Unification Wars through the Horus Hersy. He led the Council of Terra. He was short and had long white hair.
MALCHIO — Imperial Inquisitor and founder of the Ordo Xenos Conservati faction held the title Dominus Conservati.
MALDEN1 — Imperial Inquisitor
MALDEN2 — This Sanctioned Psyker served on Lord General Zyvan's staff during the conflict on Adumbria in 937M41. He was very capable in his craft, and remarkably forgettable in appearance. He is remarkably deadpan and emotionless in virtually all situations, though he occasionally displays a very dry sense of humor.
MALIQUA, HEYD — Adeptus Arbites Marshal served the court of Hazhim and she acted as mentor to Shira Calpurnia.
MALKETT — Imperial Guard Lieutenant commanded the 3rd Platoon of the 9th company of the 150th Armageddon Steel Legion, a mechanized infantry regiment.
MALKISS, XE'L — Imperial Inquisition Interrogator of the Ordo Xenos served Inquisitor Sasham
MALLEY — This gate guard for Junktion's Six-ward Gate in Hive Primus on Necromunda used a shotgun.
MALLOR — Imperial Guard Trooper of the Tanith First and Only served in Colonel Corbec's platoon on Ramillies.
MALLORY — This Imperial Guard trooper served in the Last Chancers 13th Penal Legion. He was thin, balding, and had a reputation for malingering. He was killed by friendly flamer fire beneath the surface of a moon in the Hypernol system.
MALON — This man served as one of Varro Phrax's retainers and bodyguards.
MALORDNU — This Inquisitorial agent of the Black Ships discovered Umberco Eto at Bredo Rock and sent him to the Inquisition stronghold on Judgement.
MALYGRIS, UMBRA — This Explorator Archmagos Umbra Malygris and hundreds of his Adepts went renegade in 742M41 after clashing with the High Fabricator of the Lathes in the Calixis Sector. He unleashed a number of forbidden weapons against seemingly random opponents to further his research and gain secrets from vanquished foes. The Mechanicus Dragon Secutarii destroyed him in 770M41, but his lore still plagues the Mechanicus.
MANBURNA, VORG — This Ork Warlord killed the Astral Claws Chapter Master Rovik Blake in single combat when Blake's forces assaulted the Ork Rok bases at Hellsiris in 715M41.
MANCION, ZARHA — Princeps Majoris of Legio Invigilata commanded the titan Stormherald and one full group of the Legio. She was interred into Stormherald's amniotic tank in 919M41. She was also known as the Crone of Invigilata. She died, along with her titan, under close assault by the Ork Mega-Gargant Godbreaker.
MANDRAGORE CARRION — This Traitor Marine Emperor's Children Champion was a descendent of Fulgrim and worked with the Lord Oberon Glaw on Damask in the excavations. He was killed by Inquisitor Eisenhorn on KCX-1288.
MANEESHA — This Morituri Death Cultist of an Imperial Inquisitor's retinue was killed fighting Quixos' band on Maginor.
MANEZZER — Imperial apostolic saint
MANKELA, REA — Adepta Sororitas Order of the Bloody Rose Sister assisted Shira Calpurnia in the investigation of the Kalfus-Medell household in Bosporian Hive on Hydraphur.
MANNHEIM, KURTIZ — Imperial Adeptus Titanicus Iron Skulls Princeps Primaris fought against the Orks during the Wars of Armageddon and eventually died there
MANOY, BENEL — A young gamper native to Petropolis on Eustice Majoris
MANUS — This Flight Engineer of the Mechanicus, seconded to the Imperial Navy, served in Wing Captian LaHain's interceptor and perished with himn roughly ten yeas into the Sabbat Wolds Crusade.
MANYTEEF, RUKKA — This Bad Moon Ork Warlord led the Sky-Killas n a century-long occupation of Naraka before defeat by the Astral Claws in the Taninim Campaigns in M37.
MARALIN — This Adepta Sororitas Sister, born in 983M41, was one of the youngest of the Order of the Argent Shroud convent in Helsreach Hive during the Third War for Armageddon.
MARDER — Adeptus Titanicus Fire Wasps Moderatus served in the same titan as Princeps Garn Kincaid and Moderati Okawa.
MAREBOS — This trader is a member of the cartel involved in Contract Thirteen and the flect trade between Lost Space and the Angelus Subsector.
MAREZK — This freed pit fighter fought with a ram-hammer and sawed-off shotgun and was killed assaulting the waterworks atop the Black Pile in Junktion in the underhive of Hive Primus of Necromunda.
MARI, ALDUS — This Imperial Lexicos was the last human ambassador to Alaitoch Craftworld.
MARIK — This Imperial Guard Colonel commanded the Hybrean Hunters, and helped captain Leonatus at the start of his Bloodquest.
MARKOSIAN — This battle brother of the Black Templars Space Marines died on the 18th day of the siege of Helsreach Hive in the Third War for Armageddon. He perished at the Breach of the Amalas Concourse, incinerated in retribution for slaying an Ork Warboss atop its command tank. He was awarded the Crusade Mark of Unbroken Courage.
MARLADEKI — The klaylware ceramics of this man are highly sought after by collectors. He died at the age of twenty-nine before producing much work.
MARN — This huge, hairy man was Kage's cell-mate in prison on Ghovul. He had bushy eyebrows, short hair, and a beard.
MARTYRN, NICODEMUS — Imerial Navy Flag Lieutenant commissioned to the Divine Right under Admiral Ravensburg in 138M41.
MARSHALL — A Tyranid Hormagaunt killed his Imperial Guard trooper of the Last Chancers 13th Penal Legion.
MARTINEZ — This Imperial Guard Lieutenant led a Mordian platoon and was killed in the seige of the Coritanorum on Typhos Prime.
MASSENDA, DALIEM — Imperial rogue trader Captain operated on the Eastern Fringe
MASTIK, PHANT — This mutant was a slaver and mind-job specialist on Eechan and was equipped with a vox-implant
MATHIS — Space Marine chaplain fought to cleanse the defiled basilica of Saint Dolan.
MATHUIN, ZEPH — This quiet, former bounty-hunter was part of Inquisitor Ravenor's retinue, though typically held in reserve. He possessed mechanical in addition to martial skills. His augmetic left hand can be removed and his arm plugged into an assault cannon rig.
MATRADA, KUZELA — Imperial Adeptus Mechanicus High Magos oversaw the final destruction of the Citadel at Hydra Cordatus.
MATRIE — A courtesan native to Petropolis on Eustis Majoris
MATTHIAS, SELEBOR — Imperial Navy indentured crewman served aboard the Paternus Gloriem. He encountered a Hrud on board and was subsequently interrogated by the Inquisition in 790M41.
MAUGAN-RA THE HARVESTER OF SOULS — This Eldar Phoenix Lord of the Dark Reaper aspect stood alone against a tendril of Hive Fleet Leviathan at Stormvald and emerged triumphant.
MAXILLA, TOBIAS — This man commanded the sprint trader Essene and became a member of Inquisitor Eisenhorn's retinue after transporting him from Hubris to Gudrun. His ship was entirely crewed by servitors. He was killed in the Inquisitor's service after combat with puritan Inquisitors in 386M41.
MAXIMUS, THEOCRON — Imperial Adeptus Astra Telepathicus Magus
MAXIMUS — Imperial Space Marine Howling Griffons Fifth Company Sergeant fought with Power Sword and Combat Shield.
MAXIMUS — Imperial Space Marine Ultramarine 2nd Company fought with Heavy Bolter
MAYPELL, VERNAL — This sickly man was heir-lord to the Dallowen Cantons on Hubris
MAZARIN — This Mechanicus Tech Priest served as the Enginseer of the freighter Pure of Heart under Captain Durant. She had a suspensor field in place of her hips and legs, making her look as if she'd been cut in half. She was very heavily augmented, and had a gruff, bantering relationship with her Captain. She was the Daughter of Captain Durant and had mechadendrites.
MECKLIN — This Astropath served as a Cantor of the Green Eyrie of the Bastion Psykana in Hydraphur
MEDACIO, NICODEMUS — This Rogue Trader Captain commanded the Light of Diogenes, and assisted Captain Leonatos in his Bloodquest.
MEHLIO — This experienced Astropath served on the Blind Tower station in Hydraphur. She had good focus and discipline.
MEGELLEN, SAUL — This Adeptus Prefectus Primus reported on alien pyramids on Angelis.
MELMOTH, OTTALINE — This Viridian noble penned The Virus of Betrayal: The Cleansing of Viridia and its Aftermath in 958M41, a book concerning the genestealer rebellion on Viridia in 928M41.
MELYR — This Imperial Guard Trooper of Colonel Corbec's platoon of the Tanith First and Only used a rocket launcher.
MELYUS — Imperial Navy Captain commanded the Extreme Prejudice.
MENDEREF, LASLO — Inquisitor of the Ordo Hereticus was an Istavaanian native to Sancour and part of the Examination of Udwin Priddle on Durer in 386M41. He would become known as Menderef the Grievous. He has a quick mind and nimble wit.
MENELIUS — This Blood Angels Initiate traveled with Captain Leonatos on the Bloodquest. A Khorne daemon possessed him after the Brotherhood of the Watch used him in a Chaos ritual. An orbital strike eliminated his possessed form.
MENITUS — This Warmaster commanded the reduction of the Coritanorum on Typhos Prime.
MENZO OF TRAVERT — This mason spent 30 years decorating the Annapurna Gate of the Imperial Palace during its initial construction after the Wars of Unification.
MEPHISTON — Space Marine Blood Angel Chief Librarian was once known as Brother Calistarius, a Librarian. He became a victim of the Red Thirst during the fighting for Hades Hive on Armageddon and joined the Death Company. He was trapped in an Ecclesorium for seven days, but somehow managed to conquer the thirst by force of will, gaining psychic strength and other abilities, and emerging as Mephiston, Lord of Death. He is the only Blood Angel known to have defeated the Red Thirst.
MERAN, ALVARD VALERIUS — Imperial Guard Captain of a Hellbreaker battery of the 16th Lanran Artillery at Broucheroc
MERDOK — This frail, elderly man had four squat female bodyguards in war-rena suits and was bidding for slaves from Phant Mastik on Eechan. The heretic Inquisitor Lyko killed him with a plasma gun.
MERKOLI-BALLYNE, KETA — Shira Calpurnia struck this young noble-woman unconscious with a power maul after she blocked the Arbitor's way into an Adeptus Mechanicus facility.
MERYN — Imperial Guard Trooper of the Tanith First and Only became a Corporal by the time of the conflict on Ramillies.
MILO, BRIN — This member of the Tanith First and Only was saved as a teenager by Colonel-Commissar Gaunt as Tanith was destroyed, and became something of a good luck charm for the unit, serving as both regimental musician and personal adjutant for Gaunt. He had exceptional hearing and intuition that bordered on the supernatural. His playing of the Tanith pipes contributed to the morale of the regiment. He had a blue fish tattoo over his left eye.
MIMETAS — Adepta Sororitas Order of the Sacred Coin Sister worked with the Lyze-Haggan family to slow their rift with the Imperial faith. She assisted Sister Superior Gallans in organizing resistance when the family rebelled openly.
MIROVAN — Imperial Guard General was on the staff of Grand Marshal Kerchan at Broucheroc until he was demoted to Trooper for questioning one of the Grand Marshal's battle plans.
MIR'SAN, PELLAS — Salamanders Space Marine Captain provided sound strategic counsel to Carab Culln and the loyalist forces of the Badab War.
MISTRAL — This untouchable mercenary and assassin served the De Kyp siblings against Inquisitor Alastor, and was killed by Konstantin Damask at the De Kyp estate on Demaris Primary.
MITRANI, KARMINE — Shexia Dockmasters' Guild orbit-clerk underwent significant augmentation and hypno-therapy to optimize him for social interaction, enabling him to empathize with almost any regional Imperial citizen.
M'KAR THE REBORN — This Daemon Prince arrived at Sondheim V and quickly transformed it into a planet of Chaos. A tendril of Hive Fleet Leviathan arrived at almost the same time, giving combat to his followers across the planet. He was banished back to the Warp when Space Marines of the Sky Sentinels chapter arrived and declared Exterminatus on the planet. He reemerged on the planet of Acralem in 799M41, seeking to make it the heart of a new empire, but the Grey Knight Kaldor Draigo banished him yet again.
MKOLL — Imperial Guard Scout-Sergeant led the scouts for the Tanith First and Only. He was an expert in stealth techniques and tactics, having been a hunter back on Tanith. He was one of the older scouts and had salt and pepper beard and hair.
MKVENNER — Imperial Guard trooper and scout of the Tanith First and Only was trained on Tanith by his Nalsheen father in their arts, including Old Gothic and cwlwhl. He left his training incomplete to joint the Guard.
MODJESKA — Imperial Commissar served in the Fleet Commissariat and presided over the disagreements between Shira Calpurnia and Gate-Captain de Jauncey.
MODO — This independent multi-task servitor served Inquisitor Eisenhorn aboard his gun-cutter.
MOERCK — Imperial Commissar trained in the Schola Progenium before serving with a stormtrooper unit, gaining many citations for bravery. He is tall, handsome, has short blond hair, and looks like an Imperial recruiting poster. A Departmento Munitorium mistake targeted the wrong encampment and his unit was charged as a scapegoat. Colonel Schaefer transferred his sentence to Ghovul prison.
MOJARO, GARBO — This Technomagos of the Adeptus Mechanicus wrote The Chime of Eons, a work positing that a man endures as long as his work endures.
MOLITOR, KONRAD — Imperial Inquisitor of the Ordo Helican was a radical and fought with an ornate power sword. He was killed by Inquisitor Eisenhorn after betraying him to obtain the Saruthi Necroteuch.
MOLOC, ASTERION — Chapter Master of the Minotaurs Space Marine Chapter during the Badab War. He remained aloof from the Loyalist chain of command, and left no survivors in his battles against secessionist systems in the Pale Stars.
MOLOTCH, ZYGMUNT — This Cognitae-trained man led expeditions to recover any traces of the ancient Enuncia language. He was killed when his Nymph recon-flyer was shot down by Harlon Nayl.
MOMBRIL, LAZLO — This itinerant evangelist was found in Urbitane on Sameter with eyes, tongue, nose, and hands removed.
MOOR, KALE — Imperial Adept Astronimus researched a document on Chaos naval vessels after the Gothic War
MORAI-HEG — This Eldar goddess is often depicted as an old crone, and holds the fate of all mortals in a skin rune-pouch.
MORDAX — Imperial Guard Sergeant of the Mardian Iron Guard fought against Varlak's rebels on Korsk II in 995M41.
MORDRAK, VORTH — This Grey Knight Captain served as a newly promoted Justicar during the First War for Armageddon. He led the assault on the Necron planet of Iori Delta Tove in 774M41.
MORDRED — This Black Templars Reclusiarch of the Eternal Crusade mentored Grimaldus, and selected him as successor after his death. The quote "We are judged in life for the evil we destroy." is on his plinth in the Temple of Dorn on the Eternal Crusader. He was also called Mordred the Black.
MOREL, ARTUR — This man led the Guild of Miners on Simia Orichalcae. He was a grizzled old worker, and genuinely cared about the workers.
MORGAN — Space Marine Dark Angels Captain fought Tyranids on a space hulk and discovered evidence of the Fallen
MORIANA — Along with Promeus, this resurrectionist helped form the Senatorum Imperialis and the fledgling Inquisition. She advocaed the use of the Warp and psykers to reunite the Emperor's soul with a living vessel. She eventually vanished into the Eye of Terror, which has greatly extended hr lifespan. She gave Abbadon the prophesy by which he used the Hand of Darkness and Eye of Night to control the Balckstone fortresses.
MORTARION — This primarch of the Death Guard Legion took well to the arts of killing. At some point, during or after the Horus Heresy, Nurgle turned him fully to chaos. He has become a Daemon Prince. In 901M41, he slew The Grey Knight Supreme Grand Master Geronitan, but was in turn caught off guard by the new Supreme Grand Master Draigo and banished to the Warp for several years.
MORTENSEN — Adeptus Titanicus Princeps fought against Fire Masters traitor titans
MORTHRAX — (Also: Morthrax the Sadist) This pain-cult leader took over a hive on Urlon IV, but was killed by Captain Shrike of the Raven Guard.
MORVAAL — This Eldar pirate prince led the White Flame Corsairs and fought in the Battle of Lithore.
MOSELLE — This Imperial Navy pilot commanded a Faustus-Class Interceptor in Wing Captain LaHain's squadron. Chaos fighters destroyed him and his vessel ten years into the Sabbat Workds Crusade.
MOSTRUE — This Imperial Guard Colonel commanded the Valhallan 12th Field Artillery regiment at the time of Ciaphas Cain's first assignment there on Keffia.
MOTT, CARACTACUS — This elderly savant served as part of Imquisitor Amberley Vail's entourage and was extremely verbose, virtually unable to resist answering even rhetorical questions. He had a beard and an enormous trove of knowledge.
MOUNTJOY, ROXANE — General Macharius took this rebel leader's stronghold in 380M41, rescuing Lord Solar Phillips.
MOURNDARK — Imperial Navy Fleet-Admiral commanded forces during the Gothic War, and personally led the task force that eliminated the pirate bands operating out of the Barbarus Costa system. He commanded the Legatus Stygies for the majority of the war.
MUAREX — Adeptus Mechanicus Tech-Priest served aboard the Fortitude during the Gothic War.
MUCHSTART, STUMPER — A native of the Ratling planet of Ornsworld was a phenomenal shot, able to shoot three Crowns out of the air while blindfolded. He served in the Imperial Guard after coming to the attention of a Commissar.
MUDEYE — Rebels killed this Junktion lamplighter in the underhive of Hive Primus on Necromunda.
MULENZ — This Imperial Guard Gunner newly joined the Valhallan 12th Field Artillery during their campaign on Slawkenberg, accompanying Commissar Cain on his ill-fated tour of the front. Slaaneshi cultists turned him into a daemonhost at the Saint Trynia Academy for the Daughters of Gentlefolk, and Commissar Cain's artillery barrage called in upon discovering its nature most likely destroyed him.
MULKAN, ROBARD — Imperial Guard Lieutenant Colonel of the 3rd Mondlian "Ork Bane" Regiment learned several Ork dialects and was adept at fighting them.
MUNCHS — One of Feaver Skoh's hunters
MURFI — This trader sold crocodilians and other arena animals to Ranklin Duboe of the Carnivora.
MURIL — This member of the Tanith First and Only was killed.
MURMAN — Imperial Navy Gun Captain
MURRAYS — This Medicae served at False Hope station, but was consumed by the God Plant.
MUS, DECIUS — This renegade was known as the Arch-Heretic of Auscum
NACHAAS, UNCUHLI — Imperial Navis Nobilite Novator
NACLIDES — This Black Templars Space Marine died on the 33rd day of the siege of Helsreach Hive during the Third War for Armageddon. He perished in the heavy combat around Bastion IV against overwhelming numbers.
NADZYBAR — This being was Archon of the chaos host in the Sabbat Worlds Campaign until he was killed on Balhaut in 765M41.
NAICIN — Imperial Adeptus Mechanicus Adept was actually an Iron Warriors spy, and was killed by Captain Eshara of the Imperial Fists in the control chamber of the Citadel of Hydran Cordatus.
NAKAYAMA, RYO — This squat Adeptus Arbites Arbitor Senioris served as one of three deputied to Krieg Dvorov in Bosporian Hive on Hydraphur. He served much of his career in the Arbites fleets and was adept at ship-to-ship actions.
NALLEN — This Tactical Officer of the Imperius Dictatio was killed on Vivaporius.
NALLION — This PDF officer led the raid on Kyria Sejwek's compound along with Commissar Cain in Skitterfall on Adumbria in 937M41.
NARAN, LOYS — This member of the Distaff of Inquisitor Eisenhorn was killed on Cartol in 386M41.
