A ¦ B ¦ C ¦ D ¦ E ¦ F ¦ G ¦ H ¦ I ¦ J ¦ K ¦ L ¦ M ¦ N ¦ O ¦ P ¦ Q ¦ R ¦ S ¦ T ¦ U ¦ V ¦ W ¦ X ¦ Y ¦ Z
While canon sources differ from time to time, these are based on the official figures from Adeptus Titanicus:
WARHOUND — 17.08 meters
REAVER — 25.21 meters
WARLORD — 32.76 meters
WARMASTER — 40.91 meters
EMPEROR — 50-60 meters
ABOMINATUS — Titan of Legio Magna
ABYSSUS EDAX — This newly christened Warmonger-class titan of Legio Perennia was captured by the Alpha Legion and used to eliminate Mechanicum resistance on the super-heavy ark freighter Omnissiax and subsequently during the Harrowing of Callistra Mundi.
AES DOMINO — (Also: Brass Lord) Warhound-class titan of Legio Aeris Aestus
AETERNO REX — Princeps Usselus Kine commanded this Reaver class Titan while serving in an Axiom Maniple of Legio Gryphonicus under the Warlord Argent Monarch. It was brought down during the Ruin of Maerdan by over two dozen Cerastus Knight Lancers of House Perdaxia.
AJAX EXCELSUS — Princeps Levin commanded this Legio Invicta titan during the Defense of Orestes.
APOCALYPTUS CREDO — Imperial Warlord titan fought on Artemis.
APOSTATE OF DAYS — This Warhound class Titan of Legio Krytos seerved in a Venator Light Maniple under the Reaver class Titan, Black Arrow.
ARDENTOR — This Warhound-class titan of Legio Lysanda almost killed the Primarch Lorgar, but was destroyed.
ALTAIR FAJAR — This Legio Fureans Warlord class Titan served in a Regia Battleline Maniple during the Beta-Garmon conflict.
AMAROK — Gunnar Vintras commanded this Warhound-class titan of Legio Sirius.
ANGER'S REWARD — Legio Vulcanum Warlord class Titan fought in the Battle of Molech.
APOSTATE OF DAYS — This Legio Krytos Warhound Class Titan was armed with Vulcan Mega-Bolter and Plasma Blastgun during the Beta-Garmon campaign
ARGENT COURSER, THE — This Warhound-class titan of Legio Praesagius served in Maniple Honouris under command of the Reaver-class titan, Suilis Vestra.
ARGENT MONARCH — This Warlord Titan of Legio Gryphonicus led an Axiom Battleline Maniple.
ARMIS JUVAT — Reaver Class titan of the Legio Ignatum was destroyed in combat against the Dies Irae of the Legio Mortis on Hydra Cordatus.
ASCRAEUS — This Warhound-class titan of Legio Ignatum deplayed to the Imperial Webway and was destroyed in its defence.
ASTRAMOS MORTIS ÆTERNEM — This Reaver-class titan of Legio Crucius fought in the Badab War.
AURIC PEGAUS, THE — This Legio Praesagius titan was on of the Nine Paragons of Ithraca, fallen during the Battle of Ithraca. It also fought at the Betrayal at Calth under Princeps Trieste.
AVERNUS MAXIMA — This Warhound-class titan of Legio Astorum fought as part of the Ventarri Titan Maniple in the Battle of Shatter Ridge during the Siege of Vraks
BANE-SIDHE — This Warlord Class titan of Legio Invigilata bore black armor. Princeps Amasat commanded it during the siege of Helsreach Hive in the Third War for Armageddon. It was destroyed by the Ork Gargant Godbreaker.
BEAST LORD — This Warhound Class titan of Legio Defensor served in Axiom Battle Maniples and preyed upon damaged or weakened enemy Titans.
BELLUM SACRUM — This Reaver-class titan of Legio Atarus took part in the Dropsite Massacre on Istvaan V.
BIGHOOF — This is a famous Goff Klawstompa titan.
BLACK ARROW — This Reaver class Titan of Legio Krytos led a Venator Light Maniple during the assault on Hive Caldera in the Beta-Garmon campaign.
BLACK CONSUL — This Reaver class Titan of Legio Mortis served in a Myrmidon Battleline Maniple under the Warlord Titan Tellum Ire, and was often fitted with close combat weapons.
BLACK SKY — Enkir Morova commanded this Reaver-class titan of Legio Ignatum during its deployment to defend the Imperial Webway. The demon Drach'nyen possessed Morova, forcing him to turn upon his fellow titan, Scion of the Vigilant Light, destroying it.
BLACK STRIDER — This Warhound-class titan of Legio Crucius fought in the Badab War.
BLOOD DEFYLA — This Ork Gargant allegedly fought at the siege of Helsreach Hive, and while untrue, popular myth tells that Captain Helius destroyed it by ramming his stricken fighter into it.
BLOODGELD — Princeps Uta-Lerna commanded this Warlord class Titan during the Battle of Molech.