NARDO — A fellow lamplighter of Sinden Kass from the winches of Junktion in the underhive of Hive Primus on Necromunda was beaten nearly to death.
NARRANZE — Adeptus Arbites Arbitor Consul and his ancestors served as Master of the Calculus in the Hydraphur system.
NARROWS, JIBBY — Tall, thin childhood friend of Zael in Petropolis on Eustis Majoris
NATALUS — Imperial Inquisitress of the Ordo Hereticus
NATHANIEL1 — This Imperial Ministorum missionary led the small Imperial fort of Deliverance during the Tyranid invasion.
NATHANIEL2 — This Space marine Master of the Dark Angels commanded a Redemption Force in search of the Fallen.
NATHETT, F. — Imperial Guard Colonel commanded the Armageddon 273rd Desert Vultures regiment, seconded by Majors Johan and Oros, at Helsreach during the Third War for Armageddon.
NAVARRE — Space Marine Black Templar Captain fought at the Imperial Palace during the Age of Apostasy, and was one of the first to breach the Ecclesiarchal Palace. He was honored with the title Captain of the Banner for saving the holy icon in the same battle.
NAYL, HARLON — This hardened mercenary was part of Inquisitor Eisenhorn's retinue before joining that of his prot?g?, Inquisitor Ravenor. He was an ex-bounty hunter born on Loki. He dies in 450M41
NAZDREG — This Ork Warlord leads a Waaagh! against Armageddon from the galactic east, combining with Waaagh! Ghazghkull.
N'DAI, HYUS — Adeptus Mechanicus Artisan Magos designed the Tyrant class cruiser in M38 utilizing superfired plasma technology to improve the range of its weapons.
NEFF — This Imperial Guard Trooper served in Major Rawne's squad of the Tanith First and Only, serving as squad medic.
NELD, ADOLPHUS — Adeptus Administratum scribe published a summary report on the Traitor Legions of Chaos Space Marines at the behest of Inquisitor M. Horst.
NELIUS — Deathwatch Terminator, inducted from the White Consuls, served with Captain Octavius and Inquisitress Kalypsia. His Terminator armor has a Cyclone Missile Launcher.
NEMO — (the Faceless) This man was an underhive spymaster in Hive Primus of Necromunda. He wore a mirrored mask.
NEPETINE — Imperial Guard Captain led the False Hope garrison and was consumed by the God Plant.
NEPHTHYS, ERYA — This Inquisitor went renegade in 777M41, killing her peers at the Tricorn Palace on Scintilla in the Calixis Sector. She left a bloody path across the sector, prompting a blood hunt by the Ordo Calixis. Witch Hunter Rykehuss killed her for the third and final time, after which her ashes were sealed in a vault.
NEROVAR — This Apothecary of the Black Templars served on Squad Grimaldus during the Third War for Armageddon. Cador had been his mentor, and he grieved his elder's death. He perished in the last stand at the inner sanctum of the Temple of the Emperor Ascendant in the final days of the Helsreach Crusade.
NERTHUS — Space Marine Mantis Warriors 2nd Company Devastator armed with a las-cannon
NESTOR — This Space marine of the Ultramarines was interred in a Venerable Dreadnought.
NEVE — This puritan Inquisitress rose to become Inquisitor General of Cadia and walks with a cane. She has a reputation for attention to detail and fairness.
NEZERA — Chaos Space Marine fought under Uexkull with a powerclaw and bolter. He was killed by Ibram Gaunt in a partisan village in the Untill of Gereon.
NG, ERASMOS — Adeptus Administratum Assistant Scribe, Grade Secundus Minoris, worked in Data Processing Room 312 on Libris VI.
NIELUS, GRAEMA — Imperial Serf-Obediator of the Librarius Olympus on Macragge
NIKOV — Imperial Guard Trooper served under Major Ryken in the Armageddon 101st Steel Legion as a heavy weapons trooper. He fought with a missile launcher
NILQUIT — This independent multi-task servitor served Inquisitor Eisenhorn aboard his gun-cutter.
NILS, FERGAS — Space Marine Black Templar Chaplain
NIMMOND — The genetic virus slipped into the food of a junior officer gathering aboard the Bassaan killed this Spaeter Relixas native.
N'KARI — Brother-Captain Pelenas struck down this Keeper of Secrets aloard the Malan'tai craftworld in 800M41.
NKIRRE — This Chastener worked with Shira Calpurnia on Don-Croix.
NOBGROK — This Ork Warlord invaded the Imperial planet of Gloriam, and carved his name into its moon with the orbital magno-laser of its weapon test facilities in 990M41.
NOIRGRIM, GALAN — Imperial Inquisitor was Master of the Ordo Malleus and wrote the Prelude to the Abominatus.
NOKAD THE BLIGHTED — (Also: Nokad the Smiling) This charismatic leader caused an uprising on Bucephalon. This Chaos magister-warlord contended for the position of Archon after the death of Nadzybar.
NOMIKROS — This man served as major-domo for Lord Kalfus-Medell.
NOOKS — The klaylware ceramics of this man are highly sought after by collectors. He purchased the business of an artist names Solobess.
NORDWICK — This Imperial author wrote the book Considerations of the Divine, a chapbook of daily prayers and meditations.
NOTH — Imperial PDF Colonel was leader of the resistance cell in Leafering in the Lectica Heartlands during the chaos occupation of Gereon.
NOSTROMO — Name of one of the Navigator Houses
NOTIL, GENORUS — This medicae from Menizerre served the Froigre family.
NOVE — Older sister of Zael was killed, falling from an eighteenth-story building, over flects.
NUMITOR — Imperial Space Marine Howling Griffons Fifth Company Squad Crassus trooper fought with a plasma gun.
NUNG — This ogryn mercenary worked for Zygmunt Molotch on Zenta Malhyde, and was killed by Inquisitor Ravenor's team.
NUNTHUM — This Inquisitor is Grandmaster of the Ordo Cadia.
NURGLE — Known as the Lord of Decay, the Plague God or Pestilent Beast, he is one of the four ruinous powers of the warp. His attributes are disease, decay, and death.
NUZZGROND — Ork warrior of the Black Skullz clan
NWEL — Adeptus Mechanicus Magos from Gehenna specialized in custom hand weapons.
NYLIEN — This civilian Deck Officer maned the communication station at the Helsreach docks during the siege of the city in the Third War for Armageddon.
NYRI — This Astropath served as a Cantor in the Lantern Eyrie in the Bastion Psykana in Hydraphur.
NYTE, BILLEM — This law enforcement Justicar served on Periremunda as the aid to Arbitrator Keesh.
OBEL — This Imperial Guard Trooper of the Tanith First and Only suffered grievous injuries when his drop-ship crashed on Ramillies.
OCELLATI, DURAN — He discovered a warp route into the Wheel of Fire in 981M41.
OCTAVIUS, QUIRION — Deathwatch Space Marine Captain served under Inquisitress Kalypsia. He possessed an Eldar two-handed force sword from Biel-Tan
ODAMO, KYLE — Adeptus Arbites Arbitor led a surveillance team during the attempted escape of Symandis in Bosporian Hive on Hydraphur. He became one of her trusted staff afterwards. He served 32 years on Arbites strike teams, including 8 years on an Intercept Cruiser where he lost both legs and had them replaced with augmetics.
OETRON — Imperial Navy Admiral served in Battlefleet Scarus
OGNUTZ — This Ork Big Mek had a grot assistant named Grudley.
OKAWA — Adeptus Titanicus Fire Wasps Moderatus served in the same titan as Princeps Garn Kincaid and Moderati Marder.
OKEEN — This man led a small staff at the semi-automated waystation at Jeganda in 386M41.
OKLAND — This man is the Mayor of Salius Biegel on Biegel 9.
OKLAR — Imperial Guard trooper served with the Last Chancers 13th Penal Legion, and lost his right leg to a giant lizard on False Hope. He killed himself with a stimm needle not long after.
OKTAR, DELANE — This Commissar-General served as the senior Commissariat officer to several Hyrkan regiments. He acted as a mentor to then Cadet-Commissar Gaunt and died from poison left by Orks on Gylatus Decimus. He valued the lives of the Guardsmen under him, and taught this respect to the Guard officers with whom he worked.
OLADADUS — Captain of the Astral Claws during the Badab War had a Land Raider Crusader as a command vehicle.
OLIOS — Imperial apostolic saint
OLOS — This Imperial Guard Captain of a Kragmeer regiment fought Orks.
OLYVIER — An Administratum clerk with augmetic eyes native to Petropolis on Eustice Majoris
OMALI — This junior officer of the Rogue Trader Phrax fleet went down to Hydraphur with Nils Petronas. Arbites killed him in the shootout during the succession trial.
OMARMETTIA — This genius painter was famous for his damnation works and was considered insane by many.
OMEGUS — Imperial Space Marine Howling Griffons Fifth Company Squad Invictus trooper fought with a boltgun.
OMENTI, HAYL — Imperial Navy Commodore commanded the Fourth Hydraphur Squadron and held the position of Warden of the Inner Gates. He had a shaven head, drooping mustache, and dusky skin.
OMRON — This Princeps Seniores of Legio Mortis commanded the Warlord Class Titan Lord of Ruin.
OMYA — Lead Ensign aboard the Bassaan was mutated by the genetic virus slipped into the food of a junior officer gathering. Magos Dyobann removed him to the ship Gyga VII for study.
ONATOR — This Imperial General led a force of twenty divisions against Qux of the Eyeless at the Battle or Parthenope, was led into a trap and annihilated.
ONNOPEL — Imperial Administratum Hierarch on Durer
OORDELL, HOISHA — This House Delaque ganger took part in the raid on Mirror-Bitten in the underhive of Hive Primus on Necromunda. He was very adept at scouting and spotting traps. He was killed by carrion-bats in the assault against Mirror-Bitten.
ORAR — This legendary Captain of the Ultramarines is revered as the spiritual patriarch of the Sons of Orar chapter.
ORAXI — This Adeptus Arbites Lead Arbitor led a squad aboard the Bastion Psykana in Hydraphur.
ORCHA — Imperial Guard Trooper of the Tanith First and Only fought at Blackshard, becoming a Sergeant before the conflict at Voltemand. He was killed assaulting the water gates of Voltis City.
ORDAN — This Grey Knight Champion of the Fourth Brotherhood sacrificed himself in combat with the Khorne Bloodletter, Ka'jagga'nath, Lord of the Bloodtide, to saly the beast and send it back to the Warp in 876M41.
ORDIUS — Imperial Navy Captain commanded the Sword Class Frigate Purgation. He was killed, along with his vessel, by a Tyranid Razorfiend Cruiser over Herodian IV.
ORECHIEL, JENA — This Ordo Xenos Inquisitor inherited the rosette and network of her mentor, Inquisitor Dargasto upon his death. Her main mission, also inherited from her master, was to prevent the rise of the ancient C'tan. She is radical in her use of xenos technologies and has even had an Eldar member of her retinue.
ORELIUS — This Rogue Trader worked with Inquisitor Vail on Gravalax, ingratiating himself with the planetary Governor. He was very thin, hawk-nosed, had almost black eyes, and fought with a bolt pistol.
OR'ES, SA'CEA — Tau Fire caste Shas'el commander
ORGANICIST — This faction of the Adeptus Mechanicus believe that biological matter is another form of machine, and seek to improve upon the samples they find throughout the universe.
ORIC — This Imperial Guardsman of the Jantine Third mustered out and served as the cook to Ibram Gaunt's father at their estate on Manzipor. He had a lightning bolt tattoo on one arm and augmetic legs.
ORIEL — This Inquisitor is a acquaintance of Colonel Schaefer and worked with the Last Chancers to destroy the Coritanorum. He is a capable fighter and excellent swordsman.
ORIK THE VILE — Traitor Marine of the Alpha Legion fought against the Cadians on Mihok Secundus in 361M37.
ORINTH, ELSEK — This Dark Eldar is Archon of the Venomed Blade Cabal.
ORION — Imperial Space Marine Ultramarines Sergeant fought with a Bolt Pistol and Chainsword.
ORIONUS — Imperial Space Marine Ultramarines Terminator fought with Assault Cannon and Chain Fist.
ORNALES — First Officer of the rogue trader Allure under Captain Siskind
OROS, V. — Imperial Guard Major jointly seconded the Armageddon 273rd Desert Vultures regiment with Major Johan, under Colonel Nathett, at Helsreach during the Third War for Armageddon.
OROVENE — This Arbites preacher helped conduct the trial of Shira Calpurnia after the debacle of the Phrax charter succession. He smoked lho-sticks and sometimes carried a staff of office.
ORSINI, UBERTINO — Imperial Lord Grandmaster Inquisitor was the senior member of the Inquisition in the Helican subsector.
ORTELIUS, AUGUSTUS — Imperial Navy Flag Captain received his commission aboard the Divine Right in 134M41 and has received honors too numerous to count during his service, particularly under Admiral Ravensburg.
ORTEN — This PDF General led the native forces of Viridia during the genestealer insurrection of 928M41, and worked closely with Commissar Cain and Captain Gries.
ORTIZ — This Imperial Guard Colonel commanded the Ketzok 17th Armoured Regiment, the Serpents.
ORTYS, VERANT — Chapter Master of the Red Scorpions Space Marines had effective overall command of the Imperial forces in the Badab War after 905M41, though de-facto comand lay in the hands of Legate-Inquisitor Jarndyce Frain. He died at the Betrayal at Grief in 906M41 while at parlay with Lugft Huron.
O'SHASERRA — (Also: Shadowsun) This Tau Fire caste commander leads the the latest Tau expansion, the Third Sphere, having succeded the renegade Farsight.
O'SHOVA, FARSIGHT — This infamous and rebellious Tau Fire caste leader founded his own empire on the edge of the Damocles Gulf after his guiding Etheral perished combating Orks on Arthas Moloch. He now rules the Farsight Enclaves from the bastion planet. He formed a strike force of eighty Crisis Battlesuits called the Shining Blade and used them to assault elements of Hive Fleet Kraken in 997M41.
OSMA, LEONID — This Thorian Imperial Inquisitor was part of the Ordo Malleus and investigated Inquisitor Eisenhorn. He wore brass power armor and fought with a power hammer. He was eventually elevated to Lord Inquisitor and replaced Bezier as Master of the Ordo Malleus Helican in 363M41, and replaced Orsini as Grand Master of Ordos Helican later. He was killed by shipmaster Maxilla in 386M41.
OSRIC — (Also: Osric the Loopy) This man was planetary Governor of Corania from 756M41 till his removal by the Officio Assassinorum in 764M41.
OSSEL, ELLEN — Imperial Navy pilot and part of Inquisitor Javes Thysser's retinue was killed by Gaethon Richter's cult in 337M41.
OSZLOK — Choas Flotilla Admiral
OTMUND — Space Marines Black Templars Brother assisted in the trials on Kilhaven where Raclaw was selected.
OTRANTO — This Master of the Bastion Psykana of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica served aboard the Blind Tower in Hydraphur, and was one of the most powerful Astropaths there. He gained the position from Master Gonvall. He was murdered by the powerful stigmata of a psyker mind image by Dechene.
OTTRE — This Concordiast of the Bastion Psykana was very resillient, able to work with the most difficult of Astropaths.
OUFLEN — Chaos senior Ordinal was an expert in lingua-forms.
O'VALROTH — This Tau Admiral led the Kel'shan Sept fleet that responded to the Hive Fleet Gorgon incursion at Sha'draig. He was the Tau ground forces commander on Kel'shan, initially fighting the forces of Castellan Crask in 902M41 before allying against the Tyranids of Hive Fleet Gorgon.
O'VANAN — (Also: Kor'O'Vanan) Tau Supreme Admiral (Kor) fought Hive Fleet Gorgon with a fluid and adaptive strategy that proved successful in eliminating the threat in only four years. He pursued the last three Hive Ships of Hive Fleet Gorgon from Kel'shan in 902M41.
PAICH — Shexia Dockmasters' Guild Second Dockmaster controlled troopers of the dock watch.
PALAMON — This Blood Angels Space Marine served with Captain Leonatos on Sekundar Prime, and chose to accompany him on his Bloodquest. He sustained a wound on the Sea of Blood that became badly infected in the city of Ebolus. The Deamon Prince Bubonnikus possessed him when he succumbed to the disease, but was quickly destroyed by his battle brother Proteus.
PALASTEMES — This Imperial Adeptus Mechanicus Magos was in charge of all the cryo-generators on Hubris.
PALFRO — Imperial Cardinal of Mimiga turned heretic.
PALLANDRO, UZIETH — This rogue trader rediscovered Rynn's World in 222M34 and Badlanding in 238M34.
PAOLA — Under Captain Shambas, this female Imperial Guard Sentinel pilot served in the Valhallan 597th during their actions on Adumbria in 937M41.
PARCHER, PETE — He ran a guild shop on the south side of the Glory Hole Dome in the underhive of Hive Primus on Necromunda. He was killed by a Spyrer.
PARJITA — Captain of the Imperial troopship Righteous Wrath, he formed a friendship with Commissar Cain while transporting the Valhallan 597th.
PARNEVUE, XIATAL — This Imperial rogue trader first surveyed Naogeddon from orbit in M32.
PAROL — Imperial Navy Admiral of Battle Fleet Armageddon commanded the Imperial fleet during the Third War for Armageddon in conjunction with ships of the Black Templars and other Space Marine chapters that fought there.
PARSUVAL, ELBONE — Witchfinder Tantalid captured this psyker after a jurisdictional clash with Inquisitor Eisenhorn on Bradell's World.
PARTHON, BRUTIUS — Inquisitor Lord of the Ordo Xenos commanded the Veiled Salvation. He was a colleague of Lord Inquisitor Agustius.
PASKEN — Imperial Guard Commissar of the Jouran 383rd Dragoons was killed in an attack upon the Iron Warrior siege lines before the walls of Hydra Cordatus.
PASWOLD, BERRIKIN — This cult leader operated on Felthon.
PATRONIS — This Adeptus Mechanicus Magos studied the Thyrrus.
PAXIMAN — This Imperial Guard Lieutenant served in the False Hope garrison and was killed by the God Plant. He was the liaison to the Adeptus Machanicus contingent of the outpost.
PELENAS — At the urging of the Prognosticars, this Grey Knight Brother-Captain led a force consisting primarily of Purifiers to an empty zone of space where he found the derelict Malan'tai Craftworld, destroyed by the Tyranids and inhabited by N'Kari, a Keeper of Secrets gorging itself on spirit stones. Justicar Thawn sacrifices himself, taking the spear meant for Penelnas, and allowng him to strike the killing blow.
PELLA — Imperial Commander of Donia was father to Macharius.
PELTON — This armsman served as part of Inquisitor Amberly Vail's entourage. He had blonde hair and the nickname of Flicker.
PENLAN, "JINXIE" — Imperial Guard Trooper of the Valhallan 597th served in Sergeant Lustig's squad, frequently as a scout. She sustained a minor wound from a las ricochet on Gravalax. She had brown hair and grey eyes. She was promoted to Corporal before the action on Adumbria in 937M41.
PERDO — Space Marine Blood Angels Second Company Captain was the only survivor of a force that pursued the Ork Freebooter Odlog Blackskar onto the death world of Extremis and found a swarm from Hive Fleet Leviathan in 753M41.
PERICLITOR — This rogue Imperial Lord slaughtered missionaries and members of the Adeptus Sororitas, and later killed Saint Jerome at Tosak in M33. He was elevated to daemonhood in early M39.
PERONUS, KOVAL — Imperial Guard vox operator stationed at Jericho Falls Spaceport was killed in the Iron Warriors assault.
PERTURABO — Primarch of the Iron Warriors was master of logistics and siege warfare before turning to chaos.
PETRONAS, NILS — Imperial Rogue Trader Flag Ensign had pale dun eyes and a birthmark under one side of his mouth. The Phrax fleet genetically modified him to pass as Petronas Phrax to challange the passage of the Phrax Rogue Trader Charter.
PHABES — This elderly man served Doctor Berschilde in Ravello on Gudrun, but was killed by the escaping Vessorine jannisary Vammeko Tarl.
PHAE1, KOLTON — Imperial militarist author wrote On Military Matters in 739M41.
PHAE2 — This Adeptus Arbites Aedile Senioris seconded Nakayama in storming the Aurum Sanctus.
PHAEDRUS — Lord Vandire assassinated this Master of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica in 215M36 for fear he could see into his mind and undo his plots.
PHARA'GUEOTTLA — This Daemon Prince was imprisoned on Karis Cephalon, but freed through the actions of Inquisitor Lichtenstein. The fate of these two, along with Inquisitor Tyrus and the ex-daemonhost Kessel, have been closely realted since, and they have clashed on numerous occasions.
PHARANT — This Imperial Guard Trooper in Major Brochuss' unit of the Pantine Patricians used a heavy stubber
PHARNELE — This Astropath served in the Eyrie of Echoes in the Bastion Psykana in Hydraphur.
PHEISSEN — This Adeptus Arbites Proctor served aboard the Bastion Psykana in Hydraphur, and was killed in an attack against Master Chastener Dast.
PHERAN — This Imperial Militia Auxiliary served as compositor (type-setter) for Commissar Valk's daily paper at Broucheroc.
PHILLIPS — This Imperial General was Lord Solar before being replaced by Lord Solar macharius after his death in 386M41.
PHINTOM, LERES — This agent of Inquisitor Eisenhorn was killed on Cartol in 386M41.
PHOENICIAN, THE — See: Fulgrim
PHOLTA — This envoy of the Escher Curse gang became a town father.
PHRAMTLE, ERASMUS — Imperial Prefect of Soliden warned of alien aggression in the Donorian sector.
PHRAX, DREYDER — Son of Varro and Ksana Phrax was killed in the chaos of the succession trial, along with his mother Ksana.
PHRAX, HOYYON — Imperial Rogue Trader of the Phrax dynasty died in late M41.
PHRAX, KSANA — Wife of Varro Phrax was killed in the chaos of the succession trial, along with Dreyder
PHRAX, MIETTA — Rogue Trader took command of the Phrax fleet after the death of both her uncle Rukkman and father Saitiri.
PHRAX, OLENDRO — Impeial Rogue Trader led the Phrax dynasty in M37 and established the Callyac's Promise as his personal estate vessel.
PHRAX, RUKKMAN — This Rogue Trader commanded the Phrax fleet until his death in 347M37.
PHRAX, SAITIRI — After the death of his brother Rukkman in 347M37, he was next in line for command of the Phrax Rogue Trader Charter, but the fleet feigned warp-storm interference until he died later that year.
PHRAX, VARRO — Also known as Phrax the Younger, he was widely regarded as incompetent even though he was first in succession after Hoyyon Phrax's death. He was actually a just and moral man and inhereted the charter, becoming Rogue Trader Phrax. He killed himself by ordering the Gann-Luctis into the warp while still far in-system after the death of his wife and child.
PHISTINIUS — This Imperial Saint perished by presenting him/herself to the enemy unarmed and unarmored.
PHYRON — This friend of Nils Petronas, and junior officer of the Rogue Trader Phrax fleet, accompanied him down to Hydraphur. Arbites killed him in the gunfight during the succession trial.
PIETAS — Senior Inquisitor of the Ordo Hereticus who observed Kathal and the 1st Company of the Sons of Malice. She was sacrificed by Kathal after defeat, earning the Sons of Malice excommunication.
PIRAMUS — This Black Templars Techmarine began as an Adept under Techmarine Arnulf, and inhereted much of his augmentation. He continued his master's calling of caring for the Dreadnought Tankred.
PLANTERSON — Imperial PDF Major of the resistance on Gereon during the chaos occupation was killed in the assault on Lectica Bastion.
PLOWER — Imperial PDF trooper was part of the resistance against the chaos occupation in Ineuron Town on Gereon.
PLYTON — Imperial Adeptus Arbites Junior Marshal in Petropolis on Eustis Majoris
POAL — This Imperial Guard sergeant, a former stormtrooper served in the Last Chancers 13th Penal Legion. He lost his left hand, which was replaced with a hook. His sister served in an Order Hospitalier of the Adepta Sororitas. He died after falling into a crevasse in the dark on Kragmeer.
POLIWICZ — This Imperial Guard trooper served with the Last Chancers 13th Penal Legion through Kragmeer. He had flat cheeks and a broad nose, signs of his homeworld of Myrmidia. A rebel strafing run killed him in the vicinity of the Coritanorum on Typhos Prime.
POLONAS, BRAKAR — Traitor Space Marine Iron Warriors engineer had a crude augmetic left leg
PONN — Along with co-author Dervick, he wrote a three-volume guide to social codes on Hydraphur.
PORLA, VIDDIEM — This man was captain of the Inquisitorial cruiser Umbrarius Inquis
POULSEN — Imperial Guard Captain of the 383rd Jouran Dragoons was aide-de-camp to Major Tedeski. He was killed when the escape tunnels from Tor Christo to Hydra Cordatus were demolished.
PRAETOR — Imperial Space Marine Howling Griffons Fifth Company command squad trooper fought with a Bolt Pistol and Chainsword.
PRANIX — This Imperial Inquisitor led an attempt to reclaim the Nine Hollow Worlds from Huron Blackhreart, using five companies of Space Wolves Space Marines, elements of the Cadian 301st and Tallarn 14th in 937M41.
PREEST, CYNIA — This woman captained the Hinterlight, which was used by Inquisitor Ravenor for nearly 30 years.
PRIAMUS — This young Marine of the Black Templars served on Squad Grimaldus during the Third War for Armadeggon. He is brash, proud, and something of a braggart. He is very skilled with a blade, calling himself a sword master. Upon the death of the Emperor's Champion Bayard, the Reclusiarch designated him Champion, though the posting would be short lived. He perished in the last stand at the inner sanctum of the Temple of the Emperor Ascendant in the final days of the Helsreach Crusade.
PRIDDLE, BETRICE — Formerly Betrice Samargue, she married Udwin in 375M41.
PRIDDLE, UDWIN — This Durer noble took his second wife in 376M41 and underwent Examination by the Inquisition for heresy in 386M41.
PRIM, THESSALA — This head of an Ecclesiarchal cult on Tiarni Delta was reputed to have miraculous powers. She was actually the leader of a Slaaneshi cult and was destroyed by Inquisitor Umberco Eto
PROBIS — Space Marine White Consul Second Company Tactical Squad Arias trooper fought with boltgun.
PROMEUS — Along with Moriana, this resurrectionist formed the basis of the Inquisition after helping to establish the Senatorum Imperialis with aid of the remaining loyal Primarchs. He opposed the use of the Warp and psykers to aid his goals, and his beliefs became the core of the Thorian faction.
PRONAN — Imperial Guard General of Sector Beta at Broucheroc
PRONG, MALACHI — This man was Chancellor of Hive Primus on Necromunda, and one of Gerontius Helmawr's personal advisors.
PROPHANITI — This daemonhost of the heretic Quixos attacked Inquisitor Eisenhorn on Cadia. Eisenhorn then destroyed him completely on Farness Beta in 343M41.
PROVOCARE — Adeptus Mechanicus Magos rediscovered Acer Albers exploration notes in early M27. He tirelessly ventured into the unknown, and his unorthodox methods were sometimes criticised by his peers.
PROTEUS — This Blood Angels Initiate traveled with Captain Leonatos on the Bloodquest.
PRYKE, MARUM — This Adeptus Administratum Adept led her contingent on Simia Orichalcae, and was possessed of singular self importance, feeling that the promethium mines would cease to function without Administratum support. She had white hair.
PSULLUS, ALDEMAR — This man served as rubricator and scribe to Inquisitor Eisenhorn at the Ocean House, maintaining the libraries. He was killed in the assault on Spaeton House in 386M41.
PTERONUS, MARCO — Imperial Adeptus Mechanicus Explorator supervised the excavation of the Adeptus Mechanicus geno-lab on Incunabla in 999M41, revealing secrets concerning the Cursed Founding, five thousand years earlier.
PURCHASON — Imperial PDF trooper was part of an insurgent group in Ineuron Town on Gereon during a chaos occupation in the Sabbat Worlds Crusade.
PURETIDE — This brilliant Tau Fire caste commander of the Second Sphere expansion conquered many of the second sphere worlds with his well-balanced offensives. He was severely wounded near the end of his life, and spent his remaining time recording his theories for posterity. Farsight and Shadowsun were his students.
PYE — This man was chief poisoner for Beldame Sadia, and introduced binary poison into Inquisitor Eisenhorn. He was killed by the Inquisitor on Lethe Eleven.
PYK — This Imperial Guard trooper served in Sergeant Lustig's squad of the Valhallan 597th during its service on Adumbria in 937M41.
PYRE, LASKO — This author penned The Annals of Terror.
PYTTO — This agent of chaos Flotilla Admiral Oszlok was guarded by two silver servitors.
QUAIL, GILBRAN — This Imperial scholar published essays.
QUATAR — Imperial Navy flag lieutenant served on the Umbrarius Inquis for its mission to Biegel 9.
QUIDLON — This Imperial Guard trooper of the New Bastion 18th was charged with insubordination for continuing to make unauthorized modifications to machinery against Adeptus Mechanicus orders. He was imprisoned on Ghovul and selected for Colonel Schaefer's kill team. He was short, solidly built, had square features, and spoke rapidly.
QUILL — This short Van Saar ganger headquartered his gang at The Breath of Fresh Air in the underhive of Hive Primus in Necromunda.
QUINTUS — This Adeptus Administratum Scrivener served under Adept Pryke on Simia Orichalcae. He had a far more open mind than many of his fellows, and a knack for getting things done. He worked closely with Commissar Cain and the Valhallan 597th during the Ork conflict in 932M41.
QUIXOS — This radical Inquisitor, also known as Quixos the Great, had a legendary career with the Ordo Malleus before vanishing from Imperial sight. A daemon wounded him on Lackan XV, leaving a piece of its claw lodges in Quixos' heart. This opened a channel to the Warp inside him, and he began to explore how this power might be used for good. He became increasingly radical over time, binding the daemon Kharnagar into his sword, stealing the Malus Codicium from the Library of Othella on Zandrini Prime, creating daemonhosts, and countless other transgressions. He allegedly killed Inquisitor Lugenbrau and his retinue, and associated with the daemon Cherubael. He hoped to close the Eye of Terror using the Cadian pylons, but his methods grew ever more radical. Inquisitor Eisenhorn declared him Extremis Diabolus. He killed the Inquisitors Ricci and Grumman with his daemonsword Kharnagar and was then himself killed by Eisenhorn on Farness Beta in 343M41.
QUS, MESCHER — This Imperial Guardsman from the 90th Vladislav was recruited into Inquisitor Eisenhorn's staff in 319M41. He fought with an autocannon and had an augmetic left eye. He was killed during the assault on Beldame Sadia's lair on Lethe Eleven.
QUX THE EYELESS — Chaos magister-warlord contended for the position of Archon after the death of Nadzybar. He destroyed a large Imperial force led by General Onator in 767M41, but the Imperial Navy subsequently killed him in a fleet engagement.
QWAHL — This Imperial Astropath worked at Firewatch Eyrie on the Blind Tower station.
RACHEN — This officer was part of the Office of Envoys of the Phrax Rogue Trader fleet.
RACINOV, NAYRA — This Imperial Technical Officer manned the auspex station of the Sheol Platform on Armageddon, and she died when the Orks destroyed it with submersibles during the Third War for Amageddon.
RACLAW — (Also: Raclaw, Gerhart) Brother Brunner of the Black Templars Space Marines selected this warrior of the Drumkil Clan from the trials on Kilhaven. He became a Black Templars Neophyte aboard the Battle Barge Admonisher, and served in that status during the Hephaestus Crusade. He trained as a Neophyte for 50 years before taking his mentor's forename of Gerhart in his honor.
RAFEL — This Imperial Guard Trooper served as a scout under Scout-Sergeant Mkoll of the Tanith First and Only on Ramillies. Poisonous spines, shot from the local plants, killed him.
RAFFLAN — This Imperial Guard Trooper served as Commissar Guant's vox-operator in the Tanith First and Only.
RAGLON — Imperial Guard Trooper of the Tanith First and Only served as Colonel Corbec's vox-operator on Menazoid Epsilon and Ramillies.
RAIMER — Space Marine Black Templar Castellan commanded the strike cruiser Ophidium Gulf, was a survivor of the Garon Crusade, and took his vessel on the mysterious Crusade of the Ophidium Gulf in 998M41.
RAIMERO — This Gunchamberlain served as Acoyte to Lord Inquisitor Rex. He perished from the Warp plague while investigating the planet of Vorlinghast in 981M41.
RAINFOLD — This man was one of Feaver Skoh's xeno-hunters.
RAKARTH, URIEN — This Dark Eldar was a Master Haemonculus.
RAKEL — This psyker served in Inquisitor Amberley Vail's entourage. She was a precog, but slightly mentally unstable. She was fairly voluptuous.
RALEI, MATURIN — This radical Inquisitor of the Ordo Xenos established a xeno research facility on Biegel 9, a planet for which he had stewardship. The Imperium recorded his death in 805M41, but he was actually a Necron infiltrator.
RALVS — Imperial Guard Trooper of the 902nd Vardan Rifles stationed at Broucheroc.
RAMIENTES — Imperial Adepta Sororitas Order of Our Martyred Lady Canoness of the Convent Prioris was gravely wounded in battle against the daemon Asteroth, and perished with Inquisitor Silas Hand as it attempted to flee through a Warp Gate.
RANXEY, THORDUN — Adeptus Titanicus Grand Master of the Deathbolts
RAPANNA — Imperial Saint
RASHEVSKA, INSA — Imperial Guard Captain led a company of Storm Troopers from the Armageddon Steel Legion during the Third War for Armageddon, serving both to guard the Mechanicus D-16 West facility just prior to the Ork seige, and also in special missions inside the hive after Orks had entered the city.
RASSI, POUL — This Inquisitor of the Ordo Malleus was born on the steppes of Kilwaddi. He teamed with Inquisitor Eisenhorn against Fayde Thuring on Durer and was killed by Thuring's titan Cruor Vult in 386M41.
RASTEX — Adeptus Mechanicus Magos Biologis studied Orks and discovered that periods of prolonged conflict resulted in individuals with greater muscle:mass ratios. He published his results in 374M41.
RATATHRAX — Colonel Straken killed this Chaos Lord by strangling him with a barb-root after the latter preceded his invasion of Catachan with massive anti-plant barrages.
RATH — Imperial Navy Admiral commanded the Dominus Astra.
RAVENOR, GIDEON — Born in 304M41, Imperial Inquisitor of the Ordo Xenos was confined to a life-support and mobility system due to injuries sustained on Thracian Primaris in the Novena disaster of 338M41 where he was horribly burned by the firestorm caused by a crashing Lightning fighter. He was promoted to full Inquisitor status in 346M41. He is famed for his powerful psychic powers, which increased in compensation for the losses he suffered in the Attrocity (high-delta or low-gamma without the psi-amplifiers in his chair), his achievements as an Inquisitor, and his academic writings, which include the multi-volume work, Sphere's of Longing and other works dealing with the reality and the function of the mind.
RAVENSBURG, CORNELIUS — Imperial Lord Admiral commanded the battleship Divine Right and Battlefleet Gothic through the Gothic War. He broke the back of the chaos incursion at the Battle of Gethsemane, turning the tide of the war. He was commissioned to the Divine Right in 128M41, and has received honors too numerous to recount during his career.
RAWNE, ELIM — Imperial Guard Major and second in command of the Tanith First and Only after the death of Major Corbec. He was the secret lover to trooper Jessi Banda. He despised Colonel-Commissar Gaunt, enough to do him violence, blaming him for the destruction of Tanith, but they eventually came to positions of mutual respect. He is intelligent and somewhat prone to cruelty. He was third son to a rich timber lord on Tanith, was an officer in the militia of Tanith Attica, and had a blue starburst tattoo over his right eye.
RAZNUTS — This Ork served as second in command for Deff Skwadron, and frequently served as the butt of Kommanda Uzgob's ire. He was shot down frequently, but had a rokkit-powered parachute that invariably carried him to safety. He claimed far more kills than could possibly be confirmed, and infrequently went by the call sign Da Goose.
REDE, LAZKA — This Adeptus Arbites Praetor Primaris and Master Detective-Espionist commanded the Arbites presence on the Bastion Psykana, but posed as a simple Arbitrator, allowing Aedile Majore Bruinann the figurehead command. She had short, curly black hair and a network of spies, electronic and human. She had a romantic attachement to Bruinann.
REDTH, ALHAZRA — Thia Mantis Warriors Master Librarian was also known as the Dust Prophet for his ability to scrye the future. His visions were instrumental in the capture of the Fire Angels strike cruiser Polaris Rising in 909M41.
REGIS, PAULO — Imperial Guard Gunnery Sergeant had extensive siege and artillery experience and was sentenced to hang for looting in Bathsheman Hive. Colonel Schaefer transferred his sentence to Ghovul prison. He refused the offer to become a Last Chancer and was summarily executed.
REIKER — This puritan Inquisitor attended the Thracian Apotropiac Congress of 338M41
REMUS — Imperial Space Marine Ultramarines Second Company trooper fought with a Flamer.
RENGILL — Friend of Nils Petronas, the genetic recoding virus slipped into her food aboard the Bassaan killed her.
RENOV — This Imperial Guard leader commanded a commando force for the rebels of the Coritanorum on Typhos Prime.
RENZ, TEEKER — This man served as a herbalist and Concordiast aboard the Bastion Psykana in Hydraphur. He served as the Bastion Master's major domo, and was an associatre of Tyko and Concordiast Dechene. He was executed by Shira Calpurnia after trial for a number of pandering schemes.
REPZIK — Imperial Guard Trooper of the 902nd Vardan Rifles stationed at Broucheroc. He died in an Ork assault after the arrival of the Jumael 14th.
REVIK — This Imperial Guard Trooper served in Sergeant Grifen's squad of the Valhallan 597th, and accompanied Commissar Cain into the depths of the dredge barge on Adumbria in 937M41, where he was badly wounded. He was a fresh replacement, joining the 597th just before Adumbria.
REVLL — This Cadian Interior Guard Major worked with Inquisitor Eisenhorn at the Ministry.
REX, VLADIMIR — Castellan of Hellhive Crag
REX — This Lord Inquisitor investigated the Warp plague on Vorlinghast in 981M41. His warship was the Coreveteran.
REYNARD — (Also: Master Reynard) This historical Imperial figure led the Travian Fire-raising.
RHEO — Nils Petronas killed this galley steward of the Phrax Rogue trader fleet, thinking he had poisoned him.
RHIIL, HASTA — This Adeptus Arbites operative worked in the Bastion Psykana in Hydraphur. She fought with a dartcaster.
RHIZOR, TYMAS — This resident of Damask was enslaved by cultists, but escaped to live as a savage amongst the ball-trees. He was captured and questioned by Inquisitor Ravenor.
RHO, LUOL — This Adeptus Mechanicus Magos forges blades from super-dense Lathe metals, and has provided a rapier to Lord Hax.
RHYSHKO — This Astropath served as a Cantor of the Green Eyrie of the Bastion Psykana in Hydraphur
RICARD — Space Marine Black Templar Marshal commanded the Dimaris Crusade before its integration into the Armageddon Crusade. During the Third War for Armageddon, he commanded a Black Templar force in the Ash Wastes.