BLOOD OF CALDOS — This Warhound-class titan of Legio Crucius fought in the Badab War.
BOREALIS THOON — This Warlord-Sinster-class titan of Ordo Sinister took part in the Webway War.
BOUND IN BLOOD — This Reaver class titan of Legio Invigilata fell to a gargant assualt during the siege of Helsreach Hive in the Third War for Armageddon.
BURNING CLOUD, THE — Reaver-class titan of Legio Praesagius.
BUTCHER'S MIRTH — The Warhound-class titan Emperor's Shield of Legio Invigilata destroyed this Chaos Reaver titan.
CAERUS — This Knight of House Vyronii fought in Banner Parisina at the Second Battle of Paramar in support of Legio Defensor.
CANIS SECUNDUS — This Warhound-class titan of Legio Astorum fought as part of the Ventarri Titan Maniple in the Battle of Shatter Ridge during the Siege of Vraks
CANIS ULFRICA — Princeps Eryks Skálmöld commanded this Reaver-class titan of Legio Sirius.
CANIS ULTERIAX — Princeps Primus Balthus Voltemand of Legio Audax commanded this Traitor Warhound-class titan and Battle-Pack Karnassia in combat against the Warmonger-class Tantorus Magnificat on Absolom during the Horus Heresy.
CANIS VERTEX — This Warlord class titan was the last Legio Astorum titan to fall at the Kamenka Troika Campaign. The Thousand Suns Space Marines brought it back to Prospero to be restored, and it fought during the burning of Prospero.
CARNIFICOR NOCTIS — Legio Solaria Warlord Class Titan fought in the Beta-Garmon campaign.
CARNIVORE — This Reaver-class titan of Legio Metalica helped defend Gehenna Prime during an Ork invasion.
CARNOPHAGE — Legio Vulcanum Warhound class Titan fought in the Battle of Molech.
CASSUS BELLI — This Imperator-class titan of Legio Metalica helped defend Gehenna Prime during an Ork invasion.
CASTIGATOR — This Reaver-class titan of Legio Metalica helped defend Gehenna Prime during an Ork invasion.
CASTOR TERMINUS — This Warlord-class titan of Legio Nivalis fought in the Liberation of Atlas on Constanix II. It's Void Shields had been modified with Kiavahran reflex technology to allow it to conceal itself, and also had unusual weapons, including carapace-mounted micro munitions for use against infantry.
CELARITAS REX — This Warhound-class titan of Legio Gryphonicus served in maniple "Herald Imperator" during the 1st Battle of Paramar on Paramar V, and was destroyed by Legio Fureans Traitor titans.
CHRYSAOR'S WAKE — This Legio Praesagius titan was on of the Nine Paragons of Ithraca, fallen during the Battle of Ithraca.
CLAVIGERA — This Reaver-class titan of Legio Metalica helped defend Gehenna Prime during an Ork invasion.
CLAVIS REGNI — Warlord Class titan of Legio Ignatum commanded by Priceps Cullain was destroyed on Hydra Cordatus, though it also destroyed Dies Irae.
COMITAS ZENITH — Scion Acclaimed Rothnarl piloted this Cerastus Knight Lancer in the Battles for Nyrcon City.
CONSECRATUS INFERNO — This Legio Suturvora Titan fought at the Betrayal at Calth under Princeps Salavac
CORINTHIAN — Emperor-class titan of Legio Oberon
CRUOR VULT — The heretic Fayde Thuring stole this ancient, corrupted Warlord class titan, which was then destroyed by Cherubael in 386M41.
CUSTODIRE FAEX — This Warlord-class titan of Legio Metalica was a member of the Hades V Battle Group, and helped defend Hades Hive from Ork Gargants during the Second War for Armageddon.
CUSTODIRE INVIDIA — This Warlord-class titan of Legio Metalica was a member of the Hades V Battle Group, and helped defend Hades Hive from Ork Gargants during the Second War for Armageddon.
CUSTODIRE PIUS — This Warlord-class titan of Legio Metalica was a member of the Hades V Battle Group, and helped defend Hades Hive from Ork Gargants during the Second War for Armageddon.
CYRA JAL — This Legio Fureans Warlord class Titan fought in the Beta-Garmon campaign
DA KRUSHA — Ghazgkull commissioned this Klawstompa after seeing Commissar Yarrick's Baneblade, Fortress of Arrogance, and it destroyed several titans defending Hive Inferno on Armageddon.
DA MEANATOR — This is a famous Goff Klawstompa titan.
DANOL'S RETRIBUTION — This Reaver Class titan of Legio Invigilata fought in the siege of Helsreach Hive during the Third War for Armageddon.The titan bore distinguished honor banners
DAUNTLESS WRATH — This Warlord Class titan of Legio Astorum was part of the force aiding Legio Gryphonicus at the Scouring of Tallarn, and one of the few survivors.
DEATHFIEND — This Warlord-class titan of the Redempta Battlegroup of Legio Destructor fought in the Thermopylae Scouring.