RICCI, MASSIMO — One of Lord Rorken's most esteemed and valued Inquisitors of the Ordo Xenos, he was one of the five Inquisitors who pursued Quixos and was killed by the heretic in 343M41. He was born on Hesperus
RICHTER, GAETHON — This man led a wyrd-cult Vogel Passionata, but was killed by Inquisitor Javes Thysser in 337M41.
RICKENS, DERSK — Imperial Adeptus Arbites Deputy Magistratum First Class
RIGGRE — Imperial Interrogator under Inquisitor Osma
RILLAN — Space Marine Red Talons Battle Brother breached the rebel's main defensive lines in the Land Raider Eagle's Claw, leading to their final defeat in the Battle of Arnion in 917M41.
RIKAH — This man was one of Varro Phrax's closest retainers. He had implanted vox-receiver vanes running from his face to the nape of his neck. The Navigator Domasa killed him by looking at him with her warp eye.
RINCARDS — Imperial Guard Colonel commanded the Ventan XXI Heavy Infantry regiment.
RISCOE — This bloater and flect dealer both started Zael as a dealer and user. He was an inhabitant of Petropolis on Uestis Majoris.
RIVA, EUSEBY — This author wrote a book on Tygranese plant life.
RIYL — This Orlock ganger was the twin brother of Brynn, and worked for Nemo the Faceless in the underhive of Hive Primus on Necromunda. The twins have the nickname "Seek and Destroy."
ROARK, HAIMER — This mercenary served as an Acolyte in the retinue of Inquisitor Alastor. He was a loyal deveotee of the Imperial Cult and fought with a heavy stubber, wearing carapace armour. He died in combat against the Chaos Marine sorceror Lord Skyre and his cultists.
ROBAN — Imperial Inquisitor joined together with Inquisitors Eisenhorn and Voke in the aftermath of the Novena disaster. He was killed by a cargo-servitor controlled by the rogue psyker Esarhaddon.
ROBIKA — This man worked with Cullos Sclay and was murdered by a firebomb.
ROISELAND — Imperial Guard Sergeant served with the Last Chancers 13th Penal Legion.
ROLIN — Genestealer hybrids killed this local law enforcement official in an attempt on Commissar Cain's life in the streets of Principia Mons on Periremunda.
ROLLIS — This Imperial Guard trooper of the Last Chancers 13th Penal Legion served under Lieutenant Green. He was overweight and regarded as untrustworthy and a traitor. Kage killed him after the Dark Eldar pirate raid on the Pride of Lothus.
ROMILLE, AUREAN — Adepta Sororitas Order of the Sacred Rose Celestian Superior saved Shira Calpurnia's life and assisted her in the raid on the Kalfus-Medell household in Bosporian Hive on Hydraphur. She had a round face and long nose.
ROMULUS — Imperial Space Marine Howling Griffons Fifth Company Dreadnought fought with an assault cannon, power fist, and heavy flamer.
ROMULUS — Imperial Space Marine Ultramarine 2nd Company Sergeant fought with Bolt Pistol and Chain Sword.
ROOS — Imperial Navy Second Petty Officer of dock subcommand helped defend the docks from mutineers that attempted to board Shira Calpurnia's dromon.
RORKEN, PHLEBAS ALESSANDRO — This Imperial Lord Inquisitor was Grand Master of the Ordos Helican, a post he held for three hundred and fifteen years. He ended the Cognitae school of Lilean Chase on Hesperus.
ROSS — Adeptus Titanicus Moderatus
ROTCH — Imperial Guard Captain served under Commander Fleyitch and Commissar Vertren in a mixed unit that included Ogryn.
ROTHNARL — This Scion Acclaimed of House Vyronii piloted the Cerastus Knight Comitas Zenith in the Beta-Garmon campaign, noteably in the battles for Nyrcon City. His heraldry hangs in the House Vyronii Hall of Heroes.
ROUCHEFOR — Imperial Cardinal resided on Thracian Primaris.
ROXWELL — Imperial Guard Lieutenant commanded 3rd Platoon of 1st Company of the Valhallan 597th in defence of the town of Glacier Peak on Adumbria in 937M41.
RUBERU — This Imperial Inquisitor turned heretic.
RUINUS — Deathwatch Space Marine Devastator Sergeant, seconded from the Mantis Warriors, armed with a power-fist. His actions on Herodian IV while with the 2nd Company brought him to the attention of the Deathwatch. He died saving the Deathwatch team from a horde of Tyranid Raveners on Herodian IV.
RUNS-TOUCHING-SHADOWS — This Ratskin scout took part in the raid on Mirror-Bitten in the underhive of Hive Primus on Necromunda. Garm Heliko killed him in the assault against Mirror-Bitten.
RUSS, LEMAN — Primarch of the Space Wolves Space Marine Legions was known for his strength, ferocity, and impetuousness. He had an adversarial relationship with Leman Russ concerning a fight they had on the world of Dulan.
RYBELL — Imperial Navy Lieutenant served as part of the Naval Judiciary in the Hydraphur system, and presided over the questioning of gate-Captain de Jauncey.
RYBICKER, GOLL — This large, paunchy, and mentally simple man worked on the docks at the Bastion Psykana in Hydraphur. He was psychically influenced into killing the Inquisitorial agent, Lohjen, and his companions, but perished in the effort.
RYCHLIND — This Imperial Guard trooper led a heavy weapons team and served with then Cadet Commisar Gaunt at Darendara in a Hyrkan regiment.
RYCHTER, ANAES — This Space marine Captain of the Lamenters Chapter perished, along with his ship, in combat against the Space Hulk Unhallowed Heart in 933M41.
RYKEHUSS — This Witch Hunter killed the renegade Inquisitor Erya Nephthys for the third and final time, after her rampage beginning in 777M41.
RYKEN, MODECHAI — Imperial Guard Major served as executive officer to the 101st Steel Legion during the Third War for Armageddon, effectively commanding it while his superior, Colonel Sarren, served as overall Guard commander. His face and arm were badly burned before the defense of the Temple of the Emperor Ascendant, and over the course of the conflict became romantically involved with Cyria Tyro. He was one of the only human survivors of the last stand at the inner sanctum of the Temple of the Emperor Ascendant. After the siege, he received augmetic replacement for half of his face and his arm, and was promoted to Colonel.
SABBAT, BEATI — Imperial Saint conducted a crusade throughout the worlds that now bear her name in M35 with the assistance of the priest-commander Kiodrus. She had short, black hair, green eyes, and a master-crafted golden suit of battle armor.
SABREHAGEN, LUDD — The actions of this inspired strategist and Rogue Trader prevented the collapse of the Malfian region of the Calyx Expanse, circa 365M39.
SACREDSTEEL — This Senior Astropath served in the Eyrie of Echos aboard the Bastion Psykana in Hydraphur and aspired to become Master of the Tower. Her Attendant carried a vox-ear that transmitted to augmetics that trailed long vine-like antenna.
SADIA, BELDAME — This xenophile specialized in knowledge of the Dark Eldar. Inquisitor Atelath destroyed her legs, so she uses an eight-legged, spider-like augmetics. She has also had fangs and poison glands added to complete the spider image. She and her augmetics massed over 400 kilos. The Witchfinder Tantalid killed her on Lethe Eleven
SAFINE — This woman leads the Escher Curse gang in the underhive of Hive Primus of Necromunda. She fought plague-zombies at Dying Gorge. She used a Plasma Pistol and a chainsword.
SAFRANE, FRA — Fifth aid to the Navigator Da'el
SAKAROF — This Thorian Lord Inquisitor was the leader of the Ordo Hereticus in Helican subsector.
SALAVAC — This Princeps of Legio Suturvora commanded the Titan Consecratus Inferno at the Betrayal at Calth.
SALK — This Adeptus Mechanicus Magos Biologis worked at the Draco Legion Biomedical Research Station on New Hallefuss has published many works on the Tyranids, detailing their bio-weapons and the steps used in assimilating a planet.
SALLUST — Imperial Navy Admiral supported the Black Templars during the Battle of the Carrion Gulf, defeating a Chaos fleet. He commanded during the Black Templars support of Inquisitor Alastor.
SALTON — This mercenary worked for Zygmunt Molotch on Zenta Malhyde, but was killed by an infestation on Nte maggots.
SALVADOR, KURDO — This heretic was burned, but his writings offered insights into the Umbra.
SAMETER — An old romantic attachment of Patience Kys
SAMIELES — Space Marine Ultramarines Fifth Company Apothecary fought the Tyranids of Hive Fleet Behemoth at Macragge.
SANCTO, GEFFIN — This Imperial Guard Corporal killed by Adeptus Arbites who raided his home after he had burned four with his Guard flamer.
SANGRAL — Imperial Lord on Gudrun clashed with House Froigre over the Founding Levy circa 190M41.
SANGUINIUS — This Space Marine Primarch of the Blood Angels had both wings and the gift of vision, attributed to the effect of the warp upon his embryonic capsule when stolen from the Emperor. He was found on Baal Secundus by a nomadic tribe, the Folk of Pure Blood, and quickly rose to leadership of the clan. At the climax of the Horus Heresy, even after forseeing his own death, he teleported onto Horus' battle barge and sacrificed himself in single combat against Horus to buy the Emperor time to confront the traitor himself.
SANKELS — Imperial Adeptus Arbites interior cases magistrate in Petropolis on Eustis Majoris
SANIAN — Channeled Saint Sabbat to Ibram Gaunt.
SANJA, CYNEZ — Adeptus Mechanicus Genetor-Magos served the Ordo Biologis on the world of Hydraphur. He wore a fine red habit and had circuitry tattoos around both eyes. He became an acquaintance of Shira Calpurnia, and employed his Magi to heal her shoulder after the Kalfus-Medell affair.
SANSUM — This Ecclesiarchy Hierarch was killed along with five Ministorum clerics on Sanseeta.
SANTIAGO, ZACHARY — Imperial Adeptus Mechanicus Genetor Secundus studied the Tau near the end of M41.
SANTJACK, NORAH — This member of Inquisitor Ravenor's retinue was killed by Zygmunt Molotch on Majeskus.
SANX, AMIL — Also known as the Corruptor of Lyx, this man led the Khorne chaos cult, the Hearthood. He was killed by Inquisitor Aedelorn and an Adepta Sororitas kill team.
SAPPHON — Space Marine Dark Angels Grand Master of Chaplains holds the title Finder of Secrets and gained his position due to his astounding inspirational ability.
SARENKO, JERIK — The thirteenth of his line, he serves as the Imperial Governor of the Vyaniah system during the Badab War
SARFIAN — Imperial Adeptus Mechanicus Magos planted the final melta-charges to purify the remains of the Citadel of Hydra Cordatus.
SARREN — This Imperial Guard Colonel commanded the 101st Armageddon Steel Legion and was in overall command of the Imperial Guard forces at Helreach Hive during the Third War for Armageddon, with Major Ryken as his XO. He is heavyset and not fit. He sustained a shrapnel injury to one arm during the fightng that rendered it partially crippled.
SARTAQ — Chapter Master of the Mantis Warriors Space Marines in 906M41 perished at the Betrayal at Grief, a parlay between the Space Marine forces involved in the Badab War.
SARTUS — Imperial Navy Admiral detected and brought to battle Warmaster Khuzor's fleet at the beginning of the Gothic War. He lost the vessel Laertes to an Ork fleet, but survived.
SASHAM, BREHM — This Imperial Inquisitor of the Ordo Xenos was a member of the Conservati Conclave and was sent to Biegel 9 to investigate the deceased Inquisitor Ralei.
SASTRE, XEL — This member of the security detail for Spaeton House was injured during the assault of 386M41. He died delaying the attackers, allowing Eisenhorn to escape the grounds.
SATHASCINE, JURIS — This poet was the curate-confessor to one of Macharius' generals and wrote inspirational verse.
SATIKUS — Dark Eldar Lord of the Kabal of the Poison Heart
SAULUS — Imperial Guard Major served in the Jantine Patricians under General Dercius at Khedd 1173.
SAVIGNIEN, PASCAL — This Administratum savant seved as a major domo to Inquisitor Alastor.
SCABBS — Scavvy half-breed companion of Kal Jerico
SCALL, ESCHOEN — This Adeptus Arbites Arbitor-Medicae served aboard the Bastion Psykana in Hydraphur. He had cropped grey hair.
SCHAEFFER — This Imperial Guard Colonel leads the Last Chancers, the 13th Penal Legion. He led a mission against the Ork Warlord Borok Barag where he was the only survivor, and put together a special kill team for a mission into the Eye of Terror to destroy a Traitor Marine base where only he and one other survived. He has connections within the Inquisition and is a friend of Inquisitor Oriel. He is a large, tall man with ice blue eyes. He lost his left arm to a plasma blast while on a mission to overload the reactors of the Coritanorum on Typhos Prime.
SCHAI — Imperial Navy Warden assisted in the defense of the docks when Shira Calpurnia's dromon docked with the Bastion Psykana station.
SCHEMKO, VALTIN — This member of the Helmawr House Guard was the son of Major Geraint Helmawr, another of Gerontius Helmawr's bastard sons. He became the heir apparent for the Helmawr house after obtaining a data file with the house's secrets from Kal Jerico.
SCHOLAR — This is the nickname for an Imperial Guard Trooper in Fireteam Three of Alpha Company of the 902nd Vardan Rifles at Broucheroc.
SCHONGARD — Imperial Inquisitor of the Ordo Helican was a monodominant puritan and had a mask of black metal permanently affixed to his face. His retinue included two female death-cultists.
SCIRPICO — Imperial Space Marine Howling Griffons Fifth Company trooper fought with a Bolt Pistol and carried the company standard.
SCISSORS — This troupe-mistress for the acrobats of the Carnivora of Formal G in Petropolis on Eustis Major used a walking cane.
SCLAY, CULLOS — This chemicae paint mixer, as part of a larger group, made an attempt on the life of Shira Calpurnia in the lower reaches of Bosporian Hive on Hydraphur, but was caught and sentenced by the Adeptus Arbites.
SCYRAK THE SLAUGHTERER — This traitor killed the Chief Librarian of the Worldeaters as the Legion turned to the worship of Khorne.
SCYTHUS — An Imperial saint
SEBASTIUS — This Commander of the Marine Vindicant Space Marines commanded three Strike Cuisers and Marines at the Vorlinghast Warp plague of 981M41, aided by Lord Inquisitor Rex. He fought with a power sword.
SEBYO — A comrade of Sinden Kass from the winches of Junktion in the underhive of Hive Primus on Necromunda
SEETMOL — Imperial Inquisition Interrogator killed by Gaethon Richter's cult in 337M41.
SEGUNDO, UMBART — This scion and claimant to the rule of Adumbria was a Slaaneshi cultist, and was present at Emeli's summoning at the dredge barge in 937M41. He survived and was taken captive by Imperial forces. He was of House Yosmarle.
SEHELLA — This Admiral of Battlefleet Pacificus helped Cardinal Bucharis carve out his bloody empire in 300M36.
SEJANUS — Imperial Guard General commanded Machaeius' 2nd Army group during the Crusade.
SEJWEK, KYRIA — This Slaaneshi sorceress operating out of Skitterfall on Adumbria ran a joygirl operation and took part in the planetwide ritual. Commissar Cain killed her in a PDF raid upon her compound. She was short, and somewhat frumpy.
SEK, ANAKWANAR — This Anarch (translation: lord of hosts) for Archon Urlock Gaur fought in the Sabbat Worlds Crusade, at the Khan Group among others. His strategy, tactics, and leadership are without peer, said to surpass Warlord Macaroth himself.
SEK INCARNATE, ISIDOR — This chaos Plenipotentiary supervised the occupation of and was the Anarch's instrument of government on Gereon.
SEKARA, JERVAL — This author and explorer penned Interesting Places and Tedious People: A Wanderer's Waybook in 145M39, which had entries on many worlds of the Ultima Segmentum.
SENDAK, GOHL — This Imperial Guard Marshal commanded the assault on Target Secundus of Menazoid Epsilon under Lord General Dravere from a Leman Russ rather than his Command Leviathan, and died during its execution. He was known as the Ravager of Genestock Gamma.
SENK, SOLKARN — This mysterious individual leads the Beast House organization on Fenksworld, which allegedly has ties to a xenos conspiracy.
SEPHERINA — Imperial Adeptus Sorotitas Cannoness traveled from Terra to reconsecrate the ground of Santuary 101 in 903M41.
SERAIAH — Imperial Ecclesiarchal Cardinal of the Adeptus Ministorum became a minion of Slaanesh. He worked with Captain Malachai of the Black Templars and Inquisitor Grinn. He was destroyed making a pathway for a greater daemon through his body.
SETANTO — Imperial Moderati of the Legio Ignatum Warlord class titan Imperator Bellum. He was killed at Hydra Cordatus.
SETH — Imperial Space Marne led the Flesh Tearers as their Chapter Master during the Third War for Armageddon. He was also known as the Guardian of the Rage.
SEVEREN — Imperial Space Marine Howling Griffons Fifth Company Squad Crassus trooper fought with a boltgun.
SEVERIAN — Imperial Space Marine Ultramarines Fourth Company trooper fought under Sergeant Daceus.
SEVERIN — Imperial Fleet Commissar assigned to the Divine Right in 123M41. He also served in Segmentum Solar, and has received too many honors to list.
SEVERUS — Space Marine Ultramarines Sixth Company trooper successfully completed his initiate training in 356M41, and was awarded the Marksman Honor and Imperial Laurel before becoming a Sergeant of Third Company. He served in the Siege of Belios and the first Balur Crusade. He eventually received Terminator Honors and was interred in a Dreadnought in 271M41. He fought against the Tau in 745M41.
SHADOWMAW, JORUS — This Chapter Master of the White Panther Space Marines died in action suppressing a rebellion in the Dynathi Cluster.
SHADRYSS — Space Marine Imperial Fists Chaplain who knew the secret of the Pillar of Bone
SHAIDAN — Deathwatch Space Marine Librarian, seconded from the Mantis Warriors, fought with a twin-bladed force staff that was crafted on Bedab Prime. He came to the attention of the Deathwatch for his actions on Herodian IV while serving with 2nd Company, and also died there slaying a Hive Tyrant.
SHAMBAS — Imperial Guard Captain of the Valhallan 597th commanded a troop of three Sentinel squads, totaling nine machines. His own Sentinel typically mounted a heavy flamer.
SHANIZAD — This Adeptus Arbites Arbitor served in Lead Arbitor Oraxi's squad on the Bastion Psykana in Hydraphur.
SHARENIDY — This Magister of Chaos forces took his own life to avoid capture after defeat by Lord General Noches Sturm on Grimoyr.
SHEBOL RED-HAND — His Charismites were defeated in 755M41 on Formal Prime by te White Scars Space marines in the first salvos of the Sabbat Worlds Crusade. Though one of the more capable Chaos generals, he was killed at Khan III in 773M41.
SHIBOR, DEVRA — This promising pupil and Inquisitorial Interrogator of Inquisitor Eisenhorn was killed on Sarum in 386M41.
SHILO — Imperial Inquisitor of a moderate mindset was a distant colleague of Inquisitor Eisenhorn.
SHODAMA, AYR — This famed Navis Nobilite Navigator perceived the Warp as a bright room full of steam.
SHOLER — This Apothecary of the Reclaimers Space Marines Served with Commissar Cain in the 920s of M41 aboard the Strike Cruiser Revenant, during Cains liaison to the chapter
SHON'TU — This Iron Warriors Warsmith assaulted the Imperial Fists Star Fort, Endeavor of Will, and also took part in the Siege of Malodrax.
SHORAN, QUALTAK — This Imperial scholar specialized in creatures of the Warp.
SHRANK — This man served as a guard on the prison planet of Ghovul. Kage blinded him with a blow to the eyes not long after his arrival.