DEATH MONGER — This Warlord-class titan of the Redempta Battlegroup of Legio Destructor fought in the Thermopylae Scouring. It was armed with Melta Cannon and Chain Fist.
DEATHRUNNER — This Warhound-class titan of Legio Praesagius fought in the Battle for Ithraca. It was armed with twin Mega-Bolters.
DEFENSOR FIDEI — Warhound Class titan of the Legio Ignatum commanded by Princeps Carlsen fought on Hydra Cordatus. The titan was armed with vulcan bolters and turbo lasers. The titan was destroyed defending the Citadel by the Legio Mortis titan Pater Mortis.
DELAS — This Knight of House Vyronii fought in Banner Parisina at the Second Battle of Paramar in support of Legio Defensor.
DEUS DOMITOR — This titan of Legio Decimata fought in the third invasion of Ullanor.
DESU TEMPESTUS — This ancient Warlord-class titan of Legio Tempestus was forged in the Age of Strife. By tyhe Schism of Mars, the titan had been immobile at the legion's fortress for centuries.
DICTAT FERRUM — The Ork Wierdboy Zagdakka destroyed this Reaver-class titan of the Legio Ferrax during the Battle for Columnus.
DICTATIO — Reavcer-class titan of Legio Gryphonicus
DIES IRAE — Emperor Class titan of the Legio Mortis breached the walls of the EmperorÕs Palace in the final days of the Horus Heresy and was severely damaged on Hydra Cordatus when the Imperator BellumÕs reactor went critical in close combat. The titan was finally destroyed in mutual annihilation with the Honoris Causa after its reactor overloaded.
DIVINE TRIUMPH — Legio Astorum Reaver class Battle Titan served in the Beta-Garmon conflict.
DIVINITATA EXCELSII — This titan of Legio Decimata fought in the third invasion of Ullanor.
DIVINITUS MONSTRUM — Princeps Bohrman commanded this Warlord-class titan of Legio Invicta during the Defense of Orestes.
DOMINATUS REVOK — This Reaver-class titan of Legio Gryphonicus fought during the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy.
DOMINATUS REX — Princeps Perthion commanded this Warlord-class titan of Legio Fortitudis when it fought to save the Agri World of Styxia Prime from Hivefleet Gorgon in M41.
DOMINATUS VICTRIX — Princeps Skaugen commanded this Warlord-class titan of Legio Invicta fought in the Beltran Cluster Campaign. Princeps Prinzhorn of Legio Tempestus commanded the titan during the Defense of Orestes due to Skaugen's injuries.
DOOMLORD — This Warlord-class titan of the Redempta Battlegroup of Legio Destructor fought in the Thermopylae Scouring.
DRACONIAN — This Reaver Class titan of Legio Invigilata fell to an Ork ambush in the siege of Helsreach Hive in 998M41, where the Orks demolished the surrounding buildings to immobilize the titan. Its Princeps was Jacen Veragon.
DREAD WAKE — Legio Mortis Reaver class Titan fought at the Battle of Molech.
EMPEROR'S SHIELD — This Warhound-class titan of Legio Invigilata fought in the Laiden Offensive, killing the Chaos Reaver, Butcher's Mirth, and achieving the highest kill ratio of any titan in the campaign.
ENERVATUS — This Warhound-class titan of Legio Atarus took part in the Dropsite Massacre on Istvaan V.
EVOCATUS — This Warlord-class titan of Legio Praesagius was armed with carapace-mounted Gatling Cannons. The Nemesis-class ttian, Revoka, destroyed it with long-range fire at the Battle for Ithraca.
EXARO — This reaver-class titan of Legio Gryphonicus commanded a maniple during the Betalis III campaign.
EXCELCIS GAUDE — This Warlord Titan shot down a Lightning in the Triumph parade in Hive Primaris of Thracian Primaris, but was decapitated by the crashing craft.
EXECUTOR — This Warhound titan of Legio Invigilata served at Helsreach Hive during the Third War for Armageddon.
EX NOCTIA — This Warlord Class Titan of Legio Atarus served durig the Bet-Garmon campaign.
FERRUM SALVATOR — Marshal Eric Balzhan commanded this Warlord-class titan of Legio Pallidus Mor.
FERUS ARMA — This Warhound-class titan of Legio Astorum fought in the Purge of the Contqual Sub-sector with Battlegroup Praxes on the world of Shardenus in 812M41.
FIDELIS NATUS — This Reaver class Titan served in an Axiom Maniple of Legio Gryphonicus under the Warlord Argent Monarch.
FIREWOLF — This Warhound-class titan of Legio Praesagius fought in the Battle for Ithraca.
FORTIS CALDREIAN — This Warhound Class Titan of Legio Atarus served as a scout on Beta-Garmon III.
FORTUNATA IMPERIATRIX — This Reaver-class titan of Legio Astorum fought in the Battle of Tallarn during the Horus Heresy.
FUGOR ULTROX — Legio Solaria Reaver Class Titan fought in the Beta-Garmon campaign.