SHRIKE, KAYVAAN — Space Marine Raven Guard 3rd Company Captain fought with twin Lightning Claws. He was recruited from the Tarkal Guilder gang on Kiavahr. He was granted his Black Carapace, and the armor of Captain Hidao of Pterios, for his actions on Urlon IV. He was honored with the Laurel Imperialis for his actions on Targus VIII against Waaagh! Skullkrak.
SHUIS'SASSAI, O'RAN — This Tau water caste served as ambassador to Gravalax, and was assassinated at a party at the Governor's palace.
SHULEN — This crippled and simple Imperial Militia Auxiliary cleaned the office for Commissar Valk's daily paper at Broucheroc.
SHULTUS, CORIN — Adeptus Arbites Marshal succeeded Drusus as Lord Sector Calixis in 417M39. He had been Drusus' aide-de-camp and was distantly related to Lord Militant Angevin.
SHYLOR, EOLAS — Astropathicus Quintus served in the Imperium at the time of Titandeath.
SIGENANDUS — This High Marshal of the Black Templars Space Marines declared a crusade against Vandire during the Age of Apostasy
SIGISMUND — Space Marine Imperial Fists First Captain took over the defense of the Emperor's Palace when Dorn went along with the Emperor to confront Horus. He was the first Emperor's Champion, and in the aftermath of the Heresy and the Second Founding, he became the first High Marshal of the newly formed Black Templars in 021M31.
SIGNATUS — Imperial Space Marine Ultramarines Second Company trooper fought under Sergeant Invictor.
SILK — This Clan Escher Curse ganger from the underhive of Hive Primus of Necromunda fought with an autogun and wore a red hood.
SILVANA — This Imperial Saint founded the Adepta Sororitas Order of the Argent Shroud in 378M36.
SIMAGUS — Imperial Space Marine Black Templar Marine-Artificer developed the Land Raider Crusader during the Jerulas Crusade in 645M39.
SIMEON — Inquisitor Amberley Vail took this penal legion trooper into her entourage. He was motivated by, and dependent upon, a tube that fed a number of drugs into his brian through the back of his skull.
SIMLA — This Imperial Guard Trooper served in Sergeant Grifen's squad of the Valhallan 597th, and he descended into the tunnels beneath the Promethium refinery on Simia Orichalcae with Commissar Cain. An Ork Kommando party killed him in the tunnels.
SIMOVA, ESSACH — Adeptus Ministorum Reverend had an ample belly and ringing voice.
SINDAL — This aged Adepta Sororitas Prioress led the Order of the Argent Shroud convent that was part of the Temnple of the Emperor Ascendant in Helsreach Hive during the Third War for Armageddon. Despite her age, she still fought with the power armor and bolter of the Sororitas. She died in the final defense of the Temple of the Emperor Ascendant.
SINDERFELL, MYRCHELLA — An Adeptus Arbites force discovered this arch-heretic in her lair, the Red Vaults of Luggnam, in 811M41.
SINGH, VADOK — This warmason assisted Rogal Dorn in fortifying the Imperial Palace during the Horus Heresy. His line was gene-bred for height, and though very thin, he was taller than many Primarchs. He smoked a boc pipe.
SINON — Imperial Space Marine White Minotaur 9th Company Squad Epathus devastator fought with a heavy bolter.
SINON — Space Marine Ultramarines Ninth Company Captain fought against the Tyranids of Hive Fleet Behemoth on Macragge.
SINOS, TERESA — This Rogue Trader operated in the Scarus Sector and Calyx Expanse, and was granted the world of Sinophia upon her retirement in 133M37
SIPIO — This very pious Imperial Guard Major was second-in-command of the Tallarn 229th with his commander Colonel Asmar and Commissar Tomas Beije. He was short, with dark skin common to the Tallarn.
SISKIND, BARTOL — This is the master of the rogue trader Allure. He was an associate and third cousin of Captain Thekla.
SITHREN — This Black Templars Space Marine died on the 20th day of the siege of Helsreach Hive during the Third War for Armageddon. He perished in personal combat with an Ork dreadnought in the battle for Danab Junction.
SKARA, SHOLEN — Chaos magister-warlord contended for the position of Archon after the death of Nadzybar. Imperial forces captured him after his defeat at Sapiencia in 768M41, and he perished not long after, under the interrogation of the Inquisition. The units under his command were known as the Kith.
SKARANT — This Astropath worked in the high pagoda of Gantia.
SKARBRAND — This Bloodthirster appeared on the Cadian fortress planet of Lutoris Epsilon in 975M41 and infected them with a berserk bloodlust.
SKARFANG — This Ork Pirate-Warboss led the Skar Fleet from the Ghorala system as the Ghorala Swarm of Hive Fleet Leviathan invaded. He was such an inspiration to Ork troops that the Tyranids could not best a force under his leadership in open battle. The Tyranid ground forces eventually lured him into an ambush by over a dozen Lictors, which dispatched him.
SKARLOK — Adeptus Mechanicus Adept worked for the Eversor Temple of the Officio Assassinorum.
SKARMORK — This Ork Warlord captured the forge world of Castaburg in the Bethamor system, but was then repulsed by the Death Corps of Krieg.
SKELD — This Marine of the Black Templars fought against Chaos Space Marines at the Battle of Carrion Gulf alongside Brother Gerhart. He later fought in support of Inquisitor Alastor on Demaris Primary.
SKENCH — Imperial Guard Trooper and cook for the 902nd Vardan Rifles at Broucheroc
SKEY — Imperial Saint
SKOH, FEAVER — This outworld game-agent sold saurians and other arena animals to Ranklin Duboe of the Carnivora. He used a custom-made long las and operated out of the rogue trader, Oktober Country.
SKANDLEGRIST — This man served as Governor of the Imperial prison on Ghovul while Kage was interred there. He wore glasses.
SKOH, FERNAN — This brother of Feaver Skoh was part of this family of famous xeno-hunters. He was killed by Zeph Mathuin aboard the Hinterlight.
SKREED, JAK — This large bounty hunter lived in the underhive of Hive Primus on Necromunda. He was killed by Spyrers.
SKULANE — This Imperial Guard Trooper used a flamer in the Tanith First and Only in Colonel Corbec's unit. Trooper Drayl, possessed, killed him on Fortis Binary.
SKULL — This warlord holds the title of Vervai (King) on the planet of Iocanthos and reputedly has a blade of Lathe manufacture.
SKULLTAKER — This daemon led a Blood Crusade, and took the planet of Birmingham in 888M41 with the intent of transforming it into a daemon world. The Grey Knight Castellan Garran Crowe kept him occupied in a protracted single combat while his forces were defeated by the rest of the Knights.
SKULT — This Vindicare assassin killed Urgak the Unstoppable in 924M40.
SKYNNER, RAV — This senior lieutenant led one of Inquisitor Ravenor's strike teams in the assault on Gh?l in 386M41.
SKYRE — This Chaos sorcerer lord of Slaanesh was the nemesis of Inquisitor Alastor, and the two fought several times over time. He corrupted the De Kyp family and was the mastermind behind the untouchable amplification project. Inquisitor Alastor killed him on Demaris Primary.
SLAANESH — Known as the Dark Prince, Prince of Misdeed, the Great Enemy, the Lord of Pleasure or She Who Thirsts, it is one of the four ruinous powers of the warp. Its attributes are pleasure, pain, and lust.
SLABLARD, KIMEON — This freight dispatcher worked at the starport of Skitterfall and had been subverted by the influence of Chaos and cash. He spent the money on Obscura and Joygirls, thus attracting the attention of the authorities, who detained and interrogated him.
SLAVINI — Imperial Guard trooper served with the Last Chancers 13th Penal Legion. Kage promoted him to Sergeant after False Hope. He died when Kage evacuated the docking bay of the Pride of Lothus during a Dark Eldar pirate attack.
SLAYDO — The High Lords of Terra tasked this Warmaster with the liberation of the Sabbat Worlds of Segmentum Pacificus in 755M41, due in part to his victories of the Khulan Wars. He chose Lord General Macaroth as his usccessor after his death at Balhaut in 765M41, though others were more senior.
SLOCHA — This Astropath served in the Eyrie of Bones in the Bastion Psykana in Hydraphur.
SLYRIAN — Death cultist in the service of Inquisitor Lord Agustius
SLYTE, THONIUS — Inquisitor Ravenor brought down this formidable heretic.
SLYTER, ARGUN — This Imperial playwright wrote The Wastrel's Stratagem and Well What Did You Expect, cynical comedic works.
SMEY — This Adeptus Arbites Arbitor served in Lead Arbitor Oraxi's squad on the Bastion Psykana in Hydraphur.
SMITTI — Imperial Guard Trooper in Corporal Magot's squad was wounded in the Chaos heretic assault on the Valhallan 597th's firebase at Glacier Peak on Adumbria in 937M41.
SNAGROD — Ork Warlord, known as the Arch-Arsonist of Charadon, invaded Badlanding and then Rynn's World, homeworld of the Crimson Fists in 989M41.
SNOWTON — This Imperial Guard trooper of the Last Chancers 13th Penal Legion died fighting pirates in the Zandis Belt.
SOBEN — A hunter killed this junior enginarium adept during Feaver Skoh's takeover of the Hinterlight.
SOLDAGEN, JEREMIAH — This officer commanded the orbital defenses of Savaven and survived its destruction by the Planet Killer in 143M41.
SODAKIS, BRELL — This man worked as a warehouseman for Hundlemas Agricultural Stowage.
SOLAN — Imperial Saint
SOLARI, AAJZ — This Captain of the Raven Guard Space Marines leads a force of nearly two dozen chapters engaged against Hive Fleet Leviathan in the east of Segmentum Tempestus.
SOLINUS — Imperial Space Marine Howling Griffons Fifth Company Squad Crassus trooper fought with a heavy bolter.
SOLOBESS — The klaylware ceramics of this man are highly sought after by collectors. His business was bought out by Nooks Workshop.
SOLON — This Imperial Warmaster fought in the Macharian Heresy, commanding several Tallarn regiments including the Desert Tigers, in early M41, and contributed to the Tactica Imperium.
SOLVEIG, HANZ — An Imperial orchestral composer
SONDAR, HEIRONYMO — Commissar-Colonel Gaunt wields his power sword.
SONSAL, UMBERTO — Second director of the Engine Imperial manufactory in Formal B in Petropolis on Eustis Majoris. He was killed by falling from a stairway after confronted by Patience Kys concerning flect use.
SOREL, MAXIM — This Imperial Guard Trooper of the Valhallan 597th was tall, thin, had short blonde hair, and was skilled with a Long Las, serving as a sniper. He killed a naval provost with a knife during a brawl aboard the Righteous Wrath, and had a pronounced ruthless personality.
SORIC, AGUN — Imperial Guard trooper of the Tanith First and Only developed psychic abilities and was taken away on the Black Ships
SORON — Deathwatch Space Marine Assault Sergeant, seconded from the Mantis Warriors, armed with a chain-sword. His actions while with the 2nd Company on Herodian IV brought him to the attention of the Deathwatch. He died while saving the Deathwatch team from a Tyranid Harridan on Herodian IV.
SPAKE — Imperial Guard trooper of the Sameter 9th Infantry was killed in an Adeptus Arbites raid on the old founding hall.
SPATIAN, LORPAL — Imperial Navy Admiral of Battlefleet Scarus was killed in the early years of the Ophidian Suppression in the fleet action of Uritule IV.
SPAVIN — This man worked for the cultist Kyria Sejwik, at her compound in Skitterfall on Adumbria. He was killed in the PDF raid in 937M41.
SPHENG, ARTAXIS — Lord Governor of the Pearl Moon orbiting Karrik is the 7th of the Spheng Dynasty.
SPIDERS-FEAR-HIM — This renegade Ratskin scout was from Scrubtangle and worked with Garm Heliko.
SQUATZ — This barkeep owned The Breath of Fresh Air, located in a contested area under three ventilation ducts in the underhive of Hive Primus in Necromunda.
STADLER — This Adeptus Mechanicus Tech Priest worked for Magos Killian on his doomed expedition to Interitus Prime in 928M41. The Necrons they awoke there killed him.
STARTIS, GELB — This far trader captained the Pulchritude and transported Inquisitor Eisenhorn from Durer to Gudrun in 386M41.
STERN, EPHRAEL — This Adepta Sororitas Order of Our Martyred Lady Seraphim was resurrected after being killed on Parnis. Upon returning there with Inquisitor Silas Hand, she was given the secrets of the lost Adepta Sororitas Order imprisoned there and became Daemonifuge, a weapon against chaos.
STERN, ARVANN — Space Marine Grey Knight Captain fought with a power sword and storm bolter. He fought as a newly promoted Knight during the First War for Armageddon. He was instrumental in the success of the Raxos Civil War in 841M41, and ordered the Battle Barge, Bright Sword, to destroy the refugee vessels from the planet rather than risk the escape of the Tzeentchian Changeling that orchestrated the conflict. He led the force that destroyed the Cult of the Red Talon in 855M41.
STHENELUS — This Senior Ordinal was planetary assessor to the Anarch. He was old, frail, and shriveled, using a six-legged augmetic platform for movement. He was killed by the poisoned quarrel of a partisan in the Untill of Gereon.
STIGAND — This Imperial Guard Trooper of the Jantine Patricians advenced into the labyrinth of Target Primaris with Major Brochuss at Menazoid Epsilon.
STOCH — This Imperial Guard Trooper served in Sergeant Mahat's squad of the Tallarn 229th, and accompnied Commissar Cain down into the shrines of the dredge barge on Adumbria in 937M41. The sight of the Chaos ritual there caused him to go into a semi-catatonic state, and the daemon Emeli killed him.
STOCKER — Imperial PDF Colonel of the resistance on Gereon during the chaos occupation was killed in the assault on Lectica Bastion.
STOHL — Adeptus Arbites Lead Chastener worked with Shira Calpurnia during Symandis' attempted escape in Bosporian Hive in Hydraphur.
STOPE — This town father of Junktion in the underhive of Hive Primus of Necromunda brought in the Firebrands to supplement the town guard. He was very fat and had his crew-cut black hair waxed.
STORN — Imperial Navy Admiral commanded the 2nd Cruiser Battlegroup and fought a series of engagements against Warmaster Bale in the closing years of the Gothic War.
STRABO — Imperial Space Marine Howling Griffons Fifth Company Squad Crassus trooper fought with a boltgun.
STRADINSK, TANYA — Imperial Guard sniper (first class) had 456 confirmed kills over 9 years of service. Her crime was refusing to shoot anyone after an unfortunate incident at the nurseries of Minos, and Colonal Schaefer transfered her sentence to Ghovul prison. She has short black hair, brown eyes, a muscled build, and prominent cheekbones. She served on Colonel Schaefer's kill team.
STRECK — Imperial Navy Captain commanded the Emperor's Wrath during the Gothic War.
STRELL, VIDIUS — Imperial Navy Captain of the troopship Inevitable Victory
STRELLI, LOWDON — Imperial Navy pilot was once a pirate of the Sanbastion mining asteroids, but was pressed into service when the Orks invaded the system, eventually becoming a Thundebolt ace. He strafed an Imperial Guard infantry column, and thus incarcerated at Ghovul prison. He is had a long, narrow build, including his facial features. He served on Colonel Schaefer's kill team.
STRIDEN — This Imperial Navy Lieutenant served as the ground observation officer for the battleship Emperor's Benevolence, and infiltrated the Coritanorum on Typhos Prime along with Colonel Schaefer and the Last Chancers. He is a thrill-junkie.
STRINGS, JENN — This prostitute worked at Madam Noritake's House of Fun and was kind to Markel Bobo.
STRONHIM — Imperial Guard Colonel commanded the Jumael 14th.
STRONIBERG, PIETER — This field surgeon of the 21st Coporan Armored Cavalry before becoming addicted to narcotics and selling the same to others of the regiment. He was made an inmate of Ghovul prison moon and served there as the prison surgeon. He was selected for Colonel Schaefer's kill team. He is thin, has thinning black hair and dark skin. His call-sign for the mission was "Stitcher." He died during training in a live fire rehersal for their mission.
STRÖON, GHAMMO — This Bosporian Hive criminal was broken from his penance cage.
STRYKSON — This trader is a member of the cartel involved in Contract Thirteen and the flect trade between Lost Space and the Angelus Subsector.
STURM, NOCHES — Imperial Guard Lord Militant General was captured by chaos on after disgraced by Commissar-Colonel Ibram Gaunt for his failures in the defense of Vervunhive on Verghast. After breaking the Imperial mindlock that had been placed upon him, he swore allegiance to Isidor Sek Incarnate. After Gaunt's kill team found him in Lectica Bastion on Gereon, he took his own life with one of the Commissar's bolters. Before his disgrace, he had liberated Grimoyr while commanding the Royal Volpone 50th.
SULLA, JENIT — Imperial Guard Lieutenant served with the Valhallan 597th with Commissar Cain. She would eventually rise to the rank of General before retiring to write several books on her experiences - Like a Phoenix from the Flames: The Founding of the 597th and Like a Phoenix on the Wing: The Early Campaigns and Glorious Victories of the Valhallan 597th amongst them. While serving as a Lieutenant, she commanded Third Platoon of Second Company. At Adumbria in 937M41 she was promoted to Captain of 1st Company.
SUKO, ALIVANDER — This heavily augmented man was master of the Trans-Atenate Express for 378 years, beginning in 008M41. His eyes, ears, and nose had been replaced by iron augmetics. His cast-iron teeth were surrounded by a white-tile beard.
SULAGON — This Black Templars Space Marine died on the 33rd day of the siege of Helsreach Hive during the Third War for Armageddon. He perished in the heavy combat around Bastion IV.
SULT, LARHANUS — Known as The Great Conciliator, he became Lord Sector Calixis in 609M41 and began pulling authority back from the Great Houses to the Lucid Court on Scintilla. He instituted aggressive reform to the governance of Hive Sibellus.
SUMATRIS, CORIAN — One of Lugft Huron's most capable commanders, he commanded an Astral Claws battle barge during operations to decapitate the growing Chaos threat on Magog in 907M41.
SURR, ROGAL — Imperial Adeptus Arbites Marshal Primus intercepted transcripts of a Cult Mechanicus trial in which Tech-Adept Uvochi is accused of techno-heresy in 753M41.
SURTUR — Imperial Baron
SUSKOVA, THULA — She was Alizebeth Bequin's chief aid for the Distaff.
SUTH — Imperial Guard Trooper of the Tanith First and Only fought in Major Rawne's platoon at Blackshard and Caligula. He carried a melta gun.
SUZERAN — This Escher ganger of the Wilcats gang in the underhive of Hive Primus of Necromunda was killed by a Spyrer.
SVENK — This Imperial Guard Medical Officer served with the 902nd Vardan Rifles at Broucheroc.
SWARMLORD — This is the Imperial name given to the Tyranid Hive Tyrant commanding the forces of Hive Fleet Behemoth at thew Battle for Macragge. He had also led the final assaults at Tyran Primus and Thrandos in 745M41. It fought with four boneswords, and led the assault on the northern polar fortresses. Imperial forces presume he perished during that battle, but no corpse was ever found. The Swarmlord reemerged during the incursion of Hive Fleet Leviathan, to lead the campaign on Hodur Sector and the Orks of Octavius.
SWEYDYR, ARIANRHOD ESW — This swordswoman from Carthae was recruited by Inquisitor Eisenhorn. She was psychically linked with her blade, Barbarisater. She was a lover to Ravenor while he was an Interrogator. She was killed by a Dark Eldar haemonculus during the assault on Beldame Sadia's lair.
SWOLE, KARA — This skilled female fighter was part of Inquisitor Eisenhorn's retinue before joining that of his prot?g?, Inquisitor Ravenor. She was a short, dancer-acrobat before joining his team. She was born on Bonaventure.
SYLDATI — Adeptus Arbites Arbitor from Cross Seven in Bosporian Hive on Hydraphur served with Shira Calpurnia. She had white skin and dark eyes, and was born in the DiMatina system.
SYLVANUS — Imperial Lord
SYM — This individual served as Colonel-Commissar Gaunt's adjutant when he arrived at Tanith. His throat and cheek were scarred, and he had puffy skin. Chaos forces killed him there.
SYMANDIS — Crime boss of Bosporian Hive on Hydraphur attempted to break Ströon from an Ecclesiarchy penance cage, and was captured by Shira Calpurnia's Arbites.
SYMBER — This Inperial Guard Trooper of the Tanith First and Only served as vox-operator for Sergeant Blane's platoon. Jantine Patricians killed him on Menazoid Epsilon.
SYMOZON — This Astropath traveled on the Gann-Luctis to Hydraphur. The Navigator Domasa killed under suspicion of treachery
SYRE, LEMETE — This heretic was a milestone for Inquisitor Eisenhorn.
TACITUS — Imperial Space Marine White Minotaur 9th Company Squad Epathus devastator fought with a heavy bolter.
TACITUS — Imperial Space Marine Ultramarines Second Company trooper fought with a Bolter.
TACITUS — Imperial Space Marine Ultramarines Third Company trooper
TAELTIS, GRAY — Imperial Adeptus Mechanicus Genetor-Major studied the reproductive process of Orks and several other similar creatures, such as the urchin-rays of Corleone and the mud-devils of Wuzziti Prime.
TAGEL — This Imperial Guard trooper from Catachan was placed on a prison planet for directing an artillery barrage on friendly troops. Kage fell in with his gang for a time before escaping.
TAGGARATH — Also called the Seer of Corrinto, he prophesied the Time of Ending in 744M41, a time of great challenge where even the Emperor's light would be in peril. He was executed for heresy quickly thereafter.
TAI — This Guilder advised the town fathers of Junktion in the underhive of Hive Primus on Necromunda, and had connections in Hive City and the Spires.
TALGAARD — Imperial Navy Ensign led the assault on Shira Calpurnia aboard Charisian Gate above Hydraphur.
TALLOWHAND, WILL — This member of Inquisitor Ravenor's retinue was killed by Zygmunt Molotch on Majeskus.
TAMARIND — This Inquisitor of the Ordo Xenos studied the Thyrrus.
TAM'YA, T'AU — Tau Ethereal Aun'el
TANHAUSE — This Imperial Guard Major served with then Cadet Commisar Gaunt at Darendara in a Hyrkan regiment. He had a lean physique. A lucky shot of his destroyed a Chaos Dreadnought at Balhaut.
TANKRED — Space Marine Black Templars Brother Gerhart took this name when he was interred in a Dreadnought, participating in the Kassiroth Offensive. Over two hundred years later he fought in the twelfth year of the Lachryma Insurgency, killing a daemon prince.
TANOKBREY, EFFRIES — Master of the rogue trader Scaveleur was killed attempting to evade Inquisitor Eisenhorn in Dorsay on Gudrun.
TANTALID, ARNAUT — This Ecclesiarchal Missionaria Galaxia Witchfinder had the rank of Confessor Militant, wore golden battle-armor, and fought with a bolter when he clashed with Inquisitor Eisenhorn on Lethe Eleven. He had an ancient chainsword named Theophantus. Eisenhorn killed him on Orbul Infanta with Barbarisater.
TAPER — This seneschal to Genevieve X was extremely thin, but augmented with the massive strength. He was killed by Harlon Nayl with a grenade in Petropolis on Eustis Majoris.
TAPHISTIS — Imperial Saint
TARANTINE — This Imperial Guard Marshal commanded the assault on Target Tertius of Menazoid Epsilon under Lord General Dravere.
TARKA — Imperial Guard General commanded Machaeius' 3rd Army group during the Crusade.
TARKUS1 — This Adeptus Mechanicus Tech-Guard Lieutenant commanded the security detachment of Magos Killian's ill-fated mission to Interitus in 928M41. He was sensitive to insult, had a slight temper, and was a capable regicide player. He perished at the hands of the Necrons there.
TARKUS2 — This Imperial Governor rules over Adumbria till he death of natural causes in 245936M41. He had a wife and several mistresses that were a hundred years younger, and left no clear successor but many indirect bloodline claimants.
TARL, VAMMEKO — This Vessorine janissary mercenary pilot was captured by Inquisitor Eisenhorn in the raid against Spaeton House on Gudrun in 386M41. Eisenhorn eventually killed him as he attacked the Trans-Atenate Express.
TARRAY, MARLA — This female mercenary psyker with green eyes implanted false identities into the Vessorine janissary raid force that struck Spaeton House on Gudrun in 386M41. She was the daughter of Pontius Glaw, born in 020M41, and was killed along with a Vessorine force as Inquisitor Eisenhorn destroyed Entipaul's Lounge.
TARRISON — Black Templars Mashal led the Dathax Crusade, and granted the 5082 Naval Wing permission to mark 16 of its fighters with the Heraldic Cross of the Templars.
TAY — Escher juve of the Wilcats gang in the underhive of Hive Primus of Necromunda was killed by Spyrers in Dust Falls.
TAYBER, FELICIA — This Adeptus Mechanicus Engineseer served with Commissar Cain during the First Siege of Perlia.
TCHANGAIA — This Adeptus Astra Telepathica psyker worked at the Bastion Psykana in Hydraphur and knew Torma Ylante.
TEDESKI, GUNNAR — Imperial Guard Major commanded one battalion of three, Battalion A, of the 383rd Jouran Dragoons. He had one arm and a cauterized eye-socket from his capture by Orks. He was rescued by Space Marines of the Ultramarines Fourth Company. He was killed while attempting to set Tor Christo's plasma reactor to overload.
TEGVAR, DHARK — This Grey Knight Captain served as a newly promoted Knight during the First War for Armageddon.
TEKLIEP — This Imperial Inquisitor of the Ordo Xenos studied the Kroot, adding the designator "nux" to their genus in 700M41
TELL-KERLIGAN — This family on Hydraphur own a number of ware- and shipping-houses in the lower area of Bosporian Hive. They specialize in religious supplies and artifacts.
TELL-KERLIGAN, GALPEN — This man, captured and sentenced by the Adeptus Arbites, ran the warehouse used to store thousands of barrels of poisoned lamp oil.
TELION — Imperial Space Marine Ultramarines Second Company trooper fought with a Bolter. He fought as a Sergeant at the Battle for Macragge in 745M41.
TENAAN, GAVRIUS — This Imperial Guard sniper served with the Tobrian Consuls before being sentenced for killing civilians. The wiry man was a hunter before joining the guard. Colonal Schaefer changed his death sentence to life imprisonment at Ghovul.
TERCONAN — Imperial Space Marine Ultramarines Terminator fought with Storm Bolter and Power Fist.
TERFUEK — Imperial Warmaster commanded Imperial Forces during the Pacificus War in mid-M36
TERKSSON — This Imperial archeologist worked at the Dimammar-A sites.
TERRACINE, HELIUS — Lord of House Terracine, whose holdings were located in the Sulfa Commercia district of Helsreach Hive, hired five canny mercenaries during the Third War for Armageddon, who manager to keep most of his family alive, even though their estate was destroyed. He had four daughters that were very sought after by the rest of the hive's weakened noble houses after the war.
TERRONCE — This man was a captain in the House Glaw household guard. He was killed by Inquisitor Eisenhorn in the fight at the House Glaw fight pits.
THAG — This former pit-fighter and Goliath heavy ganger was killed by a Spyrer. He was mate to Grun and was a slime harvester from the White Wastes dust pit in the underhive of Hive Primus on Necromunda. During his ganger days, he fought with a Heavy Stubber, and was betrayed by Uglar, finding himself with a bounty on his head, and having to sell himself to the fighting pits where he met Grun.
THAKI, VLITZ — This individual, Mercantile Guild Senior Deputy Comptroller of Satrapies, sent the punitive raid down the Well on Junktion in the underhive of Hive Primus on Necromunda.
THALHAIDEN — This Black Templars Space Marine died on the 21st day of the siege of Helsreach Hive during the Third War for Armageddon. He was granted the Emperor's Peace after being gravely wounded in personal combat with an Ork dreadnought in the battle for Danab Junction.
THALIAR — This battle brother of the Black Templars Space Marines died on the 10th day of the siege of Helsreach Hive in the Third War for Armageddon at White Star Point, consumed by a massive promethium explosion.
THAMM — A comrade of Sinden Kass from the winches of Junktion in the underhive of Hive Primus on Necromunda was killed.
THARK — This Imperial Guard scout Trooper served in Scout-Sergeant Mkoll's unit in the Tanith First and Only. He died at Menazoid Epsilon.
THAWN, ANVAL — This Grey Knight Justicar sacrificed himself to allow Captain Selenas to land the killing blow upon the Keeper of Secrets, N'Kir, in 800M41.
THEKIR — Adeptus Arbites armorer served within the Wall on Bosporian Hive on Hydraphur.
THEKLA, KIZARY — This captain of the rogue trader, Oktober Country, ran animals and flects between Lucky Space and Angelus Subsector. He was also involved in Contract Thirteen, and was killed by a missile barrage on the bridge of his ship by the Hinterlight.
THENSSON — This Imperial Guard trooper of the Last Chancers 13th Penal Legion served in Sergeant Jorett's squad.
THEOCTISTA — Adepta Sororitas Order of the Sacred Rose Cannoness Preceptor commanded the Preceptory in the Augustaeum of Bosporian Hive on Hydraphur. She had white hair, copper skin, and walked with a cane in her later years.
THEODRE THE QUESTIONING — This Inquisitor Lord championed the Incarnationist faction of the Inquisition in M36.
THEREAUX, URHUA — This assassin of the Venenum Temple killed the renegade Governor of Morisha, Yawell.
THESALKA — Adeptus Arbites Arbitor worked as a communications technician at Trylan Tor on Hydraphur.
THETIS — Imperial Guard Captain of the 122nd Borlian assisted Inquisitor Horst in investigating the Arx Raid
THEX, VORAGIAN — This Ardentite Inquisitor spent nearly 2000 years during M39 chasing evidence for his beliefs. The Inquisition censured him for dereliction of duty.
THOGZA — This Ork Warlord led a Waaagh! through the Duros Sector that lasted many decades.
THONIUS, CARL — This Interrogator was part of Inquisitor Ravenor's retinue. He was a martial arts expert.
THOR, SEBASTIAN — Born on Dimmimar in 266M36, he was of Primarch stature, and had amazing abilities of charisma and oration. He generated such faith in those around him that it either generated or quelled warp storms. He overthrew the insane Lord Vandire, bringing an end to the Age of Apostasy and taking the mantle of Ecclesiarch. He died on Earth in 378M36, aged 112. His teachings and theories form the basis for many factions and organizations formed since.
THOREN — Imperial Guard Colonel commanded the 10th Royal Sloka at Blackshard during the Sabbat Worlds Crusade.
THORIAS — This Black Templars Space Marine pilot of the Thuderhawk, Avenged, died on the 33rd day of the siege of Helsreach Hive during the Third War for Armageddon. An Ork Gargant shot down his Thunderhawk. Brother Avandar was his copilot.
THORN — Imperial Guard Sergeant led Squad E of a veteran Catachan ambush patrol.
THRAX — A daemon possessed this Lord Inquisitor after his investigation of the Grey Slayers Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes.
THRAKA, GAZKHULL MAG URUK — A cuning Ork who has led several Waaagh! against Armadeggon.
THRESHER — Imperial PDF female resistance cell leader was killed in the assault on Lectica Bastion.
THUJIK — This Senior Astropath sometimes served in the Eyrie of Bones on Blind Tower station in Hydraphur. He had augmetic splints supporting withered legs and aspired to become Master of the station.
THURING, FAYDE — This heretic psyker killed Midas Betancore in 312M41, became a member of a Khorne chaos cult, the Hearthood, in 352M41, and was rediscovered by Inquisitor Eisenhorn on Durer in 386M41. He took control of the chaos titan Cruor Vult and was killed along with it by Cherubael.
THURST, ABRAHAM — This Imperial Navy captain of the Slaughter class cruiser Killfrenzy went renegade and Imperial Authorities believe that he still commands the ship. He shows disregard for the safety of the ship, fighting on after receiving crippling damage.
THYSSER, JAVES — Imperial Inquisitor of the Ordo Xenos brought down a wyrd-cult led by Gaethon Richter on Vogel Passionata.
TIBERIAN — Space Marine White Consul Second Company Tactical Squad Arias trooper fought with a plasma cannon.
TIGURIUS — Space Marine Ultramarines Librarian Primus (Chief Librarian) fought against Orks on Boros and is one of the few to have witnessed an appearance of the Legion of the Damned. He uses the Rod of Tigurius and the Hood of Hellfire.
TILIUS — Space Marine Chief Artisan discovered the STC for the Razorback after a 300-year quest in 994M36.
TINCROWSER, DAGBLAT — This historical writer from Adumbria penned Sablist in Skitterfall: A Brief History of the Chaos Incursion in 957M41, on the 20th anniversary of the conflict. His writings were considered substantially accurate, and used official records as sources.
TITUS — (Also: Revered Titus) Executioners Space Marine Forces killed this Howling Griffons Chaplain Dreadnought in their assault on the Khymara system in 907M41.
TOBAMORIE — This armorer of the Reclaimers Space Marines befriended Commissar Cain during his assignment as the Guard liaison to the chapter.
TOBIAS1 — Imperial Space Marine Dark Angels 4th Company Sergeant fought with Plasma Pistol and Chain Sword.
TOBIAS2 — Fire Angels Space Marine served as a reconnaissance element for a Salamanders force during the Second Battle for Sagan.
TOLUS — Imperial Guard Trooper of the Tanith First and Only
TOMAS — Rebels killed this Acolyte of Inquisitor Vail on her first attempt to explore the undercity of Mayoh on Gravalax.
TONNABI, KVANDER — This Eparch of the Adeptus Ministorum penned a monogram detailing the beliefs of the Polarists, those that believe psykers to be less than human.
TOPHLIO — This Adeptus Astra Telepathica psyker worked at the Bastion Psykana in Hydraphur and knew Torma Ylante.
TOR — Escher juve of the Wilcats gang in the underhive of Hive Primus of Necromunda
TORAVAN — This battle brother of the Black Templars Space Marines died on the 10th day of the siege of Helsreach Hive in the Third War for Armageddon at White Star Point, consumed by a massive promethium explosion.
TORTELLIUS, ASAVAN — This Adeptus Ministorum priest served as the Ecclesiarchal representative on the titan, Stormherald. His temple was mounted on one of its shoulders. He was a writer, though highly critical of his own work. He had a scribe servo-skull based upon the biological remains of his servant Tharvon Ushan, upon which he tried to keep a journal recounting the seige of Helsreach Hive. He was born in the city of Handra-Lai on Jurrian. He departed the titan during the war, wishing to minister to the people of Helsreach and joined up with a small force led by Trooper Andrej. During the battle for the Temple of the Emperor Ascendant, he ministered very capably to the flock there, and was one of the few survivors. He died only two weeks after of a heart condition.
TORTH — Imperial Guard Colonel commanded one of the Tanith regiments at their founding. He died along with this homeworld
TORUS, XIAN — This Imperial Lord ruled the mining world of Chianco when Tzeentch cultists destroyed it.
TORVEN — This Imperial Guard General commanded the unite garrisoning the Serendipita system. His PDF counterpart was Planetary Marshal Kregeen, and SDF counterpart was Admiral Duque. He typically ware combat fatigues and body armor, and was very popular with the troops. He spoke in a quiet, yet commanding voice, and was very experienced. He had light-brown eyes.
TORVIN — This Grey Knight Master Armorer guided his force to the control room of the Necron planet Iori Delta Tove in 774M41, allowing the three squads to plant meltabombs.
TOSHENKO — Imperial Guard Graf commanded the heroic last stand of the Vostroyan Firstborn IX at Portia on Nimbosa. He died after rallying his regiment into vicious hand to hand combat against the Tau, led by Commander Brightsword.
TOTLE, FRAYN — This Adeptus Arbites (Officio Magistratum) Marshal was the officer in charge of Umberto Sonsal's death in Petropolis on Eustis Majoris.
TOVE — Black Templars Battle Brother had a short beard. He acted as mentor to Initiate Raclaw after the death of Brother Brunner.
TOVICK — Proprietor of The Gunnery in Junktion in the underhive of Hive Primus on Necromunda
TRAGAT — This Adeptus Arbites judge was famous in the Realm of Ultramar.
TRAJAN — Imperial Space Marine Howling Griffons Fifth Company Champion fought with a Power Sword and Combat Shield.
TRANIO — This Veteran Sergeant served under Captain Leonatos at Sekundar Prime, and voluntarily accompanied him on the Bloodquest to recover the Blade Encarmine. He died fighting a daemon prince of Khorne, stuffing a grenade in its mouth, causing mutual annihilation in the Sea of Blood on Eidolon.
TRANTOR — Imperial Adeptus Mechanicus Magos put forward theories on the function of Nercon weapons in 999M41.
TRAVES, QUARTER — This man became a superintendent for a tenement hab in the mid-rise district of Urbitane on Sameter after mustering out of the 9th Sameter Infantry as a Master Gunnery Sergeant. He was killed in an Adeptus Arbites raid on the old founding hall.
TRAZE, IRIAN — Imperial Navy Flag-Captain commanded a patrol squadron at Hydraphur from his flagship, the Diarmid's Redemption.
TRAZELLI — This man was master of Arms for the Phrax Rogue Trader fleet. A Sister of Battle killed him with a bolter round after the gunfight at the succession trial at Hydraphur.
TREBEK, BELLA — Imperial Gaurd Corporal was one of the women in the Valhallan 296th prior to its integration into the 597th. She threw the first punch in a brawl in the mess hall on the Righteoud Wrath. She was petite, thin, and extremely agile, as well as a capable fighter. A Genestealer Hybrid killed her in the tunnels beneath Mayoh on Gravalax.
TREECE — Imperial Princeps commanded Vitas Falco and was killed along with his titan on Vivaporius.
TREMAKI — This noble was one of the claimants to the Governorship of Adumbria in 937M41.
TREMLO, JONAS — Imperial Guard Primaris Psyker
TRENTON — Imperial Guard Sergeant
TRICE, JADER — First Provost of the Ministry of Sub-sector Trade
TRICHODI — This junior officer of the Rogue Trader Phrax fleet went down to Hydraphur with Nils Petronas. Arbites killed her during the gunfight of the succession trial.
TRIESTE — This Princeps of Legio Praesagius commanded the Titan Auric Pegasus at the Betrayal at Calth.
TROIL, HERAND — This Imperial Militia Auxiliary worked at the corpse pyres at Broucheroc.
TROSQUE — This Reclaimers Space Marine Sergeant led the cleansing of the forge complex on Asteroid 459 in the Viridia system in 928M41, one of the last actions against the genestealers in the system before the Reclaimers departed to pursue the hulk Spawn of Damnation.
TROST, OYNAS — This agent of the Officio Sabatorum mistakenly poisoned three Admirals and their families, and was thus incarcerated at Ghovul before being selected for Colonel Schaefer's kill team. He is very nondescript, with brown hair and grey eyes.
TROVEN — Black Templars Space Marine piloted the Thuderhawk that bore Reclusiarch Grimaldus' squad into the battle for Forthright Docks. Grimaldus bore him to the ground from his doomed craft on a jump pack.
TRUKO — This Imperial Guard trooper of the Last Chancers 13th Penal Legion saved Kage from a Tyranid Termagant, but was killed by another immediately afterwards.
TROSQUE — This Reclaimers Space Marine Sergeant led the sqaud that reclaimed the Mechanicus shrine upon landing on Viridia in 928M41.
TRYJON — Imperial Space Marine White Minotaur 9th Company Squad Epathus devastator fought with a heavy bolter.