GAIUS THYRSUS — This Warhound-class titan of Legio Astorum fought in the Purge of the Contqual Sub-sector with Battlegroup Praxes on the world of Shardenus in 812M41.
GHOUL, THE — This Reaver Class titan of Legio Invigilata fought in the siege of Helsreach Hive during the Third War for Armageddon. It bore distinguished honor banners, and was destroyed by the Ork Gargant Godbreaker.
GLADIUS LUCIDA — This Warhound-class titan of Legio Gryphonicus served in maniple "Herald Imperator" during the 1st Battle of Paramar on Paramar V, and was destroyed by Legio Fureans Traitor titans.
GLORIA INTERITUS — Princeps Orun Faruq commanded this Warlord class Titan, armed with Apocalypse Missile Launchers, Plasma Annihilator, and Volcano Cannon.
GLORIA REGA — This Legio Astorum Warlord Titan enforces compliance at Caldera Primus on Beta-Garmon III in 224012M31, becoming a landmark at the city gates.
GLORIA VASTATOR — Princeps Captain Ferantha Krezoc commanded this Warlord-class titan of Legio Pallidus Mor.
GODBREAKER — This Ork Mega-Gargant destroyed Stygia Hive during the Third War for Armageddon before joining the siege of Helsreach Hive. It destroyed the Imperator Titan, Stormherald, and many of its escorting titans.
GOFFHEAD — This is a famous Goff Klawstompa titan.
GRATEFUL PUNISHMENT — This Legio Krytos Warhoud class Titan fought in the Assault on Hive Caldera towards the end of the Beta-Garmon conflict. Princeps Yavar the Pitiless led a Lupercal Light Maniple there.
GRYPHONNE INDOMITUS — Imperial Warlord titan fought on Artemis and was destroyed by a titanic chaos daemon that dwarfed it.
GYRFALCON — This Reaver-class titan of Legio Praesagius was present at the Battle for Ithraca.
HALLOWED VERITY — This Warhound Class titan of Legio Invigilata defended the Ordinatus Armageddon along with its brother, Talisman, as it entered Helsreach Hive to fire upon the Ork Mega-Gargant Godbreaker.
HAMMER OF TYRANTS — This Legio Krytos Warlord Class Titan took part in the Delta-Garmon II landings during the Beta-Garmon campaign.
HAND OF RUIN — Legio Mortis Reaver class Titan fought at the Battle of Molech.
HAVOC — This Warhound class Titan of Legio Krytos seerved in a Venator Light Maniple under the Reaver class Titan, Black Arrow.
HELL'S DAUGHTER — This Warlord-class titan of Legio Crucius fought in the Badab War. Princeps Cadmon Krom commanded it during the final assault on Badab Primaris.
HONORUM — This Reaver-class titan of Legio Astorum had 13 heavy vehicle kills, and was destroyed during the Siege of Vraks
HONORUS CAUSA — Warlord Class titan of the Legio Ignatum commanded by Princeps Daekian fought on Hydra Cordatus. The titan was armed with carapace-mounted gatling blasters, a battle claw and a volcano cannon. The titan was destroyed along with the Dies Irae when it plunged its battle claw into the enemy titanÕs reactor core.
HORKOS — This Knight of House Vyronii fought in Banner Parisina at the Second Battle of Paramar in support of Legio Defensor.
HORNS OF SATYRAES — This Reaver Class titan of Legio Defensor served in the battles for Beta-Garmon III hives, hunting down Sons of Horus and Iron Warriors sapper battalions, some of whom tunneled beneath the ground
IBEN FARUK — This Legio Fureans Warhound clasws scout Titan took part at the defense of the Theta-Garmon V shipyards
ICONOCLAST — This Warlord class Titan of Legio Vulpa was armed with Arioch Power Fist, Volcano Cannon, and Laser Blasters During the Beta-Garmon campaign.
INCENDRIUM REX — This Reaver Class Titan of Legio Aratus serve in the Beta-Garmon campaign.
IKARIAL — This Warhound-class titan of Legio Ignatum deplayed to the Imperial Webway and was destroyed in its defence.
ILMARIUS NOVUS — This Warhound-class titan of Legio Ignatum deplayed to the Imperial Webway and was destroyed in its defence.
IMMITIS VENOR — This Reaver class Titan of Legio Vulpa was armed with power fist, gatling blaster, and apocalypse missile launcher. It fought alongside other Reavers, conducting hit and run close combat attacks against enemy Maniples without such capability.
IMMORTALIS DOMITOR — The Princeps Maximus of Legio Praesagius commands this Warmonger-class titan.
IMPERATOR BELLUM — Warlord Class titan of Legio Ignatum commanded by Princeps Fierach and fought on Hydra Cordatus. The titan was armed with a chain fist and a plasma cannon. The titan was destroyed, its reactor going critical and crippling the Dies Irae.
IMPERATOR FULCRAE — Imperial Warlord titan commanded by Princeps Tyyl fought on Artemis.
IMPERATOR ULTIMATUM — This titan of Legio Decimata fought in the third invasion of Ullanor.
IMPERIUS AUGUSTA — This Imperial Warlord titan was consumed by the warp and destroyed.
IMPERIUS BELLADON — Imperial Warlord titan fought on Artemis.
IMPERIUS BRONTOS — Imperial Warlord titan fought on Artemis.
IMPERIUS DICTATIO — Ramus MacAbee commanded this Imperial Warlord titan until his death, passing command to Ervin Hekate.
IMPERIUS ERADICUS — Imperial Warlord titan commanded by Princeps Vallard fought on Artemis and was destroyed by Imperius Dictatio along with the daemon that was killing it..
IMPERIUS EXCELSIOR — Imperial Warlord titan fought on Artemis and was destroyed by titanic chaos daemons.
IMPERIUS FURIOSO — Princeps Gortmun commands this titan.
IMPERIUS INFERNUS — Princeps Hortan commands this titan.
IMPERIOUS PRIMA — This Warmonger-class titan of Legio Ignatum predates the Imperium and defended the Imperial Palace during the Siege of Terra.
IMPERIUS VOLCANUS — This Emperor Class titan marched in the Novena celebrations in Hive Primaris on Thracian.
INCULCATOR — This Reaver-class titan of Legio Praesagius was present at the Battle for Ithraca.
INDOMITUS AMBITUS — This Reaver-class titan of Legio Manus Flameaus fought in the Jarix V Campaign.
INDOMITUS FAUTOR — This Reaver-class titan of Legio Manus Flameaus fought in the Jarix V Campaign.
INDOMITUS MECHANICUS — Princeps Kraver commanded this titan.
INDOMITUS PRIME — This Reaver-class titan of Legio Manus Flameaus fought in the Jarix V Campaign.
INVIGILA ALPHA — This Reaver-class titan of Legio Astorum was destroyed during the Seige of Vraks. The wrecked hull stood over the battlefield for the rest of the campaign.
INVIGILATOR — Princeps Senioris Mikal commanded this Reaver-class titan of Legio Praesagius during the Battle for Ithraca, where he killed the traitor titans Revoka and Denola of Legio Infernus. It was built not long before the battle.
INVICTA — Orks attempted to seize this Warlord-class titan of Legio Astraman before its completion. It also fought a Chaos incursion on its home Forge world of Graia.
INVICTA ANTAGONISTES — Princeps Maximus Pietor Gearhart commanded this Warlord-class titan of Legio Invicta
INVICTA NOVA — This Reaver-class titan is the oldest in Legio Gryphonicus, and the information in its cogitators won the legion victory against the Eldar at Betalis III. It commanded demi-maniple Invicta during that battle.
IRE INCARNATUS — This Warlord class Titan of Legio Mortis served in a Myrmidon Battleline Maniple under the Warlord Titan Tellum Ire. The Titan recently had its Mars Pattern head replaced with a Lucius-Alpha pattern one due to heavy damage sustained at the Relief of Brandstat during the Tarren Supression (011M31). The Ire Incarnatus suffered near-critical reactor damage while figting alongside Emperor's Children Space Marines.
IRON BARON — This Reaver class Titan of Legio Mortis served in a Myrmidon Battleline Maniple under the Warlord Titan Tellum Ire. It participated in the First Battle of Rhetori III following the Battle of Calth. It made one major and three minor engine kills during the campaign.
IRON HUNGER — This Warhound-class titan of Legio Atarus took part in the Dropsite Massacre on Istvaan V.
IRON REGENT — This Warlord class Titan of Legio Gryphonicus has served since the Great Crusade, where it fought against Xenos Titan analogues. It fought through the Death of Tallarn (010-012M31) where it brought down three Reavers and one Warlord of Legio Krytos.
IRONSWORN — Ork infantry demolished buildings surrounding this Warlord Class titan, immobilizing it before swarming and destroying it during the departure of Legio Invigilata from Helsreach Hive during the Third War for Armageddon.
ITHONIAN LORGA — This Legio Vupla Warhound class Titan fought at Beta-Garmon III, using pack tactics to lure Laoyalist Titans to their doom in tight terrain or urban environments.
IVORY FANG — Haven Havelock commanded this Warhound Class titan of Legio Invigilata during the siege of Helsreach Hive in the Third War for Armageddon. It perished under the guns of the Ork Mega-Gargant, Godbreaker.
JURE DIVINU — Warhound Class titan of the Legio Ignatum commanded by Princeps Jancer fought on Hydra Cordatus. The titan was armed with vulcan bolters and turbo lasers. It was destroyed in the defense of the Citadel of Hydra Cordatus.
KASKARDUS KILLSTROKE — This Reaver-class titan of Legio Praesagius fought in the Battle for Ithraca.
KITSUNE — Legio Vulpa Warhound class Titan fought in the Battle of Molech.
KLAWKILLA — This is a famous Goff Klawstompa titan.