TRYNIA — Imperial Saint
T'SERA, HJORDIS — This Arbitrator of the Magnum Christi Adeptus Arbites became an Acolyte of Inquisitor Alistor. She held the rank of Sergeant Chastener and the left side of her face had been replaced with augmetics, including her left eye. She typically fought with a shotgun.
TUDELA, MAKRISS — This man led this family of Hydraphur, living on the coast in the vicinity of Bosporian Hive, known as boutique weapon-smiths.
TU'SHAN — Known as Lord of the Fire-Born, this Salamanders Chapter Master commanded their forces during the Third War for Armageddon.
TUTRONE — This Adeptus Arbites Mortress superintendent worked in the Sun-Dome on Hubris. She had one augmetic eye and surgical tools integrated into her right hand.
TWAB-SHIBA — This Lord Inquisitor espoused Thorian and Incarnationist beliefs, and was a member of the Anomolian Beholder faction. He served as Antigonus Balorodin's mentor from 938-945M41.
TWANE — This Imperial Guard Corporal of the second battalion of the 50th Gudrunite Rifles was transported to KCX-1288 by rebel fleet elements, where he fought alongside Inquisitor Eisenhorn against the heretics. He was killed by a Saruthi.
TWU, OLIPHANT — Navis Nobilite navigator for the starship Hinterlight
TYCHO, ERASMUS — Space Marine Blood Angels Captain took command of the Third Company after his predecessor was killed at Armageddon, and suffered a devastating psychic attack from an Ork Wierdboy and was left for dead. The attack paralyzed half of his face into a horrendous grin which he conceals with a golden mask. He wears golden armor, fights with a melta combi-weapon, and harbors particular hatred towards Orks.
TYMON-PER, ATHIAN — This young noble annexed an Adeptus Arbites plaza in Bosporian Hive on Hydraphur for a party.
TYRELL — This renegade lord of Arden IX served Slaanesh.
TYRO, CYRIA — A member of the Armagedon Steel Legion, she served as adjutant quintus to General Kurov during the Third War for Armageddon. She was slender, with dark hair. During the siege of Helsreach Hive, she acted as liaison between Guard and other units, serving with Major Ryken and Colonel Sarren. She became romantically involved with Major Ryken during the conflict. She was one of the only human survivors of the last stand at the inner sanctum of the Temple of the Emperor Ascendant.
TYRUS — This Monodominant Inquisitor has led many bloody purges, and views all psykers with suspicion, even those soul-bonded to the Emperor. His goal is to hunt down every wyrd or witch, human or xenos, and any that protect them, including other Inquisitors. He captured the ex-daemonhost Kessel and hunts for the radical
TYYL — Imperial Princeps commanded Imperator Fulcrae.
TZEENTCH — Known as the Changer of Ways or Architect of Fate, he is one of the four ruinous powers of the warp. His attributes concern sercets, change, and energy.
UAN — Imperial Guard Trooper of the Tanith First and Only.
UCLID — This engineering servitor manned the enginarium of Inquisitor Eisenhorn's gun-cutter.
UELI — Inquisitor Eisenhorn hired this young, slow-witted astropath on Gloricent.
UET, PAVEL — Imperial Inquisitor was the teacher of Inquisitor Lugenbrau. The news of Lugenbrau's death troubled him greatly, shortening his life.
UEXKULL — Chaos Space Marine Sergeant fought with a bolter and shoulder-mounted assault cannon. He was killed in a battle with Ibram Gaunt by partisans in the Untill of Gereon.
UGLAR — This Goliath heavy ganger contested leadership of the Sligan Gang with Thag, betraying him by setting a bounty on his head.
UGULHARD — This Ork general under Warlord Ghazghkull Thraka led the assault on Hades hive during the Second War of Armageddon, but was killed in single combat with Commissar Yarrick, who wore his claw thereafter.
UKOS, TAU'N — Tau Water caste Por'el has negotiated with the Imperium.
ULAN — This Imperial Commissar served with Imperial Guard units fighting the Orks of Waaagh! Garshûl on Leptis.
ULANDRO — Imperial titan Engineer of the Legio Ignatum Warlord titan Imperator Bellum was killed at Hydra Cordatus
ULANTI, DONNA — An underhive hero of Hive Primus on Necromunda
ULBENID — This Imperial Navy Lord Captain commanded the Mass Conveyance Absalom, yielding command to Lord Captain Grasticus upon his death.
ULIS — This Crimson Fist Space Marine was interred in a Dreadnought, and fought as such during the battle for Rynn's World in 989M41.
ULLIDOR — (the Techsmith) This man possessed an STC Lectionary.
ULRICUS — Space Marine Black Templars Emperor's Champion fought and killed the possessed Inquisitor Vinculus alongside High Marshal Ludoldus and Canoness Jasmine in the Battle of Fire and Blood in 833M41.
ULTHANASH — This Eldar demigod, rival to Eldanesh, spawned a portion of the Eldar race that competed with the Eldanar.
ULTHRAN, ELDRAD — One of the greatest Farseers of the Ulthwé craftworld, he has come into conflict with the Imperium many times as he acts on his prophetic visions.
ULTRACIUS — This Space marine of the Ultramarines was interred in a Dreadnought.
ULYX — This Planetary Governor of Gnosis Prime rejected the Saim-Hann Eldar's ultimatum of planetary evacuation in a single day. He has constructed a network of defensive fortifications and bastions across the planet.
UMRY — Adeptus Arbites Praetor-Cognatis brought herself to Shira Calpurnia's attention for her performance in the Anstoch trials, and served on her personal staff soon after.
UNDERSEN, GERONIMUS — Adeptus Mechanicus XX developed the Ordinatus Armageddon while serving on that world during the First War for Armageddon.
UNGISH, TASAERA — Inquisitor Eisenhorn hired this astropath on Anemae Gulfward. She had been wasted by her work and wore an augmetic chassis. She was in chronic pain and used various drugs to counter it.
UNJOU — This Imperial Guard Trooper of the Jantine Patricians advenced into the labyrinth of Target Primaris with Major Brochuss at Menazoid Epsilon.
UNWERTH, SHOLTO — This xeno trader (possibly Demiurge) had a poor grasp of High Gothic and operated in the vicinity of Bonner's Reach.
URBEN, ROCEF — This member of the Spaeton House security detail was killed in the assault that destroyed it in 386M41.
URGAK — (the Unstoppable) This Ork assassinated by Skult, a Vindicare assassin, on Roxanzand in the Chelio sector in 924M40.
URGOK — This Ork Warlord led a Waaagh! from the vicinity of Catachan to the galactic south.
URILUN — Adeptus Mechanicus Magos modified the torpedos of the Imperial Fleet to scour the surface of Barbarus III of pirates during the Gothic War.
URLUK — This Ork Warlord captained a ship that fought against Chaos forces in the Gothic War.
UR-NAMMU — She served as an executor fetial for Legio Fortidus.
USHAN, THARVON — The remains of this Ecclesiarchal servant to Asavan Tortellius were turned into a scribe-type servo-skull, which continued to serve the priest.
USHBEK — An Imperial titan inspired this Ork Mekboy, then under the command of Boss Dragnatz, to built metal bodies for his own gods: gargants.
USHIST — Adeptus Ministorum Demipater served the Ecclesiarchy in Bosporian Hive on Hydraphur.
USNOR, USNO — A worker in a smelting manufactory in Formal E in Petropolis on Eustis Majoris
USURS — The High Lords of Terra exiled this Admiral, whose execution might have caused a civil war, by sending him on an Explorator mission outside the Imperium in 265M33. For two decades, he reported success in conquering new systems for the Emperor, and then his communiques suddenly ceased.
UTA-DAGON — Princeps Seniores commanded the Warlord class Titan, Red Vengeance and the remains of Legio Fortidus during the Battle of Molech.
UTA-LERNA — Princeps commanded the Legio Fortidus Warlord class Titan Bloodgeld during the Battle of Molech.
UTHAN — Also: Uthan the Perverse. This Eldar philosopher saw an innate beauty in the simplicity of the Ork mindset.
UTLEN — This Imperial Inquisitor reappeared after a seventy-year absence to bring down the tyrants of Esquestor II.
UTORIAN, LARANA — Imperial Guard female Lieutenant of the 383rd Jouran Dragoons was captured in the initial assault on Hydra Cordatus. One of her arms was replaced by a black-steel augmetic. She donned the Iron Warrior Kroeger's armor and forfeited her soul, becoming an avatar of Khorne.
UVOCHI — This Adeptus Mechanicus Tech-Adept Uvochi tried by the Cult Mechanicus for techno-heresy for working with Necron technology.
UZGOB — This Ork Kommanda led Deff Skwadron for Warboss Badthug. The Smartboy Gimzod served as his navigator. He had an intense hatred of Karnage Skwadron and his second in command, Raznuts. His favorite tactic is flying out of the sun, and he infrequently goes by the call sign of Mavarork. He would never give up, though there was cunning behind his stubbornness.
VAAKKON — Imperial Navy High Admiral commanded the forces of the Angevin Crusade Second Front to disasterous results from 359-363M39.
VAIL, AMBERLEY — This Inquisitor of the Ordo Xenos sometimes worked with Commissar Cain, and was notable for her quirky entourage of Acolytes as well as her own sense of humor. She possessed a suit of power armor, and had blonde hair and blue eyes. She was strikingly beautiful and had a singing voice to match. Over time she developed a close relationship with Cain that almost certainly became physical, even if their respective careers prevented romance.
VAKONZ, JANNI — Imperial holo director
VALERIA, HELYNNA — This Imperial Inquisitor of the Ordo Xenos is of a radical mindset, believing that the weapons of the enemy should be employed against them. She discovered a Xenos-build Dimensional Forge in the caverns of the hiveworld of Cavlock. A daemon-infested Space Hulk crashes to the planet's surface before she can act on the find, and she fights alongside Grey Knights, Silver Skulls, and twelve Cadian regients. The conflict escalate to include Mordian and Armageddon regiments, as well as Marines of the Crimson Paladins and the Legion of Night. Inquisitor Emil Darkhammer arrived as victory seemed assured and declared Exterminatus, most likely to destroy the Forge. Valeria escaped and swore to avenge herself on Darkhammer. They have declared each other Excommunicate Traitorus.
VALERIUS — This Blood Angels Space Marine served with Captain Leonatos on Sekundar Prime, and chose to accompany him on his Bloodquest. He sacrificed himself to allow his comrades to escape a space hulk in a ship graveyard, holding off the hordes of mutants they found there.
VALIUS — Imperial Space Marine Ultramarine 2nd Company fought with Boltgun.
VALLARD — Imperial Princeps commanded Imperius Eradicus and was known for his aggressiveness. He was killed along with his titan on Artemis, a mercy killing by the Imperius Dictatio.
VALON, GOTTERICH — This rising Ministorum Cardinal journeyed to the Luchesio system as it was attacked by Orks in 967M41. Rather than flee with his ship, he stayed in an Abbey to fight. The child Louisa Della Monica saved his life, perhaps miraculously. He took the young Louisa and other veterans from Luchesio with him as he investigated other "miracles" in surrounding systems. Inquisitor Van Dremen, also investigating miracles, apprenticed him as an Interrogator in 968M41, and he attained Inquisitor status upon his mentor's death by Lord Inquisitor Heidenreich. He is a noted daemon hunter and fought in the 13th Black Crusade.
VALOR, FERRAN — Chapter Master of the Iron Hands Space Marines created thE now widely used Deathknell orbital assault tactic during the Forgan Conquests.
VALTYS, JAAK — Imperial Guard Sergeant from Sector Command Beta served under Colonel Kallad Drezlen at Broucheroc.
VAMBERFELD — Channeled Saint Sabbat to Ibram Gaunt
VAN CJESTER — This Imperial Guard Colonel of Armour formalized Steel Fury Baneblade companies, codifying their use in the Tactica Imperialis. He wrote the "Differential Theorem of Dispersed Attrition," and was killed in his Baneblade by a traitor titan at the Battle of Ununpentia Gorge. He was declared Sanctus Militarus three hundred tears after the event, and his feast day is 501, celebrated by many armoured regiments.
VAN DREMEN — This Thorian Inquisitor took Cardinal Valon as an Interrogator in 968M41 and was killed in the Epscillion Demise.
VAN DYSON — This Imperial Guard Colonel wrote the tome: The Dark Eldar: Their Methods and How To Defeat Them, By One Who Has Done So in 935M32.
VAN HEPPEL, BALTHAZAR — This Ministorum Envoy published a report questioning Space Marine spiritual beliefs and practices.
VAN HINKEL — This Inquisitor Lord wrote the Treatise on the Soultheft Methods of Eldar Pirates, based upon the interrogation of a Dark Eldar, in late M39.
VAN STURM, BEX — Imperial Arbitrator General
VAN VOYTZ, BARTHOL — Imperial Guard Lord General served with the Crusade Fifth Army worked Warmaster Macaroth in the Sabbat Worlds Crusade.
VAN YASTOBAAL, JAN — Imperial commander was named Hero of Chiros and lionized by the people of Segmentum Pacificus. He eventually became a rogue trader, though he was infamous for being little more than a warlord.
VANCE, JEKUD — This astropath was a member of Inquisitor Eisenhorn's Spaeton House staff and was killed in the assault of 386M41.
VANDIRE, GOGE — This Imperial noble was the 361st High Lord of the Administratum also took the title of Ecclesiarch. He used bribery, blackmail, and murder to control the Senatorum Imperialis and brought about the Age of Apostasy and Reign of Blood through his insanity. He created the Frateris Templar, a military arm of the Ecclesiarchy. His own bodyguards, the Brides of the Emperor, killed him after discovering his treachery.
VANGORICH, DRAKAN — A Space marine force tacked down and killed this Grand Master of the Officio Assassinorum after he ordered the deaths of all the High Lord of Terra in 546M32.
VANRICH — This Black Templars Space Marine died on the 35th day of the siege of Helsreach Hive during the Third War for Armageddon. His final mission was mining a road in advance of an Ork armored force.
VANTINE — This Imperial Guardsman served in the 101st Steel Legion under Major Ryken during the Third War for Armageddon. She was one of the few females in the regiment, and had very sharp eyes but poor aim.
VAN'UPP, THEMIS — She was second in command of the Wildcats gang, under Vicksen Colteen, in the underhive of Hive Primus on Necromunda. She fought with a heavy stubber.
VARAN — (Also: Varan the Undefeatable) This Chaos warlord was killed.
VARANT — Imperial PDF Sergeant led the 5th squad of the force that raided Kyria Sejwek's compound in Skitterfall on Adumbria in 937M41.
VARENGO — This Curate of the Adeptus Ministorum fought an honor duel with Kjin Bassonel of the Adeptus Administratum over tithing decrees in 942M41.
VARKEN — Princeps Senioes of Legio Mortis served in the Beta-Garmon campaign
VARL — Imperial Guard Trooper of the Tanith First and Only served in Major Rawne's platoon. HIs shoulder was replaced by an augmetic after action on Fortis Binary, and was promoted to Sergeant in route to Menazoid Epsilon.
VARLAK — Imperial Lord of Korsk II rebelled against the Imperium, but was put down by the Mordian Iron Guard and the Blood Angels Space Marines
VARN, ALBERAN — Deaprtmento Munitorum Lord commanded an invasion fleet that experienced a temporal displacement of 107 years in route to Warzone Vnegeance. He was considered overconfident and ignorant by higher command.
VARN, CADDON — This Grey Knight Captain served as a newly promoted Knight during the First War for Armageddon.
VARNAK — Imperial Adeptus Mechanicus Magos studied the the first evidence of the Tyranids on Tyran Primus and commanded the facilities there when they were overrun by Hive Behemoth. His forethought in jettisoning the base's data-codex into its deepest depths would eventually provide the Imperium with invaluable data on the Tyranid threat.
VARRIM-SKOR, ULLUS — Knight and pilot of the Questoris Knight Crusader Parisina. Both and He and his knight were gravely injured during the landings of the Second Battle of Paramar, serving with Legio Defensor.
VARUS — Imperial Space Marine Howling Griffons Fifth Company Squad Maximus trooper fought with a boltgun.
VASSBIN — Assassins killed this Adeptus Arbites Lead Arbitor in the lower reaches of Bosporian Hive on Hydraphur, mistaking her for Shira Calpurnia.
VASSIK, FROVYS — This up-spire hiver had two bodyguards and was bidding for slaves from Phant Mastik on Eechan. Cherubael killed her and her guards.
VAUBAN, PRESTRE DE ROCHE — Imperial Guard Colonel held the title of Castellan of Hyrda Cordatus and commanded the 383rd Jouran Dragoons. He wore a silver breastplate into battle and fought with a bolt pistol and power sword. He was killed in a duel with the Iron Warrior Honsou.
VAUL — This crippled smith-god of the Eldar is the third strongest of their pantheon, behind Khaine and Asuryan.
VAYAN — Adeptus Arbites Lead Chastener worked with Shira Calpurnia during Ströon's breakout.
VECT, ASDRUBAEL — This Dark Eldar was Supreme Lord of the Kabal of the Black Heart.
VEEGUM — Chapter Master of the Silver Guard Space Marines commanded forces in the Khan Group during the Sabbat Worlds Crusade.
VELADE, GRISELDA — This Imperial Guard Trooper of the Valhallan 597th had black hair and a stocky build. She accidentally killed a fellow trooper in a brawl on the Righteous Wrath by crushing his larynx. She had a relationship with Trooper Holenbi. She was infected by Genestealers after becoming separated from Commissar Cain in the tunnels under Mayoh on Gravalax, and executed by Cain before she could spread the taint.
VENATUS — Space Marine Imperial Fists Second Company Captain awarded Sergeant Lysander his first Imperial Laurel for courage under fire.
VENCH — Imperial Guard Trooper acted as a runner for Sergeant Blane's platoon in the Tanith First and Only at Menazoid Epsilon.
VENERIS II — This Ecclesiarch became a High Lord of Terra in 200M32
VENIK, VIM — This man worked as a warehouseman for Hundlemas Agricultural Stowage.
VENNER — Imperial Guard Corporal served at Sector Command Beta at Broucheroc.
VENTRIS, URIEL — This Space Marine of the Ultramarines delivered a plague into the heart of the Hive Fleet Leviathan force attacking Tarsis Ultra in 997M41
VENTRIUS, ADRIEN DE FLOURES VAN HARBIETER — This noble of House Ventrius was one of the claimants to the governorship of Adumbria after the death of Governor Tarkus. His aircar was used in an attack against Lord General Zyvan's headquarters, and afterwards he was both physically and psychically interrogated, knowing nothing.
VENTUNIUS — Imperial Rogue Trader led an ill-fated expedition into the Northern Rim..
VENZ — One of the lamplighters in Junktion in the underhive of Hive Primus on Necromunda was killed by rebels.
VERAGON, JACEN — Legio Titanicus Priceps commanded the Reaver-Class titan Draconian, which fell in the inner-hive fighting during the siege of Helsreach Hive in 998M41.
VERDENDENER — This trader sold saurians, ursoids, and other arena animals to Ranklin Duboe of the Carnivora.
VERDIER, GALAN — Adeptus Astra Telepathica Master commanded a Black Ship and worked with the Concordiast Torma Ylante
VEREN — This Reclaimers Space Marine Segeant led the squad that liberated the Administratum compound and temple to the Emperor upon first landing on Viridia in 928M41.
VERINATH — This Lord Inquisitor subscribed to Revivificator beliefs and was killed at the age of 763.
VERLAYN — This mercenary worked for Fernan Skoh and wore blue battle-plate armour with a vox-helmet. He was killed by Kara Swole aboard the Hinterlight.
VERMAAS — Space Marine Imperial Fists Third Company Sergeant rescued Trooper Hawke from Hydra Cordatus.
VERMODE, PARNIS — Inquisitor Allendyne caught and executed this Rogue Trader for trafficking in xenos artifacts.