KUMIHO — Legio Vulpa Warhound class Titan fought in the Battle of Molech.
KZILUS — This Knight of House Malinax fought under Banner Zholon-Kuthos during the Scouring of Arten's World.
LAUDATOR MAGNIFICAT — This Warlord class titan was severely damaged on Aexir and was undergoing repairs on Gryphonne IV when it went rogue and was destroyed by Imperius Dictatio.
LEYAKA VARR — This Legio Fureans Reaver class Titan fought at the Second Battle for Nyrcon during the Beta-Garmon Campaign. It was armed with Melta Cannon, Laser Blaster, and Apocalypse Missile Launcher.
LIBER BELLUM — This Legio Atarus Reaver class Titan served alongside House Arakon Knight Banners for much of the Beta-Garmon conflict.
LICARDIO — This Warhound-class titan of Legio Praesagius fought in the Battle for Ithraca.
LION OF MARS, THE — This Legio Praesagius titan was on of the Nine Paragons of Ithraca, fallen during the Battle of Ithraca.
LOKAZLUK — This Knight of House Malinax fought under Banner Zholon-Kuthos during the Scouring of Arten's World.
LORD OF RUIN — Warlord Class Titan of Legio Mortis commanded by Princeps Seniores Omron
LUCIUS PRETORIAN — This Reacer Class titan saw extensive action on Beta-Garmon II, both defending and attacking Nyrcon City. The Mechanicum repaired this Titan many times during the conflict.
LUPA CAPITALINA — Princeps Arlo Luth commanded this Warlord-class titan of Legio Sirius.
LUPUS LUX — Princeps Leyden Krugmal commanded this Warhound-class titan of Legio Invicta.
MAGISTER BELLUS — Imperial Warlord titan fought on Artemis and was destroyed by a titanic chaos daemon that dwarfed it.
MAGNA CANIS — This Warhound-class titan of Legio Gryphonicus served in demi-maniple Invicta during the battle at Betalis III. It was destroyed there by an Eldar Phantom titan.
MANDRAGORAX — This Warhound-class titan of Legio Atarus took part in the Dropsite Massacre on Istvaan V.
MANUS INFERNUM — This Warhound class Titan of Legio Krytos seerved in a Venator Light Maniple under the Reaver class Titan, Black Arrow.
MARTIAL NOX — Princeps Talentine commanded this Warhoud-class titan of Legio Invicta. It was destroyed during an assault on Hive Argentum
MASK OF RUIN — Legio Vulcanum Warlord class Titan fought in the Battle of Molech.
MERITUS CASTIGATIO — This Warlord-class titan of Legio Astorum fought in the Purge of the Contqual Sub-sector with Battlegroup Praxes on the world of Shardenus in 812M41.
MISERICORDE — This Warhound-class titan of Legio Praesagius served in Maniple Honouris under command of the Reaver-class titan, Suilis Vestra.
MOLOSSUS — This Warlord class Titan of Legio Mortis served in a Myrmidon Battleline Maniple under the Warlord Titan Tellum Ire.
MORBIUS SIRE — Princeps Maximillian Orfuls commanded this Warhound-class titan of Legio Invicta.
NEPHELI — This Knight of House Vyronii fought in Banner Parisina at the Second Battle of Paramar in support of Legio Defensor.
NIGHTMAW — Legio Vulcanum Reaver class Titan fought in the Battle of Molech.
NOBILIS — This Warhound class Titan served in an Axiom Maniple of Legio Gryphonicus under the Warlord Argent Monarch. This titan took part in the Ullanor Campaign against the Orks, and its machine spirit still seethes against Ork forces.
OBERON — This Ordinatus Armageddon construct served in the First War for Armageddon, and was then concealed by the Mechanicus at a secret facility outside Helsreach Hive.
OEDIUM AETERNIUM — This Warhound class Titan of Legio Krytos seerved in a Venator Light Maniple under the Reaver class Titan, Black Arrow.
PALADIN ARGENTUS — This Reaver-class titan of Legio Gryphonicus commanded the maniple "Herald Imperator" during the 1st Battle of Paramar in the opening days of the Horus Heresy. It fell, with the rest of the maniple, to Traitor titans of Legio Fureans on Paramar V.
PARAGON OF TERRA — This Imperator Class Titan of Legio Crucius was the lynchpin of the Loyalist defence at the Battle of Molech (009M31). Traitors from Knight House Devine brought it down.
PARSINA — This Questoris Knight Crusader led Banner Parsina through the Second Battle of Paramar and was heavily damaged during the initial landings, serving with Legio Defensor. The knight, House Vyronii Scion Ullus Varrim-Skor was gravely injured, but survived.
PATER MORTIS — Titan of the Legio Mortis fought on Hydra Cordatus
PAX ASCERBUS — Legio Interfector Reaver class Titan fought in the Battle of Molech. It took the name Teratus after turning Traitor.
PAX IMPERATOR — Reaver Class titan of the Legio Ignatum was destroyed in combat against the Dies Irae of the Legio Mortis on Hydra Cordatus.