VERSKINE — Apprentice Engineer of the Imperius Dictatio was killed on a chaos world after the titan was swallowed by the warp.
VERTEX — This Imperial Prefect evacuated Aleph Sigmar in the face of the Tyranid splinter-fleet, Hivefleet Harbinger in 993M41.
VERTREN — Imperial Guard Commissar served under Commander Fleyitch and Captain Rotch in a mixed unit that included Ogryn.
VERVEUK, BASTIAN — Puritan Inquisitorial Ordo Xenos novice Inquisitor served as an Interrogator under Inquisitor Osma and also under Lord Inquisitor Rorken. He advanced to full Inquisitorial status in 385M41, aged 31. Inquisitor Eisenhorn killed him to bind the Daemon Cherubael in 386M41.
VESPASIAN — Imperial Demiarch
VETALA — Space Marine Captain of the Tiger Claws Chapter found himself elevated to Chapter Master when his strike cruiser, the Bakasurra, emerged from the Warp over fourteen ceturies after their departure, the rest of the chapter having perished. He returned to the chapter home world to find it consumed by its star's expension. He then journeyed to Holy Terra to petition for the release of his chapter's gene seed, but the petition was denied and he was never seen again.
VETHRIC, MACAVIUS — This famous Ordo Xenos Inquisitor originally penned the Tome of Vethric, a compendium of xeno practises and counter-strategies. He had atrocious penmanship.
VEX, IALO — This heretic leader took over Klebendor III, but was captured along with the rest of his inner circle as they attempted a ruinous ceremony at the Cathedral of St. Aspira.
VHOTIN — Imperial Titan Depot commander on Balor Secundus
VIBBEN, LORES — This female was a member of Inquisitor Eisenhorn's retinue for almost six years and fought with a handgun. She was recruited from the clan-slums of Tornish and was killed by Eyeclone's henchmen on Hubris. She was a latent psyker.
VICENTRIX, TERCOMAN — Imperial Space Marine Ultramarines First Company Epistolary Librarian fought in Terminator armor with a Storm Bolter and Force Weapon.
VICHRES — Lord Militant commander was killed by Chaos forces at the first liberation of Cocianimus in 762M41.
VIDMIR — Imperial Guard Trooper of the 902nd Vardan Rifles stationed at Broucheroc.
VIER, DOLVA — Adeptus Astropathica elevated Dolva to Chief Astropath of the Divine Right in 139M41.
VINCULUS — Imperial Inquisitor of the Ordo Hereticus was possessed by a daemon of Khorne after weakened by wounds received from an assassin cult leader on Peleregon IV in 833M41. High Marshal Ludoldus, Emperor's Champion Ulricus, and Canoness Jasmine killed his possessed form in the Battle of Fire and Blood.
VINTNERS — Imperial Guard Lieutenant commanded the 6th Company of the Jumael 14th. He was killed during the crash-landing at Broucheroc.
VINZAND — He was the most senior Adeptus Administratum official on Adumbria, and was appointed Planetary Regent after the death of Governor Tarkus in 245936M41, until such a time as matters of succession could be resolved. He was quite able and a good judge of character.
VIRENUS, ASAID — Born in Perseus Hive on Olympas, Asaid had an uncanny knack for mimicry, and by age 12 she had killed the niece of the governor and taken her place. Inquisitor Virtuna uncovered the deceit, but took he to a Callidus Temple rather than kill her. Here she excelled until Inquisitor Dahwrin and Magos Lurd arrived to experiment with hyperpolymorphine. Using the superhuman powers granted by the drug, she escaped and works as a freelance assassin. She requires regular doses of stabilizing drugs to survive. Inquistor Lord Balorodin has picked up her trail and now pursues her relentlessly.
VIRAG — Chaos Space Marine fought under Uexkull with a bolter. He was killed in a battle with Gaunt's kill team and partisans of the Untill on Gereon.
VIRTUNA — This Inquisitor uncovered Asaid Virenus' deception, but rather than kill her, he gave her to a Callidus Temple of the Officio Assassinorum.
VLADEK — This Imperial Guard Corporal served as quartermaster with the 902nd Vardan Rifles at Broucheroc.
VLASSION — Imperial Navy Commodore served at High Septacian station in Hydraphur and had a collection of live reptiles.
VLEDIG, MAXEN — Imperial Adeptus Titanicus Grand Master founded the Deathbolts.
VLIN — Imperial Guard Colonel was aid to Grand Marshal Kerchan at Broucheroc.
VOICES-IN-THE-FIRE — This Adeptus Astra Telepathica Astropath served as a Watchmaster on the Bastion Psykana in Hydraphur.
VOKE, COMMODUS — This aged Imperial Inquisitor of the Ordo Malleus was a Thorian, practically a monodominant. He clashed and then worked with Inquisitor Eisenhorn on Gudrun. He served as a noviciate of Absalom Angevin in his youth. He was wounded in a s?ance communing with the spirit of Girolamo Malahite. He was one of the five Inquisitors who pursued Quixos and was killed by the daemonhost Prophaniti on Farness Beta in 343M41.
VOLK, MASTER — This Red Redemptionist leads the Firebrands, a Cawdor gang in Junktion in the underhive if Hive Primus on Necromunda
VOLKRAG — This Ork Warboss commanded his warband from a special battle fortress and ware mega-armor with a Power Klaw.
VOLOCH, MALACHI — Imperial Navy Captain commanded the Hammer of Thor at the time of her sabotage and destruction.
VOLPENZ, MARTUS — This Imperial Guard Surgeon-Major of the 902nd Vardan Rifles worked at the field hospital at Broucheroc.
VON BAIGG, ALAIN — This Interrogator served as Inquisitor Eisenhorn's secretary.
VON DRESSEN, STALIA — Lord Phoran mentored this Inquisitor in M34, and passed on to her both a copy of the Book of Promeus, and a dire warning against the rising Horusians. She made it her life's work to defeat their influence, creating anti-Horusian cells wherever she traveled. She worked with Lord Inquisitor Ardlan Baigdan for 20 years on Terra and eventually destroyed her copy of the Book of Promeus while initiating a pogrom of all resurrectionist Inquisitors. She died at age 304.
VON STRAUB, HERMAN — Commisar Yarrick saved this incompetent and vain Imperial Lord of Armageddon Secundus and his forces in the Second Battle for Armageddon in 941M41.
VORCAH — This Tau Shas'el of Kel'shan was instrumental in the fight against Hive Fleet Gorgon, leading the defenders of Sha'draig in 900M41.
VORENTHAR — This battle brother of the Black Templars Space Marines died on the 18th day of the siege of Helsreach Hive in the Third War for Armageddon. He perished at the Breach of the Amalas Concourse.
VORHEES — This Imperial Guard Trooper served as the scout in Sergeant Grifen's squad of the Valhallan 597th, and descended into the tunnels beneath the Promethium refinery on Simia Orichalcae with Commissar Cain, and also fought alongside him on Adumbria. He had a relationship with Trooper Drere.
VORRANS — Imperial Guard Trooper was a member of Arvin Larn's squad of the 6th Company of the Jumael 14th. He was killed fleeing from the troop-lander's crash-landing at Broucheroc.
VOSS1 — Imperial Moderati of the Imperius Dictatio
VOSS2 — This Imperial Guard Lieutenant served as a platoon leader in the Valhallan 597th during their service on Simia Orichalcae and Adumbria, and had a continuously positive disposition. He commanded the 1st Platoon of Captain Detoi's company.
VOSS, WENDEL — This Imperial Scribe, First Order, recorded the Cleansing of Laeran, in which the xeno Laer were exterminated by the Emperor's Children, led by Fulgrim, in M31.
VOTANK — This Imperial Militia Auxiliary serviced the printing press for Commissar Valk's daily paper at Broucheroc.
V'RETH — Space Marine Sergeant of the Salamanders Chapter led 70 warriors of the chapter's 6th Company in a drop pod counter-assault on the docks of Helsreach Hive during the Third War for Armageddon. He had the charcoal-black skin and all-red, glowing eyes common to his chapter.
VYGOLD — This trader is one of the founders of the cartel involved in Contract Thirteen and the flect trade between Lost Space and the Angelus Subsector.
WAED — This Imperial Guard Trooper served as a scout under Scout-Sergeant Mkoll of the Tanith First and Only on Ramillies.
WALKER — Imperial Navy Captain led the Skargul Patrol, a destroyer group that destroyed 17 pirate vessels in 138M41.
WLLANKOT, JARVIN — This Imperial author published Idle Musings in 605M41.
WALTHEM — This Imperial Guard trooper served under Major Tanhause and was a javelin champion prior to enrollment in the Guard. Known within his squad for his grenade throwing ability, he served with then Cadet Commisar Gaunt at Darendara in a Hyrkan regiment.
WARNICK — Imperial Guard trooper derved with the Last Chancers 13th Penal Legion and was killed on Last Hope by the God Plant.
WAT — This Van Saar ganger was in Quill's gang in the underhive of Hive Primus on Necromunda.
WAZDAKKA — This Ork Warlord leads Waaagh! Wazdakka from Segmentum Pacificus, through Segmentum Solar, towards Armageddon.
WEI-YANNIL — This Eldar Exodite Lord led the defense during the First and Second Sieges of Halathel's Shrine, defending its worldspirit. He slew the Hive Tyrant of the Hive Fleet Naga force after they'd breached the shrine, but was killed by its Tyrant Guard in 810M41.
WELARD — This Imperial Guard Sergeant led a Stormtrooper squad that had been together since their graduation from the Scola Progenium facility on Valhalla, fighting initially for the 301st before its integration into the 597th. His squad escorted Commissar Cain in his mission to destroy the Necron portal beneath Simia Orichalcae in 932M41. He perished at the hands on a Necron Pariah in the complex.
WELRICHT, PETYR — Imperial Guard Sergeant of the Ventan XXI Heavy Infantry regiment was killed by Eldar.
WETH — This Astropath served in the Eyrie of Bones in the Bastion Psykana in Hydraphur.
WHEYETT — This Imperial Navy Warden jelped defend the docks from mutineers when Shira Calpurnia's dromon docked with Blind Tower station.
WIERTALLA — Adeptus Arbites Lord Marshal helped found the Adeptus Arbites organization during the Great Crusade.
WILDER — Imperial Guard Colonel
WILFERRA — This town father of Junktion in the underhive of Hive Primus on Necromunda bought his position from the profits from his gardens.
WILKA — Second Assistant Gunner of the Imperius Dictatio was killed on a chaos world after the titan was swallowed by the warp.
WILSON, THAEDIUS — Imperial Princeps Senioris of the Legio Destructor
WITTE, LUTOR — This man was one of Inquisitor Eisenhorn's most adept undercover agents, and was killed on Hesperus in 386M41.
WORNA, LUCIUS — This large bounty hunter was very scarred, wore mother-of-pearl coated armour, and fought with a power maul. He was famous in Scarus Sector.
WOTAN — This mechanical dog belonged to Kal Jerico.
WREX, HURLIE — Imperial Adeptus Arbites female Captain worked in Urbitane on Sameter
WYDYANTO — Imperial Adepta Sororitas Sister Superior
WYLK, NAMBER — This heretic thug was killed by Inquisitor Eisenhorn on Hubris.
WYSMARK — This Imperial Navy Captain commanded the frigate Navarre while it transported Gaunt's Ghosts.
XANTHUS, ZARANCHEK — This Imperial Inquisitor believed that an inquisitor could harness the power of Chaos and the Warp and still remain pure. He is the father of the Xanthite philosophy within the Inquisition. He was executed as a Heretic in M32.
XAVIER — Space Marine Salamanders Chaplain initiated in 009M41 by Chaplain Hasdrubael.
XIAO — Adeptus Astra Telepathica Senior Astropath led the telepathic choirs of the Calixis Sector.
XONARIARIUS (the Younger) — This scholar was the author of Nobilite Pax Imperator — The Triumph of Aristocracy over Democracy.
XUBER — This mercenary worked for Zygmunt Molotch on Zenta Malhyde.
YAAB, ARNOL — Imperial Guard Captain compiled statistics at General Headquarters at Broucheroc.
YAFFEL — This Adeptus Mechanicus Magos worked with Captain Gries of the Reclaimers Space Marines during the Viridian Campaign and the assault on the Space Hulk, Spawn of Damnation in 928M41. He was obsessed with reclamation of Imperial technologies. His legs had been replaced by a monowheel, causing him to move slightly back and forward to balance himself. He penned the unsuccessful work, Soylens Viridians for the Machine Spirit.
YANBEL — This Adeptus Mechanicus Cogitator XX
YARRICK, SEBASTIAN — This Imperial Commissar fought the Ork Warlord Ghazghkull in the three wars for Armageddon in the 900s of M41. He defeated the Ork warboss general Ugulhard in single combat, and wore the Ork's claw thereafter, replaceing the limb he lost to the Ork. He had an augmetic eye implanted, known as Bale Eye, after this battle, adding to the Orks' terror of him. He studied the Orks and learned their language on V'run. For his continued defense of the planet, he is known as the Old Man of Armageddon and the Defender of Hades Hive.
YATES, IGOR — Imperial Navy Captain commanded the battlecruiser Indestructible II during the actions defending Adumbria in 937M41. His brilliant tactics destroyed the Choas battleship opposing him.
YAVAR THE PITILESS — This Legio Krytos Princeps led a Lupercal Light Maniple in his Warhound Titan, Grateful Punishment. He took part in the assault on Hive Caldera close to the end of the Beta-Garmon conflict. He earned a reputation for attacking the wounded and weak.
YAWELL — Urhua Thereaux, assassin of the Venenum Temple, killed this renegade Imperial Governor of Morisha
YELEDE — Imperial Adeptus Mechanicus Magos stationed at Tor Christro was killed while attempting to set the plasma reactor to overload.
YELENA — Imperial Inquisitor joined together with Inquisitors Eisenhorn and Voke in the aftermath of the Novena disaster.
YELLOW JANCY — A fortune teller who worked on Greimplatz in Junktion in the underhive of Hive Primus on Necromunda
YELTON — This was the youngest of the Imperial Guard 50th Gudrunite Rifles troopers to serve with Inquisitor Eisenhorn at 56-Izar.
YETCHENSON — Imperial Guard General fought against Orks
YIMORA — Navis Nobilite house allied with Dorel and Krassimal and also affliliated with Rogue Trader Phrax.
YIMORA, AUCHUDO — This elderly and skilled Navis Nobilite Navigator served aboard the sanctioned liner Gann-Luctis.
YLANTE, TORMA — This Chief Concordiast served aboard the Blind Tower station in Hydraphur twice. She served in the same capacity for the League of Black Ships between times. She became an Imperial Astropath at the age of 14.
YONNI — Assistant to Roben Harmos and foreman of the lamplighters in Junktion in the underhive of Hive Primus on Necromunda was also known as the Big Man.
YOSHA — This chaos guardsman was killed by a sniper in a raid on the siege-works before the Citadel on Hydra Cordatus.
YOUSEN — Imperial titan Moderati of the Legio Ignatum Warlord titan Imperator Bellum was killed at Hydra Cordatus
YRIEL — This Eldar Pirate Prince led the Eldritch Raiders. In 766M41 he destroyed several Imperial listening posts in the Catachan and Ryza systems. In 810M41 he took command of an Iyanden fleet after the death of Admiral Draech and destroyed the Tyranid Hive Ships of Hive Fleet Naga. He returned to Iyanden as it was besieged by the forces of Hive Fleet Kraken, taking command of the remnants of the Iyanden Fleet in 942M41. He then took up the Spear of Twilight against the invading Hive Tyrant, sacrificing himself to slay the monster and earning a place in the annals of Eldar history.
YSSARILE — This precursor daemon king was killed attempting to ursurp Tzeench in the time before ther rise of man, and an enclave of seven planets was populated to honor the fallen lord, centered on Gh?l and including Promody.
YURIC — This Crimson Fist Space Marine was interred in a Dreadnought, and fought as such during the battle for Rynn's World in 989M41.
ZADAKIEL — Blood Angels Space Marine
ZAEL — This young street-urchin, also a budding psyker, was adopted by Inquisitor Ravenor. His older sister Nove was addicted to flects. His psychic abilities were reflective, but his flect use somehow altered his abilities into something that could also be predictive.
ZAFIRI — Adepta Sororitas Order of the Bloody Rose Sister commanded part of the Catherdral security during the Vigil of Saint Balronas in Bosporian Hive on Hydraphur
ZAGSTRUK — This Ork Boss led the Vulcha Boyz. He fought under Killboss Krog at the Battle of Null Keep.
ZANNE, 'FIRECRACKER' — A ganger of the Feral Claws of House Escher on Necromunda.
ZANTI — This woman headed the data collection and administration efforts of the Phrax Rogue Trader fleet from the Kortika. She had a large number of data plugs in her skull, typically covered by a scarf when not in use. She was cool, ruthless and precise. Shira Calpurnia killed her after the succession trial at Hydraphur.
ZAPHRAOI — This Hydraphur family manufactures boutique weapons and is bonded to the Kraegan-Medell family.
ZAPOL — An Iron Warriors Chaos Marine killed this Imperial Guard Vitrian Dragoon Trooper of Colonel Zoren's unit with a chain-fist on Fortis Binary.
ZARAPHISTON — Advisor to Abaddon the Despoiler, his visions of the Arx gap enabled the Ninth Black Crusade. He follows Tzeentch.
ZARJARAN — This retinue medicae worked for Inquisitor Ravenor.
ZBELA — Adeptus Arbites Praetor Minoris performed research on the Phrax Charter for Shira Calpurnia in Bosporian Hive on Hydraphur.
ZEDAKIAH — Imperial Space Marine Dark Angels 4th Company fought with Boltgun.
ZEEBERS — This Imperial Guard Trooper served in Fireteam Three of Alpha Company of the 902nd Vardan Rifles, though he was originally from a different unit, at Broucheroc. He was killed on an expedition into no-man's land after an Ork assault.
ZEEZO — This Imperial Guard Corporal of the Vitrian Dragoons served in Colonel Zoren's unit.
ZEMLYA, NOVATOR ESKOL — Grand-uncle of Peshto Zemlya, he led House Zemlya of the Navis Nobilite.
ZEMLYA, PESHTO VASK — This Navigator served aboard the Aurum Sanctus for over 112 years, and was present when Shira Calpurnia and Inquisitor Zhow raided the vessel.
ZENG, ZU — This woman, a native of Vitria, was a member of Alizebeth Bequin's Distaff.
ZEPHYRBLADE, ELIAC — This Autarch of the Saim-Hann Craftworld had exceptional strategic skill in maneuver warfare, and used it to good advantage to defeat Imperial forces on Gnosis Prime in 786M41.
ZERBE — This Lord Inquisitor led the Tyrantine Cabal in the Calixis Sector, an Inquisitorial group seeking information on the Tyrant Star.
ZERETH — Chaos senior Ordinal was an expert in propaganda.
ZHOLON-KUTHOS, SCION — This noble led a Knight Banner along side Legio Ulicon during the Scouring of Arten's World from his Knight Errant named Thronal. Knights in his Banner included Lokazluk, Zhul, Kzilus, and Xhokis.
ZHOW, STEPHANOS — Imperial Inquisitor had military-cut short brown hair and facial jowels that jarred with a lean physique. He worked with Shira Calpurnia in Bosporian Hive on Hydraphur, and has an estate in the system, one of Admiral Invisticone's old residences.
ZI, HOLISEN — This Explorator Magos Prime led an expedition to Naogeddon that vanished.
ZIGMUND — This Imperial xenologist penned Warriors of Pech: The Savage Sophisticates, a restricted book on the Kroot.
ZIL — Imperial Navy co-pilot of a troop lander from the Inevitable Victory
ZIMNY — Adeptus Arbites Lead Chastener served in the holding cells of the Wall in Bosporian Hive
Last revised - 17 April 2019