PENUMBRAL REAPER — This Legio Mortis Warlord Class Titan fought at the Battle of Molech and was rearmed prior to the Beta-Garmon conflict with Arioch Power Claw and Sunfury Plasma Annihilator.
PHANTOM LORD — Legio Mortis Warlord class Titan fought in the Battle of Molech.
PHILOPOS MANIX — Princeps Stent Racine commanded this Reaver-class titan of Legio Invicta.
PLUTARCHOS — This Legio Praesagius titan was on of the Nine Paragons of Ithraca, fallen during the Battle of Ithraca.
POLARIS ALBEDELACH — (Also: King of Terrors) This Warlord-Sinster-class titan of Ordo Sinister was the first revealed to the galaxy in 946.M30, where it brought Skagan VI into compliance without firng a shot.
PRAEDO DEICTUS — This Horus Heresy era Emperor Class titan of the Legio Crucius was destroyed in combat against chaos titans on Kado.
PRAETORIAN — High Princeps Rand Drauca commanded this Reaver-class titan of Legio Astorum
PRIMUS MALACHI — Reaver Class titan of the Legio Victorum was the first titan activated for the legion.
PRIMUS SECUTAR — This Reaver-class titan of Legio Crucius fought in the Badab War.
QUIS ODIO — This Warhound-class titan of Legio Astorum fought in the Purge of the Contqual Sub-sector with Battlegroup Praxes on the world of Shardenus in 812M41.
REASON'S THUNDER — This Legio Praesagius titan was on of the Nine Paragons of Ithraca, fallen during the Battle of Ithraca.
RED NAGA — This Reaver-class titan of Legio Atarus took part in the Dropsite Massacre on Istvaan V.
RED VENGEANCE — Princeps Seniores Uta-Dagon commanded this Legio Fortidus Warlord class Titan at the Battle of Molech.
REGAL — Princeps Feerna commanded this Warhound Class titan of Legio Invigilata during the siege of Helsreach Hive in the Third War for Armageddon. It perished under the guns of the Ork Mega-Gargant, Godbreaker.
REGALIS ANNIHILATUS — Imperial Warlord titan commanded by Princeps Inderon fought on Balor Secundus and was captured and eventually destroyed on Vivaporius.
RUBELLA MORTEM — (Also: Red Death) Grental Thrax commanded this Traitor Warhound Titan of Legio Audax. It served in Battle-Pack Karnassia and had the highest number of titan kills in thepack.
SABRIS REGNUM — This Legio Praesagius titan was on of the Nine Paragons of Ithraca, fallen during the Battle of Ithraca.
SACROSANCT — This Warlord Class titan of Legio Invigilata fought in the defence of Helsreach Hive during the Third War for Armageddon.
SANCTUS VENATOR — This Warhound-class titan of Legio Gryphonicus was Wolf-pattern, armed with Plasma Blastgun and Turbo-Laser.
SANTUS ABSOLOM — The Ork Wierdboy Zagdakka destroyed this Reaver-class titan of the Legio Ferrax during the Battle for Columnus.
SCION OF TERRA — This Legio Astorum Reaver class Titan fell during the Second Battle of Nyrcon City during the Beta-Garmon campaign.
SCION OF VIGILANT LIGHT — Princeps Nishome Alvarek commanded this Warlord-class titan of Legio Ignatum during its deployment to protect the Imperial Webway. The demonically possessed Black Sky destroyed the Scion.
SEEKER'S GRAVE — Scion Erodoth commanded this Cerastus Castigator, armed with Tempest Warblade and Bolt Cannon. It saw action in all the battlefields of Beta-Garmon, and would eventually participate in the Siege of Terra.
SEMPER SANCTUS — Princeps Sidarius Calvin commanded this Warlord-class titan of Legio Praetor during the Battle of Macragge.
SICARIAN FAERO — Princeps Vancent Kung commanded this Warlord-class titan of Legio Invicta.
SILENCE OF DEATH — Legio Interfector Reaver class Titan fought in the Battle of Molech.
SILVER THORN, THE — This Legio Praesagius titan was on of the Nine Paragons of Ithraca, fallen during the Battle of Ithraca.
SIM OF COMMISSION — This Warlord-class Traitor titan of Legio Interfector supported Iron Warriors and Red Corsairs Space Marines in their assault of Lector's Lowell Forge World and Eydolim Forge World.
SKINNYKILLA — Ork Mega-Gargant fought against the Eldar.
SLAUGHTER KING — Captain Leonatus and his band crippled this Banelord titan on the Chaos world of Eidolon.
SOULMAULER — This Reaver-class Traitor titan of Legio Interfector was destroyed in Eydol City, the capitol of the Eydolim Shrine World.
SPIRIT OF VICTORY — This titan of Legio Astorum fought in the Battle of Tallarn during the Horus Heresy
SPLENDOR OF PALARIS — This Legio Praesagius Titan was destroyed at the Betrayal at Calth.
STEEL HAMMER — Princeps Senioris Kurtiz Mannheim commanded this Imperator-class titan of Legio Metalica during the Second War for Armageddon. It was severly damaged after destroying three Ork Gargants, and walked to the center of the Ork forces before overloading its reactor.
STORMHERALD — Princeps Majoris Zarha Mancion, the Crone of Invigilata, along with Moderati Carsomir and Lonn, commanded this Legio Invigilata, Emperor Class titan in the defence of Helsreach Hive during the Third War for Armageddon (998M41). Its primary armaments were a plasma annihilator and hellstorm cannon. It was destroyed by the Ork Mega-Gargant Godbreaker.
SUILIS VESTRA — Princeps Owaine Breulin commanded this Reaver-class titan of Legio Praesagius. It led Maniple Honouris, supported by the two Warhounds, The Argent Courser and Misericorde.
TALISMAN — This Warhound Class titan of Legio Invigilata defended the Ordinatus Armageddon along with its brother, Hallowed Verity, as it entered Helsreach Hive to fire upon the Ork Mega-Gargant Godbreaker.
TALISMANIK — Legio Vulcanum Warlord class Titan fought in the Battle of Molech.
TANTORUS MAGNIFICAT — This Warmonger-class titan of Legio Castigatra fought Traitor titans of Legio Audax on Absolom.
TELLUM IRE — This Warlord class Titan of Legio Mortis led a Myrmidon Battleline Maniple, and fought at Nyrcon City during the Beta-Garmon campaign.
TEMPUS PRIMA — This Warhound-class titan of Legio Gryphonicus served in demi-maniple Invicta during the battle at Betalis III.
TENEBRIS FEDELIS — This Wrahound class Titan of Legio Mortis entered service weeks before the Isstvan V Massacre, where it saw its first combat.
TERATUS — See: Pax Ascerbus
TERRIBILIS VINDICTA — This Warlord-class titan of Legio Astorum fought in the Purge of the Contqual Sub-sector with Battlegroup Praxes on the world of Shardenus in 812M41.
THRONAL — Scion Zholon-Kuthos piloted this Knight Errant, leading a Banner during the Scouring of Arten's World. Knights in his Banner included Lokazluk, Zhul, Kzilus, and Xhokis.
TRIARII-DEXTER — This Warhound-class titan of Legio Astorum fought as part of the Ventarri Titan Maniple in the Battle of Shatter Ridge during the Siege of Vraks
TRIUMPH OF ACCATRAN, THE — This Legio Praesagius titan was on of the Nine Paragons of Ithraca, fallen during the Battle of Ithraca.
ULTIMATE SANCTION — This Reaver class titan of Legio Crucis sacrificed itself against a Warlord-class titan on Geratomro.
VENATARIS MORI — Legio Vulcanum Warhound class Titan fought in the Battle of Molech.
VENATOR LUX — This Warhound class Titan served in an Axiom Maniple of Legio Gryphonicus under the Warlord Argent Monarch. The titan served with Aeterno Rex during the Ruin of Maerdan, but was separated when the Aeterno Rex fell. The princeps of Venator Lux has sworn an oath to avenge that loss.
VENGEFUL SCION — This Warlord Class titan of Legio Defensor served at the Battle for the Carthega Telepathica, and joined in the final defense of Terra. Many saw its longevity as proof of the Emperor's blessing.
VESTIGOR INIMICUS — This Warhound Class Titan of Legio Solaria was optimized for city fighting, armed with Inferno Gun and Mega Bolter.
VICTORIX1 — This Warlord-class titan fought to save teh Agri World of Styxia Prime from Hivefleet Gorgon in M41.
VICTORIX2 — This Warhound-class titan of Legio Praesagius fought in the Battle for Ithraca.
VILKA — Elias Häarken commanded this Warhound-class titan of Legio Sirius.
VITAS FALCO — Imperial Warhound titan commanded by Priceps Teece fought on Balor Secundus and was destroyed by Tyranids on Vivaporius.
WAR GELD — This Warhound Class titan fought as part of a Lupercal Maniple during the Beta-Garmon campaign, earning battle honors at both Theta- and Alpha-Garmon.
WAR'S GIFT — This Warhound-class titan of Legio Crucis was the only survivor of combat on Agritha IV and Geratomro.
WAR'S MESSENGER — This Warhound-class titan of Legio Crucis was destroyed on Agritha IV.
WILL OF ADAMANT, THE — This Legio Praesagius titan was on of the Nine Paragons of Ithraca, fallen during the Battle of Ithraca.
WOLFSHEAD — This Warhound-class titan of Legio Crucius fought in the Badab War.
XESTOR'S SWORD — Legio Mortis Warlord class Titan fought in the Battle of Molech.
XHOKIS — This Knight of House Malinax fought under Banner Zholon-Kuthos during the Scouring of Arten's World.
ZHUL — This Knight of House Malinax fought under Banner Zholon-Kuthos during the Scouring of Arten's World.
Last revised - 19 July 2019